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    God of War: Ascension短视频广告营销案例



    战神: 提升

    案例简介:想象的力量发现战士内部 “战神: 提升” 的动机 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2013年2月1日: 是什么驱使一个战士走向无情的暴行?被索尼 “战神” 视频游戏系列的残酷战士奎托斯阿瑞斯欺骗谋杀了他心爱的妻子和孩子, 无休止地试图为他被骗的不可思议的行为报仇。虚构的力量导演卡琳 · 方 (Karin Fong) 通过可怕的凶猛,揭开了索尼推出的影响 2:00 现场动作预告片 “从灰烬中” 的关键时刻带来的真正的人性和情感 “战神: 阿森松岛 ”标题,直接面向客户制作。这部高度电影化的预告片推动了《战神行动冒险》视频游戏系列最新部分的发布, 放弃使用游戏镜头来传递一个人面对不可想象的损失的情感旅程。答: 60 版本的预告片也将在 CBS.com 超级碗 XLVII 现场网络直播中播出。 在与虚拟力量合作后,在 2010年的 “战神 III” 标题和即将到来的 “战神: 提升” 标题中, 索尼再次与卡琳 · 方和她的团队联系,以复兴的眼光吸引粉丝关注《阿森松岛》预告片中的标志性人物。与索尼的总体创意概念一起创作,整个过程由内部处理: 创意概念、铸造、真人制作、编辑和视觉特效方面的合作。方想把角色和故事从数字世界中拉出来,以一种独特的电影方式把奎托斯带到血肉之躯.. 为了让粉丝们忽略主角的暴力本质,方选择在整个系列中传达他复仇的情感骚动。方指出,“在数字环境中与角色一起工作后,我渴望将奎托斯作为真人生活。我真的希望这个角色通过展示他的悲伤和痛苦的深度来让观众更有人情味和共鸣。 “为了在游戏中进一步将玩家带入 kratos 的世界,Fong 请来了经验丰富的电影摄影师特伦特 · 奥帕洛克 (9 区),以充分利用这个位置,避免过度使用绿色屏幕,以实现斯巴达更真实的愿景。 视觉特效主管杰里米 · 考克斯在前期制作中非常注意细节,以便利用两天拍摄中的每一个可能的时刻。他和方一起工作,选择镜头和镜头角度,最有效地在南加州山区的 10 名演员中创造了希腊庞大的斯巴达军队的幻觉。考克斯和他的团队利用一系列复制技术来增强《邮报》中现场士兵演员的数量。 奎托斯从斯巴达乡村转移并回到战争中的镜头是在绿色屏幕上拍摄的,利用尽可能多的实用元素来维持故事的真实性。考克斯指出: “我希望 kratos 的世界从田园诗般的斯巴达到荒凉的战场,有一个强有力的视觉表现。”。 为了执行预告片后半部分的解体效果,虚构的力量带来了经验丰富的视觉特效艺术家艾伦 · 麦凯。他和他的团队经历了一个全面的研究阶段,然后完成了广泛的 3D 模拟,交付了与 IF 团队的实际烟雾、灰烬和碎片元素结合在一起的资产。预告片的最后一个高潮镜头是奎托斯在一个前进的士兵圈的中心,带着绝望和愤怒。“在将玩家从游戏的传统数字世界中带走后,他们会被留在一个他们觉得被故事吸引的地方,并想跳进去开始玩。" 有了这个预告片,想象中的力量团队能够将战神系列带入未知的领域。“这些角色的生活超越了他们原来的格式。制片人乔恩 · 哈塞尔指出: “对角色的数字倾向如此熟悉,把他们想象成真实的人,并将这种愿景付诸实践是非常有益的。”。 关于想象的力量 自 1996年以来,开创性的设计工作室和制作公司 imagination Forces (I.F.) 一直是一股创造性的力量。由 70 多名艺术家和创意专业人士组成。 f。中国多样化的人才库合作制作引人注目的广告、数字和互动内容,以及故事片和电影营销、电视和建筑空间。全球品牌和顶级娱乐工作室利用他们的专业知识来讲述故事、拓展界限和娱乐世界各地的观众。 这个创新的工作室获得了许多广告行业奖项,以及多个艾美奖,包括艾美奖,因为他们在 AMC 的 smash 戏剧 seri 上的标志性作品这是疯子。

    战神: 提升

    案例简介:IMAGINARY FORCES DISCOVERS THE MOTIVATION WITHIN THE WARRIOR FOR “GOD OF WAR: ASCENSION” Los Angeles, CA, February 1, 2013: What drives a warrior to relentless brutality? Deceived into murdering his beloved wife and child by Ares, the brutal warrior Kratos of Sony’s “God of War” video game series, has endlessly sought to avenge the unthinkable deed he was tricked into committing. Imaginary Forces director Karin Fong peers past the gruesome ferocity to uncover the genuine humanity and emotion brought on by this pivotal moment in the affecting 2:00 live action trailer “From Ashes” for the launch of Sony’s “God of War: Ascension” title, produced direct-to-client. This highly cinematic trailer promotes the release of the latest installment in the wildly successful God Of War action-adventure video game series, forgoing the use of game play footage to deliver the emotional journey of a man coming to grips with unthinkable loss. A :60 version of the trailer will also air during the CBS.com live webcast of Super Bowl XLVII. After working with Imaginary Forces on the in-game cinematics and titles for the “God of War III” title in 2010 and the forthcoming “God of War: Ascension” title, Sony once again reached out to Karin Fong and her team to entice fans with a revitalized eye on the iconic characters in the Ascension trailer. Created in conjunction with Sony’s overarching creative concept, the entire process was handled in-house: collaboration on creative concept, casting, live action production, editorial and VFX. Fong wanted to pull the characters and story out of the digital world and bring Kratos to flesh and blood in a uniquely filmic manner.. To allow fans to look past the violent nature of the protagonist, Fong chose to convey the emotional tumult driving his vengeance throughout the series. Notes Fong, “Having worked with the characters in a digital environment, I was anxious to bring Kratos to life as live action. I really wanted the character to be more human and relatable to the audience by showing the depth of his sorrow and pain.” To further transport players into this manifestation of Kratos’ world within the game, Fong brought on seasoned cinematographer Trent Opaloch (District 9) to get the most out of the location, steering clear of the overuse of green screens to deliver a more authentic vision of Sparta. VFX Supervisor Jeremy Cox paid meticulous attention to detail in pre-production in order to utilize every possible moment of the two-day shoot. He worked alongside Fong to choose lenses and camera angles to most effectively create the illusion of a grandiose Spartan army in Greece out of 10 actors in the mountains of Southern California. Cox and his team utilized an array of duplication techniques to enhance the legion of live soldier actors in post. The shots following Kratos transference from the Spartan countryside and back into war were shot on a green screen set, utilizing as many practical elements as possible to sustain the authenticity of the storytelling. “I wanted there to be a strong visual representation of the transformation of Kratos’ world from idyllic Sparta to a desolate battlefield,” notes Cox of the shift between the two environments. To execute the disintegration effects featured in the second half of the trailer, Imaginary Forces brought on seasoned VFX artist Allan McKay. He and his team went through a comprehensive research phase, and then completed the extensive 3D simulations, delivering assets that were married together with practical smoke, ash and debris elements by the IF team. The final climactic overhead shot of the trailer features Kratos in the center of a circle of advancing soldiers, teaming with desperation and rage. “After taking the player out of the customary digital world of the game, they are left in a place where they feel enticed by the story and want to jump in and start playing.” With this trailer, the Imaginary Forces team was able to take the God of War series into uncharted territory. “These characters take on a life beyond their original format. Being so familiar with the characters’ digital inclinations, it was extremely rewarding to visualize them as actual people and bring that vision to life,” notes producer Jon Hassell. About Imaginary Forces Groundbreaking design studio and production company Imaginary Forces (I.F.), has been a creative force to contend with since 1996. Comprised of over 70 artists and creative professionals, I.F.’s diverse talent pool collaborates on compelling content for commercials, digital and interactive as well as feature films and film marketing, television and architectural spaces. Global brands and top entertainment studios draw on their expertise to tell stories, push boundaries, and entertain audiences around the world. The innovative studio has garnered numerous advertising industry awards as well as multiple Emmy Awards including an Emmy for their iconic titles work on AMC’s smash drama series Mad Men.

    God of War: Ascension

    案例简介:想象的力量发现战士内部 “战神: 提升” 的动机 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2013年2月1日: 是什么驱使一个战士走向无情的暴行?被索尼 “战神” 视频游戏系列的残酷战士奎托斯阿瑞斯欺骗谋杀了他心爱的妻子和孩子, 无休止地试图为他被骗的不可思议的行为报仇。虚构的力量导演卡琳 · 方 (Karin Fong) 通过可怕的凶猛,揭开了索尼推出的影响 2:00 现场动作预告片 “从灰烬中” 的关键时刻带来的真正的人性和情感 “战神: 阿森松岛 ”标题,直接面向客户制作。这部高度电影化的预告片推动了《战神行动冒险》视频游戏系列最新部分的发布, 放弃使用游戏镜头来传递一个人面对不可想象的损失的情感旅程。答: 60 版本的预告片也将在 CBS.com 超级碗 XLVII 现场网络直播中播出。 在与虚拟力量合作后,在 2010年的 “战神 III” 标题和即将到来的 “战神: 提升” 标题中, 索尼再次与卡琳 · 方和她的团队联系,以复兴的眼光吸引粉丝关注《阿森松岛》预告片中的标志性人物。与索尼的总体创意概念一起创作,整个过程由内部处理: 创意概念、铸造、真人制作、编辑和视觉特效方面的合作。方想把角色和故事从数字世界中拉出来,以一种独特的电影方式把奎托斯带到血肉之躯.. 为了让粉丝们忽略主角的暴力本质,方选择在整个系列中传达他复仇的情感骚动。方指出,“在数字环境中与角色一起工作后,我渴望将奎托斯作为真人生活。我真的希望这个角色通过展示他的悲伤和痛苦的深度来让观众更有人情味和共鸣。 “为了在游戏中进一步将玩家带入 kratos 的世界,Fong 请来了经验丰富的电影摄影师特伦特 · 奥帕洛克 (9 区),以充分利用这个位置,避免过度使用绿色屏幕,以实现斯巴达更真实的愿景。 视觉特效主管杰里米 · 考克斯在前期制作中非常注意细节,以便利用两天拍摄中的每一个可能的时刻。他和方一起工作,选择镜头和镜头角度,最有效地在南加州山区的 10 名演员中创造了希腊庞大的斯巴达军队的幻觉。考克斯和他的团队利用一系列复制技术来增强《邮报》中现场士兵演员的数量。 奎托斯从斯巴达乡村转移并回到战争中的镜头是在绿色屏幕上拍摄的,利用尽可能多的实用元素来维持故事的真实性。考克斯指出: “我希望 kratos 的世界从田园诗般的斯巴达到荒凉的战场,有一个强有力的视觉表现。”。 为了执行预告片后半部分的解体效果,虚构的力量带来了经验丰富的视觉特效艺术家艾伦 · 麦凯。他和他的团队经历了一个全面的研究阶段,然后完成了广泛的 3D 模拟,交付了与 IF 团队的实际烟雾、灰烬和碎片元素结合在一起的资产。预告片的最后一个高潮镜头是奎托斯在一个前进的士兵圈的中心,带着绝望和愤怒。“在将玩家从游戏的传统数字世界中带走后,他们会被留在一个他们觉得被故事吸引的地方,并想跳进去开始玩。" 有了这个预告片,想象中的力量团队能够将战神系列带入未知的领域。“这些角色的生活超越了他们原来的格式。制片人乔恩 · 哈塞尔指出: “对角色的数字倾向如此熟悉,把他们想象成真实的人,并将这种愿景付诸实践是非常有益的。”。 关于想象的力量 自 1996年以来,开创性的设计工作室和制作公司 imagination Forces (I.F.) 一直是一股创造性的力量。由 70 多名艺术家和创意专业人士组成。 f。中国多样化的人才库合作制作引人注目的广告、数字和互动内容,以及故事片和电影营销、电视和建筑空间。全球品牌和顶级娱乐工作室利用他们的专业知识来讲述故事、拓展界限和娱乐世界各地的观众。 这个创新的工作室获得了许多广告行业奖项,以及多个艾美奖,包括艾美奖,因为他们在 AMC 的 smash 戏剧 seri 上的标志性作品这是疯子。

    God of War: Ascension

    案例简介:IMAGINARY FORCES DISCOVERS THE MOTIVATION WITHIN THE WARRIOR FOR “GOD OF WAR: ASCENSION” Los Angeles, CA, February 1, 2013: What drives a warrior to relentless brutality? Deceived into murdering his beloved wife and child by Ares, the brutal warrior Kratos of Sony’s “God of War” video game series, has endlessly sought to avenge the unthinkable deed he was tricked into committing. Imaginary Forces director Karin Fong peers past the gruesome ferocity to uncover the genuine humanity and emotion brought on by this pivotal moment in the affecting 2:00 live action trailer “From Ashes” for the launch of Sony’s “God of War: Ascension” title, produced direct-to-client. This highly cinematic trailer promotes the release of the latest installment in the wildly successful God Of War action-adventure video game series, forgoing the use of game play footage to deliver the emotional journey of a man coming to grips with unthinkable loss. A :60 version of the trailer will also air during the CBS.com live webcast of Super Bowl XLVII. After working with Imaginary Forces on the in-game cinematics and titles for the “God of War III” title in 2010 and the forthcoming “God of War: Ascension” title, Sony once again reached out to Karin Fong and her team to entice fans with a revitalized eye on the iconic characters in the Ascension trailer. Created in conjunction with Sony’s overarching creative concept, the entire process was handled in-house: collaboration on creative concept, casting, live action production, editorial and VFX. Fong wanted to pull the characters and story out of the digital world and bring Kratos to flesh and blood in a uniquely filmic manner.. To allow fans to look past the violent nature of the protagonist, Fong chose to convey the emotional tumult driving his vengeance throughout the series. Notes Fong, “Having worked with the characters in a digital environment, I was anxious to bring Kratos to life as live action. I really wanted the character to be more human and relatable to the audience by showing the depth of his sorrow and pain.” To further transport players into this manifestation of Kratos’ world within the game, Fong brought on seasoned cinematographer Trent Opaloch (District 9) to get the most out of the location, steering clear of the overuse of green screens to deliver a more authentic vision of Sparta. VFX Supervisor Jeremy Cox paid meticulous attention to detail in pre-production in order to utilize every possible moment of the two-day shoot. He worked alongside Fong to choose lenses and camera angles to most effectively create the illusion of a grandiose Spartan army in Greece out of 10 actors in the mountains of Southern California. Cox and his team utilized an array of duplication techniques to enhance the legion of live soldier actors in post. The shots following Kratos transference from the Spartan countryside and back into war were shot on a green screen set, utilizing as many practical elements as possible to sustain the authenticity of the storytelling. “I wanted there to be a strong visual representation of the transformation of Kratos’ world from idyllic Sparta to a desolate battlefield,” notes Cox of the shift between the two environments. To execute the disintegration effects featured in the second half of the trailer, Imaginary Forces brought on seasoned VFX artist Allan McKay. He and his team went through a comprehensive research phase, and then completed the extensive 3D simulations, delivering assets that were married together with practical smoke, ash and debris elements by the IF team. The final climactic overhead shot of the trailer features Kratos in the center of a circle of advancing soldiers, teaming with desperation and rage. “After taking the player out of the customary digital world of the game, they are left in a place where they feel enticed by the story and want to jump in and start playing.” With this trailer, the Imaginary Forces team was able to take the God of War series into uncharted territory. “These characters take on a life beyond their original format. Being so familiar with the characters’ digital inclinations, it was extremely rewarding to visualize them as actual people and bring that vision to life,” notes producer Jon Hassell. About Imaginary Forces Groundbreaking design studio and production company Imaginary Forces (I.F.), has been a creative force to contend with since 1996. Comprised of over 70 artists and creative professionals, I.F.’s diverse talent pool collaborates on compelling content for commercials, digital and interactive as well as feature films and film marketing, television and architectural spaces. Global brands and top entertainment studios draw on their expertise to tell stories, push boundaries, and entertain audiences around the world. The innovative studio has garnered numerous advertising industry awards as well as multiple Emmy Awards including an Emmy for their iconic titles work on AMC’s smash drama series Mad Men.

    战神: 提升


    God of War: Ascension










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