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    案例简介:概要 呼吸道合胞病毒能引起严重呼吸困难,甚至导致住院。事实上,呼吸道合胞病毒是 # 月婴儿住院原因在其第一年的生活。早产是 2x 更容易让人入院治疗呼吸道合胞病毒病。有一种方法来保护这些孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒。不幸的是,很少有人知道这个病毒的存在。我们的客户、阿斯利康、有治疗呼吸道合胞病毒,但要求很低,因为父母都不懂问一下。现在是解决这一知识差距。在 2016年10月,呼吸道合胞病毒宣传月期间,我们推出我们的客户先无品牌的运动,帮助传播呼吸道合胞病毒的认识: 保护小润肺的运动。的目的是为了提高认识和教育新的准父母和 HCPs 所承担严重的呼吸道合胞病毒,以及提供如何从高危婴儿。 相关性 肺的保护小运动城是一个集成的运动,因为我们使用许多不同的渠道协调,对呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 与新的准父母。“接管” 38 医院 NICUs 满足父母时存在的知识对呼吸道合胞病毒的风险会产生最大的影响。材料,如病人说明书,卡,纽扣,洗手液覆盖这些 NICUs,提供有关这一危险的病毒时呼吁采取行动,保护小润肺在线社交界。保护小润肺的 Facebook 页面连接父母与社区的父母的孩子亲身经历了呼吸道合胞病毒。保护小润肺的在线状态并没有就此止步。LittleLungs.com 是另一个内容丰富的目的地的父母来获取有价值的信息对呼吸道合胞病毒。这月网上直销广告有助于帮助我们促进针织大的小润肺事件的第一个此类直播活动在费城,PA.针织-带来的针织和社区一起在现场活动和通过虚拟人) 呼吸道合胞病毒的认识方面的共同目标和创建针织产品。后来被捐赠给 NICUs 的针织帽子和短靴, 使运动整圈的宝宝和家人的地方将受益于更多地了解这一危险的病毒的风险以及如何阻止它。描述的任何限制或规定医疗/RX/医药通讯在您的国家/地区 (实行医疗监管机构、政府、电视台等),这是一个牌子的疾病的宣传活动, 因此,在美国的限制是最小的。的主要限制是,无品牌的活动不能反映或与任何品牌的 RSV SYNAGIS 创新的品牌。 结果 我们来到一个消费受众,用我们的 Facebook 社区带来的最大支持。发射后不久在 2016年10月,我们的 Facebook 页面很快吸引了 270万独特的印象,12,260 母亲和孕妇的父母分享帖和照片的孩子帮我们宣传关于呼吸道合胞病毒。织毛衣都超过 260 针织项目 38 NICUs。宣传伙伴关系有所增加,而且还帮助社区广播消息。 简要解释 活动描述 彩色丝带,总是有人来纪念各种不同的疾病,我们希望将这一原则的标志性品牌,创造出独特的想法对呼吸道合胞病毒的认识。根据这一理想,精心编织的肺出生与视力保护小润肺的核心活动。针织象征着家庭做什么准备上市的新的婴儿,并确保它们是安全的,温暖的,保护的元素。今天,这种编织肺 ”标志着一个运动致力于保护易受害婴儿微小的肺。 执行 把这个想法的生活与真实性,我们委托编织机制作定制针织小补肺的,照片拍摄。这种视觉运动各个渠道的特性和媒介。造成交通生活针织-中,我们委托纱织巨型轰炸机 (月英尺高) 对肺。 战略 为准父母能够保护他们的孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒,他们首先必须意识到这种病毒的存在。他们去寻找模式的资料准备上市的孩子读所有的书籍,找出什么样的设备购买, 什么期望在最初的几个月。呼吸道合胞病毒时,我们需要做的一样--寻找信息。这也是很重要的活动是平易近人而将它们注意把父母的心相框保护自己的孩子对这个危险的病毒,而无需使用的火力。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 这是一个牌子的提交和 restrictios是最小的。这绝不代表任何品牌的作品。


    案例简介:Synopsis RSV is a virus that can cause severe breathing problems and even lead to hospitalization. In fact, RSV is the #1 reason babies are hospitalized within their first year of life. Premature babies are 2x more likely to be hospitalized with RSV disease. There is a way to protect these babies from RSV. Unfortunately, few people even know this virus exists. Our clients, AstraZeneca, have a treatment for RSV, but the demand is low because parents don't even know to ask about it. It was time to address this knowledge gap.In October 2016, during RSV Awareness Month, we launched our client’s first unbranded campaign to help spread RSV awareness: the Protect Little Lungs campaign. The purpose of this campaign was to increase awareness and educate new and expectant parents and HCPs about the burden and severity of RSV, as well as provide tips on how to protect high-risk infants. Relevancy The Protect Little Lungs campaign is a prime example of an integrated campaign because we employed many different channels working in concert to drive awareness of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) with new and expectant parents. The “takeover” of 38 hospital NICUs met parents at the moment when knowledge about the risks of RSV can have the greatest impact. Materials such as a patient brochures, social cards, buttons, and hand sanitizers blanketed these NICUs, providing information about this dangerous virus while driving a call to action to the Protect Little Lungs online social community. The Protect Little Lungs Facebook page connects parents with a community of parents that has experienced RSV in their children firsthand. The Protect Little Lungs online presence doesn’t stop there. LittleLungs.com is another content-rich destination for parents to get valuable information about RSV. These 2 online outlets and banner ads were instrumental in helping us promote the Knit Big for Little Lungs event—the first-of-its-kind live event in Philadelphia, PA. The knit-in brought knitters and the community together (at the live event and through virtual participants) with the shared purpose of building awareness for RSV and creating knitted items. These knit hats and booties were later donated to NICUs, bringing the campaign full circle to the very place where babies and families would benefit from knowing more about the risks of this dangerous virus and how best to prevent it. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region (imposed by healthcare regulatory bodies, government, TV stations, etc.) This is an unbranded disease awareness campaign, so, in the US, the restrictions are minimal. The primary restriction is that unbranded campaigns cannot reflect or connect with any of the branded RSV creative for the SYNAGIS brand. Outcome We reached a large consumer audience, with our Facebook community bringing in the biggest support. Soon after its launch in October 2016, our Facebook page very quickly drew 2.7 million unique impressions, and 12,260 moms and expectant parents shared posts and photos of their babies to help us spread the word about RSV. Knitters contributed over 260 knitted items to 38 NICUs. Advocacy partnerships have increased and have also helped broadcast the message within their communities as well. BriefExplanation CampaignDescription Colored ribbons have become a common way of commemorating various different diseases and we wanted to take that same principle of iconic branding to create a unique idea for RSV awareness. Drawing on that inspiration, a pair of delicately knitted lungs was born as the visual centerpiece of the Protect Little Lungs campaign. Knitting is symbolic of what families do to prepare for arrival of new babies and to make sure they are safe, warm, and protected from the elements. Today, these knit lungs serve as a symbol of a movement committed to protecting vulnerable babies' tiny lungs. Execution To bring this idea to life with authenticity, we commissioned a knitter to create customized knitted little lungs for the campaign photo shoot. This visual was the hallmark of the campaign across all channels and mediums. To generate traffic to the live knit-in, we commissioned a yarn bomber to knit a giant (3-foot-tall) pair of lungs. Strategy For expectant parents to be able to protect their babies from RSV, they first needed to be aware that this virus exists. They go into information-seeking mode in preparation for the arrival of their babies—reading all the right books, finding out what kind of equipment to buy, and what to expect in those first few months. When it came to RSV, we needed them to do the same—to seek information. It was important that the campaign be approachable while capturing their attention—putting parents in the mind frame of protecting their babies against this dangerous virus without using scare tactics. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes This is an unbranded submission and the restrictios are minimal. In no way does this represent any branded work.

    Little Lungs

    案例简介:概要 呼吸道合胞病毒能引起严重呼吸困难,甚至导致住院。事实上,呼吸道合胞病毒是 # 月婴儿住院原因在其第一年的生活。早产是 2x 更容易让人入院治疗呼吸道合胞病毒病。有一种方法来保护这些孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒。不幸的是,很少有人知道这个病毒的存在。我们的客户、阿斯利康、有治疗呼吸道合胞病毒,但要求很低,因为父母都不懂问一下。现在是解决这一知识差距。在 2016年10月,呼吸道合胞病毒宣传月期间,我们推出我们的客户先无品牌的运动,帮助传播呼吸道合胞病毒的认识: 保护小润肺的运动。的目的是为了提高认识和教育新的准父母和 HCPs 所承担严重的呼吸道合胞病毒,以及提供如何从高危婴儿。 相关性 肺的保护小运动城是一个集成的运动,因为我们使用许多不同的渠道协调,对呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 与新的准父母。“接管” 38 医院 NICUs 满足父母时存在的知识对呼吸道合胞病毒的风险会产生最大的影响。材料,如病人说明书,卡,纽扣,洗手液覆盖这些 NICUs,提供有关这一危险的病毒时呼吁采取行动,保护小润肺在线社交界。保护小润肺的 Facebook 页面连接父母与社区的父母的孩子亲身经历了呼吸道合胞病毒。保护小润肺的在线状态并没有就此止步。LittleLungs.com 是另一个内容丰富的目的地的父母来获取有价值的信息对呼吸道合胞病毒。这月网上直销广告有助于帮助我们促进针织大的小润肺事件的第一个此类直播活动在费城,PA.针织-带来的针织和社区一起在现场活动和通过虚拟人) 呼吸道合胞病毒的认识方面的共同目标和创建针织产品。后来被捐赠给 NICUs 的针织帽子和短靴, 使运动整圈的宝宝和家人的地方将受益于更多地了解这一危险的病毒的风险以及如何阻止它。描述的任何限制或规定医疗/RX/医药通讯在您的国家/地区 (实行医疗监管机构、政府、电视台等),这是一个牌子的疾病的宣传活动, 因此,在美国的限制是最小的。的主要限制是,无品牌的活动不能反映或与任何品牌的 RSV SYNAGIS 创新的品牌。 结果 我们来到一个消费受众,用我们的 Facebook 社区带来的最大支持。发射后不久在 2016年10月,我们的 Facebook 页面很快吸引了 270万独特的印象,12,260 母亲和孕妇的父母分享帖和照片的孩子帮我们宣传关于呼吸道合胞病毒。织毛衣都超过 260 针织项目 38 NICUs。宣传伙伴关系有所增加,而且还帮助社区广播消息。 简要解释 活动描述 彩色丝带,总是有人来纪念各种不同的疾病,我们希望将这一原则的标志性品牌,创造出独特的想法对呼吸道合胞病毒的认识。根据这一理想,精心编织的肺出生与视力保护小润肺的核心活动。针织象征着家庭做什么准备上市的新的婴儿,并确保它们是安全的,温暖的,保护的元素。今天,这种编织肺 ”标志着一个运动致力于保护易受害婴儿微小的肺。 执行 把这个想法的生活与真实性,我们委托编织机制作定制针织小补肺的,照片拍摄。这种视觉运动各个渠道的特性和媒介。造成交通生活针织-中,我们委托纱织巨型轰炸机 (月英尺高) 对肺。 战略 为准父母能够保护他们的孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒,他们首先必须意识到这种病毒的存在。他们去寻找模式的资料准备上市的孩子读所有的书籍,找出什么样的设备购买, 什么期望在最初的几个月。呼吸道合胞病毒时,我们需要做的一样--寻找信息。这也是很重要的活动是平易近人而将它们注意把父母的心相框保护自己的孩子对这个危险的病毒,而无需使用的火力。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 这是一个牌子的提交和 restrictios是最小的。这绝不代表任何品牌的作品。

    Little Lungs

    案例简介:Synopsis RSV is a virus that can cause severe breathing problems and even lead to hospitalization. In fact, RSV is the #1 reason babies are hospitalized within their first year of life. Premature babies are 2x more likely to be hospitalized with RSV disease. There is a way to protect these babies from RSV. Unfortunately, few people even know this virus exists. Our clients, AstraZeneca, have a treatment for RSV, but the demand is low because parents don't even know to ask about it. It was time to address this knowledge gap.In October 2016, during RSV Awareness Month, we launched our client’s first unbranded campaign to help spread RSV awareness: the Protect Little Lungs campaign. The purpose of this campaign was to increase awareness and educate new and expectant parents and HCPs about the burden and severity of RSV, as well as provide tips on how to protect high-risk infants. Relevancy The Protect Little Lungs campaign is a prime example of an integrated campaign because we employed many different channels working in concert to drive awareness of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) with new and expectant parents. The “takeover” of 38 hospital NICUs met parents at the moment when knowledge about the risks of RSV can have the greatest impact. Materials such as a patient brochures, social cards, buttons, and hand sanitizers blanketed these NICUs, providing information about this dangerous virus while driving a call to action to the Protect Little Lungs online social community. The Protect Little Lungs Facebook page connects parents with a community of parents that has experienced RSV in their children firsthand. The Protect Little Lungs online presence doesn’t stop there. LittleLungs.com is another content-rich destination for parents to get valuable information about RSV. These 2 online outlets and banner ads were instrumental in helping us promote the Knit Big for Little Lungs event—the first-of-its-kind live event in Philadelphia, PA. The knit-in brought knitters and the community together (at the live event and through virtual participants) with the shared purpose of building awareness for RSV and creating knitted items. These knit hats and booties were later donated to NICUs, bringing the campaign full circle to the very place where babies and families would benefit from knowing more about the risks of this dangerous virus and how best to prevent it. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region (imposed by healthcare regulatory bodies, government, TV stations, etc.) This is an unbranded disease awareness campaign, so, in the US, the restrictions are minimal. The primary restriction is that unbranded campaigns cannot reflect or connect with any of the branded RSV creative for the SYNAGIS brand. Outcome We reached a large consumer audience, with our Facebook community bringing in the biggest support. Soon after its launch in October 2016, our Facebook page very quickly drew 2.7 million unique impressions, and 12,260 moms and expectant parents shared posts and photos of their babies to help us spread the word about RSV. Knitters contributed over 260 knitted items to 38 NICUs. Advocacy partnerships have increased and have also helped broadcast the message within their communities as well. BriefExplanation CampaignDescription Colored ribbons have become a common way of commemorating various different diseases and we wanted to take that same principle of iconic branding to create a unique idea for RSV awareness. Drawing on that inspiration, a pair of delicately knitted lungs was born as the visual centerpiece of the Protect Little Lungs campaign. Knitting is symbolic of what families do to prepare for arrival of new babies and to make sure they are safe, warm, and protected from the elements. Today, these knit lungs serve as a symbol of a movement committed to protecting vulnerable babies' tiny lungs. Execution To bring this idea to life with authenticity, we commissioned a knitter to create customized knitted little lungs for the campaign photo shoot. This visual was the hallmark of the campaign across all channels and mediums. To generate traffic to the live knit-in, we commissioned a yarn bomber to knit a giant (3-foot-tall) pair of lungs. Strategy For expectant parents to be able to protect their babies from RSV, they first needed to be aware that this virus exists. They go into information-seeking mode in preparation for the arrival of their babies—reading all the right books, finding out what kind of equipment to buy, and what to expect in those first few months. When it came to RSV, we needed them to do the same—to seek information. It was important that the campaign be approachable while capturing their attention—putting parents in the mind frame of protecting their babies against this dangerous virus without using scare tactics. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes This is an unbranded submission and the restrictios are minimal. In no way does this represent any branded work.



    Little Lungs






    广告公司: CDM Princeton (美国)




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