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    Little Lungs短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 创意生活带来的真实性,我们委托编织机制作定制针织小补肺的,照片拍摄。这种视觉运动各个渠道的特性和媒介。而且,拉的创意理念的最时尚,交通生活针织-中,我们委托纱织巨型轰炸机 (月英尺高) 对肺部。这些巨大的肺就 “参观” 几个 NICUs 国内新生儿重症监护病房的收购,使社区参与的经验直接到家庭。 结果 的生活产生巨大的支持与织毛衣针织衫的贡献近 300 针织项目 NICUs 跨县。宣传伙伴关系有所增加,而且还帮助社区广播消息也和针织厂一直在探索事业做出贡献。 概要 呼吸道合胞病毒能引起严重呼吸困难,甚至导致住院。事实上,呼吸道合胞病毒是 # 月婴儿住院原因在其第一年的生活。早产是 2x 更容易让人入院治疗呼吸道合胞病毒病。有一种方法来保护这些孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒。不幸的是,很少有人知道这个病毒的存在。2016年10月中,呼吸道合胞病毒宣传月期间,我们推出我们的客户先无品牌的运动,帮助传播呼吸道合胞病毒的认识: 保护小润肺的运动。该目标的活动和经验进行的社会使命的宣传。我们举行了首次针织-在费城,PA,使针织在一起使运动生活创造宝宝帽子和靴子的脆弱。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 这是一个牌子的提交和 restrictios 是最小的。不不这是任何品牌的工作。 战略 为准父母能够保护他们的孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒,他们首先必须意识到这种病毒的存在。他们去寻找模式的资料准备上市的孩子读所有的书,让朋友和同事父母的信息和所期望在最初的几个月。呼吸道合胞病毒时,我们需要做的一样--寻找信息。我们的目标是创造迫切而使社区参与的针织大的小润肺诞生了。针织-在费城举行的,人们参加远程全国各地, 制作手工编织项为处于危险中的孩子,后来 NICUs 捐给医院带来保护小润肺活动的目的和针织-活着的和相关的一致? 我们的观众。 简要解释 相关性 保护小润肺活动的基础是多个活动旨在使社会认识同一目的呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV)。该运动使用多个活动宣传呼吸道合胞病毒:-收购-38 医院 NICU NICUs 都覆盖着小润肺教材的整个呼吸道合胞病毒宣传月 2016年10月编织大的小的肺-针织集团在全国造成数以百计的针织产品将捐给 NICUs-针织-在事件现场活动呼吸道合胞病毒的费城,促使公众认识和参与针织项目 NICUs 活动描述 彩色丝带,总是有人来纪念各种不同的疾病,我们希望将这一原则的标志性品牌,创造出独特的想法对呼吸道合胞病毒的认识。根据这一理想,精心编织的肺出生与视力保护小润肺的核心活动。针织象征着家庭做什么准备上市的新的婴儿,并确保它们是安全的,温暖的,保护的元素。今天,这种编织肺 ”标志着保护易受害婴儿微小的肺和使人们走到一起的一个统一的目的-针织小润肺。


    案例简介:Execution To bring the creative idea to life with authenticity, we commissioned a knitter to create customized knitted little lungs for the campaign photo shoot. This visual was the hallmark of the campaign across all channels and mediums. And, pulling through the creative idea in the grandest fashion to generate traffic to the live knit-in, we commissioned a yarn bomber to knit a giant (3-foot-tall) pair of lungs. These giant lungs then “toured” several NICUs across the country as part of the NICU takeover and bringing the experience of community involvement directly to families. Outcome The live knit-in generated tremendous support with knitters contributing nearly 300 knitted items to NICUs across the county. Advocacy partnerships have increased and have also helped broadcast the message within their communities as well, and knitters across the country continue to contribute to the cause. Synopsis RSV is a virus that can cause severe breathing problems and even lead to hospitalization. In fact, RSV is the #1 reason babies are hospitalized within their first year of life. Premature babies are 2x more likely to be hospitalized with RSV disease. There is a way to protect these babies from RSV. Unfortunately, few people even know this virus exists. In October 2016, during RSV Awareness Month, we launched our client’s first unbranded campaign to help spread RSV awareness: the Protect Little Lungs campaign. The objective of our events and experiences was to engage the community to our mission to spread awareness. We staged the first ever knit-in Philadelphia, PA, bringing knitters together to bring the campaign to life create hats and booties for vulnerable babies. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes This is an unbranded submission and the restrictios are minimal. In no way does this represent any branded work. Strategy For expectant parents to be able to protect their babies from RSV, they first needed to be aware that this virus exists. They go into information-seeking mode in preparation for the arrival of their babies —reading all the right books, asking friends and fellow parents for information and what to expect in those first few months. When it came to RSV, we needed them to do the same - to seek information. Our goal was to create urgency while getting the community involved—The Knit Big for Little Lungs was born. The knit-in was held in Philadelphia, and people participated remotely all across the country, making hand-knit items for at-risk babies that were later donated to hospital NICUs— bringing the purpose of the Protect Little Lungs campaign and the knit-in alive and relevant in the minds and hearts of our audience. BriefExplanation Relevancy The cornerstone of the Protect Little Lungs campaign was multiple events designed to bring the community together with a single purpose of building awareness of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).The campaign used multiple events to spread the word about RSV: - NICU takeover – 38 hospital NICUs were blanketed with Little Lungs educational materials throughout RSV Awareness Month in October 2016 - Knit Big for Little Lungs - knitting groups across the country contributed hundreds of knitted items to be donated to NICUs- Knit-in Event – a live event in Philadelphia to generate public awareness of RSV and participation in knitted items for the NICUs CampaignDescription Colored ribbons have become a common way of commemorating various different diseases and we wanted to take that same principle of iconic branding to create a unique idea for RSV awareness. Drawing on that inspiration, a pair of delicately knitted lungs was born as the visual centerpiece of the Protect Little Lungs campaign. Knitting is symbolic of what families do to prepare for arrival of new babies and to make sure they are safe, warm, and protected from the elements. Today, these knit lungs serve as a symbol of protecting vulnerable babies' tiny lungs and brings people together with a unified purpose—knitting for little lungs.

    Little Lungs

    案例简介:执行 创意生活带来的真实性,我们委托编织机制作定制针织小补肺的,照片拍摄。这种视觉运动各个渠道的特性和媒介。而且,拉的创意理念的最时尚,交通生活针织-中,我们委托纱织巨型轰炸机 (月英尺高) 对肺部。这些巨大的肺就 “参观” 几个 NICUs 国内新生儿重症监护病房的收购,使社区参与的经验直接到家庭。 结果 的生活产生巨大的支持与织毛衣针织衫的贡献近 300 针织项目 NICUs 跨县。宣传伙伴关系有所增加,而且还帮助社区广播消息也和针织厂一直在探索事业做出贡献。 概要 呼吸道合胞病毒能引起严重呼吸困难,甚至导致住院。事实上,呼吸道合胞病毒是 # 月婴儿住院原因在其第一年的生活。早产是 2x 更容易让人入院治疗呼吸道合胞病毒病。有一种方法来保护这些孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒。不幸的是,很少有人知道这个病毒的存在。2016年10月中,呼吸道合胞病毒宣传月期间,我们推出我们的客户先无品牌的运动,帮助传播呼吸道合胞病毒的认识: 保护小润肺的运动。该目标的活动和经验进行的社会使命的宣传。我们举行了首次针织-在费城,PA,使针织在一起使运动生活创造宝宝帽子和靴子的脆弱。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 这是一个牌子的提交和 restrictios 是最小的。不不这是任何品牌的工作。 战略 为准父母能够保护他们的孩子从呼吸道合胞病毒,他们首先必须意识到这种病毒的存在。他们去寻找模式的资料准备上市的孩子读所有的书,让朋友和同事父母的信息和所期望在最初的几个月。呼吸道合胞病毒时,我们需要做的一样--寻找信息。我们的目标是创造迫切而使社区参与的针织大的小润肺诞生了。针织-在费城举行的,人们参加远程全国各地, 制作手工编织项为处于危险中的孩子,后来 NICUs 捐给医院带来保护小润肺活动的目的和针织-活着的和相关的一致? 我们的观众。 简要解释 相关性 保护小润肺活动的基础是多个活动旨在使社会认识同一目的呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV)。该运动使用多个活动宣传呼吸道合胞病毒:-收购-38 医院 NICU NICUs 都覆盖着小润肺教材的整个呼吸道合胞病毒宣传月 2016年10月编织大的小的肺-针织集团在全国造成数以百计的针织产品将捐给 NICUs-针织-在事件现场活动呼吸道合胞病毒的费城,促使公众认识和参与针织项目 NICUs 活动描述 彩色丝带,总是有人来纪念各种不同的疾病,我们希望将这一原则的标志性品牌,创造出独特的想法对呼吸道合胞病毒的认识。根据这一理想,精心编织的肺出生与视力保护小润肺的核心活动。针织象征着家庭做什么准备上市的新的婴儿,并确保它们是安全的,温暖的,保护的元素。今天,这种编织肺 ”标志着保护易受害婴儿微小的肺和使人们走到一起的一个统一的目的-针织小润肺。

    Little Lungs

    案例简介:Execution To bring the creative idea to life with authenticity, we commissioned a knitter to create customized knitted little lungs for the campaign photo shoot. This visual was the hallmark of the campaign across all channels and mediums. And, pulling through the creative idea in the grandest fashion to generate traffic to the live knit-in, we commissioned a yarn bomber to knit a giant (3-foot-tall) pair of lungs. These giant lungs then “toured” several NICUs across the country as part of the NICU takeover and bringing the experience of community involvement directly to families. Outcome The live knit-in generated tremendous support with knitters contributing nearly 300 knitted items to NICUs across the county. Advocacy partnerships have increased and have also helped broadcast the message within their communities as well, and knitters across the country continue to contribute to the cause. Synopsis RSV is a virus that can cause severe breathing problems and even lead to hospitalization. In fact, RSV is the #1 reason babies are hospitalized within their first year of life. Premature babies are 2x more likely to be hospitalized with RSV disease. There is a way to protect these babies from RSV. Unfortunately, few people even know this virus exists. In October 2016, during RSV Awareness Month, we launched our client’s first unbranded campaign to help spread RSV awareness: the Protect Little Lungs campaign. The objective of our events and experiences was to engage the community to our mission to spread awareness. We staged the first ever knit-in Philadelphia, PA, bringing knitters together to bring the campaign to life create hats and booties for vulnerable babies. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes This is an unbranded submission and the restrictios are minimal. In no way does this represent any branded work. Strategy For expectant parents to be able to protect their babies from RSV, they first needed to be aware that this virus exists. They go into information-seeking mode in preparation for the arrival of their babies —reading all the right books, asking friends and fellow parents for information and what to expect in those first few months. When it came to RSV, we needed them to do the same - to seek information. Our goal was to create urgency while getting the community involved—The Knit Big for Little Lungs was born. The knit-in was held in Philadelphia, and people participated remotely all across the country, making hand-knit items for at-risk babies that were later donated to hospital NICUs— bringing the purpose of the Protect Little Lungs campaign and the knit-in alive and relevant in the minds and hearts of our audience. BriefExplanation Relevancy The cornerstone of the Protect Little Lungs campaign was multiple events designed to bring the community together with a single purpose of building awareness of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).The campaign used multiple events to spread the word about RSV: - NICU takeover – 38 hospital NICUs were blanketed with Little Lungs educational materials throughout RSV Awareness Month in October 2016 - Knit Big for Little Lungs - knitting groups across the country contributed hundreds of knitted items to be donated to NICUs- Knit-in Event – a live event in Philadelphia to generate public awareness of RSV and participation in knitted items for the NICUs CampaignDescription Colored ribbons have become a common way of commemorating various different diseases and we wanted to take that same principle of iconic branding to create a unique idea for RSV awareness. Drawing on that inspiration, a pair of delicately knitted lungs was born as the visual centerpiece of the Protect Little Lungs campaign. Knitting is symbolic of what families do to prepare for arrival of new babies and to make sure they are safe, warm, and protected from the elements. Today, these knit lungs serve as a symbol of protecting vulnerable babies' tiny lungs and brings people together with a unified purpose—knitting for little lungs.



    Little Lungs






    广告公司: CDM Princeton (美国)




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