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    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 这是一个国际活动,利用了一个原创的 7 分钟品牌在线视频 (翻译成 8 种语言) 发布在指定的地球地球 YouTube 频道上 (该频道还包括我们 120 页的研究报告、高分辨率图像和常见问题列表),竞选电影指示观众签署的一份在线请愿书呼吁政府采取行动反对网络摄像头儿童色情旅游 (WCST), 国际媒体对地球和世界科技委员会的问题进行了大量报道,导致 10亿多人在所有媒体上观看了这场运动。在发起这项运动的荷兰,没有关于这种在线品牌内容的规定。 为了制作如此有效的品牌内容,这些内容在世界各地共享,并被新闻媒体覆盖,我们与一位著名的纪录片制作人合作,创作了非常引人注目的、可信的内容, 和真实。WCST 的主题和我们在 71 个国家用来捕捉捕食者的革命性方法是如此非同寻常,以至于必须向观众展示地球地球正在与一个真正的全球问题作斗争,这个问题需要立即采取行动各地的公民和政府。 结果: 网络摄像头儿童色情旅游 (WCST) 是一种像流行病一样传播的新现象: 富裕国家的男人付钱给贫穷国家的孩子,让他们在网络摄像头前进行性行为。地球社致力于营救菲律宾的儿童受害者,但人数太多,而且还在继续上升。为了提高国际意识并迫使政府采取行动,我们基于对 WCST 的深入研究,开发了一个革命性的解决方案。 洞察: 我们发现这些罪行一天发生数万次, 但是只有 6 名男子被定罪,因为儿童受害者没有报告他们,警察也不会在没有犯罪报告的情况下进行调查。政府和执法机构在阻止这一日益严重的问题方面做得不够。 我们的解决方案: 警方必须积极巡逻 WCST 发生的网站。 想法: 为了证明我们的观点,我们设置了一个在线陷阱来捕捉儿童掠食者。我们创造了 “甜心”,一个互动的 3D 模型,看起来和动作像一个 10 岁的菲律宾女孩。然后我们上网,在行动中捕获了 1,000 只食肉动物。 11月4日,我们在海牙举行了一次国际新闻发布会,在那里我们展示了我们的竞选电影,并将 1,000 捕食者的证据和身份交给了国际刑警组织。这创造了一个巨大的国际公关活动,在每个大陆上获得头版报道,甜心立即成为世界新闻。同一天,我们的竞选电影在 YouTube 指定的地球频道上直播,并立即疯传。我们还发起了一份在线请愿书,要求我们竞选电影的观众签名。请愿书已经产生了成千上万的签名,呼吁各国政府立即采取有效的行动反对 WCST。该请愿书将在未来几个月提交给几个政府。 观众第一次被吸引观看在线竞选电影是在看到标题 “观看 10 岁的甜心如何在 71 个国家捕捉 1,000 恋童癖者” 后。这部电影开始时,诱骗观众相信甜心是真实的,然后透露她是一个旨在捕捉恋童癖者的 3D 模型。观众参与了这部电影的内容,解释了 WCST 是如何出现的,以及我们在将 1,000 名掠食者的身份交给国际刑警组织之前是如何在这部电影中捕捉到他们的。我们展示了我们与恋童癖者互动的真实镜头和 Sweetie 的制作,让观众深入了解活动的目的和过程。 超过 10亿人看到了甜心运动。我们证明了我们的解决方案可以阻止各地的捕食者。我们将世界科技委员会列入全球议程,并迫使各国政府采取行动。联合国感谢地球社提高了人们的认识,并激励全球采取行动打击以前未知的虐待儿童形式。到目前为止,地球社已经在九次关于在线虐待儿童和暴力侵害儿童的国际会议上介绍了我们对 WCST 的研究结果。TdH 全球品牌形象和相关性一如既往地积极,是这场运动的直接结果。 更重要的是: 菲律宾国家警察宣布 WCST 是该国的头号犯罪。阿根廷议会加大了对 WCST 肇事者的惩罚力度。但我们最自豪的是: 英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、比利时、爱尔兰的国际刑警组织和警察, 南非根据我们在这次活动中收集的证据逮捕了捕食者,数十名儿童受害者在菲律宾获救。这只是一个开始,因为世界各国政府正在采取具体措施来阻止和惩罚那些花钱虐待 po 儿童的在线掠夺者或国家。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: This was an international campaign that utilized an original 7-minute branded online video (translated into 8 languages) posted on a designated Terre des Hommes YouTube channel (that also featured our 120-page research report, high res images, and a list of FAQs), an online petition to which the campaign film directs viewers to sign calling on governments to take action against Webcam Child Sex Tourism (WCST), and a massive amount of earned international press coverage about Terre des Hommes and the issue of WCST, which lead over 1 billion people to view the campaign in all media. In The Netherlands, where this campaign was launched, there are no regulations on online branded content of this sort. To produce such an effective piece of branded content that was shared around the world and covered in news media everywhere, we worked with a renowned documentary film maker to create content that is highly compelling, believable, and authentic. The subject of WCST and the revolutionary method we used to catch predators in 71 countries were so extraordinary that it was imperative to show viewers that Terre des Hommes is fighting a real global problem that requires immediate action by citizens and governments everywhere. Results: Webcam Child Sex Tourism (WCST) is a new phenomenon that’s spreading like an epidemic: Men from rich countries pay children in poor countries to perform sexual acts in front of webcams. Terre des Hommes works to rescue child victims in The Philippines, but there are just too many and the number continues to rise. To raise international awareness and pressure governments to act, we developed a revolutionary solution based on our own in-depth research into WCST. Insight: We found that these crimes happen tens of thousands of times a day, but only 6 men had ever been convicted because child victims don't report them and police don't investigate without a crime first being reported. Governments and law enforcement agencies are not doing enough to stop this growing problem. Our solution: Police must actively patrol the websites where WCST happens. Idea: To prove our point, we set an online trap to catch child predators. We created "Sweetie," an interactive 3D model that looks and moves like a 10-year-old Filipino girl. Then we went online and caught 1,000 predators in the act. On November 4th, we held an international press conference in The Hague, where we showed our campaign film and handed over the evidence and identities of the 1,000 predators to Interpol. This created a massive international PR event, earning front-page coverage on every continent and Sweetie instantly became world news. The same day, our campaign film went live on a designated Terre des Hommes YouTube channel and it immediately went viral. We also launched an online petition that viewers of our campaign film were directed to sign. The petition has already generated hundreds of thousands of signatures calling on governments to take immediate and effective action against WCST. That petition will be presented in the coming months to several governments. Audiences were first drawn to view the online campaign film after seeing the title 'Watch how 10-year-old Sweetie catches 1,000 pedophiles in 71 countries.' The film begins by tricking viewers into believing that Sweetie is real, then revealing that she is a 3D model designed to catch pedophiles. Audiences engaged with the content as the film explains how WCST emerged and how we caught 1,000 predators in the act before handing their identities to Interpol. We show real footage of our interactions with pedophiles and the making of Sweetie, giving viewers an in-depth understanding of the campaign's purpose and process. Over one billion people saw the Sweetie campaign. We proved that our solution works in stopping predators everywhere. We put WCST on the global agenda and we pressured governments to take action. The United Nations have thanked Terre des Hommes for raising awareness and inspiring global action against a previously unknown form of child abuse. Terre des Hommes has so far presented the findings of our research into WCST at nine international conferences about online child abuse and violence against children. The TdH global brand image and relevance is as positive as it ever has been as a direct result of this campaign. More importantly: The Philippines National Police announced that WCST is the country’s number 1 crime. The Argentine Parliament increased penalties for perpetrators of WCST. But what we’re most proud of: Interpol and police in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, and South Africa arrested predators based on evidence we collected in this campaign and dozens of child victims have been rescued in the Philippines. And this is just the beginning as governments around the world are taking concrete steps to stop and punish online predators who are paying to abuse children in poor countries.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 这是一个国际活动,利用了一个原创的 7 分钟品牌在线视频 (翻译成 8 种语言) 发布在指定的地球地球 YouTube 频道上 (该频道还包括我们 120 页的研究报告、高分辨率图像和常见问题列表),竞选电影指示观众签署的一份在线请愿书呼吁政府采取行动反对网络摄像头儿童色情旅游 (WCST), 国际媒体对地球和世界科技委员会的问题进行了大量报道,导致 10亿多人在所有媒体上观看了这场运动。在发起这项运动的荷兰,没有关于这种在线品牌内容的规定。 为了制作如此有效的品牌内容,这些内容在世界各地共享,并被新闻媒体覆盖,我们与一位著名的纪录片制作人合作,创作了非常引人注目的、可信的内容, 和真实。WCST 的主题和我们在 71 个国家用来捕捉捕食者的革命性方法是如此非同寻常,以至于必须向观众展示地球地球正在与一个真正的全球问题作斗争,这个问题需要立即采取行动各地的公民和政府。 结果: 网络摄像头儿童色情旅游 (WCST) 是一种像流行病一样传播的新现象: 富裕国家的男人付钱给贫穷国家的孩子,让他们在网络摄像头前进行性行为。地球社致力于营救菲律宾的儿童受害者,但人数太多,而且还在继续上升。为了提高国际意识并迫使政府采取行动,我们基于对 WCST 的深入研究,开发了一个革命性的解决方案。 洞察: 我们发现这些罪行一天发生数万次, 但是只有 6 名男子被定罪,因为儿童受害者没有报告他们,警察也不会在没有犯罪报告的情况下进行调查。政府和执法机构在阻止这一日益严重的问题方面做得不够。 我们的解决方案: 警方必须积极巡逻 WCST 发生的网站。 想法: 为了证明我们的观点,我们设置了一个在线陷阱来捕捉儿童掠食者。我们创造了 “甜心”,一个互动的 3D 模型,看起来和动作像一个 10 岁的菲律宾女孩。然后我们上网,在行动中捕获了 1,000 只食肉动物。 11月4日,我们在海牙举行了一次国际新闻发布会,在那里我们展示了我们的竞选电影,并将 1,000 捕食者的证据和身份交给了国际刑警组织。这创造了一个巨大的国际公关活动,在每个大陆上获得头版报道,甜心立即成为世界新闻。同一天,我们的竞选电影在 YouTube 指定的地球频道上直播,并立即疯传。我们还发起了一份在线请愿书,要求我们竞选电影的观众签名。请愿书已经产生了成千上万的签名,呼吁各国政府立即采取有效的行动反对 WCST。该请愿书将在未来几个月提交给几个政府。 观众第一次被吸引观看在线竞选电影是在看到标题 “观看 10 岁的甜心如何在 71 个国家捕捉 1,000 恋童癖者” 后。这部电影开始时,诱骗观众相信甜心是真实的,然后透露她是一个旨在捕捉恋童癖者的 3D 模型。观众参与了这部电影的内容,解释了 WCST 是如何出现的,以及我们在将 1,000 名掠食者的身份交给国际刑警组织之前是如何在这部电影中捕捉到他们的。我们展示了我们与恋童癖者互动的真实镜头和 Sweetie 的制作,让观众深入了解活动的目的和过程。 超过 10亿人看到了甜心运动。我们证明了我们的解决方案可以阻止各地的捕食者。我们将世界科技委员会列入全球议程,并迫使各国政府采取行动。联合国感谢地球社提高了人们的认识,并激励全球采取行动打击以前未知的虐待儿童形式。到目前为止,地球社已经在九次关于在线虐待儿童和暴力侵害儿童的国际会议上介绍了我们对 WCST 的研究结果。TdH 全球品牌形象和相关性一如既往地积极,是这场运动的直接结果。 更重要的是: 菲律宾国家警察宣布 WCST 是该国的头号犯罪。阿根廷议会加大了对 WCST 肇事者的惩罚力度。但我们最自豪的是: 英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、比利时、爱尔兰的国际刑警组织和警察, 南非根据我们在这次活动中收集的证据逮捕了捕食者,数十名儿童受害者在菲律宾获救。这只是一个开始,因为世界各国政府正在采取具体措施来阻止和惩罚那些花钱虐待 po 儿童的在线掠夺者或国家。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: This was an international campaign that utilized an original 7-minute branded online video (translated into 8 languages) posted on a designated Terre des Hommes YouTube channel (that also featured our 120-page research report, high res images, and a list of FAQs), an online petition to which the campaign film directs viewers to sign calling on governments to take action against Webcam Child Sex Tourism (WCST), and a massive amount of earned international press coverage about Terre des Hommes and the issue of WCST, which lead over 1 billion people to view the campaign in all media. In The Netherlands, where this campaign was launched, there are no regulations on online branded content of this sort. To produce such an effective piece of branded content that was shared around the world and covered in news media everywhere, we worked with a renowned documentary film maker to create content that is highly compelling, believable, and authentic. The subject of WCST and the revolutionary method we used to catch predators in 71 countries were so extraordinary that it was imperative to show viewers that Terre des Hommes is fighting a real global problem that requires immediate action by citizens and governments everywhere. Results: Webcam Child Sex Tourism (WCST) is a new phenomenon that’s spreading like an epidemic: Men from rich countries pay children in poor countries to perform sexual acts in front of webcams. Terre des Hommes works to rescue child victims in The Philippines, but there are just too many and the number continues to rise. To raise international awareness and pressure governments to act, we developed a revolutionary solution based on our own in-depth research into WCST. Insight: We found that these crimes happen tens of thousands of times a day, but only 6 men had ever been convicted because child victims don't report them and police don't investigate without a crime first being reported. Governments and law enforcement agencies are not doing enough to stop this growing problem. Our solution: Police must actively patrol the websites where WCST happens. Idea: To prove our point, we set an online trap to catch child predators. We created "Sweetie," an interactive 3D model that looks and moves like a 10-year-old Filipino girl. Then we went online and caught 1,000 predators in the act. On November 4th, we held an international press conference in The Hague, where we showed our campaign film and handed over the evidence and identities of the 1,000 predators to Interpol. This created a massive international PR event, earning front-page coverage on every continent and Sweetie instantly became world news. The same day, our campaign film went live on a designated Terre des Hommes YouTube channel and it immediately went viral. We also launched an online petition that viewers of our campaign film were directed to sign. The petition has already generated hundreds of thousands of signatures calling on governments to take immediate and effective action against WCST. That petition will be presented in the coming months to several governments. Audiences were first drawn to view the online campaign film after seeing the title 'Watch how 10-year-old Sweetie catches 1,000 pedophiles in 71 countries.' The film begins by tricking viewers into believing that Sweetie is real, then revealing that she is a 3D model designed to catch pedophiles. Audiences engaged with the content as the film explains how WCST emerged and how we caught 1,000 predators in the act before handing their identities to Interpol. We show real footage of our interactions with pedophiles and the making of Sweetie, giving viewers an in-depth understanding of the campaign's purpose and process. Over one billion people saw the Sweetie campaign. We proved that our solution works in stopping predators everywhere. We put WCST on the global agenda and we pressured governments to take action. The United Nations have thanked Terre des Hommes for raising awareness and inspiring global action against a previously unknown form of child abuse. Terre des Hommes has so far presented the findings of our research into WCST at nine international conferences about online child abuse and violence against children. The TdH global brand image and relevance is as positive as it ever has been as a direct result of this campaign. More importantly: The Philippines National Police announced that WCST is the country’s number 1 crime. The Argentine Parliament increased penalties for perpetrators of WCST. But what we’re most proud of: Interpol and police in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, and South Africa arrested predators based on evidence we collected in this campaign and dozens of child victims have been rescued in the Philippines. And this is just the beginning as governments around the world are taking concrete steps to stop and punish online predators who are paying to abuse children in poor countries.













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