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    Family: 30短视频广告营销案例



    家庭: 30

    案例简介:丰田和萨奇拉首次亮相普锐斯 “人” 托兰斯,加利福尼亚州 (2011年9月12日) -- 在普锐斯的最新创意活动中,丰田和萨奇 & 萨奇拉引入了一个新的角色: 人物。动态性能 Piece,People Person 通过巧妙的舞蹈、衣柜和方向 (以及偶尔的特殊效果) 将 18 具人体聚集在一起,作为一个人移动和行动 进行典型的早晨仪式。 这些景点将酷的超现实主义与一个简单的任务结合在一起: 开玩笑地介绍普锐斯走向多元化 -- 四款普锐斯混合车型,包括第3 代普锐斯、普锐斯 v 、普锐斯插件和 普锐斯 c 概念车-同时增强普锐斯在消费者心中的独特地位。为了向多样化的普锐斯社区致敬,这些景点承认 行为联系人们,即使他们的车辆偏好可能会有所不同。场景中翠绿、起伏的山丘让人想起混合动力汽车对 环境。 “我们的任务是团结多样化的普锐斯社区,同时庆祝他们的分歧,” 萨奇 & 萨奇拉执行创意总监玛格丽特 · 基恩说。 “普锐斯的主人是一种特殊的消费者: 他们一次把裤子放在一条腿上,但他们可能已经考虑过裤子会如何影响他们的环境。" 现场是生产的胜利,因为它能够使用各种视觉效果讲述一个故事,一些基于技术的和其他人为设计的。部分地点是现场拍摄的- 使用大型定制道具的动作,包括牙刷和牙膏、鞋子和手提箱; 其他人被拍摄在一个描绘迷人郊区的微型布景上 邻里; 还有在计算机图形环境中产生的元素。视觉特效精品八大视觉特效与当代电影制作公司 Sweetshop 将他们的专业知识用于愿景。 基恩说: “计算机生成的效果给了我们很大的表现空间,但没有什么比真实更真实的了。”。“以微型套装为例。它照亮了某种方式,只是 非常适合我们在广告中努力实现的目标。" 新的普锐斯家族现货可以在 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz50_1Y2pXU 。 关于萨奇 & 萨奇拉 萨奇 & 萨奇拉是一家全方位服务机构,拥有传统和数字能力,包括媒体、创意、战略规划、三维资产创造、设计和活动营销。 该机构以其出色的社交媒体工作而闻名,被公认为 Facebook 的创新者,并被蜜蜂奖评为年度 2010 社交媒体机构。 萨奇拉是美国丰田汽车销售公司的代理机构,还为丰田经销商协会和丰田金融服务公司提供服务。洛杉矶办事处是全球第三大 创意网络公司萨奇 & 萨奇,阳狮集团的一部分。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.saatchila.com。

    家庭: 30

    案例简介:Toyota and Saatchi LA Debut Prius “People Person” TORRANCE, Calif. (September 12, 2011) -- In the latest creative campaign for Prius, Toyota and Saatchi & Saatchi LA introduce a new character: the People Person. A dynamic performance piece, the People Person brings together 18 human bodies through artful choreography, wardrobe and direction (and the occasional special effect) to move and act as a single person going about a typical morning ritual. The spots combine cool surrealism with a simple mission: to playfully introduce Prius Goes Plural—four Prius hybrid models, including the 3rd generation Prius, Prius v, Prius Plug-in and Prius c concept vehicle—while enhancing the unique place Prius holds in the hearts of consumers. In a nod to the diverse Prius community, the spots acknowledge that universal behaviors connect people, even though their vehicle preferences might vary. The verdant, rolling hills in the scene call to mind the positive impact hybrid vehicles can have on the environment. “We were tasked with uniting the diverse Prius community while simultaneously celebrating their differences,” said Margaret Keene, executive creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi LA. “Prius owners are a special kind of consumer: they put their pants on one leg at a time, but they’ve probably thought about how their pants may have impacted their environment.” The spot is a triumph for production in its ability to tell a story using a variety of visual effects, some technology-based and other human-engineered. Parts of the spots were shot live- action using large-scale, custom-made props, including a toothbrush and toothpaste, shoes and a suitcase; others were shot on a miniature set depicting an attractive suburban neighborhood; and there were elements produced in a computer graphics environment. Visual effects boutique Eight VFX and contemporary film production company The Sweetshop lent their expertise to the vision. “Computer generated effects give us a lot of latitude in performance, but nothing is realer than real,” said Keene. “Take the miniature set, for example. It lights a certain way and is just perfect for what we’re trying to accomplish in the commercial.” The new Prius Family spot can be view at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz50_1Y2pXU. About Saatchi & Saatchi LA Saatchi & Saatchi LA is a full-service agency with both traditional and digital capabilities, including media, creative, strategic planning, 3-D asset creation, design and event marketing. Known for its outstanding social media work, the agency has been recognized as a Facebook Innovator and honored as the 2010 Social Media Agency of the Year by The Bees Awards. Saatchi LA is agency of record for Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., and also serves Toyota Dealer Associations and Toyota Financial Services. The L.A. office is the third largest in the global network of ideas company Saatchi & Saatchi, part of Publicis Groupe. For more information, visit www.saatchila.com.

    Family: 30

    案例简介:丰田和萨奇拉首次亮相普锐斯 “人” 托兰斯,加利福尼亚州 (2011年9月12日) -- 在普锐斯的最新创意活动中,丰田和萨奇 & 萨奇拉引入了一个新的角色: 人物。动态性能 Piece,People Person 通过巧妙的舞蹈、衣柜和方向 (以及偶尔的特殊效果) 将 18 具人体聚集在一起,作为一个人移动和行动 进行典型的早晨仪式。 这些景点将酷的超现实主义与一个简单的任务结合在一起: 开玩笑地介绍普锐斯走向多元化 -- 四款普锐斯混合车型,包括第3 代普锐斯、普锐斯 v 、普锐斯插件和 普锐斯 c 概念车-同时增强普锐斯在消费者心中的独特地位。为了向多样化的普锐斯社区致敬,这些景点承认 行为联系人们,即使他们的车辆偏好可能会有所不同。场景中翠绿、起伏的山丘让人想起混合动力汽车对 环境。 “我们的任务是团结多样化的普锐斯社区,同时庆祝他们的分歧,” 萨奇 & 萨奇拉执行创意总监玛格丽特 · 基恩说。 “普锐斯的主人是一种特殊的消费者: 他们一次把裤子放在一条腿上,但他们可能已经考虑过裤子会如何影响他们的环境。" 现场是生产的胜利,因为它能够使用各种视觉效果讲述一个故事,一些基于技术的和其他人为设计的。部分地点是现场拍摄的- 使用大型定制道具的动作,包括牙刷和牙膏、鞋子和手提箱; 其他人被拍摄在一个描绘迷人郊区的微型布景上 邻里; 还有在计算机图形环境中产生的元素。视觉特效精品八大视觉特效与当代电影制作公司 Sweetshop 将他们的专业知识用于愿景。 基恩说: “计算机生成的效果给了我们很大的表现空间,但没有什么比真实更真实的了。”。“以微型套装为例。它照亮了某种方式,只是 非常适合我们在广告中努力实现的目标。" 新的普锐斯家族现货可以在 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz50_1Y2pXU 。 关于萨奇 & 萨奇拉 萨奇 & 萨奇拉是一家全方位服务机构,拥有传统和数字能力,包括媒体、创意、战略规划、三维资产创造、设计和活动营销。 该机构以其出色的社交媒体工作而闻名,被公认为 Facebook 的创新者,并被蜜蜂奖评为年度 2010 社交媒体机构。 萨奇拉是美国丰田汽车销售公司的代理机构,还为丰田经销商协会和丰田金融服务公司提供服务。洛杉矶办事处是全球第三大 创意网络公司萨奇 & 萨奇,阳狮集团的一部分。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.saatchila.com。

    Family: 30

    案例简介:Toyota and Saatchi LA Debut Prius “People Person” TORRANCE, Calif. (September 12, 2011) -- In the latest creative campaign for Prius, Toyota and Saatchi & Saatchi LA introduce a new character: the People Person. A dynamic performance piece, the People Person brings together 18 human bodies through artful choreography, wardrobe and direction (and the occasional special effect) to move and act as a single person going about a typical morning ritual. The spots combine cool surrealism with a simple mission: to playfully introduce Prius Goes Plural—four Prius hybrid models, including the 3rd generation Prius, Prius v, Prius Plug-in and Prius c concept vehicle—while enhancing the unique place Prius holds in the hearts of consumers. In a nod to the diverse Prius community, the spots acknowledge that universal behaviors connect people, even though their vehicle preferences might vary. The verdant, rolling hills in the scene call to mind the positive impact hybrid vehicles can have on the environment. “We were tasked with uniting the diverse Prius community while simultaneously celebrating their differences,” said Margaret Keene, executive creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi LA. “Prius owners are a special kind of consumer: they put their pants on one leg at a time, but they’ve probably thought about how their pants may have impacted their environment.” The spot is a triumph for production in its ability to tell a story using a variety of visual effects, some technology-based and other human-engineered. Parts of the spots were shot live- action using large-scale, custom-made props, including a toothbrush and toothpaste, shoes and a suitcase; others were shot on a miniature set depicting an attractive suburban neighborhood; and there were elements produced in a computer graphics environment. Visual effects boutique Eight VFX and contemporary film production company The Sweetshop lent their expertise to the vision. “Computer generated effects give us a lot of latitude in performance, but nothing is realer than real,” said Keene. “Take the miniature set, for example. It lights a certain way and is just perfect for what we’re trying to accomplish in the commercial.” The new Prius Family spot can be view at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz50_1Y2pXU. About Saatchi & Saatchi LA Saatchi & Saatchi LA is a full-service agency with both traditional and digital capabilities, including media, creative, strategic planning, 3-D asset creation, design and event marketing. Known for its outstanding social media work, the agency has been recognized as a Facebook Innovator and honored as the 2010 Social Media Agency of the Year by The Bees Awards. Saatchi LA is agency of record for Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., and also serves Toyota Dealer Associations and Toyota Financial Services. The L.A. office is the third largest in the global network of ideas company Saatchi & Saatchi, part of Publicis Groupe. For more information, visit www.saatchila.com.

    家庭: 30


    Family: 30










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