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    Mt Ex 3331短视频广告营销案例



    Mt Ex 3331

    案例简介:战略 “Mt ex” 是由一个临时商店、一个安装、 “mt” 体验角组成的,顾客可以在这里尝试自由使用 “mt”。每次展览,我们都会提供一些限量版磁带,顾客只在现场购买,引起他们的兴趣。我们提供各种机会取悦客户,并努力吸引他们。 执行 每次我们制作展览时,最关注的是位置。这次我们选择了一个画廊 '3331',曾经是一所小学。我们用黑色网格覆盖宽敞的房间,创造了一个单调的几何空间,然后放置了一个临时商店和一辆三轮车。相比之下,我们在安装室展示了荧光彩色胶带。顾客对不可预见的渲染非常兴奋,并拍了许多照片。令我们惊讶的是,没有几个顾客再次来到画廊拍照。在 “mt” 体验室,顾客喜欢使用磁带,墙壁变成了画布来表达他们的 “mt” 艺术品。 活动描述 当我们被委托为 “mt” 设计时,我们看到了它的巨大潜力。尽管 “mt” 有广泛的实用价值,但如果它没有以一种可理解的方式展示出来,就不会被客户接受。因此,我们推出了 “kamoi” 来举办一个促销展览,让顾客可以充分体验 “mt” 并了解更多信息。事实上,这是一个挑战,因为我们以前从未见过这种展览,市场上没有类似 “mt” 的产品。所以我们计划了一个独特的展览 “mt ex” 来介绍产品的特点。自 2010年第一次展览以来,“mt” 已经在国内外举办了许多类似的活动。 结果 在 3331 网站,如此多的客户来拿限量版磁带,他们不得不排队等候。展览的图片通过社交网络传播,声誉通过口碑传播。因此,展览成为热门事件,并成功地聚集了数量惊人的人。这导致了 “mt fans” 的增加和市场的发展。“mt” 在杂货市场创造了一个新的类别 “washi tape”。“Kamoi” 利用了这种繁荣,提高了他们的销售额。“Mt” 发布后,许多竞争产品紧随其后,但它在所有方面都获胜。 概要 “Mt” 是一种衍生产品,由通常用于建筑工地的胶带制成。因为它是由 Washi 制成的,所以它可以很容易地用手切割,并且没有任何痕迹。手工艺品爱好者喜欢用它装饰他们的个人物品和房间内部。Mt 的制造商 “kamoi kakoshi” 占据了通常掩蔽胶带最大的市场份额,在 2008年推出了 “mt” 作为一种杂货产品,从那以后已经发布了大约 1000 种磁带。“Mt” 引发了日本和纸磁带的繁荣,并一直在海外传播。在最初的一轮会议中,“kamoi kakoshi” 委托我们为 “mt” 设计图案、持久性有机污染物和包装。他们对营销战略没有明确的愿景,因为他们从未处理过这种针对女性的产品。 Washi tape 'mt' 在装饰物品方面很受欢迎,并作为一种漂亮而有用的小工具开发了一个新市场。 许多宣传展览已经举行,这是在日本东京举行的。我们的目标是通过 “mt” 为客户提供非凡的体验,所以网站搜索是我们最重要的任务。场地,画廊 '3331' 曾经是一所小学。我们用黑色网格覆盖宽敞的房间,创造了一个单调的几何空间,然后放置了一个临时商店和一辆三轮车。相比之下,我们在另一个房间展示了荧光彩色胶带。

    Mt Ex 3331

    案例简介:Strategy ‘mt ex’ is constructed with a temporary shop, an installation, the ‘mt’ Experience Corner where customers can try their hand at using ‘mt’ freely.Every exhibition, we provide some limited edition tapes that customers only buy at the site and arouse their interest. We offer various opportunities to please customers and try to make a big appeal to them. Execution Every time we produce the exhibition, pay the most attention to the location. This time we chose a gallery ‘3331’ that was used to be an elementary school. We covered the spacious rooms with black grid and created a monotone geometric space then placed a temporary shop and a tricycle car. In contrast, we exhibited fluorescent colored tapes in an installation room. Customers were so excited about the unforeseen rendering and took many pictures. To our astonishment, not a few customers came again the gallery to take more pictures. At the ‘mt’ Experience Room, customers enjoyed using tapes and the walls turned out to a canvas to express their artwork by ‘mt’. Campaign Description When we were commissioned designs for ‘mt’, we saw a great potential in it. Although ‘mt’ had broad utility, it would not be accepted by customers if it was not displayed in a comprehensible fashion. So we presented ‘Kamoi’ to hold a promotional exhibition that customers can experience ‘mt’ fully and learn more about it. Actually it was a challenging because we had never seen the kind of exhibition before and there were no similar products to ‘mt’ in the market. So we planned a unique exhibition ‘mt ex’ to introduce the products’ character. Since the first exhibition in 2010, ‘mt’ has held many similar events at home and abroad. Outcome At 3331 site, so many customers came to get the limited edition tapes that they had to wait in line. The pictures of the exhibition diffused through SNS and the reputation spread by word of mouth. As a result, the exhibition became topical event and succeeded in gathering a surprising number of people. It led to increase ‘mt fans’ and develop the market.‘mt’ created a new category ‘Washi Tape’ in a sundries market. ‘Kamoi’ took advantage of this boom and improved their sales. Many competitive products followed after ‘mt’ were released but it wins on all counts. Synopsis ‘mt’ is a derivative product came out of masking tape which is usually used in construction site. As it is made by Washi, it can be cut by hand easily and peeled off without any marks. Handicrafts lovers enjoy decorating their personal belongings and room interiors with it. ‘mt’s Manufacturer ‘Kamoi Kakoshi’, which holds the largest market share of usual Masking Tape, launched ‘mt’ as a sundries product in 2008 and about 1000 kinds of tapes have been released since then. ‘mt’ sparked the Washi tape boom in Japan and it has been spreading overseas. In the initial round of meetings, ‘Kamoi Kakoshi’ commissioned us to design patterns, POPs and the packages for ‘mt’. They did not have a clear vision for marketing strategy as they have never dealt with such a woman-targeted products. Washi tape ‘mt’ got popular to decorate things and developed a new market as a nifty and useful gadget. Many promotional exhibitions have been held and this is the one in Tokyo, Japan. Our aim was to offer customers extraordinary experience through ‘mt’, so the site hunting was the most important task for us. The venue, gallery ‘3331’ was used to be an elementary school. We covered the spacious rooms with black grid and created a monotone geometric space then placed a temporary shop and a tricycle car. In contrast, we exhibited fluorescent colored tapes in another room.

    Mt Ex 3331

    案例简介:战略 “Mt ex” 是由一个临时商店、一个安装、 “mt” 体验角组成的,顾客可以在这里尝试自由使用 “mt”。每次展览,我们都会提供一些限量版磁带,顾客只在现场购买,引起他们的兴趣。我们提供各种机会取悦客户,并努力吸引他们。 执行 每次我们制作展览时,最关注的是位置。这次我们选择了一个画廊 '3331',曾经是一所小学。我们用黑色网格覆盖宽敞的房间,创造了一个单调的几何空间,然后放置了一个临时商店和一辆三轮车。相比之下,我们在安装室展示了荧光彩色胶带。顾客对不可预见的渲染非常兴奋,并拍了许多照片。令我们惊讶的是,没有几个顾客再次来到画廊拍照。在 “mt” 体验室,顾客喜欢使用磁带,墙壁变成了画布来表达他们的 “mt” 艺术品。 活动描述 当我们被委托为 “mt” 设计时,我们看到了它的巨大潜力。尽管 “mt” 有广泛的实用价值,但如果它没有以一种可理解的方式展示出来,就不会被客户接受。因此,我们推出了 “kamoi” 来举办一个促销展览,让顾客可以充分体验 “mt” 并了解更多信息。事实上,这是一个挑战,因为我们以前从未见过这种展览,市场上没有类似 “mt” 的产品。所以我们计划了一个独特的展览 “mt ex” 来介绍产品的特点。自 2010年第一次展览以来,“mt” 已经在国内外举办了许多类似的活动。 结果 在 3331 网站,如此多的客户来拿限量版磁带,他们不得不排队等候。展览的图片通过社交网络传播,声誉通过口碑传播。因此,展览成为热门事件,并成功地聚集了数量惊人的人。这导致了 “mt fans” 的增加和市场的发展。“mt” 在杂货市场创造了一个新的类别 “washi tape”。“Kamoi” 利用了这种繁荣,提高了他们的销售额。“Mt” 发布后,许多竞争产品紧随其后,但它在所有方面都获胜。 概要 “Mt” 是一种衍生产品,由通常用于建筑工地的胶带制成。因为它是由 Washi 制成的,所以它可以很容易地用手切割,并且没有任何痕迹。手工艺品爱好者喜欢用它装饰他们的个人物品和房间内部。Mt 的制造商 “kamoi kakoshi” 占据了通常掩蔽胶带最大的市场份额,在 2008年推出了 “mt” 作为一种杂货产品,从那以后已经发布了大约 1000 种磁带。“Mt” 引发了日本和纸磁带的繁荣,并一直在海外传播。在最初的一轮会议中,“kamoi kakoshi” 委托我们为 “mt” 设计图案、持久性有机污染物和包装。他们对营销战略没有明确的愿景,因为他们从未处理过这种针对女性的产品。 Washi tape 'mt' 在装饰物品方面很受欢迎,并作为一种漂亮而有用的小工具开发了一个新市场。 许多宣传展览已经举行,这是在日本东京举行的。我们的目标是通过 “mt” 为客户提供非凡的体验,所以网站搜索是我们最重要的任务。场地,画廊 '3331' 曾经是一所小学。我们用黑色网格覆盖宽敞的房间,创造了一个单调的几何空间,然后放置了一个临时商店和一辆三轮车。相比之下,我们在另一个房间展示了荧光彩色胶带。

    Mt Ex 3331

    案例简介:Strategy ‘mt ex’ is constructed with a temporary shop, an installation, the ‘mt’ Experience Corner where customers can try their hand at using ‘mt’ freely.Every exhibition, we provide some limited edition tapes that customers only buy at the site and arouse their interest. We offer various opportunities to please customers and try to make a big appeal to them. Execution Every time we produce the exhibition, pay the most attention to the location. This time we chose a gallery ‘3331’ that was used to be an elementary school. We covered the spacious rooms with black grid and created a monotone geometric space then placed a temporary shop and a tricycle car. In contrast, we exhibited fluorescent colored tapes in an installation room. Customers were so excited about the unforeseen rendering and took many pictures. To our astonishment, not a few customers came again the gallery to take more pictures. At the ‘mt’ Experience Room, customers enjoyed using tapes and the walls turned out to a canvas to express their artwork by ‘mt’. Campaign Description When we were commissioned designs for ‘mt’, we saw a great potential in it. Although ‘mt’ had broad utility, it would not be accepted by customers if it was not displayed in a comprehensible fashion. So we presented ‘Kamoi’ to hold a promotional exhibition that customers can experience ‘mt’ fully and learn more about it. Actually it was a challenging because we had never seen the kind of exhibition before and there were no similar products to ‘mt’ in the market. So we planned a unique exhibition ‘mt ex’ to introduce the products’ character. Since the first exhibition in 2010, ‘mt’ has held many similar events at home and abroad. Outcome At 3331 site, so many customers came to get the limited edition tapes that they had to wait in line. The pictures of the exhibition diffused through SNS and the reputation spread by word of mouth. As a result, the exhibition became topical event and succeeded in gathering a surprising number of people. It led to increase ‘mt fans’ and develop the market.‘mt’ created a new category ‘Washi Tape’ in a sundries market. ‘Kamoi’ took advantage of this boom and improved their sales. Many competitive products followed after ‘mt’ were released but it wins on all counts. Synopsis ‘mt’ is a derivative product came out of masking tape which is usually used in construction site. As it is made by Washi, it can be cut by hand easily and peeled off without any marks. Handicrafts lovers enjoy decorating their personal belongings and room interiors with it. ‘mt’s Manufacturer ‘Kamoi Kakoshi’, which holds the largest market share of usual Masking Tape, launched ‘mt’ as a sundries product in 2008 and about 1000 kinds of tapes have been released since then. ‘mt’ sparked the Washi tape boom in Japan and it has been spreading overseas. In the initial round of meetings, ‘Kamoi Kakoshi’ commissioned us to design patterns, POPs and the packages for ‘mt’. They did not have a clear vision for marketing strategy as they have never dealt with such a woman-targeted products. Washi tape ‘mt’ got popular to decorate things and developed a new market as a nifty and useful gadget. Many promotional exhibitions have been held and this is the one in Tokyo, Japan. Our aim was to offer customers extraordinary experience through ‘mt’, so the site hunting was the most important task for us. The venue, gallery ‘3331’ was used to be an elementary school. We covered the spacious rooms with black grid and created a monotone geometric space then placed a temporary shop and a tricycle car. In contrast, we exhibited fluorescent colored tapes in another room.

    Mt Ex 3331


    Mt Ex 3331










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