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    The Come Doen Gospel | Believe in Music | GRAMMYS短视频广告营销案例



    Come Doen 福音 | 相信音乐 | 格莱美奖

    案例简介:结果 这部电影在录音学院的 YouTube 频道上发布,没有付费媒体反对观看或报道。它在 Facebook 和 YouTube 上产生了超过 200万的浏览量。迄今为止,它在 Facebook 和 Youtube 上获得了超过 200万的浏览量,并得到了顶级音乐出版物的高度赞扬。在最初的 24 小时里,这部电影获得了近 7000万的印象,并以压倒性的热情 97% 的网络情绪获得了好评。最重要的是,这部电影促成了收视率的巨大增长,比去年增加了 100万人。相比之下,奥斯卡 (最受关注的年度颁奖典礼) 的收视率为 9 年来最低,2017年收视率大幅下降。 概要 录音学院的任务是让我们创作一个内容片段,它不仅可以宣传节目,还可以帮助格莱美奖定位为一个文化上合拍的相关品牌。在这个国家一个特别分裂的时期,我们选择关注音乐的独特力量来团结起来,带来轻率来消除紧张 (毕竟,音乐是为了娱乐!).相信音乐运动旨在让人们团结在一起,在寒冷的一年里点燃光明的时刻。 相关性 娱乐狮子庆祝将内容转化为文化的创造力,这正是我们所做的。我们创作了一部电影,它既不仅仅是另一个音乐视频,也不仅仅是格莱美奖的广告。这是一个令人振奋的,有感染力的作品,关于走到一起,相信音乐。 战略 即使你不能相信任何事情,你也可以永远相信音乐。格莱美需要和所有人口统计和口味的音乐爱好者交谈。在这方面,我们希望提高与千禧一代的相关性,千禧一代是当今政治和社会对话的前沿积极和进步的一代。在一个对政府和机构的信心崩溃的紧张社会里,我们想提醒人们,音乐是我们总能依靠的东西,可以让我们振作起来。从这一点,我们成立了今年的运动,“相信音乐”,旨在将人们聚集在一起,在寒冷的一年里点燃光明的时刻。知道我们最喜欢的重量级人物,如阿黛尔和碧昂丝,将席卷排行榜和媒体,我们转向社交媒体来确定今年的顶级明星之一: 安德森。Paak,非常适合今年的励志运动。 活动描述 为了帮助人们真正相信音乐,我们想拍一首热门流行歌曲,给它注入最强大、最感人的音乐 -- 福音。我们邀请了格莱美提名人安德森。Paak 在教堂为他的音乐生涯奠定了基础重新加入他的旧福音合唱团,并在一个充满 100 多个来自他童年社区的家人和朋友的教堂表演他的热门歌曲《降临》的新安排,包括他的妹妹卡米尔和 6 岁的 -老儿子灵魂。福音音乐总监和。帕克的上帝兄弟 j 'rese Mitchell 与他合作。Paak 为这首歌创造福音安排。 执行 在电影中,。帕克开始了他的音乐生涯,在福音合唱团担任鼓手,他回到教堂表演 “下来” 的福音安排。会众一起跳舞,分享身体和精神的高度,这只是传染性的,再次证明了为什么我们都相信音乐。福音音乐总监和。Paak 的朋友 j 'rese Mitchell 为这首歌创作了这首歌,演员阵容以他的朋友和家人 (包括他的姐姐和小儿子) 为特色。帕克的家乡奥克斯纳德,加利福尼亚州。我们在网上独家发行了这部电影。这部电影公开后不久,就在音乐界传播到领先的音乐出版物,如《推子》、《滚石》和《 MTV 》。通过这些渠道在网上发布这部电影,我们可以首先接触到一群核心的音乐粉丝,在向公众公开之前,让内部音乐粉丝第一次看到这部电影。

    Come Doen 福音 | 相信音乐 | 格莱美奖

    案例简介:Outcome The film launched on The Recording Academy’s YouTube channel, with no paid media against views or coverage. It generated well over 2 million views across Facebook and YouTube. To date, it’s generated well over 2 million views across Facebook and Youtube and resounding praise from top music publications. In the first 24 hours, the film garnered nearly 70 million impressions and was received with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic 97% net sentiment.Most importantly, the film contributed to a huge increase in viewership, with 1 million more people turning into the broadcast than last year. In contrast, the Oscars (the most-watched annual awards show) saw their lowest ratings in 9 years and a significant dip in viewership in 2017. Synopsis The Recording Academy tasked us with creating a content piece that would not just promote the show but help position The GRAMMYs as a culturally in-tune and relevant brand. During a particularly divisive time in the country, we chose to focus on music’s unique power to unite and bring levity to cut through tension (music is about having fun, after all!). The Believe in Music campaign set out to bring people together and spark moments of light in a bleak year. Relevancy The Entertainment Lions celebrate creativity that turns content into culture, and that is exactly what we did. We created a film that was neither just another music video nor simply an ad for the GRAMMYs. It was an uplifting, infectious piece about coming together and believing in music. Strategy Even when you can’t put your faith in anything, you can always Believe in Music.The GRAMMYs needed to speak to music lovers of all demographics and tastes. Within that, we wanted to increase relevance with millennials, an active and progressive generation at the forefront of today’s political and societal conversations. In a tense society with faith in government and institutions collapsing, we wanted to remind people that music was something we could always count on to lift us back up. From this, we established this year’s campaign, “Believe in Music”, which aimed to bring people together and spark moments of light in a bleak year.Knowing our favourite heavy-hitters like Adele and Beyoncé would be sweeping the charts and media, we turned to social media to identify one of the year’s top breakout stars: Anderson .Paak, a perfect fit for this year’s inspirational campaign. CampaignDescription To help people truly Believe in Music we wanted to take a hit pop song and inject it with the most powerful, moving music there is—gospel. We invited GRAMMY nominee Anderson .Paak, who laid the foundation for his music career in church, to rejoin his old gospel choir and perform a new arrangement of his hit "Come Down" to a church full of over 100 family and friend from his childhood community including his sister Camille and 6-year-old son Soul. Gospel Music Director and .Paak’s god-brother J'rese Mitchell collaborated with .Paak to create the gospel arrangement for the song. Execution In the film, .Paak, who started his music career as a drummer in a gospel choir, returns to church to perform a gospel arrangement of “Come Down”. The congregation dances together sharing a physical and mental high that is nothing but infectious, proving once again why we can all Believe In Music. Gospel Music Director and .Paak’s friend J'rese Mitchell created the arrangement for the song and the cast features friends and family (including his sister and young son) from .Paak’s hometown of Oxnard, CA.We released the film online exclusively with Complex Magazine. Shortly after it became public, the film spread among the music world to leading music publications such as The Fader, Rolling Stone and MTV. Releasing the film online with these outlets allowed us to hit a core group of music fans first, giving insider music fans a first glimpse before making it out to the public.

    The Come Doen Gospel | Believe in Music | GRAMMYS

    案例简介:结果 这部电影在录音学院的 YouTube 频道上发布,没有付费媒体反对观看或报道。它在 Facebook 和 YouTube 上产生了超过 200万的浏览量。迄今为止,它在 Facebook 和 Youtube 上获得了超过 200万的浏览量,并得到了顶级音乐出版物的高度赞扬。在最初的 24 小时里,这部电影获得了近 7000万的印象,并以压倒性的热情 97% 的网络情绪获得了好评。最重要的是,这部电影促成了收视率的巨大增长,比去年增加了 100万人。相比之下,奥斯卡 (最受关注的年度颁奖典礼) 的收视率为 9 年来最低,2017年收视率大幅下降。 概要 录音学院的任务是让我们创作一个内容片段,它不仅可以宣传节目,还可以帮助格莱美奖定位为一个文化上合拍的相关品牌。在这个国家一个特别分裂的时期,我们选择关注音乐的独特力量来团结起来,带来轻率来消除紧张 (毕竟,音乐是为了娱乐!).相信音乐运动旨在让人们团结在一起,在寒冷的一年里点燃光明的时刻。 相关性 娱乐狮子庆祝将内容转化为文化的创造力,这正是我们所做的。我们创作了一部电影,它既不仅仅是另一个音乐视频,也不仅仅是格莱美奖的广告。这是一个令人振奋的,有感染力的作品,关于走到一起,相信音乐。 战略 即使你不能相信任何事情,你也可以永远相信音乐。格莱美需要和所有人口统计和口味的音乐爱好者交谈。在这方面,我们希望提高与千禧一代的相关性,千禧一代是当今政治和社会对话的前沿积极和进步的一代。在一个对政府和机构的信心崩溃的紧张社会里,我们想提醒人们,音乐是我们总能依靠的东西,可以让我们振作起来。从这一点,我们成立了今年的运动,“相信音乐”,旨在将人们聚集在一起,在寒冷的一年里点燃光明的时刻。知道我们最喜欢的重量级人物,如阿黛尔和碧昂丝,将席卷排行榜和媒体,我们转向社交媒体来确定今年的顶级明星之一: 安德森。Paak,非常适合今年的励志运动。 活动描述 为了帮助人们真正相信音乐,我们想拍一首热门流行歌曲,给它注入最强大、最感人的音乐 -- 福音。我们邀请了格莱美提名人安德森。Paak 在教堂为他的音乐生涯奠定了基础重新加入他的旧福音合唱团,并在一个充满 100 多个来自他童年社区的家人和朋友的教堂表演他的热门歌曲《降临》的新安排,包括他的妹妹卡米尔和 6 岁的 -老儿子灵魂。福音音乐总监和。帕克的上帝兄弟 j 'rese Mitchell 与他合作。Paak 为这首歌创造福音安排。 执行 在电影中,。帕克开始了他的音乐生涯,在福音合唱团担任鼓手,他回到教堂表演 “下来” 的福音安排。会众一起跳舞,分享身体和精神的高度,这只是传染性的,再次证明了为什么我们都相信音乐。福音音乐总监和。Paak 的朋友 j 'rese Mitchell 为这首歌创作了这首歌,演员阵容以他的朋友和家人 (包括他的姐姐和小儿子) 为特色。帕克的家乡奥克斯纳德,加利福尼亚州。我们在网上独家发行了这部电影。这部电影公开后不久,就在音乐界传播到领先的音乐出版物,如《推子》、《滚石》和《 MTV 》。通过这些渠道在网上发布这部电影,我们可以首先接触到一群核心的音乐粉丝,在向公众公开之前,让内部音乐粉丝第一次看到这部电影。

    The Come Doen Gospel | Believe in Music | GRAMMYS

    案例简介:Outcome The film launched on The Recording Academy’s YouTube channel, with no paid media against views or coverage. It generated well over 2 million views across Facebook and YouTube. To date, it’s generated well over 2 million views across Facebook and Youtube and resounding praise from top music publications. In the first 24 hours, the film garnered nearly 70 million impressions and was received with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic 97% net sentiment.Most importantly, the film contributed to a huge increase in viewership, with 1 million more people turning into the broadcast than last year. In contrast, the Oscars (the most-watched annual awards show) saw their lowest ratings in 9 years and a significant dip in viewership in 2017. Synopsis The Recording Academy tasked us with creating a content piece that would not just promote the show but help position The GRAMMYs as a culturally in-tune and relevant brand. During a particularly divisive time in the country, we chose to focus on music’s unique power to unite and bring levity to cut through tension (music is about having fun, after all!). The Believe in Music campaign set out to bring people together and spark moments of light in a bleak year. Relevancy The Entertainment Lions celebrate creativity that turns content into culture, and that is exactly what we did. We created a film that was neither just another music video nor simply an ad for the GRAMMYs. It was an uplifting, infectious piece about coming together and believing in music. Strategy Even when you can’t put your faith in anything, you can always Believe in Music.The GRAMMYs needed to speak to music lovers of all demographics and tastes. Within that, we wanted to increase relevance with millennials, an active and progressive generation at the forefront of today’s political and societal conversations. In a tense society with faith in government and institutions collapsing, we wanted to remind people that music was something we could always count on to lift us back up. From this, we established this year’s campaign, “Believe in Music”, which aimed to bring people together and spark moments of light in a bleak year.Knowing our favourite heavy-hitters like Adele and Beyoncé would be sweeping the charts and media, we turned to social media to identify one of the year’s top breakout stars: Anderson .Paak, a perfect fit for this year’s inspirational campaign. CampaignDescription To help people truly Believe in Music we wanted to take a hit pop song and inject it with the most powerful, moving music there is—gospel. We invited GRAMMY nominee Anderson .Paak, who laid the foundation for his music career in church, to rejoin his old gospel choir and perform a new arrangement of his hit "Come Down" to a church full of over 100 family and friend from his childhood community including his sister Camille and 6-year-old son Soul. Gospel Music Director and .Paak’s god-brother J'rese Mitchell collaborated with .Paak to create the gospel arrangement for the song. Execution In the film, .Paak, who started his music career as a drummer in a gospel choir, returns to church to perform a gospel arrangement of “Come Down”. The congregation dances together sharing a physical and mental high that is nothing but infectious, proving once again why we can all Believe In Music. Gospel Music Director and .Paak’s friend J'rese Mitchell created the arrangement for the song and the cast features friends and family (including his sister and young son) from .Paak’s hometown of Oxnard, CA.We released the film online exclusively with Complex Magazine. Shortly after it became public, the film spread among the music world to leading music publications such as The Fader, Rolling Stone and MTV. Releasing the film online with these outlets allowed us to hit a core group of music fans first, giving insider music fans a first glimpse before making it out to the public.

    Come Doen 福音 | 相信音乐 | 格莱美奖


    The Come Doen Gospel | Believe in Music | GRAMMYS










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