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    案例简介:概要 2018,苹果推出了 HomePod。一个智能扬声器,可以重新设计任何空间的声学,以提供最高保真度的声音。加上 Siri 和苹果音乐集成的智能,HomePod 将家庭聆听体验提升到一个全新的水平,适合任何热爱和尊重音乐的人。 战略 围绕我们的新扬声器产生嗡嗡声,同时围绕这首由新星安德森 · 帕克发布的歌曲产生兴奋。从苹果向观众介绍新艺术家的能力来看,我们想找到一位新星,他会产生好奇心,并与我们的创意执行完美配合。 相关性 作为一个深深植根于音乐文化的品牌,苹果必须证明 HomePod 理解音乐在我们生活空间中的作用。我们把这个故事想象成一个音乐娱乐节目,从音乐视频中汲取灵感,并将 HomePod 有机地融入到叙事中。为了让这个故事栩栩如生,我们与传奇导演斯派克 · 琼泽和来自音乐行业各个领域的几位天才合作。结果是四分钟的音乐幻想,以市场上其他智能扬声器广告无法做到的方式与音乐爱好者联系在一起。 结果 24 小时内,《欢迎回家》将 HomePod 带入全球流行文化,在 YouTube 上有机地飙升至第一名, 它在 14 天内成为该平台 2018年3月最受关注的品牌娱乐节目。这部电影席卷了互联网,在国际大众媒体上发表了 900 多篇文章,在社交媒体上引发了成千上万的自发反应。从故事中最具标志性的时刻得到灵感的五颜六色的扇子艺术。直到安德森结束。Paak 在电台和音乐在线频道的排行榜上名列前茅。干草叉将欢迎回家评为 2018年3月最佳音乐视频。 执行 一部四分钟的电影。由斯派克 · 琼斯执导。由 FKA twigs 主演。安德森 · 帕克的配乐。“欢迎回家” 展示了 HomePod 在任何家庭都能提供的沉浸式聆听体验。我们与歌曲制作人 Micheal Uzowuru 密切合作,在我们创作和讲述现场时开发了这首歌。新的时刻被写进了剧本,而迈克尔添加/调整了这首歌来创造平行的时刻。当我们进入布景时,随着最后的编排和设计选择的进行,赛道进行了进一步的调整。安德森 · 帕克的《直到它结束》独家发布,只在发布后的前四周在苹果音乐中提供。在《欢迎回家》播出后,它成为 2018年3月最受欢迎的曲目。 活动描述 一部四分钟的电影。由斯派克 · 琼斯执导。由 FKA twigs 主演。安德森 · 帕克的配乐。“欢迎回家” 展示了 HomePod 在任何家庭都能提供的沉浸式聆听体验。这最终是一个关于声音和音乐在我们生活空间中的影响的普遍故事,通过运动和舞蹈来讲述。人物的情感旅程通过物质环境的丰富多彩的变化反映出来,为一个非常亲密的故事提供了史诗般的感觉。

    案例简介:Synopsis In 2018, Apple launched HomePod. A smart-speaker that can re-architect the acoustics of any space to deliver the highest-fidelity sound. Coupled with the intelligence of Siri and Apple Music integration, HomePod takes the home listening experience to a whole new level for anyone who loves and respects music. Strategy Generate buzz around our new speaker while simultaneously generating excitement around the song featured, a new release from rising star Anderson Paak. Puling from Apple ability to introduce audiences to new artists, we wanted to identify a rising star who would generate curiosity and also work perfectly with our creative execution. Relevancy As a brand that is deeply rooted in music culture, Apple had to prove that HomePod understands the role of music in our living space. We conceived this story as a piece of music entertainment, drawing inspiration from music videos, and organically integrated HomePod into the narrative. To bring the story to life, we partnered with legendary director Spike Jonze and several talents from all fields in the music industry. The result is a four minute musical fantasy that connected with music lovers in a way no other smart-speaker ad in the market has managed to do. Outcome Within 24 hours, Welcome Home catapulted HomePod into global pop culture, skyrocketed to #1 Trending on YouTube organically, where it trended for 14 days to become the most watched piece of branded entertainment of March 2018 in that platform. The film took the internet by storm, generating more than 900 articles across international mass media, sparking hundreds of thousands of spontaneous reactions on social media. Feeds where splashed with colorful fan art inspired by the most iconic moments in the story. ’Til It’s Over by Anderson .Paak raised to the top of the charts across radio stations and music online channels. Pitchfork named Welcome Home the best music video of March 2018. Execution A four minute film. Directed by Spike Jonze. Starring FKA twigs. Soundtrack by Anderson Paak. “Welcome Home” demonstrates the immersive listening experience HomePod can deliver in any home. We worked closely with the song producer Micheal Uzowuru to develop the song as we wrote and storyboarded the spot. New moments were written into the script, while Michael added/adjusted the song to create parallel moments. When we got onto set, further adjustments were made to the track as the final choreography and design choices were made. 'Til It's Over' by Anderson Paak was exclusively released and only available in Apple Music during the first four weeks after launch. After Welcome Home aired, it became the #1 most listened track of March 2018. Campaign Description A four minute film. Directed by Spike Jonze. Starring FKA twigs. Soundtrack by Anderson Paak. “Welcome Home” demonstrates the immersive listening experience HomePod can deliver in any home. It’s ultimately a universal tale about the effect sound and music has in our living space, told through movement and dance. The emotional journey of the character is reflected by the colorful transformation of the physical environment, providing an epic feel to a very intimate story.

    欢迎回家 | Welcome Home

    案例简介:概要 2018,苹果推出了 HomePod。一个智能扬声器,可以重新设计任何空间的声学,以提供最高保真度的声音。加上 Siri 和苹果音乐集成的智能,HomePod 将家庭聆听体验提升到一个全新的水平,适合任何热爱和尊重音乐的人。 战略 围绕我们的新扬声器产生嗡嗡声,同时围绕这首由新星安德森 · 帕克发布的歌曲产生兴奋。从苹果向观众介绍新艺术家的能力来看,我们想找到一位新星,他会产生好奇心,并与我们的创意执行完美配合。 相关性 作为一个深深植根于音乐文化的品牌,苹果必须证明 HomePod 理解音乐在我们生活空间中的作用。我们把这个故事想象成一个音乐娱乐节目,从音乐视频中汲取灵感,并将 HomePod 有机地融入到叙事中。为了让这个故事栩栩如生,我们与传奇导演斯派克 · 琼泽和来自音乐行业各个领域的几位天才合作。结果是四分钟的音乐幻想,以市场上其他智能扬声器广告无法做到的方式与音乐爱好者联系在一起。 结果 24 小时内,《欢迎回家》将 HomePod 带入全球流行文化,在 YouTube 上有机地飙升至第一名, 它在 14 天内成为该平台 2018年3月最受关注的品牌娱乐节目。这部电影席卷了互联网,在国际大众媒体上发表了 900 多篇文章,在社交媒体上引发了成千上万的自发反应。从故事中最具标志性的时刻得到灵感的五颜六色的扇子艺术。直到安德森结束。Paak 在电台和音乐在线频道的排行榜上名列前茅。干草叉将欢迎回家评为 2018年3月最佳音乐视频。 执行 一部四分钟的电影。由斯派克 · 琼斯执导。由 FKA twigs 主演。安德森 · 帕克的配乐。“欢迎回家” 展示了 HomePod 在任何家庭都能提供的沉浸式聆听体验。我们与歌曲制作人 Micheal Uzowuru 密切合作,在我们创作和讲述现场时开发了这首歌。新的时刻被写进了剧本,而迈克尔添加/调整了这首歌来创造平行的时刻。当我们进入布景时,随着最后的编排和设计选择的进行,赛道进行了进一步的调整。安德森 · 帕克的《直到它结束》独家发布,只在发布后的前四周在苹果音乐中提供。在《欢迎回家》播出后,它成为 2018年3月最受欢迎的曲目。 活动描述 一部四分钟的电影。由斯派克 · 琼斯执导。由 FKA twigs 主演。安德森 · 帕克的配乐。“欢迎回家” 展示了 HomePod 在任何家庭都能提供的沉浸式聆听体验。这最终是一个关于声音和音乐在我们生活空间中的影响的普遍故事,通过运动和舞蹈来讲述。人物的情感旅程通过物质环境的丰富多彩的变化反映出来,为一个非常亲密的故事提供了史诗般的感觉。

    欢迎回家 | Welcome Home

    案例简介:Synopsis In 2018, Apple launched HomePod. A smart-speaker that can re-architect the acoustics of any space to deliver the highest-fidelity sound. Coupled with the intelligence of Siri and Apple Music integration, HomePod takes the home listening experience to a whole new level for anyone who loves and respects music. Strategy Generate buzz around our new speaker while simultaneously generating excitement around the song featured, a new release from rising star Anderson Paak. Puling from Apple ability to introduce audiences to new artists, we wanted to identify a rising star who would generate curiosity and also work perfectly with our creative execution. Relevancy As a brand that is deeply rooted in music culture, Apple had to prove that HomePod understands the role of music in our living space. We conceived this story as a piece of music entertainment, drawing inspiration from music videos, and organically integrated HomePod into the narrative. To bring the story to life, we partnered with legendary director Spike Jonze and several talents from all fields in the music industry. The result is a four minute musical fantasy that connected with music lovers in a way no other smart-speaker ad in the market has managed to do. Outcome Within 24 hours, Welcome Home catapulted HomePod into global pop culture, skyrocketed to #1 Trending on YouTube organically, where it trended for 14 days to become the most watched piece of branded entertainment of March 2018 in that platform. The film took the internet by storm, generating more than 900 articles across international mass media, sparking hundreds of thousands of spontaneous reactions on social media. Feeds where splashed with colorful fan art inspired by the most iconic moments in the story. ’Til It’s Over by Anderson .Paak raised to the top of the charts across radio stations and music online channels. Pitchfork named Welcome Home the best music video of March 2018. Execution A four minute film. Directed by Spike Jonze. Starring FKA twigs. Soundtrack by Anderson Paak. “Welcome Home” demonstrates the immersive listening experience HomePod can deliver in any home. We worked closely with the song producer Micheal Uzowuru to develop the song as we wrote and storyboarded the spot. New moments were written into the script, while Michael added/adjusted the song to create parallel moments. When we got onto set, further adjustments were made to the track as the final choreography and design choices were made. 'Til It's Over' by Anderson Paak was exclusively released and only available in Apple Music during the first four weeks after launch. After Welcome Home aired, it became the #1 most listened track of March 2018. Campaign Description A four minute film. Directed by Spike Jonze. Starring FKA twigs. Soundtrack by Anderson Paak. “Welcome Home” demonstrates the immersive listening experience HomePod can deliver in any home. It’s ultimately a universal tale about the effect sound and music has in our living space, told through movement and dance. The emotional journey of the character is reflected by the colorful transformation of the physical environment, providing an epic feel to a very intimate story.


    欢迎回家 | Welcome Home










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