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    案例简介:概要 在 Clin 儿童诊所的吸入治疗中,发脾气是一个反复出现的问题。尽管医生、护士和父母尽了最大努力,吸入疗法对感到窒息的幼儿来说并不有趣。应该持续 12 分钟的治疗通常需要两倍的时间,只是因为孩子们会发脾气。 结果 接受是悬而未决的。我们用发脾气换笑声。我们能够通过把义务变成纯粹的乐趣来改变行为。现在,孩子们不仅在整个治疗过程中静静地坐着,而且他们还想再做一次,听听其他的故事。这使我们能够将吸入疗法的等待时间减少 50%,更不用说它给父母、医生和护士带来的安心了, 他们不再需要乞求孩子完成治疗。 执行 吸入故事套件由一个有趣的角色盒、一个面具和一副耳机组成。这些面具是由一种轻便、灵活的材料制成的,所以它们在儿童脸上感觉光线,非常适合雾化器面具。然后,一个成年人只需要把雾化器面具、角色面具和耳机放在孩子身上,在 storiesto吸入器上选择角色的故事,让孩子在接受治疗时玩得开心。这些故事是由儿童作家在 Clin 儿童儿科医生的监督下创作的。他们持续了整整 12 分钟,和治疗一样。这些故事也有助于药物递送,因为角色和病人经历了同样的呼吸问题。例如,在某个特定的时刻,狐狸跑得太快,她喘不过气来,孩子需要帮助她深呼吸,填满她的肺。 活动描述 为了把 12 分钟的痛苦变成纯粹的乐趣,我们创造了吸入故事。给年轻患者的工具包包含一个看起来有趣的面具,可以放在雾化器面具上,将孩子从一个故事变成一个角色。一旦面具打开,你就可以访问 storiestoavarie.com 并选择角色的故事。在吸入治疗的平均时间 12 分钟内,这个角色患有与孩子相似的呼吸问题,如充血、气短和咳嗽。所有的故事都是由儿童作家在 Clin Kids 专家的监督下创作的。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 我们对这个项目没有具体的限制。 简要解释 观众 44% 的巴西儿童有呼吸系统问题。最常见的治疗方法?吸入疗法。但这对一个孩子来说是一次可怕的经历。我们需要创造一个解决方案,让这一刻变得不那么戏剧化。


    案例简介:Synopsis Tantrums were a recurring problem during inhalation therapy at the Clin Kids clinic. Despite the best efforts of doctors, nurses and parents, inhalation therapy is not a fun time for young children, who feel suffocated. Treatments that were supposed to last 12 minutes often took twice as long, just because children would throw tantrums. Outcome Acceptance was outstanding. We traded tantrums for laughter. We were able to change a behavior by turning an obligation into pure fun. Now, children not only sit quietly throughout the treatment, but they also want to do it again to hear the other stories. This allowed us to reduce the wait time for inhalation therapy by 50%, not to mention the peace of mind it brought parents, doctors and nurses, who no longer needed to beg children to finish their treatment. Execution The Inhalation Stories Kit is made up of a fun character box, a mask, and a pair of headphones. The masks are made of a light, flexible material, so they feel light on children's faces and fit perfectly over the nebulizer masks. Then, an adult just needs to put the nebulizer mask, character mask, and headphones on the child, choose the character's story on storiestoinhale.com, and let the child have fun while undergoing therapy. The stories were created by children's authors with supervision from Clin Kids pediatricians. They last exactly 12 minutes, the same as the therapy. The stories also help in medication delivery, because the characters experience the same respiratory problems as the patients. For example, at a given moment, the fox runs so fast she is out of breath, and the child needs to help her take a deep breath and fill her lungs. CampaignDescription To turn 12 minutes of suffering into pure fun, we created Inhalation Stories. The kit given to the young patients contains a fun-looking mask that fits over the nebulizer mask, transforming the child into a character from a story. Once the mask is on, you access storiestoinhale.com and choose the character's story. During 12 minutes, the average time of an inhalation therapy session, the character suffers from respiratory problems similar to those of the child, such as congestion, shortness of breath and cough. All of the stories were created by children's authors with the supervision of specialists from Clin Kids. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes We were under no specific restrictions for this project. BriefExplanation Audience 44% of Brazilian children have respiratory problems. The most common treatment? Inhalation therapy. But this was a terrible experience for a child. We needed to create a solution that made this moment less dramatic.

    Stories to Inhale

    案例简介:概要 在 Clin 儿童诊所的吸入治疗中,发脾气是一个反复出现的问题。尽管医生、护士和父母尽了最大努力,吸入疗法对感到窒息的幼儿来说并不有趣。应该持续 12 分钟的治疗通常需要两倍的时间,只是因为孩子们会发脾气。 结果 接受是悬而未决的。我们用发脾气换笑声。我们能够通过把义务变成纯粹的乐趣来改变行为。现在,孩子们不仅在整个治疗过程中静静地坐着,而且他们还想再做一次,听听其他的故事。这使我们能够将吸入疗法的等待时间减少 50%,更不用说它给父母、医生和护士带来的安心了, 他们不再需要乞求孩子完成治疗。 执行 吸入故事套件由一个有趣的角色盒、一个面具和一副耳机组成。这些面具是由一种轻便、灵活的材料制成的,所以它们在儿童脸上感觉光线,非常适合雾化器面具。然后,一个成年人只需要把雾化器面具、角色面具和耳机放在孩子身上,在 storiesto吸入器上选择角色的故事,让孩子在接受治疗时玩得开心。这些故事是由儿童作家在 Clin 儿童儿科医生的监督下创作的。他们持续了整整 12 分钟,和治疗一样。这些故事也有助于药物递送,因为角色和病人经历了同样的呼吸问题。例如,在某个特定的时刻,狐狸跑得太快,她喘不过气来,孩子需要帮助她深呼吸,填满她的肺。 活动描述 为了把 12 分钟的痛苦变成纯粹的乐趣,我们创造了吸入故事。给年轻患者的工具包包含一个看起来有趣的面具,可以放在雾化器面具上,将孩子从一个故事变成一个角色。一旦面具打开,你就可以访问 storiestoavarie.com 并选择角色的故事。在吸入治疗的平均时间 12 分钟内,这个角色患有与孩子相似的呼吸问题,如充血、气短和咳嗽。所有的故事都是由儿童作家在 Clin Kids 专家的监督下创作的。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 我们对这个项目没有具体的限制。 简要解释 观众 44% 的巴西儿童有呼吸系统问题。最常见的治疗方法?吸入疗法。但这对一个孩子来说是一次可怕的经历。我们需要创造一个解决方案,让这一刻变得不那么戏剧化。

    Stories to Inhale

    案例简介:Synopsis Tantrums were a recurring problem during inhalation therapy at the Clin Kids clinic. Despite the best efforts of doctors, nurses and parents, inhalation therapy is not a fun time for young children, who feel suffocated. Treatments that were supposed to last 12 minutes often took twice as long, just because children would throw tantrums. Outcome Acceptance was outstanding. We traded tantrums for laughter. We were able to change a behavior by turning an obligation into pure fun. Now, children not only sit quietly throughout the treatment, but they also want to do it again to hear the other stories. This allowed us to reduce the wait time for inhalation therapy by 50%, not to mention the peace of mind it brought parents, doctors and nurses, who no longer needed to beg children to finish their treatment. Execution The Inhalation Stories Kit is made up of a fun character box, a mask, and a pair of headphones. The masks are made of a light, flexible material, so they feel light on children's faces and fit perfectly over the nebulizer masks. Then, an adult just needs to put the nebulizer mask, character mask, and headphones on the child, choose the character's story on storiestoinhale.com, and let the child have fun while undergoing therapy. The stories were created by children's authors with supervision from Clin Kids pediatricians. They last exactly 12 minutes, the same as the therapy. The stories also help in medication delivery, because the characters experience the same respiratory problems as the patients. For example, at a given moment, the fox runs so fast she is out of breath, and the child needs to help her take a deep breath and fill her lungs. CampaignDescription To turn 12 minutes of suffering into pure fun, we created Inhalation Stories. The kit given to the young patients contains a fun-looking mask that fits over the nebulizer mask, transforming the child into a character from a story. Once the mask is on, you access storiestoinhale.com and choose the character's story. During 12 minutes, the average time of an inhalation therapy session, the character suffers from respiratory problems similar to those of the child, such as congestion, shortness of breath and cough. All of the stories were created by children's authors with the supervision of specialists from Clin Kids. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes We were under no specific restrictions for this project. BriefExplanation Audience 44% of Brazilian children have respiratory problems. The most common treatment? Inhalation therapy. But this was a terrible experience for a child. We needed to create a solution that made this moment less dramatic.



    Stories to Inhale






    广告公司: NBS (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: Domo Produções




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