案例简介:葡萄牙红十字会向 来自世界各地的志愿者。 在2020世界点击暂停按钮。梦想,项目,学校,工作 受大流行的影响。在这种情况下,很少有人敢站起来做 有所作为。 志愿者是红十字会在全球范围内努力的基石。正常人 愿意帮助红十字会履行使命的各界人士: 使 对于那些最需要的人来说,世界是一个更公平、更安全的地方。 这些广告 (也被用作社交媒体资产) 说明了一些最 世界上反乌托邦现实中的名城。里斯本似乎无人居住,一半 被沙丘埋在非洲沙漠景观中。伦敦及其最知名的 地标描绘在荒凉的冰冷苔原中。巴黎被运送到 美洲峡谷荒凉而空旷的景观。在所有这些图像中,我们 看到一位红十字会志愿者,他们自信地前往面对充满挑战的场景。 广告的标志是 “在2020世界静止不动。我们的志愿者没有。” 这项运动是 “来自红色的 # thankyouvolunteers” 全球倡议的一部分 跨委员会。 该活动是由总部位于里斯本的创意机构LOLA Normajean和 插图是由即将到来的街头艺术家patr í cia Mariano制作的。
案例简介:PORTUGUESE RED CROSS SALUTES THE COURAGE OF VOLUNTEERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. In 2020 the world hit the pause button. Dreams, projects, schools, jobs were put on hold by the pandemic. In a situation like this few people dare to stand up and do something to make a difference. Volunteers are the cornerstone of Red Cross’ efforts across the Globe. Normal people from all walks of life that are willing to help Red Cross to fulfill its mission: make the world a fairer and safer place for those who need it most. These ads (which were also used as social media assets) illustrate some of the most famous cities in the world in a dystopian reality. Lisbon appears uninhabited, half buried by dunes in an African desert landscape. London and its most recognizable landmarks are depicted in a desolate icy tundra. And Paris is transported to the inhospitable and empty landscapes of the American canyons. In all these images, we see a Red Cross volunteers who is confidently heading to face the challenging scenario. The ads sign with the concept “In 2020 the world stood still. Our volunteers didn’t.” This campaign is part of the worldwide initiative #thankyouvolunteers from the Red Cross Committee. The campaign was created by the Lisbon based creative agency LOLA Normajean and the illustrations were made by the upcoming street artist Patrícia Mariano.
案例简介:葡萄牙红十字会向 来自世界各地的志愿者。 在2020世界点击暂停按钮。梦想,项目,学校,工作 受大流行的影响。在这种情况下,很少有人敢站起来做 有所作为。 志愿者是红十字会在全球范围内努力的基石。正常人 愿意帮助红十字会履行使命的各界人士: 使 对于那些最需要的人来说,世界是一个更公平、更安全的地方。 这些广告 (也被用作社交媒体资产) 说明了一些最 世界上反乌托邦现实中的名城。里斯本似乎无人居住,一半 被沙丘埋在非洲沙漠景观中。伦敦及其最知名的 地标描绘在荒凉的冰冷苔原中。巴黎被运送到 美洲峡谷荒凉而空旷的景观。在所有这些图像中,我们 看到一位红十字会志愿者,他们自信地前往面对充满挑战的场景。 广告的标志是 “在2020世界静止不动。我们的志愿者没有。” 这项运动是 “来自红色的 # thankyouvolunteers” 全球倡议的一部分 跨委员会。 该活动是由总部位于里斯本的创意机构LOLA Normajean和 插图是由即将到来的街头艺术家patr í cia Mariano制作的。
案例简介:PORTUGUESE RED CROSS SALUTES THE COURAGE OF VOLUNTEERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. In 2020 the world hit the pause button. Dreams, projects, schools, jobs were put on hold by the pandemic. In a situation like this few people dare to stand up and do something to make a difference. Volunteers are the cornerstone of Red Cross’ efforts across the Globe. Normal people from all walks of life that are willing to help Red Cross to fulfill its mission: make the world a fairer and safer place for those who need it most. These ads (which were also used as social media assets) illustrate some of the most famous cities in the world in a dystopian reality. Lisbon appears uninhabited, half buried by dunes in an African desert landscape. London and its most recognizable landmarks are depicted in a desolate icy tundra. And Paris is transported to the inhospitable and empty landscapes of the American canyons. In all these images, we see a Red Cross volunteers who is confidently heading to face the challenging scenario. The ads sign with the concept “In 2020 the world stood still. Our volunteers didn’t.” This campaign is part of the worldwide initiative #thankyouvolunteers from the Red Cross Committee. The campaign was created by the Lisbon based creative agency LOLA Normajean and the illustrations were made by the upcoming street artist Patrícia Mariano.
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