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    案例简介:概要 当我们为 AW17 运动做准备时,我们看着围绕英国退出欧盟的对话加剧,把移民变成了一个肮脏的词。作为一家多元化和全球意识的公司,继续 “照常营销” 是错误的。虽然我们敏锐地意识到偏离我们自己职权范围的危险,但我们得出结论,如果一个品牌能够在他们和消费者关心的事情之间建立可信的联系, 参与进来是有正当理由的。因此,我们面临着一个艰难的决定: 我们是闭上嘴,还是在其他人保持沉默的时候大声说话?这个范围来自 16 个不同的国家,由 45 个不同的民族设计,肯定是支持移民的。我们想提醒人们为什么这很重要。我们的目的声明是 “向越来越讨厌的高街展示移民的美丽一面”。我们强化了我们的目标,以反映这一点,从而帮助拼图: 在大街上发起一场关于移民好处的新的积极对话,反对消极情绪。•推动对拼图的重新认识和尊重。•争取新的审判 minded 志同道合的非客户,超越我们 25-45 岁女性的核心人口 战略 我们的目标是 25 岁以上的街头购物者,他们欣赏独特的风格,并寻找比快速时尚更真实的东西。这项活动以风格和真理为基础,这是我们 2013 重塑拼图的品牌,创造了品牌目的; 澄清和区分品牌的信仰体系,它定义了他们所做的一切。为了准备 AW17 活动,我们包括了最近对各级 Jigsaw 员工的采访,以诚实地了解为品牌工作的人以及他们在这样一个分裂时期的经历。我们知道我们必须从低预算中获得高影响力,这对我们选择信息和媒体都有影响。我们以一个挑衅性的事实作为创造性思维的起点: “边界让我们退缩”。拼图是为了多样性、开放和宽容,不仅仅是原则问题,也是商业事实。 结果 该活动被营销界选为营销周年度活动,被《传染》杂志评为 “最具传染性”。更重要的是,当英国广播公司时事节目《全景》围绕移民问题时,它展示了真正的文化吸引力。伦敦的 V & A 博物馆已经要求将其纳入永久展览。为了显示团结,在困难的交易环境中,随着街头购物者更加谨慎地消费,消费者支持我们的 AW17 系列 -- 这也是销售的成功。活动中的产品经历了 + 89% 的销售提升,整个系列目前 12% 领先于目标。我们的宣言总共花了 200 英镑用于媒体,事实证明它是一个强大的沟通工具,帮助我们达到 61% 的情感得分。甚至伦敦市长也参与进来,在他的社交渠道上分享了这场运动。 执行 媒体预算为 200 英镑,需要不同的思维来让品牌被谈论,并提高对我们支持移民立场的认识。我们不是一场时尚运动,而是开始创造一场运动。为期两周的牛津马戏团统治是我们活动的焦点,并在一个有着极高的脚步的关键购物区脱颖而出。新闻环境让这条消息感觉 “时刻”,出现在与英国退出欧盟相关的报道旁边。《晚报》、《卫报》和《泰晤士报》的双页传播和在线收购更加突出。随着积极的情绪在网上产生,我们在脸谱网、 Instagram 上使用付费方法放大了我们的信息,并与 Ancestry.co.uk 合作,在那里,Jigsaw 员工进行了 DNA 测试,以展示他们的文化多样性。我们的活动迅速走红,成为今年最著名的时尚活动。它收到了 7900万多个社会印象,得到了国会议员和艺术家的支持。 活动描述 我们创造性的解决方案只是公开反对将消极和仇恨归咎于移民的长篇大论,并提出不同的积极观点。来偿还我们欠移民的债务。在挑衅性的行动呼吁、 “心移民” 和支持移民的宣言的领导下,我们利用伦敦市中心的社交和著名的户外运动来鼓励关于英国意味着什么的积极辩论。宣言是发自内心的,但也有事实来支持它。面料采购、就业多样性,甚至员工的 DNA 图谱,都提供了更多切实的证据来支持我们包容性但挑衅性的信息。由此产生的广告完美地捕捉到了拼图的精神: 工作人员、衣服、历史和目的。总的来说,时尚倾向于处理肤浅的东西,但是这个时刻需要一些不同的东西Ferent。有意义的东西。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 英国脱欧 2017。在英国,关于种族主义攻击的报道越来越多,媒体不断谈论 “外国人” 和 “外国人出局”,这个国家感到比以往任何时候都更加分裂。“移民” 已经成为一个肮脏的词。一种可以接受的种族主义形式。公投后,除了许多其他英国企业,我们的贸易环境也发生了翻天覆地的变化: 在内部,我们的员工在商店里遭受了许多种族虐待的例子。65% 的商店员工持有欧盟护照,不确定他们的未来。•在财务上,我们被迫吸收了快速贬值货币的影响,因为英镑触及 31 年来的低点,与美元相比下跌了 17%,实际上在操作上,我们的底线下跌了 20%, 我们不得不将精力重新集中在我们的海外合作伙伴和供应商身上,以向他们保证我们的未来,更新和保护已经建立起来的关系,通常是几十年。


    案例简介:Synopsis As we prepared for our AW17 campaign, we watched the conversation around Brexit intensify, turning immigration into a dirty word. And as a diverse and globally minded company, it felt wrong to continue ‘marketing as usual’. While we were acutely aware of the dangers of straying beyond our own remit, we concluded that if a brand can make a credible link between what they and their consumer care about, there is legitimate reason to get involved. So we faced a tough decision: Do we keep our mouths shut, or do we speak up when everyone else remained silent? Sourced from 16 different countries, designed by 45 different nationalities, this range was definitively pro-immigration. We wanted to remind people why that mattered. Our statement of purpose was ‘to show an increasingly hate minded high street the beautiful side of immigration’. We sharpened our objectives to reflect this to help Jigsaw: • Drive a new positive conversation about the benefits of immigration onto the high street, pushing back against negativity. • Drive renewed awareness and respect for Jigsaw. • Strive for new trial amongst like minded non-customers, reaching beyond our core demographic of 25-45 year old women Strategy Our target was high street shoppers, aged 25 plus, who appreciate unique style and were looking for something more authentic than fast-fashion alternatives. The campaign was grounded in Style & Truth, our 2013 rebranding of Jigsaw that created the brand purpose; clarifying and distinguishing the brand’s belief system that defines everything they do. In preparation for the AW17 campaign, we included recent interviews with Jigsaw employees at all levels to develop an honest understanding of the people who work for the brand and their experiences during such a divisive time. We knew we would have to conjure high impact from a low budget, which had implications for both our choice of message and media. We landed on a provocative truth as a start point for creative thinking: ‘borders hold us back’. Jigsaw are for diversity, openness and tolerance, not just as a matter of principle but a fact of business. Outcome The campaign was voted as Marketing Week’s campaign of the year by the marketing community and 'Most Contagious' by Contagious magazine. More importantly, it demonstrated genuine cultural traction when featured by the BBC current affairs programme Panorama, around the issue of immigration. And the V&A Museum in London have requested to include it within their permanent display. And in a show of solidarity, in a difficult trading environment, with high street shoppers spending more cautiously, consumers supported our AW17 Collection - which has also been a sales success. Products featured within the campaign have experienced a +89% sales lift, with the whole collection currently 12% ahead of targets. With a total spend of £200k for media, our manifesto proved to be a powerful communication tool helping us reach a sentiment score of 61%. Even the mayor of London got involved and shared the campaign on his social channels. Execution With a modest media budget of £200k, different thinking was required to get the brand talked about and raise awareness of our pro-immigration stance. Rather than a fashion campaign, we set out to create a movement. A two-week Oxford Circus domination acted as the focal point of our campaign and provided standout in a key shopping area with extremely high footfall. News environments made the message feel ‘of the moment’, appearing alongside ever-present Brexit related coverage. Double page spreads and online takeovers across the Evening Standard, Guardian and Times provided further standout. With positive sentiment being generated online, we amplified our message using a paid approach across Facebook, Instagram and partnered with Ancestry.co.uk where Jigsaw staff took DNA tests to demonstrate their cultural diversity. Our campaign went viral, becoming the most famous fashion campaign of the year. It received over 79 million social impressions, with endorsements from MPs to artists. CampaignDescription Our creative solution was simply to speak out against the tirade of negativity and hate being appropriated to immigration, and put forward a different, positive point of view. To honour the debt we owed to immigration. Led by a provocative call to action, ‘heart immigration’ and a pro immigration manifesto we used social and a prominent OOH campaign in central London to encourage positive debate around what is means to be British. The manifesto was written from the heart, but there were facts to back it up too. Fabric sourcing, employment diversity and even DNA profiling of employees provided more tangible evidence to support our inclusive yet provocative message. The resulting advertising perfectly captured the spirit of Jigsaw: the staff, the clothes, the history and the purpose. On the whole fashion tends to deal with the superficial, but this moment in time demanded something different. Something meaningful. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Brexit Britain 2017. Across the UK reports of racist attacks were on the increase, the media talked incessantly of ‘foreigners in’ and ‘foreigners out’ and the country felt more divided than ever. ‘Immigration’ had become a dirty word. An acceptable form of racism. Alongside many other UK businesses in the wake of the referendum, our trading environment was turned upside down: • Internally, our employees were subjected to numerous examples of racial abuse in store. 65% of store staff hold EU passports and were unsure of their future. • Financially, we were forced to absorb the impact of a rapidly devaluing currency, as sterling hit a 31 year low, 17% down vs the dollar, effectively ripping 20% off our bottom line • Operationally, we had to refocus energy on our overseas partners and suppliers, to reassure them of our future together, to renew and protect relationships that had been built up, often over decades.

    Heart Immigration

    案例简介:概要 当我们为 AW17 运动做准备时,我们看着围绕英国退出欧盟的对话加剧,把移民变成了一个肮脏的词。作为一家多元化和全球意识的公司,继续 “照常营销” 是错误的。虽然我们敏锐地意识到偏离我们自己职权范围的危险,但我们得出结论,如果一个品牌能够在他们和消费者关心的事情之间建立可信的联系, 参与进来是有正当理由的。因此,我们面临着一个艰难的决定: 我们是闭上嘴,还是在其他人保持沉默的时候大声说话?这个范围来自 16 个不同的国家,由 45 个不同的民族设计,肯定是支持移民的。我们想提醒人们为什么这很重要。我们的目的声明是 “向越来越讨厌的高街展示移民的美丽一面”。我们强化了我们的目标,以反映这一点,从而帮助拼图: 在大街上发起一场关于移民好处的新的积极对话,反对消极情绪。•推动对拼图的重新认识和尊重。•争取新的审判 minded 志同道合的非客户,超越我们 25-45 岁女性的核心人口 战略 我们的目标是 25 岁以上的街头购物者,他们欣赏独特的风格,并寻找比快速时尚更真实的东西。这项活动以风格和真理为基础,这是我们 2013 重塑拼图的品牌,创造了品牌目的; 澄清和区分品牌的信仰体系,它定义了他们所做的一切。为了准备 AW17 活动,我们包括了最近对各级 Jigsaw 员工的采访,以诚实地了解为品牌工作的人以及他们在这样一个分裂时期的经历。我们知道我们必须从低预算中获得高影响力,这对我们选择信息和媒体都有影响。我们以一个挑衅性的事实作为创造性思维的起点: “边界让我们退缩”。拼图是为了多样性、开放和宽容,不仅仅是原则问题,也是商业事实。 结果 该活动被营销界选为营销周年度活动,被《传染》杂志评为 “最具传染性”。更重要的是,当英国广播公司时事节目《全景》围绕移民问题时,它展示了真正的文化吸引力。伦敦的 V & A 博物馆已经要求将其纳入永久展览。为了显示团结,在困难的交易环境中,随着街头购物者更加谨慎地消费,消费者支持我们的 AW17 系列 -- 这也是销售的成功。活动中的产品经历了 + 89% 的销售提升,整个系列目前 12% 领先于目标。我们的宣言总共花了 200 英镑用于媒体,事实证明它是一个强大的沟通工具,帮助我们达到 61% 的情感得分。甚至伦敦市长也参与进来,在他的社交渠道上分享了这场运动。 执行 媒体预算为 200 英镑,需要不同的思维来让品牌被谈论,并提高对我们支持移民立场的认识。我们不是一场时尚运动,而是开始创造一场运动。为期两周的牛津马戏团统治是我们活动的焦点,并在一个有着极高的脚步的关键购物区脱颖而出。新闻环境让这条消息感觉 “时刻”,出现在与英国退出欧盟相关的报道旁边。《晚报》、《卫报》和《泰晤士报》的双页传播和在线收购更加突出。随着积极的情绪在网上产生,我们在脸谱网、 Instagram 上使用付费方法放大了我们的信息,并与 Ancestry.co.uk 合作,在那里,Jigsaw 员工进行了 DNA 测试,以展示他们的文化多样性。我们的活动迅速走红,成为今年最著名的时尚活动。它收到了 7900万多个社会印象,得到了国会议员和艺术家的支持。 活动描述 我们创造性的解决方案只是公开反对将消极和仇恨归咎于移民的长篇大论,并提出不同的积极观点。来偿还我们欠移民的债务。在挑衅性的行动呼吁、 “心移民” 和支持移民的宣言的领导下,我们利用伦敦市中心的社交和著名的户外运动来鼓励关于英国意味着什么的积极辩论。宣言是发自内心的,但也有事实来支持它。面料采购、就业多样性,甚至员工的 DNA 图谱,都提供了更多切实的证据来支持我们包容性但挑衅性的信息。由此产生的广告完美地捕捉到了拼图的精神: 工作人员、衣服、历史和目的。总的来说,时尚倾向于处理肤浅的东西,但是这个时刻需要一些不同的东西Ferent。有意义的东西。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 英国脱欧 2017。在英国,关于种族主义攻击的报道越来越多,媒体不断谈论 “外国人” 和 “外国人出局”,这个国家感到比以往任何时候都更加分裂。“移民” 已经成为一个肮脏的词。一种可以接受的种族主义形式。公投后,除了许多其他英国企业,我们的贸易环境也发生了翻天覆地的变化: 在内部,我们的员工在商店里遭受了许多种族虐待的例子。65% 的商店员工持有欧盟护照,不确定他们的未来。•在财务上,我们被迫吸收了快速贬值货币的影响,因为英镑触及 31 年来的低点,与美元相比下跌了 17%,实际上在操作上,我们的底线下跌了 20%, 我们不得不将精力重新集中在我们的海外合作伙伴和供应商身上,以向他们保证我们的未来,更新和保护已经建立起来的关系,通常是几十年。

    Heart Immigration

    案例简介:Synopsis As we prepared for our AW17 campaign, we watched the conversation around Brexit intensify, turning immigration into a dirty word. And as a diverse and globally minded company, it felt wrong to continue ‘marketing as usual’. While we were acutely aware of the dangers of straying beyond our own remit, we concluded that if a brand can make a credible link between what they and their consumer care about, there is legitimate reason to get involved. So we faced a tough decision: Do we keep our mouths shut, or do we speak up when everyone else remained silent? Sourced from 16 different countries, designed by 45 different nationalities, this range was definitively pro-immigration. We wanted to remind people why that mattered. Our statement of purpose was ‘to show an increasingly hate minded high street the beautiful side of immigration’. We sharpened our objectives to reflect this to help Jigsaw: • Drive a new positive conversation about the benefits of immigration onto the high street, pushing back against negativity. • Drive renewed awareness and respect for Jigsaw. • Strive for new trial amongst like minded non-customers, reaching beyond our core demographic of 25-45 year old women Strategy Our target was high street shoppers, aged 25 plus, who appreciate unique style and were looking for something more authentic than fast-fashion alternatives. The campaign was grounded in Style & Truth, our 2013 rebranding of Jigsaw that created the brand purpose; clarifying and distinguishing the brand’s belief system that defines everything they do. In preparation for the AW17 campaign, we included recent interviews with Jigsaw employees at all levels to develop an honest understanding of the people who work for the brand and their experiences during such a divisive time. We knew we would have to conjure high impact from a low budget, which had implications for both our choice of message and media. We landed on a provocative truth as a start point for creative thinking: ‘borders hold us back’. Jigsaw are for diversity, openness and tolerance, not just as a matter of principle but a fact of business. Outcome The campaign was voted as Marketing Week’s campaign of the year by the marketing community and 'Most Contagious' by Contagious magazine. More importantly, it demonstrated genuine cultural traction when featured by the BBC current affairs programme Panorama, around the issue of immigration. And the V&A Museum in London have requested to include it within their permanent display. And in a show of solidarity, in a difficult trading environment, with high street shoppers spending more cautiously, consumers supported our AW17 Collection - which has also been a sales success. Products featured within the campaign have experienced a +89% sales lift, with the whole collection currently 12% ahead of targets. With a total spend of £200k for media, our manifesto proved to be a powerful communication tool helping us reach a sentiment score of 61%. Even the mayor of London got involved and shared the campaign on his social channels. Execution With a modest media budget of £200k, different thinking was required to get the brand talked about and raise awareness of our pro-immigration stance. Rather than a fashion campaign, we set out to create a movement. A two-week Oxford Circus domination acted as the focal point of our campaign and provided standout in a key shopping area with extremely high footfall. News environments made the message feel ‘of the moment’, appearing alongside ever-present Brexit related coverage. Double page spreads and online takeovers across the Evening Standard, Guardian and Times provided further standout. With positive sentiment being generated online, we amplified our message using a paid approach across Facebook, Instagram and partnered with Ancestry.co.uk where Jigsaw staff took DNA tests to demonstrate their cultural diversity. Our campaign went viral, becoming the most famous fashion campaign of the year. It received over 79 million social impressions, with endorsements from MPs to artists. CampaignDescription Our creative solution was simply to speak out against the tirade of negativity and hate being appropriated to immigration, and put forward a different, positive point of view. To honour the debt we owed to immigration. Led by a provocative call to action, ‘heart immigration’ and a pro immigration manifesto we used social and a prominent OOH campaign in central London to encourage positive debate around what is means to be British. The manifesto was written from the heart, but there were facts to back it up too. Fabric sourcing, employment diversity and even DNA profiling of employees provided more tangible evidence to support our inclusive yet provocative message. The resulting advertising perfectly captured the spirit of Jigsaw: the staff, the clothes, the history and the purpose. On the whole fashion tends to deal with the superficial, but this moment in time demanded something different. Something meaningful. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Brexit Britain 2017. Across the UK reports of racist attacks were on the increase, the media talked incessantly of ‘foreigners in’ and ‘foreigners out’ and the country felt more divided than ever. ‘Immigration’ had become a dirty word. An acceptable form of racism. Alongside many other UK businesses in the wake of the referendum, our trading environment was turned upside down: • Internally, our employees were subjected to numerous examples of racial abuse in store. 65% of store staff hold EU passports and were unsure of their future. • Financially, we were forced to absorb the impact of a rapidly devaluing currency, as sterling hit a 31 year low, 17% down vs the dollar, effectively ripping 20% off our bottom line • Operationally, we had to refocus energy on our overseas partners and suppliers, to reassure them of our future together, to renew and protect relationships that had been built up, often over decades.



    Heart Immigration










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