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    Patron X Guillermo Del Toro短视频广告营销案例



    守护神 X 吉列尔莫德尔托罗

    案例简介:HOBO 音频团队与机构布鲁克林兄弟为导演吉列尔莫 · 德尔 · 托罗精心制作的令人毛骨悚然的品牌帕特隆龙舌兰酒的缩写 创意音频室为哥特式短促导演限量版手工混合添加了额外的音乐、声音设计和最终组合 ___ 帕特隆 · x · 吉列尔莫 · 德尔 · 托罗 纽约 -- 电影制作人吉列尔莫 · 德尔 · 托罗以其诗意怪异的视觉效果和对音乐和声音设计的崇高运用来讲述他独特的故事而闻名。毫不奇怪,在 “赞助人” x Guillermo Del Toro 中发现了这些相同的特征。 “这部短片由华盛顿州西雅图明德卡塞尔制作公司的凯西和丹妮尔为帕特隆龙舌兰和布鲁克林兄弟公司执导,其特点是声音设计和音频混合, 以及来自流浪汉音频的额外音乐和安排。 2 分钟以上的短片,可以在 YouTube 上看到,也可以在 patr ó n 的网站和社交媒体频道上看到,是为了支持一个新的, 由著名导演创作的限量版龙舌兰酒混合物,其特色是精心设计的品牌包装和由德尔托罗创作的原创、独一无二的图形小说。 霍华德 · 鲍勒说: “布鲁克林兄弟来找我们是因为他们觉得我们是合适的创意人选,我们的团队可以用声音设计来增强这部作品的张力,这真的会让它发出嘶嘶声,” 流浪汉音频公司总裁说。“随着项目的进行,他们对我们的信任也让他们要求我们创作一些额外的音乐。由于德尔托罗的参与,我们想给这个项目带来额外的电影质量。" 这部电影的质量落在了流浪汉工程师/音响设计师迭戈 · 希门尼斯的肩上,他通过声音设计、原创福利和音频组合来增强这部戏剧; 作曲家奥斯卡 · Convers, 他为短片创作了额外的音乐。 希门尼斯说: “我是德尔 · 托罗电影的超级粉丝,对于这个项目,我的目标是匹配他电影中会听到的创意声音设计和音频帖子的水平。”。“他是使用音频来增强情绪和氛围的大师。我的目标是在他最好的作品的水平上创造一些东西。" 由德尔托罗讲述,导演本人在烛光下工作的现场插播镜头,他讨论了优质龙舌兰酒的制作与精神重生的相似之处, 在他的电影中主要有这些。谈到龙舌兰的关键成分龙舌兰植物,他说: “首先,龙舌兰的生命必须被带走。它隐藏的心必须被揭示,它的生命血液从那颗心流出。只有这样,它才能重生为一种新的精神。当时机成熟时,精神会进入一个新的身体。" 正如德尔托罗所说,我们看到龙舌兰仪式牺牲的蒙太奇 -- 一个农民用镐和铲子挖掘龙舌兰植物, 展示它的核心水果,并在一个巨大的砖烤箱中燃烧。导演的画外音伴随着微妙的声音设计和农民在龙舌兰工厂黑客的福利元素,将其核心与周围的树皮和树叶分开并燃烧。 “对于农民的顺序,我们想建立更多的紧张,增加一种黑暗感,让他在做什么时更加发自内心, 这是杀死龙舌兰植物来制作龙舌兰酒,”希门尼斯说。 从音乐上来说,Convers 的任务是从德国柏林的音乐之家沃纳维那里获得原始乐谱,并以推动视觉效果的方式构建打击主题。 Convers 说: “他们已经有了乐谱,但是他们增加了很多镜头,所以电影中有一些没有声音或音乐的漏洞。”。“在一些场景中,它缺乏活力,布鲁克林兄弟希望它感觉有点可怕和迷失方向。我们找到了合适的小提琴、大提琴和中提琴的混合物,并偏离了主题。这种微妙的编排,被安排在现有的乐谱中,有助于展现作品的戏剧性。"

    守护神 X 吉列尔莫德尔托罗

    案例简介:HOBO Audio Teams With Agency The Brooklyn Brothers For Exquisitely Creepy Branded Short For Patrón Tequila Featuring Director Guillermo del Toro Creative Audio House Adds Additional Music, Sound Design And Final Mix To Gothic Short Promoting Director’s Limited Edition Artisanal Blend _____ Patrón x Guillermo del Toro NEW YORK, NY – Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro is known for his poetically spooky visuals and sublime use of music and sound design to tell his distinctive stories. Not surprisingly those same traits are found in “Patron x Guillermo Del Toro.” The short film was directed by Casey & Danielle of production company MINDCASTLE, Seattle, WA, for Patrón Tequila and agency The Brooklyn Brothers, and features sound design and audio mix, as well as additional music and arrangement from HOBO Audio. The 2-minute plus short, which can be seen on YouTube, as well as on Patrón’s website and social media channels, was created in support of a new, limited edition tequila blend created by the famed director that features an intricately designed brand packaging and an original, one-of-a-kind graphic novel created by del Toro. “The Brooklyn Brothers came to us because they felt we were the right creative fit and our team could heighten the tension of this piece with sound design that would really make it sizzle,” Howard Bowler, President of HOBO Audio says. “As the project went along their trust in us led them to asked us to create some additional music as well. Because of del Toro’s involvement, we wanted to bring an extra level of cinematic quality to this project.” Bringing that cinematic quality fell on the shoulders of HOBO Engineer/Sound Designer Diego Jimenez, who enhanced the drama via sound design, original foley and audio mix; and composer Oscar Convers, who created additional music for the short. “I’m big fan of del Toro’s films and for this project I was aiming to match the same level of creative sound design and audio post one would hear in his films,” Jimenez says. “He is a master of using audio to enhance the mood and atmosphere. My goal was to create something on the level of his best work.” Narrated by del Toro, the spot intercuts shots of the director himself working at a candle lit desk as he discuses how the making of fine tequila is similar to that of spiritual rebirth, a major these in his films. Speaking of the agave plant, a key ingredient in tequila, he says: “ First the life of the agave must be taken. Its hidden heart must be revealed, and out of that heart its life-blood flows. Only in this way can it be reborn into a new spirit. And when the time is right that spirit will enter a new body.” As del Toro speaks, we see a montage of the ritual sacrifice of the agave -- a farmer working his field using a pickaxe and shovel to unearth the agave plant, reveal its core fruit and burn it in a vast brick oven. The director’s voiceover is accompanied by nuanced sound design and foley elements of the farmer hacking at the agave plant, separating its core from bark and leaves surrounding it and burning it. “For the sequence with the farmer we wanted to build more tension and add a sense of darkness, making it more visceral in terms of what he’s doing, which is killing the agave plant to make tequila,” Jimenez says. Musically, Convers was tasked with taking the original score from music house Vonavi, Berlin, Germany and building on its percussive themes in a way that propelled the visuals. “They had the score already, but they added a lot of footage, so there was some holes in the film where there wasn’t sound or music,” Convers says. “It was lacking energy in some of the scenes and The Brooklyn Brothers wanted it to feel a little scary and disorienting. We found the right blend of violins, cellos and violas, and worked off the main theme. That subtle orchestration, arranged into the existing score, helped bring out the drama of the piece.”

    Patron X Guillermo Del Toro

    案例简介:HOBO 音频团队与机构布鲁克林兄弟为导演吉列尔莫 · 德尔 · 托罗精心制作的令人毛骨悚然的品牌帕特隆龙舌兰酒的缩写 创意音频室为哥特式短促导演限量版手工混合添加了额外的音乐、声音设计和最终组合 ___ 帕特隆 · x · 吉列尔莫 · 德尔 · 托罗 纽约 -- 电影制作人吉列尔莫 · 德尔 · 托罗以其诗意怪异的视觉效果和对音乐和声音设计的崇高运用来讲述他独特的故事而闻名。毫不奇怪,在 “赞助人” x Guillermo Del Toro 中发现了这些相同的特征。 “这部短片由华盛顿州西雅图明德卡塞尔制作公司的凯西和丹妮尔为帕特隆龙舌兰和布鲁克林兄弟公司执导,其特点是声音设计和音频混合, 以及来自流浪汉音频的额外音乐和安排。 2 分钟以上的短片,可以在 YouTube 上看到,也可以在 patr ó n 的网站和社交媒体频道上看到,是为了支持一个新的, 由著名导演创作的限量版龙舌兰酒混合物,其特色是精心设计的品牌包装和由德尔托罗创作的原创、独一无二的图形小说。 霍华德 · 鲍勒说: “布鲁克林兄弟来找我们是因为他们觉得我们是合适的创意人选,我们的团队可以用声音设计来增强这部作品的张力,这真的会让它发出嘶嘶声,” 流浪汉音频公司总裁说。“随着项目的进行,他们对我们的信任也让他们要求我们创作一些额外的音乐。由于德尔托罗的参与,我们想给这个项目带来额外的电影质量。" 这部电影的质量落在了流浪汉工程师/音响设计师迭戈 · 希门尼斯的肩上,他通过声音设计、原创福利和音频组合来增强这部戏剧; 作曲家奥斯卡 · Convers, 他为短片创作了额外的音乐。 希门尼斯说: “我是德尔 · 托罗电影的超级粉丝,对于这个项目,我的目标是匹配他电影中会听到的创意声音设计和音频帖子的水平。”。“他是使用音频来增强情绪和氛围的大师。我的目标是在他最好的作品的水平上创造一些东西。" 由德尔托罗讲述,导演本人在烛光下工作的现场插播镜头,他讨论了优质龙舌兰酒的制作与精神重生的相似之处, 在他的电影中主要有这些。谈到龙舌兰的关键成分龙舌兰植物,他说: “首先,龙舌兰的生命必须被带走。它隐藏的心必须被揭示,它的生命血液从那颗心流出。只有这样,它才能重生为一种新的精神。当时机成熟时,精神会进入一个新的身体。" 正如德尔托罗所说,我们看到龙舌兰仪式牺牲的蒙太奇 -- 一个农民用镐和铲子挖掘龙舌兰植物, 展示它的核心水果,并在一个巨大的砖烤箱中燃烧。导演的画外音伴随着微妙的声音设计和农民在龙舌兰工厂黑客的福利元素,将其核心与周围的树皮和树叶分开并燃烧。 “对于农民的顺序,我们想建立更多的紧张,增加一种黑暗感,让他在做什么时更加发自内心, 这是杀死龙舌兰植物来制作龙舌兰酒,”希门尼斯说。 从音乐上来说,Convers 的任务是从德国柏林的音乐之家沃纳维那里获得原始乐谱,并以推动视觉效果的方式构建打击主题。 Convers 说: “他们已经有了乐谱,但是他们增加了很多镜头,所以电影中有一些没有声音或音乐的漏洞。”。“在一些场景中,它缺乏活力,布鲁克林兄弟希望它感觉有点可怕和迷失方向。我们找到了合适的小提琴、大提琴和中提琴的混合物,并偏离了主题。这种微妙的编排,被安排在现有的乐谱中,有助于展现作品的戏剧性。"

    Patron X Guillermo Del Toro

    案例简介:HOBO Audio Teams With Agency The Brooklyn Brothers For Exquisitely Creepy Branded Short For Patrón Tequila Featuring Director Guillermo del Toro Creative Audio House Adds Additional Music, Sound Design And Final Mix To Gothic Short Promoting Director’s Limited Edition Artisanal Blend _____ Patrón x Guillermo del Toro NEW YORK, NY – Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro is known for his poetically spooky visuals and sublime use of music and sound design to tell his distinctive stories. Not surprisingly those same traits are found in “Patron x Guillermo Del Toro.” The short film was directed by Casey & Danielle of production company MINDCASTLE, Seattle, WA, for Patrón Tequila and agency The Brooklyn Brothers, and features sound design and audio mix, as well as additional music and arrangement from HOBO Audio. The 2-minute plus short, which can be seen on YouTube, as well as on Patrón’s website and social media channels, was created in support of a new, limited edition tequila blend created by the famed director that features an intricately designed brand packaging and an original, one-of-a-kind graphic novel created by del Toro. “The Brooklyn Brothers came to us because they felt we were the right creative fit and our team could heighten the tension of this piece with sound design that would really make it sizzle,” Howard Bowler, President of HOBO Audio says. “As the project went along their trust in us led them to asked us to create some additional music as well. Because of del Toro’s involvement, we wanted to bring an extra level of cinematic quality to this project.” Bringing that cinematic quality fell on the shoulders of HOBO Engineer/Sound Designer Diego Jimenez, who enhanced the drama via sound design, original foley and audio mix; and composer Oscar Convers, who created additional music for the short. “I’m big fan of del Toro’s films and for this project I was aiming to match the same level of creative sound design and audio post one would hear in his films,” Jimenez says. “He is a master of using audio to enhance the mood and atmosphere. My goal was to create something on the level of his best work.” Narrated by del Toro, the spot intercuts shots of the director himself working at a candle lit desk as he discuses how the making of fine tequila is similar to that of spiritual rebirth, a major these in his films. Speaking of the agave plant, a key ingredient in tequila, he says: “ First the life of the agave must be taken. Its hidden heart must be revealed, and out of that heart its life-blood flows. Only in this way can it be reborn into a new spirit. And when the time is right that spirit will enter a new body.” As del Toro speaks, we see a montage of the ritual sacrifice of the agave -- a farmer working his field using a pickaxe and shovel to unearth the agave plant, reveal its core fruit and burn it in a vast brick oven. The director’s voiceover is accompanied by nuanced sound design and foley elements of the farmer hacking at the agave plant, separating its core from bark and leaves surrounding it and burning it. “For the sequence with the farmer we wanted to build more tension and add a sense of darkness, making it more visceral in terms of what he’s doing, which is killing the agave plant to make tequila,” Jimenez says. Musically, Convers was tasked with taking the original score from music house Vonavi, Berlin, Germany and building on its percussive themes in a way that propelled the visuals. “They had the score already, but they added a lot of footage, so there was some holes in the film where there wasn’t sound or music,” Convers says. “It was lacking energy in some of the scenes and The Brooklyn Brothers wanted it to feel a little scary and disorienting. We found the right blend of violins, cellos and violas, and worked off the main theme. That subtle orchestration, arranged into the existing score, helped bring out the drama of the piece.”

    守护神 X 吉列尔莫德尔托罗


    Patron X Guillermo Del Toro










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