案例简介:概要 秘鲁是一个位于世界上地震最多地区之一的国家。这里的人们害怕等待下一个大的。众所周知,地震后,造成大多数受害者的原因是混乱和人们上街寻找亲人。通信的崩溃只会给局势带来恐惧和混乱。 活动描述 我们创建了一个应用程序,当所有通信崩溃。它在你的智能手机的背景下运行,允许你和你爱的人一起创建一个安全的群体。然后它用 GPS 地理定位技术跟踪你的亲戚位置,并每五分钟更新一次。当地震发生,所有的通讯中断时,该应用程序给你一个即时通知,在信号下降的确切时刻,每个人的最后一个位置。秘鲁紧急机构批准的地点列表,指示所有成员到达相同的疏散地点。组。 执行 使用已经存在的 GPS 技术实现非常简单,这不是新的,但创新是我们对它的不同使用。每个人都可以在苹果和安卓商店。这是秘鲁创造的一个想法,但它在全世界都有效。午餐时举行了新闻发布会,youtube 和社交媒体上播放了这个想法的视频演示,它在全国范围内得到了传播快。 结果 对于这种直接的地震解决方案,人们的反应是惊人的。23% 的秘鲁人口下载了这个应用程序。应用程序是绝对免费的,所以在这种情况下,业务影响并不重要,但真正重要的是行为的改变,现在,超过 500万秘鲁人在等待大的决定,但准备以最有组织的方式做出反应,避免那种匆忙做出的牺牲生命的决定。 战略 这个想法中的数据解释是关键事实。如果不管理每个安全小组所有成员的数据,就绝对不可能拯救这类人的生命我们明白,每五分钟收集一次正确的数据来让事情发生是非常重要的。然后我们给每个用户机会在他们自己的手机上解释数据。这种情况下的旅程是不可思议的。人们在不知道的情况下获得了他们需要的所有数据。然后当灾难发生时,所有的数据立即出现在他们的眼前。 相关性 这是一个直接的解决方案,让人们在自然灾害的关键时刻做出反应。这是一个反应驱动和建立关系的想法。这项工作是为了通过产生可衡量的反应的行动呼吁或机制直接影响正在进行的消费者行为。
案例简介:Synopsis Peru is a country that is located in one of the most seismic regions in the world. People here is afraid waiting for the next big one.Its known that after an earthquake the cause of the most quantity of victims are chaos and people going to the streets seeking for their relatives.The collapse of communications only stress the situation with fear and chaos. Campaign Description We created an App that works when all communications collapse.It run in the background of your smartphone and allowed you to create a safe group with your loved ones.Then it tracks your relatives location with GPS Geo Locatization Technology and updated it every five minutes.When an Earthquake hits and all Communications collapse, the App give you an instant notification with the last location of everyone in the exactly moment that signal goes down.After that the logarithm selects the optimal assembly point from a list of locations approved by the Peruvian emergency agency directing all members to the same evacuation site.The same happens in the smartphones of all the members of your safe group. Execution The implementation is really simple using an already existing GPS technology that its not new but the innovation is the different use we give to it.Everybody can download the App for free in the Apple and the Android stores.Its an idea created in Peru but it works worldwide.It was lunched with a Press Conference and a video presentation of the idea was aired in youtube and social media, it get viral nationwide really quick. Outcome With this Direct solution for earthquakes the response was amazing.23% of all Peruvian population downloaded the App.The App its absolutely free so the business impact its not important in this case but what its really important is the change of behavior, now more than 5 million Peruvians live waiting for the big one but prepared to react in a most organized fashion avoiding the kind of rushed decisions that cost lives. Strategy The data interpretation in this idea is the key fact.Without managing the data of all the members of every safety group it would be absolutely impossible to save peoples lives in this kind of situations.We understand that its extremely important to have the correct data gathering every five minutes to make things happen.Then we give every user the opportunity to interpret data in their own phone. The journey in this case is incredible.People get all the data they need without knowing it.Then when a disaster occurs all that data appears in front of their eyes immediately. Relevancy This is a direct solution that make people response in critical moments in natural disasters.Its a response-driven and relationship-building idea. This work was created to directly influence ongoing consumer behaviour via a call-to-action or mechanism producing a measurable response.
Life Signal
案例简介:概要 秘鲁是一个位于世界上地震最多地区之一的国家。这里的人们害怕等待下一个大的。众所周知,地震后,造成大多数受害者的原因是混乱和人们上街寻找亲人。通信的崩溃只会给局势带来恐惧和混乱。 活动描述 我们创建了一个应用程序,当所有通信崩溃。它在你的智能手机的背景下运行,允许你和你爱的人一起创建一个安全的群体。然后它用 GPS 地理定位技术跟踪你的亲戚位置,并每五分钟更新一次。当地震发生,所有的通讯中断时,该应用程序给你一个即时通知,在信号下降的确切时刻,每个人的最后一个位置。秘鲁紧急机构批准的地点列表,指示所有成员到达相同的疏散地点。组。 执行 使用已经存在的 GPS 技术实现非常简单,这不是新的,但创新是我们对它的不同使用。每个人都可以在苹果和安卓商店。这是秘鲁创造的一个想法,但它在全世界都有效。午餐时举行了新闻发布会,youtube 和社交媒体上播放了这个想法的视频演示,它在全国范围内得到了传播快。 结果 对于这种直接的地震解决方案,人们的反应是惊人的。23% 的秘鲁人口下载了这个应用程序。应用程序是绝对免费的,所以在这种情况下,业务影响并不重要,但真正重要的是行为的改变,现在,超过 500万秘鲁人在等待大的决定,但准备以最有组织的方式做出反应,避免那种匆忙做出的牺牲生命的决定。 战略 这个想法中的数据解释是关键事实。如果不管理每个安全小组所有成员的数据,就绝对不可能拯救这类人的生命我们明白,每五分钟收集一次正确的数据来让事情发生是非常重要的。然后我们给每个用户机会在他们自己的手机上解释数据。这种情况下的旅程是不可思议的。人们在不知道的情况下获得了他们需要的所有数据。然后当灾难发生时,所有的数据立即出现在他们的眼前。 相关性 这是一个直接的解决方案,让人们在自然灾害的关键时刻做出反应。这是一个反应驱动和建立关系的想法。这项工作是为了通过产生可衡量的反应的行动呼吁或机制直接影响正在进行的消费者行为。
Life Signal
案例简介:Synopsis Peru is a country that is located in one of the most seismic regions in the world. People here is afraid waiting for the next big one.Its known that after an earthquake the cause of the most quantity of victims are chaos and people going to the streets seeking for their relatives.The collapse of communications only stress the situation with fear and chaos. Campaign Description We created an App that works when all communications collapse.It run in the background of your smartphone and allowed you to create a safe group with your loved ones.Then it tracks your relatives location with GPS Geo Locatization Technology and updated it every five minutes.When an Earthquake hits and all Communications collapse, the App give you an instant notification with the last location of everyone in the exactly moment that signal goes down.After that the logarithm selects the optimal assembly point from a list of locations approved by the Peruvian emergency agency directing all members to the same evacuation site.The same happens in the smartphones of all the members of your safe group. Execution The implementation is really simple using an already existing GPS technology that its not new but the innovation is the different use we give to it.Everybody can download the App for free in the Apple and the Android stores.Its an idea created in Peru but it works worldwide.It was lunched with a Press Conference and a video presentation of the idea was aired in youtube and social media, it get viral nationwide really quick. Outcome With this Direct solution for earthquakes the response was amazing.23% of all Peruvian population downloaded the App.The App its absolutely free so the business impact its not important in this case but what its really important is the change of behavior, now more than 5 million Peruvians live waiting for the big one but prepared to react in a most organized fashion avoiding the kind of rushed decisions that cost lives. Strategy The data interpretation in this idea is the key fact.Without managing the data of all the members of every safety group it would be absolutely impossible to save peoples lives in this kind of situations.We understand that its extremely important to have the correct data gathering every five minutes to make things happen.Then we give every user the opportunity to interpret data in their own phone. The journey in this case is incredible.People get all the data they need without knowing it.Then when a disaster occurs all that data appears in front of their eyes immediately. Relevancy This is a direct solution that make people response in critical moments in natural disasters.Its a response-driven and relationship-building idea. This work was created to directly influence ongoing consumer behaviour via a call-to-action or mechanism producing a measurable response.
Life Signal
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