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    Wi Fi Dogs短视频广告营销案例



    Wi Fi 狗

    案例简介:活动描述 内容营销的流行速度非常快。就在十年前,我们大多数人从未听说过它,这是营销人员的首要任务之一。但移动市场仍然落后,因为公司经常通过关注关税而不是娱乐消费者和加强品牌形象来向消费者推销。结果: 无聊和信息超载。所以我们想采取更现代、更新鲜的内容营销方法。我们没有推广产品,而是创建了一个与假期相关的开玩笑的活动 -- 一个 wi-fi 狗的世界。 有效性 《何塞的 wi-fi 狗》讲述了何塞和他的互联网猎犬的故事。我们的主角何塞是一个热心的流氓。在旅游业工作多年后,他意识到度假者花在寻找无线网络上的时间比坐在海滩上的时间多。作为一名企业家,他认为他可以用狗来追踪免费 Wi-Fi.The 电影的灵感来自真实的人类观察 -- 我们对国外互联网的集体痴迷。因此,我们需要 wi-fi 狗的世界自然地感到奇怪,而不是夸张的模仿或漫画。我们希望人们问自己: 这是真的吗?这家伙真的租了网络嗅探犬给游客吗?这就是为什么我们选择将这部电影作为纪录片创作和拍摄,将德国电信的夏季通行证作为故事的 “道德”。主要的病毒随后是 4 个迷你 mockumentaries,粉丝们在那里遇到了令人难以置信的犬类和它们的主人。我们甚至提供了一个关于如何训练一只 wi-fi 狗的教程,并揭示了何塞妻子最黑暗的秘密。每个视频都有视频注释、 gif 和横幅支持,引导观众进入何塞的网站。但是当他们试图预订自己的狗时,他们被重定向到 Telekom 的夏季通行证页面。最终,wi-fi 狗非常成功 -- 它甚至需要自己的叮当声。 实施 该活动以 “何塞的 wi-fi 狗” 发起,这是一种关于出租给有需要的游客的互联网嗅探犬的模拟。社交媒体发布了 YouTube 视频和另外四个病毒,进一步探索了 wi-fi 狗的世界。我们展示了 wi-fi 狩猎,遇到了何塞最喜欢的小狗和失望的妻子,甚至给粉丝和他们的狗提供了训练技巧。多亏了注释,我们所有的内容都导致了 wi-fi Dog 的网站,令人惊讶的是,该网站不起作用,并被重定向到本地产品页面。Tumblr 与何塞最有趣的短语和第一个致力于假日缺乏互联网的音乐视频一起完成了竞选的世界。 结果 人们爱上了无线网络狗。该活动在德国的病毒表中排名第一,德国电信夏季通行证的销售额增加了 19%,收入增加了 28%。 相关性 《何塞的 wi-fi 狗》讲述了一个据说发明了本世纪商业的人的故事: 互联网嗅探狗,帮助游客在度假时找到 wi-fi。五个在线模型帮助创造了整个 wi-fi 狗世界。我们遇到了主人,一个可爱的流氓名叫何塞,他的伙伴圣地亚哥,和他最喜欢的狗罗西塔。我们给了一个充满奇怪技术的无线网络狗训练教程,甚至透露了何塞妻子最黑暗的秘密。这些电影取笑了我们这个时代的时代,我们在国外上网做了最疯狂的事情。总是揭示我们需求的真正答案: Telekom 的旅游和冲浪夏季通行证。

    Wi Fi 狗

    案例简介:Campaign Description The popularity of content marketing moves incredibly fast. Just a decade ago, most of us had never heard of it, and its one of the top priorities for marketers . But the mobile market still lags behind as companies often pitching to consumers by focusing on tariffs instead of entertaining them and strengthening brand image. The result: boredom and information overload. So we wanted to take a more modern, fresh approach to content marketing. Instead of pushing the product, we created a tongue-in-cheek campaign that was actually relevant to holidays - a world of Wi-Fi Dogs. Effectiveness “José´s Wi-Fi Dogs” tells the story of José and his Internet hunting dogs. Our main character, José, is a warm-hearted rascal. After years in the tourist industry, he realized that vacationers spent more time looking for Wi-Fi than sitting at the beach. Ever the entrepreneur, he thought he could use dogs to track down free Wi-Fi.The film was inspired by a true human observation – our collective obsession with accessing Internet abroad. So instead of an over-the-top parody or a caricature, we needed the world of Wi-Fi Dogs to feel naturally bizarre. We wanted people to ask themselves: is this real? Is this guy really renting Internet sniffing dogs to tourists? That´s why we chose to write and shoot the film as a documentary, introducing Deutsche Telekom´s Summer Pass as the “moral” of the story.The main viral was followed with 4 mini mockumentaries where fans met the incredible canines - and their owners. We even offered a tutorial on how to train a Wi-Fi Dog and revealed Jose’s wife’s darkest secret.Every video was supported with video annotations, GIFS and banners that led viewers to José’s website. But when they tried to book their own dog, they were redirected to Telekom’s Summer Pass page. In the end, Wi-Fi Dog’s was so successful – it even needed its own jingle. Implementation The campaign launched with “José´s Wi-Fi Dogs,” a mockumentary about Internet sniffing canines rented out to tourists in need. Social media posts led to the YouTube video and four further virals, exploring the world of Wi-Fi Dogs further. We showed Wi-Fi hunts, met José´s favorite puppy and disillusioned wife, and even gave training tips for fans and their dogs. Thanks to annotations, all our content led to the Wi-Fi Dog’s website which surprisingly didn’t work and redirected to the local product page. Tumblr with José´s funniest phrases and the first music video dedicated to the lack of Internet during holidays completed the campaign’s world. Outcome People fell in the love with Wi-Fi Dogs. The campaign was no. 1 in Germany´s Viral chart and Deutsche Telekom´s Summer Pass increased its sales by 19% and its revenue by 28%. Relevancy “José´s Wi-Fi Dogs” tells the story of a man that supposedly invented the business of the century: Internet sniffing dogs that help tourists find Wi-Fi on holiday. Five online mockumentaries helped to create an entire world of Wi-Fi Dogs. We met the owner, a loveable rascal named José, his sidekick, Santiago, and his favourite canine, Rosita. We gave a Wi-Fi Dog training tutorial filled with bizarre techniques and even revealed Jose’s wife’s darkest secret. The films poke fun at the tics of our time where we do the craziest things for having internet abroad. Always revealing the real answer on our needs: Telekom’s Travel & Surf Summer Passes.

    Wi Fi Dogs

    案例简介:活动描述 内容营销的流行速度非常快。就在十年前,我们大多数人从未听说过它,这是营销人员的首要任务之一。但移动市场仍然落后,因为公司经常通过关注关税而不是娱乐消费者和加强品牌形象来向消费者推销。结果: 无聊和信息超载。所以我们想采取更现代、更新鲜的内容营销方法。我们没有推广产品,而是创建了一个与假期相关的开玩笑的活动 -- 一个 wi-fi 狗的世界。 有效性 《何塞的 wi-fi 狗》讲述了何塞和他的互联网猎犬的故事。我们的主角何塞是一个热心的流氓。在旅游业工作多年后,他意识到度假者花在寻找无线网络上的时间比坐在海滩上的时间多。作为一名企业家,他认为他可以用狗来追踪免费 Wi-Fi.The 电影的灵感来自真实的人类观察 -- 我们对国外互联网的集体痴迷。因此,我们需要 wi-fi 狗的世界自然地感到奇怪,而不是夸张的模仿或漫画。我们希望人们问自己: 这是真的吗?这家伙真的租了网络嗅探犬给游客吗?这就是为什么我们选择将这部电影作为纪录片创作和拍摄,将德国电信的夏季通行证作为故事的 “道德”。主要的病毒随后是 4 个迷你 mockumentaries,粉丝们在那里遇到了令人难以置信的犬类和它们的主人。我们甚至提供了一个关于如何训练一只 wi-fi 狗的教程,并揭示了何塞妻子最黑暗的秘密。每个视频都有视频注释、 gif 和横幅支持,引导观众进入何塞的网站。但是当他们试图预订自己的狗时,他们被重定向到 Telekom 的夏季通行证页面。最终,wi-fi 狗非常成功 -- 它甚至需要自己的叮当声。 实施 该活动以 “何塞的 wi-fi 狗” 发起,这是一种关于出租给有需要的游客的互联网嗅探犬的模拟。社交媒体发布了 YouTube 视频和另外四个病毒,进一步探索了 wi-fi 狗的世界。我们展示了 wi-fi 狩猎,遇到了何塞最喜欢的小狗和失望的妻子,甚至给粉丝和他们的狗提供了训练技巧。多亏了注释,我们所有的内容都导致了 wi-fi Dog 的网站,令人惊讶的是,该网站不起作用,并被重定向到本地产品页面。Tumblr 与何塞最有趣的短语和第一个致力于假日缺乏互联网的音乐视频一起完成了竞选的世界。 结果 人们爱上了无线网络狗。该活动在德国的病毒表中排名第一,德国电信夏季通行证的销售额增加了 19%,收入增加了 28%。 相关性 《何塞的 wi-fi 狗》讲述了一个据说发明了本世纪商业的人的故事: 互联网嗅探狗,帮助游客在度假时找到 wi-fi。五个在线模型帮助创造了整个 wi-fi 狗世界。我们遇到了主人,一个可爱的流氓名叫何塞,他的伙伴圣地亚哥,和他最喜欢的狗罗西塔。我们给了一个充满奇怪技术的无线网络狗训练教程,甚至透露了何塞妻子最黑暗的秘密。这些电影取笑了我们这个时代的时代,我们在国外上网做了最疯狂的事情。总是揭示我们需求的真正答案: Telekom 的旅游和冲浪夏季通行证。

    Wi Fi Dogs

    案例简介:Campaign Description The popularity of content marketing moves incredibly fast. Just a decade ago, most of us had never heard of it, and its one of the top priorities for marketers . But the mobile market still lags behind as companies often pitching to consumers by focusing on tariffs instead of entertaining them and strengthening brand image. The result: boredom and information overload. So we wanted to take a more modern, fresh approach to content marketing. Instead of pushing the product, we created a tongue-in-cheek campaign that was actually relevant to holidays - a world of Wi-Fi Dogs. Effectiveness “José´s Wi-Fi Dogs” tells the story of José and his Internet hunting dogs. Our main character, José, is a warm-hearted rascal. After years in the tourist industry, he realized that vacationers spent more time looking for Wi-Fi than sitting at the beach. Ever the entrepreneur, he thought he could use dogs to track down free Wi-Fi.The film was inspired by a true human observation – our collective obsession with accessing Internet abroad. So instead of an over-the-top parody or a caricature, we needed the world of Wi-Fi Dogs to feel naturally bizarre. We wanted people to ask themselves: is this real? Is this guy really renting Internet sniffing dogs to tourists? That´s why we chose to write and shoot the film as a documentary, introducing Deutsche Telekom´s Summer Pass as the “moral” of the story.The main viral was followed with 4 mini mockumentaries where fans met the incredible canines - and their owners. We even offered a tutorial on how to train a Wi-Fi Dog and revealed Jose’s wife’s darkest secret.Every video was supported with video annotations, GIFS and banners that led viewers to José’s website. But when they tried to book their own dog, they were redirected to Telekom’s Summer Pass page. In the end, Wi-Fi Dog’s was so successful – it even needed its own jingle. Implementation The campaign launched with “José´s Wi-Fi Dogs,” a mockumentary about Internet sniffing canines rented out to tourists in need. Social media posts led to the YouTube video and four further virals, exploring the world of Wi-Fi Dogs further. We showed Wi-Fi hunts, met José´s favorite puppy and disillusioned wife, and even gave training tips for fans and their dogs. Thanks to annotations, all our content led to the Wi-Fi Dog’s website which surprisingly didn’t work and redirected to the local product page. Tumblr with José´s funniest phrases and the first music video dedicated to the lack of Internet during holidays completed the campaign’s world. Outcome People fell in the love with Wi-Fi Dogs. The campaign was no. 1 in Germany´s Viral chart and Deutsche Telekom´s Summer Pass increased its sales by 19% and its revenue by 28%. Relevancy “José´s Wi-Fi Dogs” tells the story of a man that supposedly invented the business of the century: Internet sniffing dogs that help tourists find Wi-Fi on holiday. Five online mockumentaries helped to create an entire world of Wi-Fi Dogs. We met the owner, a loveable rascal named José, his sidekick, Santiago, and his favourite canine, Rosita. We gave a Wi-Fi Dog training tutorial filled with bizarre techniques and even revealed Jose’s wife’s darkest secret. The films poke fun at the tics of our time where we do the craziest things for having internet abroad. Always revealing the real answer on our needs: Telekom’s Travel & Surf Summer Passes.

    Wi Fi 狗


    Wi Fi Dogs










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