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    American Rom短视频广告营销案例



    美国 Rom

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: ROM 是我们一起长大的罗马尼亚传统巧克力。它于 1964年推出,包装上印有罗马尼亚国旗,拥有 95% 的品牌知名度。然而,它的份额和销量直线下降,只有 14.5% 的人将它列为他们最喜欢的品牌。ROM 有一个老化的消费者群体,对这个品牌感到怀旧和爱国,但缺乏新的年轻粉丝。年轻的罗马尼亚人幻灭和愤世嫉俗,只有 12% 的人形容自己是爱国者。他们更喜欢 “酷” 的美国糖果品牌,如士力架和火星。一根印有罗马尼亚国旗的巧克力棒 ROM 怎么能吸引如此脱离国家价值观的年轻人呢?我们知道,尽管罗马尼亚人倾向于对自己和国家持负面态度,但当受到挑战时,他们的爱国主义又回来了。这种 “反应性爱国主义” 支持了我们的开创性运动,挑战年轻人的民族自我,以重新建立罗姆作为一个珍贵的罗马尼亚产品和图标。 给出一些关于这个活动/条目在客户和消费者方面有多成功的想法: 这场运动吸引了 67% 的罗马尼亚人,并产生了 300,000 欧元的免费宣传。“爱国主义” 的辩论在国家媒体上激烈流传。网上的反应是惊人的: 在最初的六天里,ROM 的网站有 75,000 个独特的访问者; Facebook 的粉丝增加了 300%; 支持者发起了请愿,甚至在首都组织了一个快闪。消费者创造了超过 10 个脸谱网的原因,要求将旧的 ROM 收回,最受欢迎的是在一周内覆盖 20000 用户, 超过了建设国家高速公路的一年!所有的品牌形象指标都出现了爆炸式的增长,尤其是 “ROM 对我来说是一个品牌”,增长了一倍多,增长了 124%。ROM 的表现超过了市场,在最相关的渠道 -- 大型超市中,增长了 20% (相比之下,增长了 8.2%)。最重要的是,ROM 驱逐了士力架,成为罗马尼亚人最喜欢的巧克力,指标增加了 79%。 描述活动/条目是如何在每个渠道中按照实施顺序启动和执行的。 我们的解决方案很简单: 我们没有和士力架和火星这样的人战斗,而是加入了他们。我们用 “美国” 取代了罗马尼亚 ROM -- 同样的产品,同样的价格,但品牌是美国颜色。电视和海报广告推出了美国 ROM,吹嘘 “酷” 的新形象会让罗马尼亚人感到更自豪。店内 “美国” 品牌大使鼓励取样。我们鼓励和鼓励社交媒体讨论 “美国收购”。推特和博客继续了这场辩论,这场辩论通过该机构的 24/7 “战争室” 进行了监控和主持。我们管理内部和利益相关者的沟通。七天后,在爱国主义大规模复兴之后,电视广告宣布罗马尼亚罗复出。所有宣传材料都在一夜之间更换。我们奖励了竞选活动的最大爱好者,邀请他们参加电视辩论。最后的奖励是由该品牌的真正支持者为罗马尼亚罗姆人和他的粉丝演唱的国歌。 描述活动/条目: 罗马尼亚的 ROM 巧克力棒于 1964年推出,包装上有罗马尼亚国旗; 有一个老化的怀旧消费群体。在成功意味着不断吸引年轻粉丝的类别中,罗姆的民族主义价值观是一个劣势。年轻的罗马尼亚人对国家价值观感到失望和愤世嫉俗,他们更喜欢像士力架这样的 “酷” 美国品牌,士力架是最受欢迎的 19% 品牌。罗布,一根印有罗马尼亚国旗的巧克力棒,怎么能吸引那些没有什么国家价值观的年轻人呢?我们的策略是在年轻人中引发一场关于国家价值观的公开辩论,从而获得 ROM 品牌的青睐。我们挑战年轻人的民族自我,用美国国旗取代包裹上的罗马尼亚国旗,并在大众媒体上宣布。我们促进和鼓励由 “美国接管” 引发的公开辩论。我们密切关注并回应公众反应。几天后,随着爱国主义的大规模复兴,尤其是在社交媒体上的点燃和发展,我们带回了旧的 ROM,罗马尼亚人一如既往。爱国主义的辩论在媒体上激烈流传,最终将罗姆奉为真正的国家偶像。最重要的是,罗姆驱逐了类别领导者士力架,成为罗马尼亚人最喜欢的巧克力 -- 增长了 79%。 描述客户的简报: 我们通过让人们实现自己对国家价值观和符号的承诺,将罗姆设定为一个国家图标。这项运动在全国范围内进行,并将国家价值观放在辩论中,因此我们需要考虑每个可能有发言权的人: 公众、舆论领袖、记者。我们还管理内部和利益相关者的沟通。我们的研究表明,尽管罗马尼亚人倾向于消极和愤世嫉俗,但他们的爱国主义会回来,当受到挑战时会发出声音。我们还使用了 close监测对辩论国家价值观感兴趣的媒体和意见领袖,并对支持我们开创性运动的 “反应性爱国主义” 敏感。 战略: 在活动的头七天,我们专注于传达产品的新身份,并引发了辩论。人们向我们提出了关于变化背后含义的问题。我们通过产品网站、社交媒体和有影响力的博客管理对话。当 “雪球” 变得足够大时,我们带回了罗马尼亚的 Rom。至关重要的是,这不会被公司视为软弱的时刻,而是一场旨在证明罗马尼亚人有多爱真正的 ROM 的运动, 一个罗马尼亚的象征,成功地唤醒了他们的爱国主义。在吸引公众参与辩论后,我们放大了这一举动: 我们将辩论纳入主流媒体,在电视节目、新闻采访、媒体会议中讨论和解释人们对国家价值观的反应, 在社交媒体中,涉及意见领袖,甚至与消费者面对面。 执行: 我们通过机构内的 24/7 “战争室” 来搅拌、监控和主持辩论,在那里我们聚集了通信学科经理和客户的沟通团队。在将 “美国” Rom 上架并宣布主流媒体的变化时,所有记者、博客作者、意见领袖都收到了 “美国” Rom 的官方新闻信息,其中包含了新身份的细节。我们处理与品牌和公司计划相关的采访、新闻询问。我们在产品网站上开发并监控了一个实时论坛。7 天后,我们宣布归还罗马尼亚的 Rom。围绕罗马尼亚爱国主义的辩论成为主流媒体的热门话题。我们被邀请参加电视节目、新闻采访来讲述故事和解释社会现象。我们与记者和博客作者保持联系,解释我们的策略,确保信息的准确性,并强调运动的积极成果。 情况: 罗马尼亚的 ROM 巧克力棒于 1964年推出,包装上印有罗马尼亚国旗,在美国品牌如士力架和火星的竞争中失利。为了获得青睐,罗姆需要摆脱对国家价值观的犬儒主义。真正的挑战是在全国范围内缓和对话和监控公众反应,这样品牌和国家价值观都不会受到伤害。我们需要在传统媒体和社交媒体中保持持续的对话,并管理意见领袖,考虑到这个话题敏感而有趣,以至于严重脱轨。 结果: 这场运动吸引了 67% 的罗马尼亚人,并产生了 300,000 欧元的免费宣传。“爱国主义” 的辩论在国家媒体上激烈流传。网上的反应是惊人的: 在最初的六天里,ROM 的网站有 75,000 个独特的访问者; Facebook 的粉丝增加了 300%; 支持者发起了请愿,甚至在首都组织了一个快闪。消费者创造了超过 10 个脸谱网的原因,要求将旧的 ROM 收回,最受欢迎的是在一周内覆盖 20000 用户, 超过了建设国家高速公路的一年!所有品牌形象指标都出现了激增,尤其是 “rom 是我的品牌”,增长了一倍多,增长了 124%。ROM 的表现超过了市场,在最相关的渠道 -- 大型超市中,增长了 20% (相比之下,增长了 8.2%)。最重要的是,ROM 驱逐了士力架,成为罗马尼亚人最喜欢的巧克力,指标增加了 79%。

    美国 Rom

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: ROM is the Romanian traditional chocolate bar that we all grew up with. Launched in 1964, with the Romanian flag on its wrapper, it enjoys 95% brand awareness. Yet its share and volume were plummeting with only 14.5% of people listing it as their favourite brand. ROM had an ageing consumer base feeling nostalgic and patriotic about the brand, but lacked new, younger fans. Young Romanians are disillusioned and cynical, only 12% describing themselves as patriots. They prefer 'cool' American confectionery brands like Snickers and Mars. How could ROM, a chocolate bar branded with the Romanian flag, gain appeal to youngsters so disengaged with national values? We knew that although Romanians tend to be negative about themselves and their country, their patriotism returns when challenged. This 'reactive patriotism' underpinned our ground-breaking campaign that challenged young people’s national ego in order to re-establish ROM as a cherished Romanian product and icon. Give some idea of how successful this campaign/entry was with both client and consumer: The campaign reached 67% of Romanians and generated €300,000 of free publicity. The ‘patriotism’ debate raged in the national media. Online response was phenomenal: in the first six days, ROM’s website had 75,000 unique visitors; Facebook fans rose by 300%; supporters launched petitions and even organised a flash-mob in the capital. Consumers created over 10 Facebook causes asking for the old ROM to be brought back, with the most popular reaching over 20000 users in one week, more than the cause for building national highways reached in one year! All brand image indicators have literally exploded, especially "ROM is a brand for me", which more than doubled, with a 124% increase. ROM outperformed the market, with a 20% growth (compared to 8.2% category growth) in the most relevant channel, hypermarkets. Most importantly, ROM ousted Snickers to become Romanians’ favourite chocolate bar, with a 79% increase of the indicator. Describe how the campaign/entry was launched and executed across each channel in the order of implementation. Our solution was simple: instead of fighting the likes of Snickers and Mars, we joined them. We replaced the Romanian ROM with an 'American' one – same product, same price, but branded with US colours. TV and poster ads launched the American ROM, bragging that the 'cool' new image will make Romanians feel prouder. In-store 'American' brand ambassadors encouraged sampling. We fostered and encouraged social media discussions about the 'American takeover'. Twitter and blogs continued the debate which was monitored and moderated via a 24/7 'War Room' within the agency. We managed internal and stakeholder communications. Seven days later, following massive patriotic resurgence, TV commercials announced Romanian ROM’s comeback. All promotional materials changed overnight. We rewarded the campaign’s biggest enthusiasts, inviting them to participate in TV debates. The final reward was an anthem dedicated to the Romanian ROM and his fans – sang by real supporters of the brand. Describe the campaign/entry: Romania’s ROM chocolate bar launched in 1964 with the Romanian flag on its wrapper; had an ageing, nostalgic consumer base. In a category in which success means continuously attracting younger fans, ROM’s nationalistic values were a disadvantage. Young Romanians are disillusioned and cynical towards national values, and prefer 'cool' American brands like Snickers - which lead as favourite brand with 19%. How could ROM, a chocolate bar bearing the Romanian flag, gain appeal to youngsters with few national values? Our strategy was to trigger a public debate about national values among youngsters and thus gain favorability for ROM brand. We challenged youngsters’ national Ego by replacing the Romanian flag on the package with the American one, and announcing it in the mass-media. We fostered and encouraged public debate triggered by the "American take-over". We closely monitored and responded to public reactions. After a few days, following massive patriotic resurgence, ignited and developed especially in the social media, we brought back the old ROM, as Romanian as ever. The patriotism debate raged in the media, finally consecrating ROM as authentic national icon. Most importantly, ROM ousted category leader Snickers and became Romanians' favourite chocolate bar – a 79% increase. Describe the brief from the client: We set Rom as a national icon, by making people realize their own commitment to national values and symbols. The campaign had nation-wide scale and put national values on debate, so we needed to consider everybody who potentially had a voice: the general public, opinion leaders, journalists. We also managed internal and stakeholders communication. Our research showed that although Romanians tend to be negative and cynical, their patriotism returns and is voiced when challenged. We also used close monitoring of media and opinion leaders interested in debating national values and sensitive to the 'reactive patriotism' that underpinned our ground-breaking campaign. The Strategy: In the first seven days of the campaign we focused on communicating the new identity of the product and stirred the debate. People confronted us with questions regarding the meaning behind the change. We managed the conversation over the product website, social media and influential blogs. When the 'snowball' grew big enough, we brought back the Romanian Rom. It was crucial that this would not come across as a moment of weakness from the company, but as a campaign meant to prove Romanians how much they love the authentic ROM, a Romanian symbol that succeeded to awaken their patriotism. After drawing the public into the debate we amplified the move: we took the debate into mainstream media, discussing and interpreting people’s reactions around national values in TV shows, press interviews, media meetings, in social media, involving opinion leaders, or even face to face with consumers. Execution: We stirred, monitored and moderated the debates via a 24/7 'War Room' within the agency, where we gathered the comms disciplines managers and the client’s communication team. While putting the "American" Rom on shelves and announcing the change in mainstream media, all journalists, bloggers, opinion leaders received the 'American' Rom's official press info with the details of the new identity. We handled interviews, press inquires related to brand and company’s plans. We developed and monitored a live forum on the product website. After 7 days, we announced the return of the Romanian Rom. The debate around the Romanian patriotism became a hot subject in the mainstream press. We were invited in Tv shows, press interviews to tell the story and interpret the social phenomenon. We stayed in touch with journalists and bloggers explaining our strategy, assuring the accuracy of the information and emphasizing the positive outcomes of the campaign. The Situation: Romania’s ROM chocolate bar, launched in 1964 with the Romanian flag on its package was losing ground to American brands like Snickers and Mars. In order to gain favourability ROM needed to shake young prospects out of their cynicism about national values. The real challenge was to moderate the conversations and monitor the public reactions, nation-wide, so that neither the brand, nor the national values to be harmed. We needed to maintain a constant dialog within both traditional and social media and to manage opinion leaders, taking into account that the subject was sensitive and juicy enough to derail badly. Results: The campaign reached 67% of Romanians and generated €300,000 of free publicity. The 'patriotism' debate raged in the national media. Online response was phenomenal: in the first six days, ROM’s website had 75,000 unique visitors; Facebook fans rose by 300%; supporters launched petitions and even organised a flash-mob in the capital. Consumers created over 10 Facebook causes asking for the old ROM to be brought back, with the most popular reaching over 20000 users in one week, more than the cause for building national highways reached in one year! All brand image indicators have literally exploded, especially 'ROM is a brand for me', which more than doubled, with a 124% increase. ROM outperformed the market, with a 20% growth (compared to 8.2% category growth) in the most relevant channel, hypermarkets. Most importantly, ROM ousted Snickers to become Romanians’ most favourite chocolate bar, with a 79% increase of the indicator.

    American Rom

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: ROM 是我们一起长大的罗马尼亚传统巧克力。它于 1964年推出,包装上印有罗马尼亚国旗,拥有 95% 的品牌知名度。然而,它的份额和销量直线下降,只有 14.5% 的人将它列为他们最喜欢的品牌。ROM 有一个老化的消费者群体,对这个品牌感到怀旧和爱国,但缺乏新的年轻粉丝。年轻的罗马尼亚人幻灭和愤世嫉俗,只有 12% 的人形容自己是爱国者。他们更喜欢 “酷” 的美国糖果品牌,如士力架和火星。一根印有罗马尼亚国旗的巧克力棒 ROM 怎么能吸引如此脱离国家价值观的年轻人呢?我们知道,尽管罗马尼亚人倾向于对自己和国家持负面态度,但当受到挑战时,他们的爱国主义又回来了。这种 “反应性爱国主义” 支持了我们的开创性运动,挑战年轻人的民族自我,以重新建立罗姆作为一个珍贵的罗马尼亚产品和图标。 给出一些关于这个活动/条目在客户和消费者方面有多成功的想法: 这场运动吸引了 67% 的罗马尼亚人,并产生了 300,000 欧元的免费宣传。“爱国主义” 的辩论在国家媒体上激烈流传。网上的反应是惊人的: 在最初的六天里,ROM 的网站有 75,000 个独特的访问者; Facebook 的粉丝增加了 300%; 支持者发起了请愿,甚至在首都组织了一个快闪。消费者创造了超过 10 个脸谱网的原因,要求将旧的 ROM 收回,最受欢迎的是在一周内覆盖 20000 用户, 超过了建设国家高速公路的一年!所有的品牌形象指标都出现了爆炸式的增长,尤其是 “ROM 对我来说是一个品牌”,增长了一倍多,增长了 124%。ROM 的表现超过了市场,在最相关的渠道 -- 大型超市中,增长了 20% (相比之下,增长了 8.2%)。最重要的是,ROM 驱逐了士力架,成为罗马尼亚人最喜欢的巧克力,指标增加了 79%。 描述活动/条目是如何在每个渠道中按照实施顺序启动和执行的。 我们的解决方案很简单: 我们没有和士力架和火星这样的人战斗,而是加入了他们。我们用 “美国” 取代了罗马尼亚 ROM -- 同样的产品,同样的价格,但品牌是美国颜色。电视和海报广告推出了美国 ROM,吹嘘 “酷” 的新形象会让罗马尼亚人感到更自豪。店内 “美国” 品牌大使鼓励取样。我们鼓励和鼓励社交媒体讨论 “美国收购”。推特和博客继续了这场辩论,这场辩论通过该机构的 24/7 “战争室” 进行了监控和主持。我们管理内部和利益相关者的沟通。七天后,在爱国主义大规模复兴之后,电视广告宣布罗马尼亚罗复出。所有宣传材料都在一夜之间更换。我们奖励了竞选活动的最大爱好者,邀请他们参加电视辩论。最后的奖励是由该品牌的真正支持者为罗马尼亚罗姆人和他的粉丝演唱的国歌。 描述活动/条目: 罗马尼亚的 ROM 巧克力棒于 1964年推出,包装上有罗马尼亚国旗; 有一个老化的怀旧消费群体。在成功意味着不断吸引年轻粉丝的类别中,罗姆的民族主义价值观是一个劣势。年轻的罗马尼亚人对国家价值观感到失望和愤世嫉俗,他们更喜欢像士力架这样的 “酷” 美国品牌,士力架是最受欢迎的 19% 品牌。罗布,一根印有罗马尼亚国旗的巧克力棒,怎么能吸引那些没有什么国家价值观的年轻人呢?我们的策略是在年轻人中引发一场关于国家价值观的公开辩论,从而获得 ROM 品牌的青睐。我们挑战年轻人的民族自我,用美国国旗取代包裹上的罗马尼亚国旗,并在大众媒体上宣布。我们促进和鼓励由 “美国接管” 引发的公开辩论。我们密切关注并回应公众反应。几天后,随着爱国主义的大规模复兴,尤其是在社交媒体上的点燃和发展,我们带回了旧的 ROM,罗马尼亚人一如既往。爱国主义的辩论在媒体上激烈流传,最终将罗姆奉为真正的国家偶像。最重要的是,罗姆驱逐了类别领导者士力架,成为罗马尼亚人最喜欢的巧克力 -- 增长了 79%。 描述客户的简报: 我们通过让人们实现自己对国家价值观和符号的承诺,将罗姆设定为一个国家图标。这项运动在全国范围内进行,并将国家价值观放在辩论中,因此我们需要考虑每个可能有发言权的人: 公众、舆论领袖、记者。我们还管理内部和利益相关者的沟通。我们的研究表明,尽管罗马尼亚人倾向于消极和愤世嫉俗,但他们的爱国主义会回来,当受到挑战时会发出声音。我们还使用了 close监测对辩论国家价值观感兴趣的媒体和意见领袖,并对支持我们开创性运动的 “反应性爱国主义” 敏感。 战略: 在活动的头七天,我们专注于传达产品的新身份,并引发了辩论。人们向我们提出了关于变化背后含义的问题。我们通过产品网站、社交媒体和有影响力的博客管理对话。当 “雪球” 变得足够大时,我们带回了罗马尼亚的 Rom。至关重要的是,这不会被公司视为软弱的时刻,而是一场旨在证明罗马尼亚人有多爱真正的 ROM 的运动, 一个罗马尼亚的象征,成功地唤醒了他们的爱国主义。在吸引公众参与辩论后,我们放大了这一举动: 我们将辩论纳入主流媒体,在电视节目、新闻采访、媒体会议中讨论和解释人们对国家价值观的反应, 在社交媒体中,涉及意见领袖,甚至与消费者面对面。 执行: 我们通过机构内的 24/7 “战争室” 来搅拌、监控和主持辩论,在那里我们聚集了通信学科经理和客户的沟通团队。在将 “美国” Rom 上架并宣布主流媒体的变化时,所有记者、博客作者、意见领袖都收到了 “美国” Rom 的官方新闻信息,其中包含了新身份的细节。我们处理与品牌和公司计划相关的采访、新闻询问。我们在产品网站上开发并监控了一个实时论坛。7 天后,我们宣布归还罗马尼亚的 Rom。围绕罗马尼亚爱国主义的辩论成为主流媒体的热门话题。我们被邀请参加电视节目、新闻采访来讲述故事和解释社会现象。我们与记者和博客作者保持联系,解释我们的策略,确保信息的准确性,并强调运动的积极成果。 情况: 罗马尼亚的 ROM 巧克力棒于 1964年推出,包装上印有罗马尼亚国旗,在美国品牌如士力架和火星的竞争中失利。为了获得青睐,罗姆需要摆脱对国家价值观的犬儒主义。真正的挑战是在全国范围内缓和对话和监控公众反应,这样品牌和国家价值观都不会受到伤害。我们需要在传统媒体和社交媒体中保持持续的对话,并管理意见领袖,考虑到这个话题敏感而有趣,以至于严重脱轨。 结果: 这场运动吸引了 67% 的罗马尼亚人,并产生了 300,000 欧元的免费宣传。“爱国主义” 的辩论在国家媒体上激烈流传。网上的反应是惊人的: 在最初的六天里,ROM 的网站有 75,000 个独特的访问者; Facebook 的粉丝增加了 300%; 支持者发起了请愿,甚至在首都组织了一个快闪。消费者创造了超过 10 个脸谱网的原因,要求将旧的 ROM 收回,最受欢迎的是在一周内覆盖 20000 用户, 超过了建设国家高速公路的一年!所有品牌形象指标都出现了激增,尤其是 “rom 是我的品牌”,增长了一倍多,增长了 124%。ROM 的表现超过了市场,在最相关的渠道 -- 大型超市中,增长了 20% (相比之下,增长了 8.2%)。最重要的是,ROM 驱逐了士力架,成为罗马尼亚人最喜欢的巧克力,指标增加了 79%。

    American Rom

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: ROM is the Romanian traditional chocolate bar that we all grew up with. Launched in 1964, with the Romanian flag on its wrapper, it enjoys 95% brand awareness. Yet its share and volume were plummeting with only 14.5% of people listing it as their favourite brand. ROM had an ageing consumer base feeling nostalgic and patriotic about the brand, but lacked new, younger fans. Young Romanians are disillusioned and cynical, only 12% describing themselves as patriots. They prefer 'cool' American confectionery brands like Snickers and Mars. How could ROM, a chocolate bar branded with the Romanian flag, gain appeal to youngsters so disengaged with national values? We knew that although Romanians tend to be negative about themselves and their country, their patriotism returns when challenged. This 'reactive patriotism' underpinned our ground-breaking campaign that challenged young people’s national ego in order to re-establish ROM as a cherished Romanian product and icon. Give some idea of how successful this campaign/entry was with both client and consumer: The campaign reached 67% of Romanians and generated €300,000 of free publicity. The ‘patriotism’ debate raged in the national media. Online response was phenomenal: in the first six days, ROM’s website had 75,000 unique visitors; Facebook fans rose by 300%; supporters launched petitions and even organised a flash-mob in the capital. Consumers created over 10 Facebook causes asking for the old ROM to be brought back, with the most popular reaching over 20000 users in one week, more than the cause for building national highways reached in one year! All brand image indicators have literally exploded, especially "ROM is a brand for me", which more than doubled, with a 124% increase. ROM outperformed the market, with a 20% growth (compared to 8.2% category growth) in the most relevant channel, hypermarkets. Most importantly, ROM ousted Snickers to become Romanians’ favourite chocolate bar, with a 79% increase of the indicator. Describe how the campaign/entry was launched and executed across each channel in the order of implementation. Our solution was simple: instead of fighting the likes of Snickers and Mars, we joined them. We replaced the Romanian ROM with an 'American' one – same product, same price, but branded with US colours. TV and poster ads launched the American ROM, bragging that the 'cool' new image will make Romanians feel prouder. In-store 'American' brand ambassadors encouraged sampling. We fostered and encouraged social media discussions about the 'American takeover'. Twitter and blogs continued the debate which was monitored and moderated via a 24/7 'War Room' within the agency. We managed internal and stakeholder communications. Seven days later, following massive patriotic resurgence, TV commercials announced Romanian ROM’s comeback. All promotional materials changed overnight. We rewarded the campaign’s biggest enthusiasts, inviting them to participate in TV debates. The final reward was an anthem dedicated to the Romanian ROM and his fans – sang by real supporters of the brand. Describe the campaign/entry: Romania’s ROM chocolate bar launched in 1964 with the Romanian flag on its wrapper; had an ageing, nostalgic consumer base. In a category in which success means continuously attracting younger fans, ROM’s nationalistic values were a disadvantage. Young Romanians are disillusioned and cynical towards national values, and prefer 'cool' American brands like Snickers - which lead as favourite brand with 19%. How could ROM, a chocolate bar bearing the Romanian flag, gain appeal to youngsters with few national values? Our strategy was to trigger a public debate about national values among youngsters and thus gain favorability for ROM brand. We challenged youngsters’ national Ego by replacing the Romanian flag on the package with the American one, and announcing it in the mass-media. We fostered and encouraged public debate triggered by the "American take-over". We closely monitored and responded to public reactions. After a few days, following massive patriotic resurgence, ignited and developed especially in the social media, we brought back the old ROM, as Romanian as ever. The patriotism debate raged in the media, finally consecrating ROM as authentic national icon. Most importantly, ROM ousted category leader Snickers and became Romanians' favourite chocolate bar – a 79% increase. Describe the brief from the client: We set Rom as a national icon, by making people realize their own commitment to national values and symbols. The campaign had nation-wide scale and put national values on debate, so we needed to consider everybody who potentially had a voice: the general public, opinion leaders, journalists. We also managed internal and stakeholders communication. Our research showed that although Romanians tend to be negative and cynical, their patriotism returns and is voiced when challenged. We also used close monitoring of media and opinion leaders interested in debating national values and sensitive to the 'reactive patriotism' that underpinned our ground-breaking campaign. The Strategy: In the first seven days of the campaign we focused on communicating the new identity of the product and stirred the debate. People confronted us with questions regarding the meaning behind the change. We managed the conversation over the product website, social media and influential blogs. When the 'snowball' grew big enough, we brought back the Romanian Rom. It was crucial that this would not come across as a moment of weakness from the company, but as a campaign meant to prove Romanians how much they love the authentic ROM, a Romanian symbol that succeeded to awaken their patriotism. After drawing the public into the debate we amplified the move: we took the debate into mainstream media, discussing and interpreting people’s reactions around national values in TV shows, press interviews, media meetings, in social media, involving opinion leaders, or even face to face with consumers. Execution: We stirred, monitored and moderated the debates via a 24/7 'War Room' within the agency, where we gathered the comms disciplines managers and the client’s communication team. While putting the "American" Rom on shelves and announcing the change in mainstream media, all journalists, bloggers, opinion leaders received the 'American' Rom's official press info with the details of the new identity. We handled interviews, press inquires related to brand and company’s plans. We developed and monitored a live forum on the product website. After 7 days, we announced the return of the Romanian Rom. The debate around the Romanian patriotism became a hot subject in the mainstream press. We were invited in Tv shows, press interviews to tell the story and interpret the social phenomenon. We stayed in touch with journalists and bloggers explaining our strategy, assuring the accuracy of the information and emphasizing the positive outcomes of the campaign. The Situation: Romania’s ROM chocolate bar, launched in 1964 with the Romanian flag on its package was losing ground to American brands like Snickers and Mars. In order to gain favourability ROM needed to shake young prospects out of their cynicism about national values. The real challenge was to moderate the conversations and monitor the public reactions, nation-wide, so that neither the brand, nor the national values to be harmed. We needed to maintain a constant dialog within both traditional and social media and to manage opinion leaders, taking into account that the subject was sensitive and juicy enough to derail badly. Results: The campaign reached 67% of Romanians and generated €300,000 of free publicity. The 'patriotism' debate raged in the national media. Online response was phenomenal: in the first six days, ROM’s website had 75,000 unique visitors; Facebook fans rose by 300%; supporters launched petitions and even organised a flash-mob in the capital. Consumers created over 10 Facebook causes asking for the old ROM to be brought back, with the most popular reaching over 20000 users in one week, more than the cause for building national highways reached in one year! All brand image indicators have literally exploded, especially 'ROM is a brand for me', which more than doubled, with a 124% increase. ROM outperformed the market, with a 20% growth (compared to 8.2% category growth) in the most relevant channel, hypermarkets. Most importantly, ROM ousted Snickers to become Romanians’ most favourite chocolate bar, with a 79% increase of the indicator.

    美国 Rom


    American Rom










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