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    Heartbeat Project短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 Apotek1 是挪威领先的药房零售商。竞争是艰难的,对人才的追逐永无止境。他们的品牌承诺是 “关心人们的健康”,随着行动胜于言语,我们想出了一个将品牌承诺付诸实施的想法。 活动描述 我们通过启动移动和桌面应用程序创建了一个除颤器国家注册中心。该应用程序作为一个探路者,可以很容易地在心脏病发作时追踪最近的除颤器 战略 为了填补挪威公共卫生系统的空白,证明 apotek1 的品牌承诺,我们提出了一个具有潜在生命拯救价值的应用程序。每年有 3000 以上的挪威人心脏病发作。如果人们知道在哪里可以找到以及如何操作除颤器,那么许多人的生命就可以得到拯救。30-45 岁人群的心脏病发作有所增加 (媒体也广泛报道了这种情况)。我们的活动针对这一部分,有两个行动呼吁: 1) 让人们熟悉最近的除颤器的位置,并学会使用它。2) 通过添加除颤器和与他们的社区分享位置来帮助改善我们的注册。 结果 初步结果:-发射后仅两周就挽救了第一次生命!-在一个多月内,超过 100万次访问了登记处的网站。-社交媒体上的大规模爱情轰炸和大量积极的公关。-超过 600 个用户生成的新除颤器注册。-调查显示,68% 的目标受众同意这个项目,以此证明 apotek1 的品牌承诺: “我们关心人们的健康”。-64% 的人表示,这一运动使他们对 apotek1 更加积极或更加积极。 执行 在戛纳参赛截止日期时,该申请已经上线一个月,处于第一阶段。该应用程序在社交媒体上推出了专门针对上述目标群体的广告。一些广告宣传了一部 30 秒的电影,展示了一个应用程序,讲述了一个咖啡师目睹心脏病发作并被派去寻找除颤器的故事。我们还使用地理定位邀请人们熟悉他们当地的除颤器地图,并与他们的社区分享。通过在学校和工作场所引入 “心脏病演习”,与消防演习平行,我们进一步提高了对我们事业的认识。


    案例简介:Synopsis Apotek1 is Norway's leading pharmacy retailer. The competition is tough and the chase for talent is never ending. Their brand promise is “caring for people´s health” and as action speaks louder than words, we came up with an idea putting the brand promise to life. Campaign Description We created a national registry of defibrillators by launching an application for both mobile and desktop. The application works as a pathfinder, making it easy to track down the nearest defibrillator in the event of a heart attack Strategy To fill a gap in the Norwegian public health system and prove Apotek1's brand promise, we came up with an application with potential life saving value. Every year more than 3000 Norwegians suffer a heart attack. If people knew where to find and how to operate a defibrillator many lives could be saved. There has been an increase in heart attacks for people aged 30-45 (which had also been widely covered in the media). Our campaign was aimed at this segment with two call to actions: 1) Make people familiarize themselves with the location of their nearest defibrillator and learn to use it. 2) Help improving our registry by adding a defibrillator and share the location with their community. Outcome Preliminary results: - First life saved only two weeks after the launch! - More than 1 million visits to the registry's web site in just over a month. - Massive love bombing in social media and loads of positive PR. - More than 1 600 user-generated registrations of new defibrillators. - Survey showing that 68% of the target audience agrees to this project as a proof of Apotek1´s brand promise: “We care for people's health”. - 64% stated that this campaign made them more positive or much more positive to Apotek1. Execution At the time of the Cannes entry deadline, the application has been live for a month and is in its first phase of implementation. The application was launched with ads in social media specifically aimed at the above-mentioned target group. Some ads promoted a 30 second film demonstrating the application telling the story of a barista who witness a heart attack and is sent out to find a defibrillator. We also used geo targeting inviting people to familiarize themselves with their local defibrillator map and share it with their community. By introducing "heart attack drills" in schools and workplaces, as a parallel to fire drills, we raised even further awareness to our cause.

    Heartbeat Project

    案例简介:概要 Apotek1 是挪威领先的药房零售商。竞争是艰难的,对人才的追逐永无止境。他们的品牌承诺是 “关心人们的健康”,随着行动胜于言语,我们想出了一个将品牌承诺付诸实施的想法。 活动描述 我们通过启动移动和桌面应用程序创建了一个除颤器国家注册中心。该应用程序作为一个探路者,可以很容易地在心脏病发作时追踪最近的除颤器 战略 为了填补挪威公共卫生系统的空白,证明 apotek1 的品牌承诺,我们提出了一个具有潜在生命拯救价值的应用程序。每年有 3000 以上的挪威人心脏病发作。如果人们知道在哪里可以找到以及如何操作除颤器,那么许多人的生命就可以得到拯救。30-45 岁人群的心脏病发作有所增加 (媒体也广泛报道了这种情况)。我们的活动针对这一部分,有两个行动呼吁: 1) 让人们熟悉最近的除颤器的位置,并学会使用它。2) 通过添加除颤器和与他们的社区分享位置来帮助改善我们的注册。 结果 初步结果:-发射后仅两周就挽救了第一次生命!-在一个多月内,超过 100万次访问了登记处的网站。-社交媒体上的大规模爱情轰炸和大量积极的公关。-超过 600 个用户生成的新除颤器注册。-调查显示,68% 的目标受众同意这个项目,以此证明 apotek1 的品牌承诺: “我们关心人们的健康”。-64% 的人表示,这一运动使他们对 apotek1 更加积极或更加积极。 执行 在戛纳参赛截止日期时,该申请已经上线一个月,处于第一阶段。该应用程序在社交媒体上推出了专门针对上述目标群体的广告。一些广告宣传了一部 30 秒的电影,展示了一个应用程序,讲述了一个咖啡师目睹心脏病发作并被派去寻找除颤器的故事。我们还使用地理定位邀请人们熟悉他们当地的除颤器地图,并与他们的社区分享。通过在学校和工作场所引入 “心脏病演习”,与消防演习平行,我们进一步提高了对我们事业的认识。

    Heartbeat Project

    案例简介:Synopsis Apotek1 is Norway's leading pharmacy retailer. The competition is tough and the chase for talent is never ending. Their brand promise is “caring for people´s health” and as action speaks louder than words, we came up with an idea putting the brand promise to life. Campaign Description We created a national registry of defibrillators by launching an application for both mobile and desktop. The application works as a pathfinder, making it easy to track down the nearest defibrillator in the event of a heart attack Strategy To fill a gap in the Norwegian public health system and prove Apotek1's brand promise, we came up with an application with potential life saving value. Every year more than 3000 Norwegians suffer a heart attack. If people knew where to find and how to operate a defibrillator many lives could be saved. There has been an increase in heart attacks for people aged 30-45 (which had also been widely covered in the media). Our campaign was aimed at this segment with two call to actions: 1) Make people familiarize themselves with the location of their nearest defibrillator and learn to use it. 2) Help improving our registry by adding a defibrillator and share the location with their community. Outcome Preliminary results: - First life saved only two weeks after the launch! - More than 1 million visits to the registry's web site in just over a month. - Massive love bombing in social media and loads of positive PR. - More than 1 600 user-generated registrations of new defibrillators. - Survey showing that 68% of the target audience agrees to this project as a proof of Apotek1´s brand promise: “We care for people's health”. - 64% stated that this campaign made them more positive or much more positive to Apotek1. Execution At the time of the Cannes entry deadline, the application has been live for a month and is in its first phase of implementation. The application was launched with ads in social media specifically aimed at the above-mentioned target group. Some ads promoted a 30 second film demonstrating the application telling the story of a barista who witness a heart attack and is sent out to find a defibrillator. We also used geo targeting inviting people to familiarize themselves with their local defibrillator map and share it with their community. By introducing "heart attack drills" in schools and workplaces, as a parallel to fire drills, we raised even further awareness to our cause.



    Heartbeat Project










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