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    “美国直升机” 宣传片

    案例简介:IKA 与探索网络的集体团队在首映式上 “美国直升机” 和 “致命事件” 混合创意工作室工艺品流行节目的强大宣传片 纽约 -- 《美国直升机》已经在探索频道播出第九季,仍然是有线电视最受欢迎的真人秀之一。当网络需要推广期待已久的新赛季时,它转向了由伊恩 · 卡尔领导的创意策略、制作、后混合工作室 IKA Collective。由克里斯 · 斯蒂菲尔执导的概念点集中在父子之间的裂痕和他们关系的重建上。 在姊妹网络《调查发现》中,卡尔本人执导了由苏珊 · 卢奇主持的新系列《致命事件》的发布宣传片,该系列讲述了现实生活中发生了严重错误的爱情故事。 卡尔说: “这两个项目非常不同,但却完美地展示了 IKA Collective 为我们的客户带来的一系列服务。”。“对于 '美国直升机',我们在那里支持克里斯的愿景,并微妙地处理初中和高中之间的现实生活隔阂。相反,“致命事件” 是一个项目,我们被要求推销创造性策略并执行它。" 奥兰治县的紧张局势: 正如任何 “美国直升机” 粉丝会告诉你的那样,Teutul 家族是一个复杂的家族,尤其是因为看到朱尼尔离开他父亲著名的摩托车店的高调裂痕, 奥兰治县直升机。他们破碎的关系是卡尔的一个重要考虑因素,他曾担任该项目的执行制片人。 卡尔说: “这是一个探索的大型节目,每个人都希望新赛季以史诗般的宣传片开始。”。“我们在纽约奥兰治县的斯图尔特机场发现了一个旧的机场衣架,它完美地捕捉到了 Stifel 和 DP Pete Konczal 追求的坚韧不拔的外表。" 该地点坐落在一家灯火通明的商店,让人想起 OCC 卑微的开端,从高级和初级之间过去的争论开始, 当我们看到两个进入并走向车库的中心时,一辆摩托车坐在一张被防水布覆盖的桌子上。面对彼此,老爹说,“在这之下,一切都开始了。 “现在我们要重建它,” 朱尼尔回答,为这个关键的赛季奠定了故事的弧线。 该产品面临着许多挑战,包括在一个热的、泄漏的 TSA 监控的衣架上拍摄,该衣架位于一个现场停机坪旁边,飞机流量不断。为了创造这一天,有必要创造多套同时拍摄。 卡尔说: “我们预先点燃了整个地点,以最大限度地减少初级和高级学生的固定时间。”。“当我们打开相机,伙计们进来后,你可以感觉到空气中的电流。有了如此棒的摄像机化学反应,很明显为什么这个节目如此受欢迎。" 致命的方向 对于 “致命的事情”,调查发现上的新现实肥皂剧《寻找爱情三角形》出现了可怕的错误,IKA 的创意团队为宣传片提出了几个概念。卡尔指出: “网络的唯一要求是,他们希望有一个扭曲的结局,就像节目本身一样。”。“我们必须在黑暗和光明之间取得平衡,在不降低这些真实故事的悲剧性的情况下娱乐观众。” IKA 集体和创意总监罗比 · 查菲茨的获奖概念始于一个女人进入她的家,走过一个充满快乐家庭照片的斗篷和墙壁,一个温暖的女性画外音说, “他是你一生的挚爱,你孩子的父亲,和你同床共枕的男人。”当妻子打开卧室的门,露出她的丈夫和另一个女人时,心情变得阴险。当她向可怕的骗子举起枪时,画外音补充道,“你的脸是他最后一次看到的脸。" 现场以枪声结束,粉碎切割主持人苏珊 · 卢西,她用 “先来爱,然后来婚姻…… 有时是谋杀” 来扣住现场。" 除了现场表演,卡尔还拍摄了一系列家庭肖像 -- 婚纱照,公园里有趣的一天,足球比赛, 等等 -- 这既是家里的道具,也是角色的背景故事。 “这是一个有趣的场景,” 卡尔说。这在一定程度上是对斯坦利 · 库布里克的敬意。我一直喜欢他使用相机放置和运动来唤起情绪的方式。 卡尔补充道,“整个地点都是用 Steadicam 拍摄的。它始于我们愉快地跟着妻子四处走动,但是当我们切换到卧室外面的场景时,相机变得更加窥视,你很快就会感觉到有什么东西坏了。然后她走进房间,我们发现她是凶手,不是受害者。有时候,讲述故事的最佳方式可以归结为你把相机放在哪里以及你如何移动它。" 关于 IKA Collective: IKA Collective 由著名品牌策略师/总监伊恩 · 卡尔创立,不仅仅是一家制作公司。相反,他们是作家、制片人、编辑、导演、作曲家、数字艺术家、 fa 的创造性集体喜欢讲故事的什叶派、美食家和恐怖电影狂热分子。无论是广告、网络宣传片、数字媒体项目,还是他们自己的原创内容,IKA Collective 都是为了以娱乐和获得结果的方式交流。我们的设施包括一个实时插入舞台、五个编辑室、数字颜色分级、图形、合成和音频混合套件,使我们能够在各种媒体上提供有意义的预算。最近的客户包括福克斯电视台、探索频道、大陆航空公司、霍尔马克频道和企鹅出版公司。有关更多信息,请访问 http://www.ikacollective.com

    “美国直升机” 宣传片

    案例简介:IKA Collective Teams With Discovery Networks On Premieres For “American Chopper” and “Deadly Affairs” Hybrid Creative Studio Crafts Powerful Promos For Popular Shows NEW YORK, NY – “American Chopper,” now in its ninth season on the Discovery Channel, remains one of cable’s most popular reality shows. When the network needed to promote the much-awaited new season it turned to frequent collaborator IKA Collective, the creative strategy, production, post hybrid studio led by Ian Karr. The conceptual spot, directed by Chris Stifel, centers on the rift between father and son and the rebuilding of their relationship. Over at sister network, Investigation Discovery, Karr himself directed the launch promo for “Deadly Affairs,” the new series hosted by Susan Lucci that tells real-life tales of love gone terribly wrong. “Both of these projects are very different, but perfectly showcase the range of services IKA Collective brings to our clients,” Karr says. “For ‘American Chopper’ we were there to support Chris’s vision and delicately handle the real-life estrangement between Junior and Senior. Conversely, ‘Deadly Affairs’ was a project in which we were asked to pitch the creative strategy and execute it.” Tension In Orange County: As any “American Chopper” fan will tell you, the Teutul family is a complex one, especially since the high-profile rift that saw Junior leave his dad’s famous motorcycle shop, Orange County Choppers. Their fractured relationship was a big consideration for Karr, who served as Executive Producer on the project. “This is a big show for Discovery and everyone wanted the new season to begin with an epic promo,” Karr says. “We found an old airport hanger at Stewart Airport in Orange County, New York, that perfectly captured the gritty look Stifel and DP Pete Konczal were after.” Set in a dramatically lit shop, reminiscent of OCC’s humble beginnings, the spot begins with audio echoes from past arguments between Senior and Junior, as we see the two enter and walk toward the center of the garage where a motorcycle sits on a table covered by a tarp. Facing each other, Senior says, “under this is where it all started.” “And now we’re going to rebuild it,” Junior replies, laying out the story arc for this pivotal season. The production faced numerous challenges, including shooting in a hot, leaky TSA-monitored hanger located next to a live tarmac with constant plane traffic. In order to make the day, it was necessary to create multiple sets for simultaneous shooting. “We pre-lit the entire spot to minimize on-set time for Junior and Senior,” Karr says. “After we fired up the cameras and the guys stepped in, you could feel the electricity in the air. With such great on-camera chemistry, it’s clear why the show is such a hit.” Deadly Direction For “Deadly Affairs”, the new real-life soap on Investigation Discovery that looks at love triangles gone terribly wrong, IKA’s creative team pitched several concepts for the promo. “The only mandate from the network was that they wanted an ending with a twist, just like in the show itself,” Karr notes. “We had to strike a balance between dark and light, entertaining the audience without minimizing the tragic nature of these true stories.” The winning concept from IKA Collective and Creative Director Robbie Chafitz, begins with a woman entering her home, walking past a mantle and walls full of happy family pictures as a warm female voiceover says, “He’s the love of your life, the father of your children, the man you share your bed with.” The mood then turns sinister as the wife opens the bedroom door, revealing her husband with another woman. As she raises a gun toward the fearful cheaters, the voiceover adds, “and yours is the last face he will ever see.” The spot ends with the sound of a gunshot, smash cutting to host Susan Lucci who buttons the spot by saying “first comes love, then comes marriage…and sometimes murder.” In addition to the live action, Karr photographed a series of family portraits -- wedding photos, a fun day in the park, soccer games, etc. -- that served both as props in the home and as backstories for the characters. “This was a fun scene to create,” Karr says. It’s partly an homage to Stanley Kubrick. I’ve always loved the way he used camera placement and motion to evoke a mood. Karr adds, “The whole spot is shot using a Steadicam. It begins with us happily following the wife around, but when we cut to the scene outside the bedroom, the camera becomes more voyeuristic and you quickly sense that something’s off. Then she enters the room and we reveal she’s the murderer, not the victim. Sometimes the best way to tell the story comes down to where you put the camera and how you move it.” About IKA Collective: Founded by noted brand strategist/director Ian Karr, IKA Collective is more than a production company. Rather, they’re creative collective of writers, producers, editors, directors, composers, digital artists, fashionistas, foodies and horror film fanatics who love to tell stories. Whether it’s an ad, a network promo, a digital media project, or their own original content, IKA Collective is all about communicating in a way that entertains and gets results. Our facility includes a live insert stage, five edit rooms, digital color grading, graphics, compositing and audio mixing suites, allowing us to deliver great work at budgets that make sense in every medium. Recent clients include Fox TV, Discovery Channel, Continental Airlines, Hallmark Channel and Penguin Publishing. For more information go to http://www.ikacollective.com

    "American Chopper" Promo

    案例简介:IKA 与探索网络的集体团队在首映式上 “美国直升机” 和 “致命事件” 混合创意工作室工艺品流行节目的强大宣传片 纽约 -- 《美国直升机》已经在探索频道播出第九季,仍然是有线电视最受欢迎的真人秀之一。当网络需要推广期待已久的新赛季时,它转向了由伊恩 · 卡尔领导的创意策略、制作、后混合工作室 IKA Collective。由克里斯 · 斯蒂菲尔执导的概念点集中在父子之间的裂痕和他们关系的重建上。 在姊妹网络《调查发现》中,卡尔本人执导了由苏珊 · 卢奇主持的新系列《致命事件》的发布宣传片,该系列讲述了现实生活中发生了严重错误的爱情故事。 卡尔说: “这两个项目非常不同,但却完美地展示了 IKA Collective 为我们的客户带来的一系列服务。”。“对于 '美国直升机',我们在那里支持克里斯的愿景,并微妙地处理初中和高中之间的现实生活隔阂。相反,“致命事件” 是一个项目,我们被要求推销创造性策略并执行它。" 奥兰治县的紧张局势: 正如任何 “美国直升机” 粉丝会告诉你的那样,Teutul 家族是一个复杂的家族,尤其是因为看到朱尼尔离开他父亲著名的摩托车店的高调裂痕, 奥兰治县直升机。他们破碎的关系是卡尔的一个重要考虑因素,他曾担任该项目的执行制片人。 卡尔说: “这是一个探索的大型节目,每个人都希望新赛季以史诗般的宣传片开始。”。“我们在纽约奥兰治县的斯图尔特机场发现了一个旧的机场衣架,它完美地捕捉到了 Stifel 和 DP Pete Konczal 追求的坚韧不拔的外表。" 该地点坐落在一家灯火通明的商店,让人想起 OCC 卑微的开端,从高级和初级之间过去的争论开始, 当我们看到两个进入并走向车库的中心时,一辆摩托车坐在一张被防水布覆盖的桌子上。面对彼此,老爹说,“在这之下,一切都开始了。 “现在我们要重建它,” 朱尼尔回答,为这个关键的赛季奠定了故事的弧线。 该产品面临着许多挑战,包括在一个热的、泄漏的 TSA 监控的衣架上拍摄,该衣架位于一个现场停机坪旁边,飞机流量不断。为了创造这一天,有必要创造多套同时拍摄。 卡尔说: “我们预先点燃了整个地点,以最大限度地减少初级和高级学生的固定时间。”。“当我们打开相机,伙计们进来后,你可以感觉到空气中的电流。有了如此棒的摄像机化学反应,很明显为什么这个节目如此受欢迎。" 致命的方向 对于 “致命的事情”,调查发现上的新现实肥皂剧《寻找爱情三角形》出现了可怕的错误,IKA 的创意团队为宣传片提出了几个概念。卡尔指出: “网络的唯一要求是,他们希望有一个扭曲的结局,就像节目本身一样。”。“我们必须在黑暗和光明之间取得平衡,在不降低这些真实故事的悲剧性的情况下娱乐观众。” IKA 集体和创意总监罗比 · 查菲茨的获奖概念始于一个女人进入她的家,走过一个充满快乐家庭照片的斗篷和墙壁,一个温暖的女性画外音说, “他是你一生的挚爱,你孩子的父亲,和你同床共枕的男人。”当妻子打开卧室的门,露出她的丈夫和另一个女人时,心情变得阴险。当她向可怕的骗子举起枪时,画外音补充道,“你的脸是他最后一次看到的脸。" 现场以枪声结束,粉碎切割主持人苏珊 · 卢西,她用 “先来爱,然后来婚姻…… 有时是谋杀” 来扣住现场。" 除了现场表演,卡尔还拍摄了一系列家庭肖像 -- 婚纱照,公园里有趣的一天,足球比赛, 等等 -- 这既是家里的道具,也是角色的背景故事。 “这是一个有趣的场景,” 卡尔说。这在一定程度上是对斯坦利 · 库布里克的敬意。我一直喜欢他使用相机放置和运动来唤起情绪的方式。 卡尔补充道,“整个地点都是用 Steadicam 拍摄的。它始于我们愉快地跟着妻子四处走动,但是当我们切换到卧室外面的场景时,相机变得更加窥视,你很快就会感觉到有什么东西坏了。然后她走进房间,我们发现她是凶手,不是受害者。有时候,讲述故事的最佳方式可以归结为你把相机放在哪里以及你如何移动它。" 关于 IKA Collective: IKA Collective 由著名品牌策略师/总监伊恩 · 卡尔创立,不仅仅是一家制作公司。相反,他们是作家、制片人、编辑、导演、作曲家、数字艺术家、 fa 的创造性集体喜欢讲故事的什叶派、美食家和恐怖电影狂热分子。无论是广告、网络宣传片、数字媒体项目,还是他们自己的原创内容,IKA Collective 都是为了以娱乐和获得结果的方式交流。我们的设施包括一个实时插入舞台、五个编辑室、数字颜色分级、图形、合成和音频混合套件,使我们能够在各种媒体上提供有意义的预算。最近的客户包括福克斯电视台、探索频道、大陆航空公司、霍尔马克频道和企鹅出版公司。有关更多信息,请访问 http://www.ikacollective.com

    "American Chopper" Promo

    案例简介:IKA Collective Teams With Discovery Networks On Premieres For “American Chopper” and “Deadly Affairs” Hybrid Creative Studio Crafts Powerful Promos For Popular Shows NEW YORK, NY – “American Chopper,” now in its ninth season on the Discovery Channel, remains one of cable’s most popular reality shows. When the network needed to promote the much-awaited new season it turned to frequent collaborator IKA Collective, the creative strategy, production, post hybrid studio led by Ian Karr. The conceptual spot, directed by Chris Stifel, centers on the rift between father and son and the rebuilding of their relationship. Over at sister network, Investigation Discovery, Karr himself directed the launch promo for “Deadly Affairs,” the new series hosted by Susan Lucci that tells real-life tales of love gone terribly wrong. “Both of these projects are very different, but perfectly showcase the range of services IKA Collective brings to our clients,” Karr says. “For ‘American Chopper’ we were there to support Chris’s vision and delicately handle the real-life estrangement between Junior and Senior. Conversely, ‘Deadly Affairs’ was a project in which we were asked to pitch the creative strategy and execute it.” Tension In Orange County: As any “American Chopper” fan will tell you, the Teutul family is a complex one, especially since the high-profile rift that saw Junior leave his dad’s famous motorcycle shop, Orange County Choppers. Their fractured relationship was a big consideration for Karr, who served as Executive Producer on the project. “This is a big show for Discovery and everyone wanted the new season to begin with an epic promo,” Karr says. “We found an old airport hanger at Stewart Airport in Orange County, New York, that perfectly captured the gritty look Stifel and DP Pete Konczal were after.” Set in a dramatically lit shop, reminiscent of OCC’s humble beginnings, the spot begins with audio echoes from past arguments between Senior and Junior, as we see the two enter and walk toward the center of the garage where a motorcycle sits on a table covered by a tarp. Facing each other, Senior says, “under this is where it all started.” “And now we’re going to rebuild it,” Junior replies, laying out the story arc for this pivotal season. The production faced numerous challenges, including shooting in a hot, leaky TSA-monitored hanger located next to a live tarmac with constant plane traffic. In order to make the day, it was necessary to create multiple sets for simultaneous shooting. “We pre-lit the entire spot to minimize on-set time for Junior and Senior,” Karr says. “After we fired up the cameras and the guys stepped in, you could feel the electricity in the air. With such great on-camera chemistry, it’s clear why the show is such a hit.” Deadly Direction For “Deadly Affairs”, the new real-life soap on Investigation Discovery that looks at love triangles gone terribly wrong, IKA’s creative team pitched several concepts for the promo. “The only mandate from the network was that they wanted an ending with a twist, just like in the show itself,” Karr notes. “We had to strike a balance between dark and light, entertaining the audience without minimizing the tragic nature of these true stories.” The winning concept from IKA Collective and Creative Director Robbie Chafitz, begins with a woman entering her home, walking past a mantle and walls full of happy family pictures as a warm female voiceover says, “He’s the love of your life, the father of your children, the man you share your bed with.” The mood then turns sinister as the wife opens the bedroom door, revealing her husband with another woman. As she raises a gun toward the fearful cheaters, the voiceover adds, “and yours is the last face he will ever see.” The spot ends with the sound of a gunshot, smash cutting to host Susan Lucci who buttons the spot by saying “first comes love, then comes marriage…and sometimes murder.” In addition to the live action, Karr photographed a series of family portraits -- wedding photos, a fun day in the park, soccer games, etc. -- that served both as props in the home and as backstories for the characters. “This was a fun scene to create,” Karr says. It’s partly an homage to Stanley Kubrick. I’ve always loved the way he used camera placement and motion to evoke a mood. Karr adds, “The whole spot is shot using a Steadicam. It begins with us happily following the wife around, but when we cut to the scene outside the bedroom, the camera becomes more voyeuristic and you quickly sense that something’s off. Then she enters the room and we reveal she’s the murderer, not the victim. Sometimes the best way to tell the story comes down to where you put the camera and how you move it.” About IKA Collective: Founded by noted brand strategist/director Ian Karr, IKA Collective is more than a production company. Rather, they’re creative collective of writers, producers, editors, directors, composers, digital artists, fashionistas, foodies and horror film fanatics who love to tell stories. Whether it’s an ad, a network promo, a digital media project, or their own original content, IKA Collective is all about communicating in a way that entertains and gets results. Our facility includes a live insert stage, five edit rooms, digital color grading, graphics, compositing and audio mixing suites, allowing us to deliver great work at budgets that make sense in every medium. Recent clients include Fox TV, Discovery Channel, Continental Airlines, Hallmark Channel and Penguin Publishing. For more information go to http://www.ikacollective.com

    “美国直升机” 宣传片


    "American Chopper" Promo










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