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    下一代银行 | Banco Bradesco: Next Bank短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:概要 银行业是唯一触及和影响消费者整个生活的服务类别。在巴西,数字本地人 -- 一个占经济活跃人口 30% 的高潜力群体 -- 认为银行是一种必要的邪恶和被动服务。事实上,71% 的千禧一代宁愿去看牙医也不愿去银行。Bradesco 是巴西最大的银行之一,拥有 7500万多名客户,它希望增加对这个市场的渗透,并愿意接受一个全新的提议,一个创新的商业模式, 以及重新想象的品牌和设计过程。 结果 “下一个” 平台非常成功。收购: 1.3毫米次下载; 94% 在目标范围内 (高收入千禧一代); 75% Bradesco 的新成员; 557,000 处于批准阶段 (快速增加转换); 活跃客户 129,000 (每月增长 40%)。参与: 2018年3月 1.7毫米笔交易 (每月增长 70%-比客户群快 75%); 每个客户每月 20 笔交易 (2018 季度翻了一番); 只有 2% 的不活动 (市场平均为 24%); 30% 的活跃客户通过 “目标” 投资 (99% 季度增长 2018);34% 的信贷被使用 (高于市场平均水平); 45% 的客户已经是 63 个合作伙伴独家优惠的经常性用户 (包括优步、苹果、 iFood 、 Airbnb 、 Cinemark 的优惠, 和 Xbox)。同样创建 “下一个” 账户的 Bradesco 客户在我们的平台上利润增加 30%。 执行 “下一步” 是为数字时代从头开始设计的新银行体验。“下一步” 适用于 iOS 和 Android,在 “实现” 概念下,为年轻客户提供产品、服务、智能预算工具、定制图形和个性化体验。在两年的建设阶段,我们把设计放在每一个决定的核心。因为品牌将主要生活在界面后面,我们设计了一个可以被触摸和体验的身份,即响应性和功能性。品牌是界面: 标志本身成为客户财务健康的简单和即时的可视化。然后,我们扩展了这种身份,创造了一个自然、有趣、充满活力和直观的设计系统,这在银行业中很少见。每一个用户的旅程都是通过设计、技术和数据智能的集成进行的。独特的品牌语言,如此嵌入到体验中,在几次互动后,感觉很熟悉。 活动描述 当消费者在做任何事情时都转向仅移动体验时,银行业却落后了。机会是创建一个全新的移动专用银行,增强千禧一代的能力,并无缝地融入他们的生活方式。我们通过重新想象数字时代的银行体验,将设计置于每个决策的核心, 并使用最新技术来实现任何竞争对手从未提供的积极主动的关系和创新功能。围绕 “让它发生” 的品牌理念,“下一步” 提供了一种银行体验,帮助客户用自己的钱做更多的事情,并在生活中实现更多。这是一项以客户为中心的完整银行服务,结合数据、设计和技术,为更好的个人财务决策提供信息。

    案例简介:Synopsis Banking is the only category of services that touches and influences a consumer’s entire life. In Brazil, digital natives—a high-potential group that accounts for 30% of the economically active population—see banking as a necessary evil and a reactive service. In fact, 71% of millennials would rather go to a dentist than to a bank. Bradesco—one of the largest banks in Brazil, with more than 75 million customers—wanted to increase its penetration into this market and was willing to embrace an entirely new proposition, an innovative business model, and a reimagined branding and design process. Outcome The ‘next’ platform is a great success. Acquisition: 1.3mm downloads; 94% within target (high-income millennials); 75% new to Bradesco; 557,000 are in the approval phase (increasing conversion at a fast pace); 129,000 active clients (growing 40% per month). Engagement: 1.7mm transactions in March 2018 (growing 70% per month—75% faster than customer base); 20 monthly transactions per customer (doubled in Q1 2018); only 2% of inactivity (market average is 24%); 30% of active customers invested through “objectives” (99% growth in Q1 2018); 34% of the credit offered is being used (above market average); 45% of customers are already recurrent users of 63 partners’ exclusive offers (including offers from Uber, Apple, iFood, Airbnb, Cinemark, and Xbox). Bradesco customers who also create a ‘next’ account become 30% more profitable on our platform. Execution ‘next’ is a new banking experience designed from the ground up for the digital age. Available for iOS and Android, ‘next’ offers products, services, smart budgeting tools, customized graphics, and personalized experiences targeted to young customers under the “Make It Happen” concept. During the 2-year building phase, we put design at the core of every decision. Because the brand would live primarily behind an interface, we designed an identity that can be touched and experienced, that is responsive and functional. The brand is the interface: the logo itself becomes a simple and instant visualization of the customer’s financial health. We then expanded this identity to create a natural, fun, energetic, and intuitive design system that feels rare in the banking industry. Every user journey happens through the integration of design, technology, and data intelligence. The distinctive brand language, so embedded into the experience, feels familiar after just a few interactions. CampaignDescription While consumers migrate to mobile-only experiences in everything they do, the banking industry has lagged behind. The opportunity was to create an entirely new mobile-only bank that empowers millennials and seamlessly integrates into their lifestyles. We did this by reimagining the banking experience for the digital age, putting design at the core of every decision, and using the newest technology to enable a proactive relationship and innovative features that have never been delivered by any competitor. Designed around the “Make It Happen” brand idea, ‘next’ offers a banking experience that helps customers do more with their money and achieve more in their lives. It’s a full banking service that’s customer centric, combining data, design, and technology to inform better individual financial decisions.

    下一代银行 | Banco Bradesco: Next Bank

    案例简介:概要 银行业是唯一触及和影响消费者整个生活的服务类别。在巴西,数字本地人 -- 一个占经济活跃人口 30% 的高潜力群体 -- 认为银行是一种必要的邪恶和被动服务。事实上,71% 的千禧一代宁愿去看牙医也不愿去银行。Bradesco 是巴西最大的银行之一,拥有 7500万多名客户,它希望增加对这个市场的渗透,并愿意接受一个全新的提议,一个创新的商业模式, 以及重新想象的品牌和设计过程。 结果 “下一个” 平台非常成功。收购: 1.3毫米次下载; 94% 在目标范围内 (高收入千禧一代); 75% Bradesco 的新成员; 557,000 处于批准阶段 (快速增加转换); 活跃客户 129,000 (每月增长 40%)。参与: 2018年3月 1.7毫米笔交易 (每月增长 70%-比客户群快 75%); 每个客户每月 20 笔交易 (2018 季度翻了一番); 只有 2% 的不活动 (市场平均为 24%); 30% 的活跃客户通过 “目标” 投资 (99% 季度增长 2018);34% 的信贷被使用 (高于市场平均水平); 45% 的客户已经是 63 个合作伙伴独家优惠的经常性用户 (包括优步、苹果、 iFood 、 Airbnb 、 Cinemark 的优惠, 和 Xbox)。同样创建 “下一个” 账户的 Bradesco 客户在我们的平台上利润增加 30%。 执行 “下一步” 是为数字时代从头开始设计的新银行体验。“下一步” 适用于 iOS 和 Android,在 “实现” 概念下,为年轻客户提供产品、服务、智能预算工具、定制图形和个性化体验。在两年的建设阶段,我们把设计放在每一个决定的核心。因为品牌将主要生活在界面后面,我们设计了一个可以被触摸和体验的身份,即响应性和功能性。品牌是界面: 标志本身成为客户财务健康的简单和即时的可视化。然后,我们扩展了这种身份,创造了一个自然、有趣、充满活力和直观的设计系统,这在银行业中很少见。每一个用户的旅程都是通过设计、技术和数据智能的集成进行的。独特的品牌语言,如此嵌入到体验中,在几次互动后,感觉很熟悉。 活动描述 当消费者在做任何事情时都转向仅移动体验时,银行业却落后了。机会是创建一个全新的移动专用银行,增强千禧一代的能力,并无缝地融入他们的生活方式。我们通过重新想象数字时代的银行体验,将设计置于每个决策的核心, 并使用最新技术来实现任何竞争对手从未提供的积极主动的关系和创新功能。围绕 “让它发生” 的品牌理念,“下一步” 提供了一种银行体验,帮助客户用自己的钱做更多的事情,并在生活中实现更多。这是一项以客户为中心的完整银行服务,结合数据、设计和技术,为更好的个人财务决策提供信息。

    下一代银行 | Banco Bradesco: Next Bank

    案例简介:Synopsis Banking is the only category of services that touches and influences a consumer’s entire life. In Brazil, digital natives—a high-potential group that accounts for 30% of the economically active population—see banking as a necessary evil and a reactive service. In fact, 71% of millennials would rather go to a dentist than to a bank. Bradesco—one of the largest banks in Brazil, with more than 75 million customers—wanted to increase its penetration into this market and was willing to embrace an entirely new proposition, an innovative business model, and a reimagined branding and design process. Outcome The ‘next’ platform is a great success. Acquisition: 1.3mm downloads; 94% within target (high-income millennials); 75% new to Bradesco; 557,000 are in the approval phase (increasing conversion at a fast pace); 129,000 active clients (growing 40% per month). Engagement: 1.7mm transactions in March 2018 (growing 70% per month—75% faster than customer base); 20 monthly transactions per customer (doubled in Q1 2018); only 2% of inactivity (market average is 24%); 30% of active customers invested through “objectives” (99% growth in Q1 2018); 34% of the credit offered is being used (above market average); 45% of customers are already recurrent users of 63 partners’ exclusive offers (including offers from Uber, Apple, iFood, Airbnb, Cinemark, and Xbox). Bradesco customers who also create a ‘next’ account become 30% more profitable on our platform. Execution ‘next’ is a new banking experience designed from the ground up for the digital age. Available for iOS and Android, ‘next’ offers products, services, smart budgeting tools, customized graphics, and personalized experiences targeted to young customers under the “Make It Happen” concept. During the 2-year building phase, we put design at the core of every decision. Because the brand would live primarily behind an interface, we designed an identity that can be touched and experienced, that is responsive and functional. The brand is the interface: the logo itself becomes a simple and instant visualization of the customer’s financial health. We then expanded this identity to create a natural, fun, energetic, and intuitive design system that feels rare in the banking industry. Every user journey happens through the integration of design, technology, and data intelligence. The distinctive brand language, so embedded into the experience, feels familiar after just a few interactions. CampaignDescription While consumers migrate to mobile-only experiences in everything they do, the banking industry has lagged behind. The opportunity was to create an entirely new mobile-only bank that empowers millennials and seamlessly integrates into their lifestyles. We did this by reimagining the banking experience for the digital age, putting design at the core of every decision, and using the newest technology to enable a proactive relationship and innovative features that have never been delivered by any competitor. Designed around the “Make It Happen” brand idea, ‘next’ offers a banking experience that helps customers do more with their money and achieve more in their lives. It’s a full banking service that’s customer centric, combining data, design, and technology to inform better individual financial decisions.


    下一代银行 | Banco Bradesco: Next Bank


    广告公司: R/GA (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: R/GA




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