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    The Big Match海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与 Direct 相关? Cars.com 的存在是为了创造人和汽车之间的汽车化学反应。这场大赛是推特上的现场回应活动,它不仅向我们的追随者展示了我们成为 “媒人” 的品牌宗旨,它还拦截了数百万人实时搜索他们刚刚在超级碗广告中看到的汽车。不仅仅是汽车广告 -- 任何有汽车的广告。 背景 2018,Cars.com 经历了自 1998 年推出以来的首次品牌重塑。在一个专注于功能的混乱市场中,cars.com 将自己重新定位为一个品牌,通过引入 “Cars.com 相遇” 活动来创造人和汽车之间的化学反应,该活动向我们展示了一个媒人,他可以转动你的引擎,让火花飞扬。 因此,当超级碗的时候,我们知道在线汽车搜索在大型游戏中激增 (主要是由于高调的汽车广告),所以我们的目标是拦截这种行为,并将人们重定向到 Cars.com 找到他们的 “一个”。大赛倾向于流行的搜索行为,但对我们来说更有趣的是,它让我们能够带着我们的目标,在世界上最大的舞台上扮演媒人。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 我们创建了 “大赛” -- 一个实时的社交回应推特活动,帮助将观众和超级碗广告中的汽车联系起来。但不仅仅是大型游戏汽车广告中的汽车 -- 我们在任何超级碗广告中都发现了任何汽车。该活动介绍了我们的媒人角色,他们急切地从她的 Cars.com 客厅观看超级碗,准备发现一辆车并快速回复-在 Cars.com 上发送链接到那辆车,就在现场播出后。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们在超级碗期间为 Cars.com “前进” 的道路源于这样一种观点,即由于新车广告的浪潮,对汽车品牌的兴趣在大型比赛期间飙升。随着超级碗的广泛覆盖,我们知道许多球迷也将在市场上寻找他们的完美汽车。 我们使用关键词分析、谷歌趋势研究和社交听力来了解超级碗观众在哪里得到了他们对汽车广告的修正,定义了汽车获胜的三个关键平台: 谷歌搜索、推特、和 YouTube。 我们专注于建立超级碗球迷的现有行为,拦截他们已经在的地方。我们将这些人引向 Cars.com,证明他们对优秀汽车广告的兴趣反映了我们的品牌宗旨,即寻找完美的汽车消费者。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 超级碗前几天,我们在社交和预赛上取笑这场大赛。我们没有举手,而是为 “今年最大的比赛” 大肆宣传。然后在周日的超级碗上,我们在 @ carsdotcom 的推特账户上介绍了这场大赛和我们的媒人。我们的媒人已经准备好对广告以汽车为特色的每个广告品牌进行实时回复。 当一个品牌的广告播出时,我们回复-通过定制的视频链接发布到 Cars.com 的确切汽车。每一个回应都提供了定制的内容: 昂贵的黄金滴落,而百事可乐则是标志性的饮料。如果用户喜欢广告中的汽车,他们只需点击一下就可以在 Cars.com 遇到它。我们甚至把栗色 5 号的中场休息秀变成了中场休息陈列室,展示了五辆栗色汽车。 每当有人搜索超级碗时,我们还通过运行定制的扫描电镜广告拦截谷歌流量。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 尽管这是一年中最繁忙的夜晚,如此多的品牌以巨大的预算和著名的名人争夺注意力,但这场大赛在网上引起了共鸣,并使 Cars.com 作为媒人的新目的变得栩栩如生。 仅在超级碗周日的晚上,该活动就获得了 27 + 百万的浏览量,970K + 的推文,当天的网站流量增加了 42%。 2018 年超级碗周日的 SEO 流量超过超级碗周日 + 57.9%。 也许最棒的是,我们打了数百万场比赛,让人们说 “我们在 Cars.com 见过面”


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? Cars.com exists to create car chemistry between people and cars. The Big Match was a live response campaign on Twitter that not only demonstrated our brand purpose of being a “matchmaker” to our followers, it also intercepted millions of people searching in real time for cars they had just seen in a Super Bowl commercial. And not just for the car commercials—any commercial with a car. Background In 2018, Cars.com underwent its first-ever rebrand since its launch in 1998. In a cluttered market focused on functionality, Cars.com repositioned themselves as a brand that exists to create chemistry between people and cars by introducing the 'We Met on Cars.com' campaign that showcased us a matchmaker that revs your engine and makes sparks fly. Therefore, when it came time for Super Bowl, we knew online cars searches spike during the big game (largely due to high profile car ads), so we aimed to intercept this behavior and redirect people to Cars.com to find their “one.” The Big Match leaned into a popular search behavior, but even more interesting to us was that it allowed us to lead with our purpose and play matchmaker on the world’s biggest stage. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) We created “The Big Match” - a real-time social response Twitter campaign that helped connect viewers to the cars in Super Bowl ads. But not just the cars in big game car commercials - we identified any car in any Super Bowl ad. The campaign introduced our Matchmaker character who was eagerly watching the Super Bowl from her Cars.com living room, ready to spot a car and quickly reply-tweet with a link to that car on Cars.com, right after the spot aired. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our “way in” for Cars.com during the Super Bowl sparked from the insight that interest in car brands spikes during the days around the Big Game, thanks to the wave of new car ads. With the incredibly broad reach of Super Bowl, we knew many of the fans would also be in the market for their perfect car. We used keyword analysis, Google Trends research, and social listening to understand where Super Bowl viewers were getting their fix for car commercials, defining three key platforms for Cars to win: Google search, Twitter, and YouTube. We focused on building upon existing behaviors of Super Bowl fans, intercepting them where they already are. We steered these people to Cars.com by demonstrating that their interest for great car commercials mirrored our brand purpose of finding car-shoppers their perfect automotive match. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Days before Super Bowl, we teased The Big Match on social and pre-roll. Without showing our hand, we built up hype for “the biggest match of the year”. Then on Super Bowl Sunday, we introduced The Big Match and our Matchmaker on @carsdotcom’s Twitter account. Our Matchmaker was ready to live-tweet reply to every advertising brand whose ad featured a car. When a brand’s ad aired, we reply-tweeted with a customized video link to the exact car on Cars.com. Every response delivered customized content: Expensify dripped in gold while Pepsi featured the iconic drink shot. If a user liked the car in the ad, they could meet it on Cars.com with a single click. We even turned Maroon 5’s halftime show into the Halftime Showroom featuring Five Maroon Cars. We also intercepted Google traffic by running tailored SEM ads any time someone searched for a Super Bowl spot. List the results (30% of vote) Despite being the busiest night of the year where so many brands compete for attention with big budgets, and famed celebs, The Big Match resonated online and brought to life Cars.com’s new purpose as a matchmaker. During the evening of Super Bowl Sunday alone, the campaign received 27+ million views, 970K+ tweets, and increased site traffic by 42% for that day. SEO Traffic on Super Bowl Sunday was +57.9% over Super Bowl Sunday in 2018. And perhaps best of all, we made millions of matches that left people saying “we met on Cars.com.”

    The Big Match

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与 Direct 相关? Cars.com 的存在是为了创造人和汽车之间的汽车化学反应。这场大赛是推特上的现场回应活动,它不仅向我们的追随者展示了我们成为 “媒人” 的品牌宗旨,它还拦截了数百万人实时搜索他们刚刚在超级碗广告中看到的汽车。不仅仅是汽车广告 -- 任何有汽车的广告。 背景 2018,Cars.com 经历了自 1998 年推出以来的首次品牌重塑。在一个专注于功能的混乱市场中,cars.com 将自己重新定位为一个品牌,通过引入 “Cars.com 相遇” 活动来创造人和汽车之间的化学反应,该活动向我们展示了一个媒人,他可以转动你的引擎,让火花飞扬。 因此,当超级碗的时候,我们知道在线汽车搜索在大型游戏中激增 (主要是由于高调的汽车广告),所以我们的目标是拦截这种行为,并将人们重定向到 Cars.com 找到他们的 “一个”。大赛倾向于流行的搜索行为,但对我们来说更有趣的是,它让我们能够带着我们的目标,在世界上最大的舞台上扮演媒人。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 我们创建了 “大赛” -- 一个实时的社交回应推特活动,帮助将观众和超级碗广告中的汽车联系起来。但不仅仅是大型游戏汽车广告中的汽车 -- 我们在任何超级碗广告中都发现了任何汽车。该活动介绍了我们的媒人角色,他们急切地从她的 Cars.com 客厅观看超级碗,准备发现一辆车并快速回复-在 Cars.com 上发送链接到那辆车,就在现场播出后。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们在超级碗期间为 Cars.com “前进” 的道路源于这样一种观点,即由于新车广告的浪潮,对汽车品牌的兴趣在大型比赛期间飙升。随着超级碗的广泛覆盖,我们知道许多球迷也将在市场上寻找他们的完美汽车。 我们使用关键词分析、谷歌趋势研究和社交听力来了解超级碗观众在哪里得到了他们对汽车广告的修正,定义了汽车获胜的三个关键平台: 谷歌搜索、推特、和 YouTube。 我们专注于建立超级碗球迷的现有行为,拦截他们已经在的地方。我们将这些人引向 Cars.com,证明他们对优秀汽车广告的兴趣反映了我们的品牌宗旨,即寻找完美的汽车消费者。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 超级碗前几天,我们在社交和预赛上取笑这场大赛。我们没有举手,而是为 “今年最大的比赛” 大肆宣传。然后在周日的超级碗上,我们在 @ carsdotcom 的推特账户上介绍了这场大赛和我们的媒人。我们的媒人已经准备好对广告以汽车为特色的每个广告品牌进行实时回复。 当一个品牌的广告播出时,我们回复-通过定制的视频链接发布到 Cars.com 的确切汽车。每一个回应都提供了定制的内容: 昂贵的黄金滴落,而百事可乐则是标志性的饮料。如果用户喜欢广告中的汽车,他们只需点击一下就可以在 Cars.com 遇到它。我们甚至把栗色 5 号的中场休息秀变成了中场休息陈列室,展示了五辆栗色汽车。 每当有人搜索超级碗时,我们还通过运行定制的扫描电镜广告拦截谷歌流量。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 尽管这是一年中最繁忙的夜晚,如此多的品牌以巨大的预算和著名的名人争夺注意力,但这场大赛在网上引起了共鸣,并使 Cars.com 作为媒人的新目的变得栩栩如生。 仅在超级碗周日的晚上,该活动就获得了 27 + 百万的浏览量,970K + 的推文,当天的网站流量增加了 42%。 2018 年超级碗周日的 SEO 流量超过超级碗周日 + 57.9%。 也许最棒的是,我们打了数百万场比赛,让人们说 “我们在 Cars.com 见过面”

    The Big Match

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? Cars.com exists to create car chemistry between people and cars. The Big Match was a live response campaign on Twitter that not only demonstrated our brand purpose of being a “matchmaker” to our followers, it also intercepted millions of people searching in real time for cars they had just seen in a Super Bowl commercial. And not just for the car commercials—any commercial with a car. Background In 2018, Cars.com underwent its first-ever rebrand since its launch in 1998. In a cluttered market focused on functionality, Cars.com repositioned themselves as a brand that exists to create chemistry between people and cars by introducing the 'We Met on Cars.com' campaign that showcased us a matchmaker that revs your engine and makes sparks fly. Therefore, when it came time for Super Bowl, we knew online cars searches spike during the big game (largely due to high profile car ads), so we aimed to intercept this behavior and redirect people to Cars.com to find their “one.” The Big Match leaned into a popular search behavior, but even more interesting to us was that it allowed us to lead with our purpose and play matchmaker on the world’s biggest stage. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) We created “The Big Match” - a real-time social response Twitter campaign that helped connect viewers to the cars in Super Bowl ads. But not just the cars in big game car commercials - we identified any car in any Super Bowl ad. The campaign introduced our Matchmaker character who was eagerly watching the Super Bowl from her Cars.com living room, ready to spot a car and quickly reply-tweet with a link to that car on Cars.com, right after the spot aired. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our “way in” for Cars.com during the Super Bowl sparked from the insight that interest in car brands spikes during the days around the Big Game, thanks to the wave of new car ads. With the incredibly broad reach of Super Bowl, we knew many of the fans would also be in the market for their perfect car. We used keyword analysis, Google Trends research, and social listening to understand where Super Bowl viewers were getting their fix for car commercials, defining three key platforms for Cars to win: Google search, Twitter, and YouTube. We focused on building upon existing behaviors of Super Bowl fans, intercepting them where they already are. We steered these people to Cars.com by demonstrating that their interest for great car commercials mirrored our brand purpose of finding car-shoppers their perfect automotive match. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Days before Super Bowl, we teased The Big Match on social and pre-roll. Without showing our hand, we built up hype for “the biggest match of the year”. Then on Super Bowl Sunday, we introduced The Big Match and our Matchmaker on @carsdotcom’s Twitter account. Our Matchmaker was ready to live-tweet reply to every advertising brand whose ad featured a car. When a brand’s ad aired, we reply-tweeted with a customized video link to the exact car on Cars.com. Every response delivered customized content: Expensify dripped in gold while Pepsi featured the iconic drink shot. If a user liked the car in the ad, they could meet it on Cars.com with a single click. We even turned Maroon 5’s halftime show into the Halftime Showroom featuring Five Maroon Cars. We also intercepted Google traffic by running tailored SEM ads any time someone searched for a Super Bowl spot. List the results (30% of vote) Despite being the busiest night of the year where so many brands compete for attention with big budgets, and famed celebs, The Big Match resonated online and brought to life Cars.com’s new purpose as a matchmaker. During the evening of Super Bowl Sunday alone, the campaign received 27+ million views, 970K+ tweets, and increased site traffic by 42% for that day. SEO Traffic on Super Bowl Sunday was +57.9% over Super Bowl Sunday in 2018. And perhaps best of all, we made millions of matches that left people saying “we met on Cars.com.”



    The Big Match






    广告公司: R/GA (美国 芝加哥) 制作公司: R/GA , Radar Post




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