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    A Table to end Hunger短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 澳大利亚丰富的食物意味着我们大多数人认为下一顿饭是理所当然的 -- 让我们对那些努力寻找下一顿饭的人知之甚少。然而,你很难找到一个不在乎结束世界饥饿的人。这种缺乏理解加上过多的慈善机构可供选择,使得像饥饿项目这样的小玩家很难与富裕的澳大利亚人联系。正如澳大利亚社区委员会的大卫 · 克罗斯比所说。“如果你没有像 World Vision 、 Salvos 或 RSPCA 这样的品牌知名度,你需要尝试一些奇怪的东西来获得营销主线。 “我们的目标是 (1) 提高对饥饿项目到 2030年结束世界饥饿的使命的认识和 (2)招募积极的 “投资者”。我们通过解决澳大利亚人关心的问题 -- 美食家文化和外出就餐。 结果 通过给澳大利亚人一个机会去竞标一张原本不可能买到的桌子,我们把外出就餐变成了一种慈善的姿态。我们将饥饿项目的意识提高到前所未有的水平,并为积极的投资者创造了数百个线索。具体来说… 1) 我们在 75 次成功拍卖中交付了 75 次,所有的人都在他们的预订中出售。2) 获胜者通过 # atabletoendhunger3 与成千上万的人分享他们的用餐体验。我们在目标社区制作了 81,108 顿饭。我们资助了对印度 41 名当选女性进行为期一年的社区领导培训 5) 我们在一个月内获得了 40m 以上的印象 (比基准高出 96%)这是该组织历史上最高的知名度 (《饥饿总结表》,12月 PR 2017)。6) 我们推动了新的投资者收购。在这项运动之后,饥饿项目的每月注册次数增加了 200%。(THP 谷歌分析 2017) 活动描述 虽然我们很难在最热门的餐馆预订一张桌子,但可怕的事实是,全世界 7.95亿人都在努力简单地吃饭。我们与易趣和一些世界上最热门的餐馆合作,这些餐馆捐赠了他们最好的一张桌子,包括三道菜的饭菜和饮料。然后,我们将这些抢手的桌子拍卖给 eBay 上出价最高的人。所有收益都将直接结束世界饥饿。我们把最需要的人的需求转化为供应。通过竞标一张桌子,其他人得到了他们的食物。 战略 没有资金支持传统媒体计划,我们需要在我们的方法上有所创新。与慈善有关往往是个人的。饥饿对大多数澳大利亚人来说是非常陌生的,我们的战略使这个问题更接近国内。我们的数据显示,富裕的澳大利亚人在数字、电子商务和外出就餐方面的索引过高。随着烹饪节目、烹饪相关出版物、名人厨师、食品相关真人秀节目的兴起, 与食品相关的电子商务 -- 食品是我们社会生活的一个重要组成部分。我们利用这种对食物的热爱和增加对独家餐馆的胃口,并挖掘了固定桌子的内在张力。我们的策略 -- 让人们意识到饥饿,在他们被拒绝预订晚餐时打他们。通过我们的核心媒体平台易趣和我们合作的 75 + 餐馆个人网站,我们与观众接触,以推动直接回应。 执行 与一些世界顶级餐馆合作,我们让人们在桌子上出价,帮助其他人把食物放在他们的桌子上。我们在情人节发起了这项活动,情人节是最难预订餐厅的一天,目的是吸引最大的买家。我们完全依赖伙伴关系和合作者。澳大利亚、新加坡和东京的 75 多家餐馆捐赠了一张桌子、一顿饭和饮料,并在他们的社交渠道上宣布。 eBay 主办了我们的拍卖,并捐赠广告空间来驱动 reach。 dimmi。领先的餐馆预订网站 com 通过他们的数据库发送了 eDM,将我们与餐馆顾客联系起来。德高在交通繁忙的火车站捐赠了价值两周的户外数字广告空间。雅虎在他们的数字网络上捐赠了价值 10,000 美元的广告空间。


    案例简介:Synopsis Australia’s abundance of food means most of us take our next meal for granted – leaving us with little understanding for those who struggle to find their next meal. Yet, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t care about ending world hunger. This lack of understanding combined with an excess of charities to choose from, makes it difficult for a small player like The Hunger Project to connect with affluent Australians. As David Crosbie of the Community Council Australia put it. “If you don’t have brand name recognition like World Vision, Salvos or RSPCA, you need to try something weird in a bid to get that marketing masterstroke.”Our objectives were to (1) Raise awareness for The Hunger Project’s mission of ending world hunger by 2030 and (2) Recruit active “investors”.We did this by addressing the issue through something Australians cared about – foodie culture and dining out. Outcome By giving Australians a chance to bid on a table that was otherwise impossible to get, we made dining out a charitable gesture.We raised awareness of The Hunger Project to unprecedented levels, and generated hundreds of leads for active investors.Specifically…1)We delivered 75 out of 75 successful auctions, all selling over their reserve.2)Winners shared their dining experience with thousands via #atabletoendhunger3)We generated 81,108 meals in targeted communities4)We financed the training of 41-elected women in India for one year to be a community leader5)We achieved a total reach of 40M+ impressions in just one month (96% higher than benchmark) and the highest awareness in the organisation’s history (A Table to End Hunger Wrap Report, DEC PR 2017).6)We drove new investor acquisition. The Hunger Project experienced a 200% increase in monthly sign-ups following the campaign. (THP Google Analytics 2017) CampaignDescription Whilst we struggle to reserve a table at the hottest restaurants, the horrible truth is, 795 million people worldwide struggle to simply eat. We partnered with eBay and some of the world’s hottest restaurants who donated one of their best tables, including a three-course meal and drinks. We then auctioned these sought-after tables to the highest bidder on eBay. With all proceeds going directly to end world hunger. We turned demand into supply for those who need it most. By bidding for a table, others got food on theirs. Strategy Without the funds to support a traditional media plan, we needed to be innovative in our approach. Relating to charity is often personal. And with hunger being something very foreign to most Australians, our strategy brought the issue closer to home.Our data showed affluent Australians, over indexed in the use of digital, e-commerce, and dining out. With the rise of cooking shows, cooking-related publications, celebrity chefs, food-related reality television, food-related e-commerce – food is an obsession and an important part of our social lives. We leveraged this love for food and increasing appetite for access to exclusive restaurants, and tapped into the inherent tension of securing a table. Our strategy - make people aware of hunger, by hitting them when they were denied their dinner reservation.Through our core media platform, eBay, and our partnering 75+ restaurants individual sites, we engaged with our audience to drive direct response. Execution In collaboration with some of the world’s top restaurants, we got people to bid on a table to help others put food on theirs. We launched the campaign on Valentine’s Day, the hardest day to secure restaurant reservations, to attract the biggest bidders.We relied exclusively on partnerships and collaborators.•Over 75 restaurants across Australia, Singapore and Tokyo donated a table, meal and drinks, and announced it on their social channels.•eBay hosted our auctions, and donated ad space to drive reach.•Dimmi.com, a leading restaurant booking site, sent eDM’s through their database connecting us with restaurant patrons.•JCDecaux donated two weeks worth of OOH digital ad space in highly trafficked train stations. •Yahoo donated over $10,000 worth of advertising space across their digital network.

    A Table to end Hunger

    案例简介:概要 澳大利亚丰富的食物意味着我们大多数人认为下一顿饭是理所当然的 -- 让我们对那些努力寻找下一顿饭的人知之甚少。然而,你很难找到一个不在乎结束世界饥饿的人。这种缺乏理解加上过多的慈善机构可供选择,使得像饥饿项目这样的小玩家很难与富裕的澳大利亚人联系。正如澳大利亚社区委员会的大卫 · 克罗斯比所说。“如果你没有像 World Vision 、 Salvos 或 RSPCA 这样的品牌知名度,你需要尝试一些奇怪的东西来获得营销主线。 “我们的目标是 (1) 提高对饥饿项目到 2030年结束世界饥饿的使命的认识和 (2)招募积极的 “投资者”。我们通过解决澳大利亚人关心的问题 -- 美食家文化和外出就餐。 结果 通过给澳大利亚人一个机会去竞标一张原本不可能买到的桌子,我们把外出就餐变成了一种慈善的姿态。我们将饥饿项目的意识提高到前所未有的水平,并为积极的投资者创造了数百个线索。具体来说… 1) 我们在 75 次成功拍卖中交付了 75 次,所有的人都在他们的预订中出售。2) 获胜者通过 # atabletoendhunger3 与成千上万的人分享他们的用餐体验。我们在目标社区制作了 81,108 顿饭。我们资助了对印度 41 名当选女性进行为期一年的社区领导培训 5) 我们在一个月内获得了 40m 以上的印象 (比基准高出 96%)这是该组织历史上最高的知名度 (《饥饿总结表》,12月 PR 2017)。6) 我们推动了新的投资者收购。在这项运动之后,饥饿项目的每月注册次数增加了 200%。(THP 谷歌分析 2017) 活动描述 虽然我们很难在最热门的餐馆预订一张桌子,但可怕的事实是,全世界 7.95亿人都在努力简单地吃饭。我们与易趣和一些世界上最热门的餐馆合作,这些餐馆捐赠了他们最好的一张桌子,包括三道菜的饭菜和饮料。然后,我们将这些抢手的桌子拍卖给 eBay 上出价最高的人。所有收益都将直接结束世界饥饿。我们把最需要的人的需求转化为供应。通过竞标一张桌子,其他人得到了他们的食物。 战略 没有资金支持传统媒体计划,我们需要在我们的方法上有所创新。与慈善有关往往是个人的。饥饿对大多数澳大利亚人来说是非常陌生的,我们的战略使这个问题更接近国内。我们的数据显示,富裕的澳大利亚人在数字、电子商务和外出就餐方面的索引过高。随着烹饪节目、烹饪相关出版物、名人厨师、食品相关真人秀节目的兴起, 与食品相关的电子商务 -- 食品是我们社会生活的一个重要组成部分。我们利用这种对食物的热爱和增加对独家餐馆的胃口,并挖掘了固定桌子的内在张力。我们的策略 -- 让人们意识到饥饿,在他们被拒绝预订晚餐时打他们。通过我们的核心媒体平台易趣和我们合作的 75 + 餐馆个人网站,我们与观众接触,以推动直接回应。 执行 与一些世界顶级餐馆合作,我们让人们在桌子上出价,帮助其他人把食物放在他们的桌子上。我们在情人节发起了这项活动,情人节是最难预订餐厅的一天,目的是吸引最大的买家。我们完全依赖伙伴关系和合作者。澳大利亚、新加坡和东京的 75 多家餐馆捐赠了一张桌子、一顿饭和饮料,并在他们的社交渠道上宣布。 eBay 主办了我们的拍卖,并捐赠广告空间来驱动 reach。 dimmi。领先的餐馆预订网站 com 通过他们的数据库发送了 eDM,将我们与餐馆顾客联系起来。德高在交通繁忙的火车站捐赠了价值两周的户外数字广告空间。雅虎在他们的数字网络上捐赠了价值 10,000 美元的广告空间。

    A Table to end Hunger

    案例简介:Synopsis Australia’s abundance of food means most of us take our next meal for granted – leaving us with little understanding for those who struggle to find their next meal. Yet, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t care about ending world hunger. This lack of understanding combined with an excess of charities to choose from, makes it difficult for a small player like The Hunger Project to connect with affluent Australians. As David Crosbie of the Community Council Australia put it. “If you don’t have brand name recognition like World Vision, Salvos or RSPCA, you need to try something weird in a bid to get that marketing masterstroke.”Our objectives were to (1) Raise awareness for The Hunger Project’s mission of ending world hunger by 2030 and (2) Recruit active “investors”.We did this by addressing the issue through something Australians cared about – foodie culture and dining out. Outcome By giving Australians a chance to bid on a table that was otherwise impossible to get, we made dining out a charitable gesture.We raised awareness of The Hunger Project to unprecedented levels, and generated hundreds of leads for active investors.Specifically…1)We delivered 75 out of 75 successful auctions, all selling over their reserve.2)Winners shared their dining experience with thousands via #atabletoendhunger3)We generated 81,108 meals in targeted communities4)We financed the training of 41-elected women in India for one year to be a community leader5)We achieved a total reach of 40M+ impressions in just one month (96% higher than benchmark) and the highest awareness in the organisation’s history (A Table to End Hunger Wrap Report, DEC PR 2017).6)We drove new investor acquisition. The Hunger Project experienced a 200% increase in monthly sign-ups following the campaign. (THP Google Analytics 2017) CampaignDescription Whilst we struggle to reserve a table at the hottest restaurants, the horrible truth is, 795 million people worldwide struggle to simply eat. We partnered with eBay and some of the world’s hottest restaurants who donated one of their best tables, including a three-course meal and drinks. We then auctioned these sought-after tables to the highest bidder on eBay. With all proceeds going directly to end world hunger. We turned demand into supply for those who need it most. By bidding for a table, others got food on theirs. Strategy Without the funds to support a traditional media plan, we needed to be innovative in our approach. Relating to charity is often personal. And with hunger being something very foreign to most Australians, our strategy brought the issue closer to home.Our data showed affluent Australians, over indexed in the use of digital, e-commerce, and dining out. With the rise of cooking shows, cooking-related publications, celebrity chefs, food-related reality television, food-related e-commerce – food is an obsession and an important part of our social lives. We leveraged this love for food and increasing appetite for access to exclusive restaurants, and tapped into the inherent tension of securing a table. Our strategy - make people aware of hunger, by hitting them when they were denied their dinner reservation.Through our core media platform, eBay, and our partnering 75+ restaurants individual sites, we engaged with our audience to drive direct response. Execution In collaboration with some of the world’s top restaurants, we got people to bid on a table to help others put food on theirs. We launched the campaign on Valentine’s Day, the hardest day to secure restaurant reservations, to attract the biggest bidders.We relied exclusively on partnerships and collaborators.•Over 75 restaurants across Australia, Singapore and Tokyo donated a table, meal and drinks, and announced it on their social channels.•eBay hosted our auctions, and donated ad space to drive reach.•Dimmi.com, a leading restaurant booking site, sent eDM’s through their database connecting us with restaurant patrons.•JCDecaux donated two weeks worth of OOH digital ad space in highly trafficked train stations. •Yahoo donated over $10,000 worth of advertising space across their digital network.



    A Table to end Hunger






    广告公司: 麦肯 (澳大利亚 悉尼) 制作公司: McCann




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