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    Understanding Multiple Sclerosis短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 问题是: 当严格的法律禁止制药公司宣传其产品时,制药公司如何将自己定位为多发性硬化症治疗的领导者?医生很难诊断这种情况,缺乏资金意味着许多 MS 患者无法获得新的治疗。挑战:-教育病人、他们的照顾者和医生 MS 及其治疗。-将 Gedeon Richter 定位为这一领域的专家,同时遵守管理该行业的严格营销规则。洞察:-为了真正理解一个 MS 的患者每天遇到的困难,我们意识到让人们亲身感受症状,而不是被告知他们是什么, 将会更有影响力 -- 互联网是研究疾病和治疗的巨大信息来源,而且很容易获得 -- 可信的第3 党的支持将为这场运动提供一个解决方案的平台: -通过创建 MS 症状的在线互动模拟产生 “专业共鸣”-邀请 MS 组织和医学院提供第三方认可-教育下一代医生结果:-由患者认可, MS 组织,医学院、博客和制药营销专家 -- MS 对患者的资助和治疗又回到了政府的议程上 -- 吸引了 500,000 多名全球观众 描述客户的简报: 目标: -提高对患有这种疾病的 MS 患者困境的认识-强调波兰 MS 患者由于资金问题而难以获得新的治疗-教育未来的医生了解 MS 的症状帮助诊断目标受众:-普通公众-医学学生/医生-MS 患者, 他们的家人和朋友 -- 媒体决策者,如政治家,进行了广泛的研究,以确保在线模拟符合患者的现实MS。 战略: 其核心思想是创建一个创新的交互式模拟工具,使 “健康” 的人能够通过执行日常简单的任务来体验与 MS 的生活,如着色、回复短信、写电子邮件和切面包。招募 MS 患者和其他参与他们护理的人,参与运动的规划和执行,将确保模拟符合他们的现实。一旦上了网站,访问者将会接受关于女士的事实、症状和治疗的教育。从官方 MS 组织和医疗当局获得购买将是增加可信度和宣传的关键。 执行: (规划 2009 开始/大部分实施发生在 2010) -- 与波兰多发性硬化症协会 (PMSS) 建立的伙伴关系 -- 2009年7月 -- 第一次模拟这种情况,创建了一个 3D 模拟,使所有互联网用户能够亲身体验 MS 的症状 -- MamSM.pl 于 2009年10月上线 -- 英文版,“拥有 MS.com”,于 2010年3月推出 -- 网站展示了模拟,MS 患者及其护理人员强调资金问题和获得治疗的困难 -- 与国际医学学生协会联合会建立的伙伴关系 -2010年4月-“举办医学硕士” 路演参观了 16 所医学院/3,500 名学生 (IFMSA) 2010年4月-2011年4月-PMMS,2010年5月到10月,在四个主要的 MS 活动 (7,500 名与会者) 上展出 -- 招募著名政治家进行模拟 MS 症状的实验 -- 发行了 10,000 张模拟光盘, 3,000 份教育传单和 240 份海报 -- 得到传统媒体和社交媒体的支持。 情况: 波兰大约有 60,000 人患有多发性硬化症 (MS)。Gedeon Richter 想把自己定位为治疗 MS 的领导者,并提高对这种情况的认识,因为 MS 患者经常感到孤立。由于资金问题,许多患者难以获得新的治疗方法。诊断 MS 很困难,因为许多症状在其他疾病中很常见。公众对这种疾病的认识很低,健康的人对这种疾病知之甚少。制药公司不能宣传产品或治疗方法,所以运动需要在严格的预定参数范围内进行。 结果: -由 PMSS 和 IFMSA 认可的运动-PMSS 网站上的模拟网站-波兰卫生部已经开始采取措施,为 MS 患者提供更多资金 (2011年4月)-运动在 @ 500,000 媒体上覆盖了全球 369 多名观众,引发了围绕资金问题的讨论,包括 23 个国家和地方电视频道以及 14 个国家和地方广播电台的报道到 2011年4月底,在波兰 16 所医学大学举办医学院校的路演将达到 3,500 名医科学生,在 HavingMS.com 和 MamSM 上有 284,000 次点击和 404,000 次页面浏览。 pl-442 在 Wykop 上发布的积极意见。 pl (波兰版Digg.com 的离子)-由 19 名 MS 博客作者和 8 名制药营销专家鼓掌。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The problem: How does a pharmaceutical company position itself as a leader in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, when strict laws prohibit it from publicising its products? Doctors have difficulty in diagnosing the condition and a lack of funding means many MS sufferers cannot access new treatment. The challenge: - Educate patients, their carers and doctors about MS and its treatment. - Position Gedeon Richter an expert in this field whilst obeying strict marketing rules that govern the sector. The insight: - To truly understand the difficulties an MS sufferer encounters every day, we realised enabling people to feel the symptoms firsthand, rather than being told what they were, would be far more impactful - The internet is a huge source of information for researching illnesses and treatments, and is easily accessible - Credible 3rd party endorsement would give the campaign a platform The solution: - Generate 'experential empathy' by creating an online interactive simulation of MS symptoms - Enrol MS organisations and medical universities into providing third party endorsement - Educate the next generation of doctors Results: - Endorsed by patients, MS organisations, medical schools, bloggers and pharma marketing specialists - MS funding and treatment for patients is back on the government’s agenda - Reached a global audience of 500,000+ Describe the brief from the client: Objectives: - Raise awareness of the plight of MS sufferers living with the condition - Highlight the difficulty MS patients in Poland have in accessing new treatments because of funding issues - Educate future doctors on the symptoms of MS to help with diagnosis Target audience: - The general public - Medical students/doctors - MS patients, their families and friends - Media - Decision-makers e.g. politicians Extensive research was conducted to ensure an online simulation would match the reality of patients living with MS. The Strategy: The core idea was to create an innovative and interactive simulation tool to enable 'healthy' people to experience living with MS through performing everyday simple tasks such as colouring in, responding to a text message, writing an email and cutting bread. Enrolling MS sufferers and others involved in their care, to participate in the planning and execution of the campaign, would ensure the simulation matched their reality. Once on the site, visitors would be educated on the facts, symptoms and treatment of MS. Getting buy in from official MS organisations and medical authorities would be crucial to add credibility and generate publicity. Execution: (PLANNING STARTED 2009 / MAJORITY OF IMPLEMENTATION TOOK PLACE 2010) - Partnership established with the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society (PMSS) - Jul 2009 - In the first simulation of its kind, created a 3D simulation enabling all internet users to experience the symptoms of MS firsthand - MamSM.pl went live Oct 2009 - English version, ‘Having MS.com’, launched March 2010 - Websites featured the simulation, MS sufferers and their carers highlighting the funding issue and difficulty in accessing treatment - Established partnership with the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) - April 2010 - 'Having MS' roadshow visited 16 medical universities / 3,500 students (with the IFMSA) April 2010 – April 2011 - With the PMMS, exhibited at four major MS events (7,500 attendees) May - Oct 2010 - Enrolled prominent politicians into undertaking experiments simulating the symptoms of MS - Distributed 10,000 simulation CD’s, 3,000 educational leaflets and 240 posters - Supported by traditional and social media throughout. The Situation: Around 60 thousand people in Poland suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Gedeon Richter wanted to position itself as a leader in the treatment of MS and raise awareness of the condition as MS sufferers often feel isolated. Many patients have difficulty in accessing new treatments because of funding issues. Diagnosing MS is difficult as many of the symptoms are common to other conditions. Public awareness of the condition is low and healthy people know very little about the disease. Pharmaceutical companies cannot publicise products or treatments so the campaign needed to work within strict pre-defined parameters. Results: - Campaign endorsed by the PMSS and IFMSA – simulation sites on PMSS website - The Polish Ministry of Health has initiated steps to make funding for MS sufferers more available (Apr 2011) - Campaign reached global audience of 500,000 + - Generated coverage in @ 369 media igniting discuission around the funding issue including coverage on 23 national and local TV channels, and 14 national and local radio stations - The 'Having MS' Roadshow will have reached 3,500 medical students at 16 medical universities in Poland by end April 2011 - 284,000 hits and 404,000 page views on HavingMS.com and MamSM.pl - 442 positive opinions posted on Wykop.pl (polish version of Digg.com) - Applauded by 19 MS bloggers and 8 pharma marketing specialists.

    Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 问题是: 当严格的法律禁止制药公司宣传其产品时,制药公司如何将自己定位为多发性硬化症治疗的领导者?医生很难诊断这种情况,缺乏资金意味着许多 MS 患者无法获得新的治疗。挑战:-教育病人、他们的照顾者和医生 MS 及其治疗。-将 Gedeon Richter 定位为这一领域的专家,同时遵守管理该行业的严格营销规则。洞察:-为了真正理解一个 MS 的患者每天遇到的困难,我们意识到让人们亲身感受症状,而不是被告知他们是什么, 将会更有影响力 -- 互联网是研究疾病和治疗的巨大信息来源,而且很容易获得 -- 可信的第3 党的支持将为这场运动提供一个解决方案的平台: -通过创建 MS 症状的在线互动模拟产生 “专业共鸣”-邀请 MS 组织和医学院提供第三方认可-教育下一代医生结果:-由患者认可, MS 组织,医学院、博客和制药营销专家 -- MS 对患者的资助和治疗又回到了政府的议程上 -- 吸引了 500,000 多名全球观众 描述客户的简报: 目标: -提高对患有这种疾病的 MS 患者困境的认识-强调波兰 MS 患者由于资金问题而难以获得新的治疗-教育未来的医生了解 MS 的症状帮助诊断目标受众:-普通公众-医学学生/医生-MS 患者, 他们的家人和朋友 -- 媒体决策者,如政治家,进行了广泛的研究,以确保在线模拟符合患者的现实MS。 战略: 其核心思想是创建一个创新的交互式模拟工具,使 “健康” 的人能够通过执行日常简单的任务来体验与 MS 的生活,如着色、回复短信、写电子邮件和切面包。招募 MS 患者和其他参与他们护理的人,参与运动的规划和执行,将确保模拟符合他们的现实。一旦上了网站,访问者将会接受关于女士的事实、症状和治疗的教育。从官方 MS 组织和医疗当局获得购买将是增加可信度和宣传的关键。 执行: (规划 2009 开始/大部分实施发生在 2010) -- 与波兰多发性硬化症协会 (PMSS) 建立的伙伴关系 -- 2009年7月 -- 第一次模拟这种情况,创建了一个 3D 模拟,使所有互联网用户能够亲身体验 MS 的症状 -- MamSM.pl 于 2009年10月上线 -- 英文版,“拥有 MS.com”,于 2010年3月推出 -- 网站展示了模拟,MS 患者及其护理人员强调资金问题和获得治疗的困难 -- 与国际医学学生协会联合会建立的伙伴关系 -2010年4月-“举办医学硕士” 路演参观了 16 所医学院/3,500 名学生 (IFMSA) 2010年4月-2011年4月-PMMS,2010年5月到10月,在四个主要的 MS 活动 (7,500 名与会者) 上展出 -- 招募著名政治家进行模拟 MS 症状的实验 -- 发行了 10,000 张模拟光盘, 3,000 份教育传单和 240 份海报 -- 得到传统媒体和社交媒体的支持。 情况: 波兰大约有 60,000 人患有多发性硬化症 (MS)。Gedeon Richter 想把自己定位为治疗 MS 的领导者,并提高对这种情况的认识,因为 MS 患者经常感到孤立。由于资金问题,许多患者难以获得新的治疗方法。诊断 MS 很困难,因为许多症状在其他疾病中很常见。公众对这种疾病的认识很低,健康的人对这种疾病知之甚少。制药公司不能宣传产品或治疗方法,所以运动需要在严格的预定参数范围内进行。 结果: -由 PMSS 和 IFMSA 认可的运动-PMSS 网站上的模拟网站-波兰卫生部已经开始采取措施,为 MS 患者提供更多资金 (2011年4月)-运动在 @ 500,000 媒体上覆盖了全球 369 多名观众,引发了围绕资金问题的讨论,包括 23 个国家和地方电视频道以及 14 个国家和地方广播电台的报道到 2011年4月底,在波兰 16 所医学大学举办医学院校的路演将达到 3,500 名医科学生,在 HavingMS.com 和 MamSM 上有 284,000 次点击和 404,000 次页面浏览。 pl-442 在 Wykop 上发布的积极意见。 pl (波兰版Digg.com 的离子)-由 19 名 MS 博客作者和 8 名制药营销专家鼓掌。

    Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The problem: How does a pharmaceutical company position itself as a leader in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, when strict laws prohibit it from publicising its products? Doctors have difficulty in diagnosing the condition and a lack of funding means many MS sufferers cannot access new treatment. The challenge: - Educate patients, their carers and doctors about MS and its treatment. - Position Gedeon Richter an expert in this field whilst obeying strict marketing rules that govern the sector. The insight: - To truly understand the difficulties an MS sufferer encounters every day, we realised enabling people to feel the symptoms firsthand, rather than being told what they were, would be far more impactful - The internet is a huge source of information for researching illnesses and treatments, and is easily accessible - Credible 3rd party endorsement would give the campaign a platform The solution: - Generate 'experential empathy' by creating an online interactive simulation of MS symptoms - Enrol MS organisations and medical universities into providing third party endorsement - Educate the next generation of doctors Results: - Endorsed by patients, MS organisations, medical schools, bloggers and pharma marketing specialists - MS funding and treatment for patients is back on the government’s agenda - Reached a global audience of 500,000+ Describe the brief from the client: Objectives: - Raise awareness of the plight of MS sufferers living with the condition - Highlight the difficulty MS patients in Poland have in accessing new treatments because of funding issues - Educate future doctors on the symptoms of MS to help with diagnosis Target audience: - The general public - Medical students/doctors - MS patients, their families and friends - Media - Decision-makers e.g. politicians Extensive research was conducted to ensure an online simulation would match the reality of patients living with MS. The Strategy: The core idea was to create an innovative and interactive simulation tool to enable 'healthy' people to experience living with MS through performing everyday simple tasks such as colouring in, responding to a text message, writing an email and cutting bread. Enrolling MS sufferers and others involved in their care, to participate in the planning and execution of the campaign, would ensure the simulation matched their reality. Once on the site, visitors would be educated on the facts, symptoms and treatment of MS. Getting buy in from official MS organisations and medical authorities would be crucial to add credibility and generate publicity. Execution: (PLANNING STARTED 2009 / MAJORITY OF IMPLEMENTATION TOOK PLACE 2010) - Partnership established with the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society (PMSS) - Jul 2009 - In the first simulation of its kind, created a 3D simulation enabling all internet users to experience the symptoms of MS firsthand - MamSM.pl went live Oct 2009 - English version, ‘Having MS.com’, launched March 2010 - Websites featured the simulation, MS sufferers and their carers highlighting the funding issue and difficulty in accessing treatment - Established partnership with the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) - April 2010 - 'Having MS' roadshow visited 16 medical universities / 3,500 students (with the IFMSA) April 2010 – April 2011 - With the PMMS, exhibited at four major MS events (7,500 attendees) May - Oct 2010 - Enrolled prominent politicians into undertaking experiments simulating the symptoms of MS - Distributed 10,000 simulation CD’s, 3,000 educational leaflets and 240 posters - Supported by traditional and social media throughout. The Situation: Around 60 thousand people in Poland suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Gedeon Richter wanted to position itself as a leader in the treatment of MS and raise awareness of the condition as MS sufferers often feel isolated. Many patients have difficulty in accessing new treatments because of funding issues. Diagnosing MS is difficult as many of the symptoms are common to other conditions. Public awareness of the condition is low and healthy people know very little about the disease. Pharmaceutical companies cannot publicise products or treatments so the campaign needed to work within strict pre-defined parameters. Results: - Campaign endorsed by the PMSS and IFMSA – simulation sites on PMSS website - The Polish Ministry of Health has initiated steps to make funding for MS sufferers more available (Apr 2011) - Campaign reached global audience of 500,000 + - Generated coverage in @ 369 media igniting discuission around the funding issue including coverage on 23 national and local TV channels, and 14 national and local radio stations - The 'Having MS' Roadshow will have reached 3,500 medical students at 16 medical universities in Poland by end April 2011 - 284,000 hits and 404,000 page views on HavingMS.com and MamSM.pl - 442 positive opinions posted on Wykop.pl (polish version of Digg.com) - Applauded by 19 MS bloggers and 8 pharma marketing specialists.



    Understanding Multiple Sclerosis










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