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    Lost Panda | Together We Find短视频广告营销案例



    丢失的熊猫 | 我们一起找到

    案例简介:想法 这部令人惊叹的电影在欧洲各地拍摄,结合了实用和数字,实现了这段充满情感的故事讲述。与一只实用的毛绒熊猫一起工作,我们仔细研究了这些动作,以便 CG 熊猫继承了所有的物理特征。使用 CG,我们能够添加所有正确的情感线索和动作,让熊猫厄尼复活。精致的毛皮新郎、感性的眼睛和流畅的动画动作都是角色和故事情感回报的关键。所有这些都必须被混合并固定在现场行动板中,以使一切都可信。除了 CG 动画主角之外,所有的地点都被详细的数字哑光绘画增强,给风景一种厄尼史诗般的回家之旅的壮观感觉。 EntrySummary Tile 是一个支持蓝牙的跟踪系统,它可以帮助你找到丢失的东西。在这种情况下,厄尼在他的口袋里装了一个,使用这个应用程序,女孩的父亲能够找到丢失的熊猫。该应用在 iOS 或 Android 上工作,帮助用户在大约 200英尺的范围内找到连接到瓷砖加密狗的物品。如果你的东西真的丢失了 -- 这可能发生在一只毛绒熊猫跳上货运列车去偏僻的地方 -- 你可以从其他瓷砖用户的手机上收到位置信息。(当这些人接近你丢失的物品时,他们自己的应用程序会生成一个匿名更新给你。)这个方便的功能是 Tile 最大的卖点之一,它通知了该活动的口号 “我们一起找到”。" 简要解释 “失去的熊猫” 故事的灵感来自一个真正的瓷砖顾客,一个年轻的女孩在一个繁忙的城市失去了她的填充动物,后来在瓷砖社区的帮助下重新团聚。从厄尼,一只毛绒熊猫的角度讲述这个故事,并给他的主人露西带来生命可能会想到她的 “最好的朋友” 会试图找到回到她身边的路。在她的想象中,厄尼在寻找她时越来越迷失,却被他遇到的 “邻居” 帮助回家 -- 这是瓷砖社区的一个隐喻。当然,事实上,厄尼呆在他可能被露西丢弃的地方,却被一个慈爱的父亲发现,他有远见地在厄尼的口袋里放了一块瓷砖。

    丢失的熊猫 | 我们一起找到

    案例简介:Idea The stunning film was shot on various locations across Europe, combining practical and digital to realize this piece of emotionally charged storytelling. Working with a practical stuffed panda for in camera reference, we closely studied the movements so that the CG panda inherited all the physical characteristics. Using CG, we were able to add all of the right emotional cues and movements that brought Ernie the panda to life. Sophisticated fur groom, emotive eyes, and smooth, animated movements were all key to the emotional pay off for the character and the story. All of that had to be blended and grounded into the live action plates to make it all believable. In addition to the CG animated lead character, all of the locations were enhanced with detailed digital matte paintings to give the landscapes a spectacular feel for Ernie’s epic journey home. EntrySummary Tile is a the Bluetooth-enabled tracking system, one that helps you find things that have been lost. In this case, Ernie has one fitted into his pocket, and using the app, the girl's father is able to find the lost panda. Working on iOS or Android, the app helps users find items attached to a Tile dongle within a range of about 200 feet. If your stuff gets really lost—which can happen when a plush Panda hops a freight train to the middle of nowhere—you can receive location info from the phones of other Tile users. (When these people approach your missing items, their own apps generate an anonymous update for you to follow.) That handy feature, one of Tile’s biggest selling points, informs the campaign’s tagline, “Together we find." BriefExplanation The ‘Lost Panda’ story was inspired by an actual Tile customer, a young girl who lost her stuffed animal in a busy city, only to be reunited later with the help of the Tile community. Telling the story from the perspective of Ernie, a stuffed panda, and to bring to life what his owner, Lucy, might have imagined her ‘best friend’ going through in trying to find his way back to her. In her imagination, Ernie gets more and more lost while looking for her, only to be helped home by the ‘good neighbors’ he meets—a metaphor for the Tile community. Of course, in reality, Ernie stays in the exact place he was likely dropped by Lucy, only to be found by a loving father who had the foresight to put a Tile in Ernie’s pocket.

    Lost Panda | Together We Find

    案例简介:想法 这部令人惊叹的电影在欧洲各地拍摄,结合了实用和数字,实现了这段充满情感的故事讲述。与一只实用的毛绒熊猫一起工作,我们仔细研究了这些动作,以便 CG 熊猫继承了所有的物理特征。使用 CG,我们能够添加所有正确的情感线索和动作,让熊猫厄尼复活。精致的毛皮新郎、感性的眼睛和流畅的动画动作都是角色和故事情感回报的关键。所有这些都必须被混合并固定在现场行动板中,以使一切都可信。除了 CG 动画主角之外,所有的地点都被详细的数字哑光绘画增强,给风景一种厄尼史诗般的回家之旅的壮观感觉。 EntrySummary Tile 是一个支持蓝牙的跟踪系统,它可以帮助你找到丢失的东西。在这种情况下,厄尼在他的口袋里装了一个,使用这个应用程序,女孩的父亲能够找到丢失的熊猫。该应用在 iOS 或 Android 上工作,帮助用户在大约 200英尺的范围内找到连接到瓷砖加密狗的物品。如果你的东西真的丢失了 -- 这可能发生在一只毛绒熊猫跳上货运列车去偏僻的地方 -- 你可以从其他瓷砖用户的手机上收到位置信息。(当这些人接近你丢失的物品时,他们自己的应用程序会生成一个匿名更新给你。)这个方便的功能是 Tile 最大的卖点之一,它通知了该活动的口号 “我们一起找到”。" 简要解释 “失去的熊猫” 故事的灵感来自一个真正的瓷砖顾客,一个年轻的女孩在一个繁忙的城市失去了她的填充动物,后来在瓷砖社区的帮助下重新团聚。从厄尼,一只毛绒熊猫的角度讲述这个故事,并给他的主人露西带来生命可能会想到她的 “最好的朋友” 会试图找到回到她身边的路。在她的想象中,厄尼在寻找她时越来越迷失,却被他遇到的 “邻居” 帮助回家 -- 这是瓷砖社区的一个隐喻。当然,事实上,厄尼呆在他可能被露西丢弃的地方,却被一个慈爱的父亲发现,他有远见地在厄尼的口袋里放了一块瓷砖。

    Lost Panda | Together We Find

    案例简介:Idea The stunning film was shot on various locations across Europe, combining practical and digital to realize this piece of emotionally charged storytelling. Working with a practical stuffed panda for in camera reference, we closely studied the movements so that the CG panda inherited all the physical characteristics. Using CG, we were able to add all of the right emotional cues and movements that brought Ernie the panda to life. Sophisticated fur groom, emotive eyes, and smooth, animated movements were all key to the emotional pay off for the character and the story. All of that had to be blended and grounded into the live action plates to make it all believable. In addition to the CG animated lead character, all of the locations were enhanced with detailed digital matte paintings to give the landscapes a spectacular feel for Ernie’s epic journey home. EntrySummary Tile is a the Bluetooth-enabled tracking system, one that helps you find things that have been lost. In this case, Ernie has one fitted into his pocket, and using the app, the girl's father is able to find the lost panda. Working on iOS or Android, the app helps users find items attached to a Tile dongle within a range of about 200 feet. If your stuff gets really lost—which can happen when a plush Panda hops a freight train to the middle of nowhere—you can receive location info from the phones of other Tile users. (When these people approach your missing items, their own apps generate an anonymous update for you to follow.) That handy feature, one of Tile’s biggest selling points, informs the campaign’s tagline, “Together we find." BriefExplanation The ‘Lost Panda’ story was inspired by an actual Tile customer, a young girl who lost her stuffed animal in a busy city, only to be reunited later with the help of the Tile community. Telling the story from the perspective of Ernie, a stuffed panda, and to bring to life what his owner, Lucy, might have imagined her ‘best friend’ going through in trying to find his way back to her. In her imagination, Ernie gets more and more lost while looking for her, only to be helped home by the ‘good neighbors’ he meets—a metaphor for the Tile community. Of course, in reality, Ernie stays in the exact place he was likely dropped by Lucy, only to be found by a loving father who had the foresight to put a Tile in Ernie’s pocket.

    丢失的熊猫 | 我们一起找到


    Lost Panda | Together We Find





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