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    Built-In Pins短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 对家得宝来说,首次购房者是一个非常有价值的购物者群体,在第一年花费了近 10 万美元进行房屋装修。和 Pinterest 的,用 200 毫米的每月 Pinners,平台是他们的家庭提高灵感。93% 的 Pinners 报告使用 Pinterest 计划购买。家得宝看到了一个与 Pinterest 上的观众联系的巨大机会。但是他们也知道他们需要突破,以一种独特的方式联系。 战略 一项习俗人种学研究显示,第一次买房的人正骑着情绪过山车; 梦想成真的刺激,以及改善修理工的焦虑。他们知道自己喜欢的风格,但不知道如何开始节食。我们将这种洞察力映射到 Pinterest 上的行为数据。利用第1 和第三方数据,我们建立了我们知道的观众正在搜索和购买投资回报最大的关键房间: 厨房、浴室、卧室和客厅。我们创造了能够满足这些最大利益的内容体验。我们创造了 Pinterest 从未推出过的新外形,以吸引人们的注意力。简而言之,这个策略是在人们和他们的激情之间搭建缺失的桥梁,并在这个过程中破坏这个平台。 结果 军-周期间飞行,运动达到月出月会员提供家装 Pinterest 的观众,产生超过 117 毫米的印象就移动单。视频被观看了 36 毫米次,花费了 88k 小时的观看时间。内置插针板共吸引了超过 300 万新的追随者,Pinterest 的社区扩大了活动的影响与 3.3 毫米 repins 的印象。这项活动帮助超过 347 游客到 homedepot.com 购物。83% 的 ecm 流量来自移动设备。这是如此成功,客户在这个想法上翻了一番,分配给了该机构 “第二轮” 内置引脚,现在正在开发中,以支持他们更多的部门。 执行 我们发现观众对家庭装修感兴趣,并为他们提供相关的 “内置别针”。首先,他们看到了一张典型的、静态的 “后” 照片, 但后来它以自动播放视频的形式出现,向他们展示了他们如何也能完成完美的厨房、浴室、卧室,或客厅。一个水龙头别针包括一个 360 的沉浸式体验,这样人们就可以购买他们从里面看到的房间。每个房间都标有直接连接到 homedepot.com 的热点。从每个内置引脚,用户可以点击内置引脚插板,在那里他们发现了大量相关内容,这样用户就可以深入了解特定项目或产品并了解更多信息。我们还在商店里推出了这项活动,使用 Pinterest 的新 Pincode 功能,将人们直接链接到店内亭的内置 Pin 内容,以获得在线数字灵感。 活动描述 对于第一次房主来说,Pinterest 可能令人生畏。美丽的 “after” 照片如此吸引人,也感觉遥不可及,也不可能成功。通过这次活动,我们想让人们相信他们确实可以拥有他们梦想中的房间,并且他们可以自己建造这些房间。所以,我们播放了人们对平台的期望 -- 完美的 “after” 照片 -- 但也展示了如何在同一个别针内创建这些房间。我们称之为内置引脚 -- 当用户在 Pinterest 中观看时,从零开始建造的第一个房间。使用自动播放视频,我们将用户预期的 “后” 照片转化为从开始到结束的操作视频。每个房间和项目都被分成了一个大头针生态系统。我们甚至邀请里面的人通过在 Pinterest 中创建第一个 360 ° 购物体验来购物。


    案例简介:Synopsis For The Home Depot, first-time homeowners are an incredibly valuable shopper group, spending almost $10K on home improvements in year one. And Pinterest, with 200MM active monthly Pinners, is the platform they go to for home improvement inspiration. 93% of Pinners report using Pinterest to plan a purchase. The Home Depot saw a huge opportunity to connect with this audience on Pinterest. But they also knew they needed to break through and connect in a unique way. Strategy A custom ethnographic study revealed that first-time homeowners are riding an emotional roller coaster; the thrill of dreams coming true, and the anxiety of improving a fixer-upper. They knew the style they loved, but didn’t know how to start DIYing. We mapped that insight to behavioral data on Pinterest. Using 1st- and 3rd-party data, we built audiences we knew were searching and shopping for the key rooms that had the biggest return on investment: kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms. We created content experiences that would deliver on those top interests. And we created new form factors that Pinterest had never launched before, to capture attention. In short, the strategy was to build the missing bridge between people and their passions, and disrupt the platform in the process. Outcome During the 9-week flight, the campaign reached 3 out of 5 members of our home improvement audience on Pinterest, generating over 117MM impressions on mobile alone. Videos were viewed 36MM times, racking up 88K hours of view time. The Built-in Pins board attracted over 300K new followers, and the Pinterest community amplified the campaign’s impact with 3.3MM impressions from repins. This activity helped drive over 347K visitors to homedepot.com to shop. 83% of eComm traffic came via mobile devices. It was so successful, the client has doubled-down on the idea, assigning the agency “Round 2” of Built-In-Pins, now in development to support more of their departments. Execution We found audiences interested in home renovations and served them relevant “Built-in Pins.” First, they saw what looked like a typical, static “after” photo of a finished room, but then it came to life as an auto-play video to show them how they too could pull off their perfect kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or living room. One-tap Pins included a 360° immersive experience so people could shop the rooms they saw built from inside. Each room was tagged with hot spots linking directly to homedepot.com. From each Built-in Pin, users could click to the Built-in Pins Pinboard, where they found a wealth of related content so users could dive into specific projects or products and learn more. We also brought the campaign inside the store, using Pinterest’s new Pincode feature, linking people directly to Built-In Pin content from in-store kiosks for online digital inspiration. CampaignDescription For first-time homeowners, Pinterest can be intimidating. The beautiful “after” photos that are so attractive also feel out of reach and impossible to pull off. With this campaign, we wanted to give people the confidence they could indeed have their dream rooms, and they could build those rooms themselves. So, we played off what people expect from the platform – perfect “after” photos – but also showed how to create those rooms inside the very same Pin. We called it Built-in Pins – the first rooms built from scratch as the user watched inside of Pinterest. Using auto-play video, we turned the “after” photos users expected into start-to-finish how-to videos. Each room and project was broken out into an ecosystem of Pins. And we even invited people inside to shop by creating the first 360° shoppable experience inside Pinterest.

    Built-In Pins

    案例简介:概要 对家得宝来说,首次购房者是一个非常有价值的购物者群体,在第一年花费了近 10 万美元进行房屋装修。和 Pinterest 的,用 200 毫米的每月 Pinners,平台是他们的家庭提高灵感。93% 的 Pinners 报告使用 Pinterest 计划购买。家得宝看到了一个与 Pinterest 上的观众联系的巨大机会。但是他们也知道他们需要突破,以一种独特的方式联系。 战略 一项习俗人种学研究显示,第一次买房的人正骑着情绪过山车; 梦想成真的刺激,以及改善修理工的焦虑。他们知道自己喜欢的风格,但不知道如何开始节食。我们将这种洞察力映射到 Pinterest 上的行为数据。利用第1 和第三方数据,我们建立了我们知道的观众正在搜索和购买投资回报最大的关键房间: 厨房、浴室、卧室和客厅。我们创造了能够满足这些最大利益的内容体验。我们创造了 Pinterest 从未推出过的新外形,以吸引人们的注意力。简而言之,这个策略是在人们和他们的激情之间搭建缺失的桥梁,并在这个过程中破坏这个平台。 结果 军-周期间飞行,运动达到月出月会员提供家装 Pinterest 的观众,产生超过 117 毫米的印象就移动单。视频被观看了 36 毫米次,花费了 88k 小时的观看时间。内置插针板共吸引了超过 300 万新的追随者,Pinterest 的社区扩大了活动的影响与 3.3 毫米 repins 的印象。这项活动帮助超过 347 游客到 homedepot.com 购物。83% 的 ecm 流量来自移动设备。这是如此成功,客户在这个想法上翻了一番,分配给了该机构 “第二轮” 内置引脚,现在正在开发中,以支持他们更多的部门。 执行 我们发现观众对家庭装修感兴趣,并为他们提供相关的 “内置别针”。首先,他们看到了一张典型的、静态的 “后” 照片, 但后来它以自动播放视频的形式出现,向他们展示了他们如何也能完成完美的厨房、浴室、卧室,或客厅。一个水龙头别针包括一个 360 的沉浸式体验,这样人们就可以购买他们从里面看到的房间。每个房间都标有直接连接到 homedepot.com 的热点。从每个内置引脚,用户可以点击内置引脚插板,在那里他们发现了大量相关内容,这样用户就可以深入了解特定项目或产品并了解更多信息。我们还在商店里推出了这项活动,使用 Pinterest 的新 Pincode 功能,将人们直接链接到店内亭的内置 Pin 内容,以获得在线数字灵感。 活动描述 对于第一次房主来说,Pinterest 可能令人生畏。美丽的 “after” 照片如此吸引人,也感觉遥不可及,也不可能成功。通过这次活动,我们想让人们相信他们确实可以拥有他们梦想中的房间,并且他们可以自己建造这些房间。所以,我们播放了人们对平台的期望 -- 完美的 “after” 照片 -- 但也展示了如何在同一个别针内创建这些房间。我们称之为内置引脚 -- 当用户在 Pinterest 中观看时,从零开始建造的第一个房间。使用自动播放视频,我们将用户预期的 “后” 照片转化为从开始到结束的操作视频。每个房间和项目都被分成了一个大头针生态系统。我们甚至邀请里面的人通过在 Pinterest 中创建第一个 360 ° 购物体验来购物。

    Built-In Pins

    案例简介:Synopsis For The Home Depot, first-time homeowners are an incredibly valuable shopper group, spending almost $10K on home improvements in year one. And Pinterest, with 200MM active monthly Pinners, is the platform they go to for home improvement inspiration. 93% of Pinners report using Pinterest to plan a purchase. The Home Depot saw a huge opportunity to connect with this audience on Pinterest. But they also knew they needed to break through and connect in a unique way. Strategy A custom ethnographic study revealed that first-time homeowners are riding an emotional roller coaster; the thrill of dreams coming true, and the anxiety of improving a fixer-upper. They knew the style they loved, but didn’t know how to start DIYing. We mapped that insight to behavioral data on Pinterest. Using 1st- and 3rd-party data, we built audiences we knew were searching and shopping for the key rooms that had the biggest return on investment: kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms. We created content experiences that would deliver on those top interests. And we created new form factors that Pinterest had never launched before, to capture attention. In short, the strategy was to build the missing bridge between people and their passions, and disrupt the platform in the process. Outcome During the 9-week flight, the campaign reached 3 out of 5 members of our home improvement audience on Pinterest, generating over 117MM impressions on mobile alone. Videos were viewed 36MM times, racking up 88K hours of view time. The Built-in Pins board attracted over 300K new followers, and the Pinterest community amplified the campaign’s impact with 3.3MM impressions from repins. This activity helped drive over 347K visitors to homedepot.com to shop. 83% of eComm traffic came via mobile devices. It was so successful, the client has doubled-down on the idea, assigning the agency “Round 2” of Built-In-Pins, now in development to support more of their departments. Execution We found audiences interested in home renovations and served them relevant “Built-in Pins.” First, they saw what looked like a typical, static “after” photo of a finished room, but then it came to life as an auto-play video to show them how they too could pull off their perfect kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or living room. One-tap Pins included a 360° immersive experience so people could shop the rooms they saw built from inside. Each room was tagged with hot spots linking directly to homedepot.com. From each Built-in Pin, users could click to the Built-in Pins Pinboard, where they found a wealth of related content so users could dive into specific projects or products and learn more. We also brought the campaign inside the store, using Pinterest’s new Pincode feature, linking people directly to Built-In Pin content from in-store kiosks for online digital inspiration. CampaignDescription For first-time homeowners, Pinterest can be intimidating. The beautiful “after” photos that are so attractive also feel out of reach and impossible to pull off. With this campaign, we wanted to give people the confidence they could indeed have their dream rooms, and they could build those rooms themselves. So, we played off what people expect from the platform – perfect “after” photos – but also showed how to create those rooms inside the very same Pin. We called it Built-in Pins – the first rooms built from scratch as the user watched inside of Pinterest. Using auto-play video, we turned the “after” photos users expected into start-to-finish how-to videos. Each room and project was broken out into an ecosystem of Pins. And we even invited people inside to shop by creating the first 360° shoppable experience inside Pinterest.



    Built-In Pins






    广告公司: 22squared (美国 亚特兰大) 制作公司: 22Pictures




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