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    IKEA Pee Ad微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 宜家是瑞典最知名的品牌,自40年代以来就一直存在。人们喜欢宜家和品牌,但不喜欢相同程度的产品。目标是增加对Ikeas产品的喜好,因为我们看到产品喜好与品牌偏好,长期销售和访问之间存在巨大的相关性。我们的策略是利用每个人家里都有宜家产品的事实,并展示IKEAs产品是每个改变生活的时刻的一部分。而不是展示IKEAs产品如何解决功能问题,我们试图展示IKEAs产品如何解决 (或一部分) 情感问题。通过在日常生活中的情感时刻贴上价格标签,我们增加了产品的无形价值。 战略 宜家最重要的目标受众之一是有孩子的家庭。这是一个代表大约?45% 翻身.但在过去的几年里,我们看到了偏好的下降,特别是在有新出生的家庭中。宜家一直被认为是一个遥远的功能性通才,当你生了一个孩子时,你都是关于情感的。目标是增加这一细分市场的产品喜好和偏好 (新生儿5岁以下的女性)。在此活动中,策略很明确,我们需要展示宜家了解并突出这一目标群体,当然,将我们的产品放在这个激动人心的时刻,以增加产品的喜好。 相关性 该广告是宜家品牌简介的一部分,其中包括在我们的品牌概念 (生活发生的地方) 中进行零售工作。关于在人们的日常生活中存在的概念。怎么做?我们通过创建一个广告来激活目标群体 (正在计划,正在思考或认识正在计划或正在考虑生孩子的人的女性),该广告作为一个功能齐全的妊娠测试加倍。让我们的目标群体体验并欣赏现实生活中的品牌概念。 结果 这项活动 (广告) 的费用不到3万欧元,包括媒体和总制作。瑞典的意识/观察为33% (!),大约为200万人 (18-65岁),在这一部分中,有孩子的女性/5岁,我们有超过50% 的观察。相比之下,我们通常需要在瑞典进行约750 000欧元的媒体投资,以创建这种意识/观察。在看到或听到有关活动的目标受众中,品牌偏好从65% 增加到79% (+ 14%)。看到或听到活动的目标受众的产品喜好从59% 增加到69% (+ 10%)。婴儿床在瑞典完全缺货。该广告还创造了约1200万美元的媒体收入。超过1650其他出版物在社论和文章中 “重新发布” 广告。 执行 该广告的技术和创新花了大约4个月的时间才能完成,并且是与医学工程师密切合作开发的。为了使此广告的交互功能发挥作用,我们必须在现有的创新 (即妊娠测试) 中进行一些技术进步。妊娠试纸被用作起点,它依赖于与妊娠激素hCG结合的抗体,从而导致颜色变化。为了扩大这种技术并将其采用印刷广告的物理格式,我们的团队利用他们的经验开发了用于微流体和医学诊断的表面活性材料。仔细选择材料以及受控的毛细管流动对于该ad的成功至关重要。根据mercie Labs的医学工程师的说法,在此过程中取得的技术进步有可能改善医疗诊断。 运动描述 组建家庭是一个新的生活阶段的开始,在这个阶段,宜家变得非常重要。我们想忠于日常生活,但通过专注于您发现家人即将变得更大的那一刻 (本质上,当您在棍子上撒尿时) 来打破一些文化广告禁忌。所以我们做了一个你可以撒尿的广告。乍一看,这则广告看起来像一个普通的宜家广告,标题非常不同,要求你在广告上撒尿。因为如果您怀孕并在标记区域上使用尿液样本,广告中的报价就在您眼前发生了变化,并为您提供了一个新的,更好的价格,宜家家庭价格,提醒您加入宜家家庭俱乐部。你不需要带任何尿尿浸泡的广告到宜家,这提醒人们家庭价格更高。


    案例简介:Synopsis IKEA is the most well known brand in Sweden and have been around since the 40-ties. People love Ikea and the brand but not the products in the same extent. The objective is to increase liking for Ikeas products because we see a huge correlation between product liking and brand preference, long term sales and visit. The strategy is to use the fact that everybody has a IKEA product at home and show how IKEAs product is a part of every life changing moment. Instead of showing how IKEAs products solves functional problems we try to show how IKEAs product solves (or a part of) emotional problems. By putting a price tag on the emotional moments that are the everyday life, we increase the intangible value of the products. Strategy One of IKEA´s most important target audience is families with kids. This is a target group that stands for approx ?45% of the turn over. But over the last years we have seen a drop in preference especially in families with new borns. IKEA has been perceived as a distant functional generalist, and when having a baby you are all about emotions. The objective was to increase product liking and preference in this segment (women with newborn kids up to 5 years old). In this activity the strategy was clear, we needed to showcase that IKEA understands and highlight this target group, and of course put our products in this emotional moment to increase product liking. Relevancy The ad was a part of a brand brief for IKEA that included making retail work within our brand concept, Where Life Happens. A concept about being there for people in their everyday lives. How? We literally activated the target group ( women who are planning on, thinking about or know someone who’s planning or thinking about having babies ) by creating an ad that doubled as a fully functional pregnancy test. Making our target group experience and appreciate the brand concept in real life. Outcome This activity ( the ad ) cost us less then €30 000 including media and total production. Awareness/Observation in Sweden was 33% (!) which is approximately 2 million people (18-65 y.o) and in this segment women with kids/5 y.o we hade over 50% observation. In comparison we usually need a media investment in Sweden around €750 000 to create that kind of awareness/observation. The brand preference in the Target audience that had seen or heard about the activity had increased from 65% to 79% (+14%). Product liking in the Target Audience that had seen or heard about the activity increased from 59% to 69% (+10%). The Crib is completely out of stock in Sweden. The ad also created approx 12 Million dollars in earned media. Over 1650 other publications ”republished” the ad in editorials and articles. Execution The technique and innovation for this ad took about 4 months to complete and was developed in close collaboration with medical engineers. To make the interactive functions of this ad work, we had to make several technical advancements within the existing innovation that is a pregnancy test. Pregnancy test strips were used as a starting point, which relies on antibodies that bind to the pregnancy hormone hCG, resulting in a color change. For scaling up of this technique and adopting it to the physical format of a printed ad, our team have used their experience in development of surface active materials for microfluidics and medical diagnostics. Careful selection of materials, together with a controlled capillary flow have been crucial for the success of this ad. Technical advancements made during the process have the potential to improve medical diagnostics, according to medical engineers at Mercene Labs. CampaignDescription Starting a family is the start of a new life stage, where IKEA becomes super relevant. We wanted to stay true to everyday life, but break some cultural advertising taboos by focusing on the moment you discover your family is about to become bigger – essentially, when you pee on a stick. So we made an ad you could pee on. At first glance, the ad looked like an ordinary IKEA-ad, with a very different headline asking you to, literally, pee on the ad. Because if you were pregnant and applied a urine sample on the marked area, the offer in the ad changed right before your eyes and presented you with a new, better price, the IKEA FAMILY PRICE, reminding you to join The IKEA Family Club. You didn’t need to bring any pee soaked ads to IKEA, this was a reminder of the better Family Price.

    IKEA Pee Ad

    案例简介:概要 宜家是瑞典最知名的品牌,自40年代以来就一直存在。人们喜欢宜家和品牌,但不喜欢相同程度的产品。目标是增加对Ikeas产品的喜好,因为我们看到产品喜好与品牌偏好,长期销售和访问之间存在巨大的相关性。我们的策略是利用每个人家里都有宜家产品的事实,并展示IKEAs产品是每个改变生活的时刻的一部分。而不是展示IKEAs产品如何解决功能问题,我们试图展示IKEAs产品如何解决 (或一部分) 情感问题。通过在日常生活中的情感时刻贴上价格标签,我们增加了产品的无形价值。 战略 宜家最重要的目标受众之一是有孩子的家庭。这是一个代表大约?45% 翻身.但在过去的几年里,我们看到了偏好的下降,特别是在有新出生的家庭中。宜家一直被认为是一个遥远的功能性通才,当你生了一个孩子时,你都是关于情感的。目标是增加这一细分市场的产品喜好和偏好 (新生儿5岁以下的女性)。在此活动中,策略很明确,我们需要展示宜家了解并突出这一目标群体,当然,将我们的产品放在这个激动人心的时刻,以增加产品的喜好。 相关性 该广告是宜家品牌简介的一部分,其中包括在我们的品牌概念 (生活发生的地方) 中进行零售工作。关于在人们的日常生活中存在的概念。怎么做?我们通过创建一个广告来激活目标群体 (正在计划,正在思考或认识正在计划或正在考虑生孩子的人的女性),该广告作为一个功能齐全的妊娠测试加倍。让我们的目标群体体验并欣赏现实生活中的品牌概念。 结果 这项活动 (广告) 的费用不到3万欧元,包括媒体和总制作。瑞典的意识/观察为33% (!),大约为200万人 (18-65岁),在这一部分中,有孩子的女性/5岁,我们有超过50% 的观察。相比之下,我们通常需要在瑞典进行约750 000欧元的媒体投资,以创建这种意识/观察。在看到或听到有关活动的目标受众中,品牌偏好从65% 增加到79% (+ 14%)。看到或听到活动的目标受众的产品喜好从59% 增加到69% (+ 10%)。婴儿床在瑞典完全缺货。该广告还创造了约1200万美元的媒体收入。超过1650其他出版物在社论和文章中 “重新发布” 广告。 执行 该广告的技术和创新花了大约4个月的时间才能完成,并且是与医学工程师密切合作开发的。为了使此广告的交互功能发挥作用,我们必须在现有的创新 (即妊娠测试) 中进行一些技术进步。妊娠试纸被用作起点,它依赖于与妊娠激素hCG结合的抗体,从而导致颜色变化。为了扩大这种技术并将其采用印刷广告的物理格式,我们的团队利用他们的经验开发了用于微流体和医学诊断的表面活性材料。仔细选择材料以及受控的毛细管流动对于该ad的成功至关重要。根据mercie Labs的医学工程师的说法,在此过程中取得的技术进步有可能改善医疗诊断。 运动描述 组建家庭是一个新的生活阶段的开始,在这个阶段,宜家变得非常重要。我们想忠于日常生活,但通过专注于您发现家人即将变得更大的那一刻 (本质上,当您在棍子上撒尿时) 来打破一些文化广告禁忌。所以我们做了一个你可以撒尿的广告。乍一看,这则广告看起来像一个普通的宜家广告,标题非常不同,要求你在广告上撒尿。因为如果您怀孕并在标记区域上使用尿液样本,广告中的报价就在您眼前发生了变化,并为您提供了一个新的,更好的价格,宜家家庭价格,提醒您加入宜家家庭俱乐部。你不需要带任何尿尿浸泡的广告到宜家,这提醒人们家庭价格更高。

    IKEA Pee Ad

    案例简介:Synopsis IKEA is the most well known brand in Sweden and have been around since the 40-ties. People love Ikea and the brand but not the products in the same extent. The objective is to increase liking for Ikeas products because we see a huge correlation between product liking and brand preference, long term sales and visit. The strategy is to use the fact that everybody has a IKEA product at home and show how IKEAs product is a part of every life changing moment. Instead of showing how IKEAs products solves functional problems we try to show how IKEAs product solves (or a part of) emotional problems. By putting a price tag on the emotional moments that are the everyday life, we increase the intangible value of the products. Strategy One of IKEA´s most important target audience is families with kids. This is a target group that stands for approx ?45% of the turn over. But over the last years we have seen a drop in preference especially in families with new borns. IKEA has been perceived as a distant functional generalist, and when having a baby you are all about emotions. The objective was to increase product liking and preference in this segment (women with newborn kids up to 5 years old). In this activity the strategy was clear, we needed to showcase that IKEA understands and highlight this target group, and of course put our products in this emotional moment to increase product liking. Relevancy The ad was a part of a brand brief for IKEA that included making retail work within our brand concept, Where Life Happens. A concept about being there for people in their everyday lives. How? We literally activated the target group ( women who are planning on, thinking about or know someone who’s planning or thinking about having babies ) by creating an ad that doubled as a fully functional pregnancy test. Making our target group experience and appreciate the brand concept in real life. Outcome This activity ( the ad ) cost us less then €30 000 including media and total production. Awareness/Observation in Sweden was 33% (!) which is approximately 2 million people (18-65 y.o) and in this segment women with kids/5 y.o we hade over 50% observation. In comparison we usually need a media investment in Sweden around €750 000 to create that kind of awareness/observation. The brand preference in the Target audience that had seen or heard about the activity had increased from 65% to 79% (+14%). Product liking in the Target Audience that had seen or heard about the activity increased from 59% to 69% (+10%). The Crib is completely out of stock in Sweden. The ad also created approx 12 Million dollars in earned media. Over 1650 other publications ”republished” the ad in editorials and articles. Execution The technique and innovation for this ad took about 4 months to complete and was developed in close collaboration with medical engineers. To make the interactive functions of this ad work, we had to make several technical advancements within the existing innovation that is a pregnancy test. Pregnancy test strips were used as a starting point, which relies on antibodies that bind to the pregnancy hormone hCG, resulting in a color change. For scaling up of this technique and adopting it to the physical format of a printed ad, our team have used their experience in development of surface active materials for microfluidics and medical diagnostics. Careful selection of materials, together with a controlled capillary flow have been crucial for the success of this ad. Technical advancements made during the process have the potential to improve medical diagnostics, according to medical engineers at Mercene Labs. CampaignDescription Starting a family is the start of a new life stage, where IKEA becomes super relevant. We wanted to stay true to everyday life, but break some cultural advertising taboos by focusing on the moment you discover your family is about to become bigger – essentially, when you pee on a stick. So we made an ad you could pee on. At first glance, the ad looked like an ordinary IKEA-ad, with a very different headline asking you to, literally, pee on the ad. Because if you were pregnant and applied a urine sample on the marked area, the offer in the ad changed right before your eyes and presented you with a new, better price, the IKEA FAMILY PRICE, reminding you to join The IKEA Family Club. You didn’t need to bring any pee soaked ads to IKEA, this was a reminder of the better Family Price.



    IKEA Pee Ad










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