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    案例简介:简要解释 执行 我们从非政府组织挑选了一只黑猫,并在我们能找到的所有促销活动中向他报名。为此,我们受到了宣称自己是 “促销专业人士” 的人的启发,并从赢得各种促销活动中获得收入。就像他们一样,我们利用了优势,购买了几十种产品,这些产品赋予了参与莱佛士的权利,并在每次促销活动中使用 Lucky 的名字进行了数百次注册。整个过程花了我们大约 6 个月。在 Lucky 赢得了所有这些促销活动后,我们给他做了一个 Facebook 页面,里面有视频和许多迷因,证明他实际上是地球上最幸运的猫。我们还用 t恤给有影响力的人和名人发送工具包,解释说幸运证明黑猫与厄运无关 活动描述 为了证明黑猫与厄运无关,我们决定在众多促销活动中注册 Lucky,一只来自 Adote um Gatinho NGO 的真正黑猫。成功了: 他赢得了超过 18 个促销活动和奖品,如有线电视订阅、耳机、电子游戏、旅行背包、瑜伽课、宠物食品、美容工具, 平板电脑,美食蛋糕巧克力篮子,宠物食品,按摩,免费苏打水,一个泰迪熊和一个杯子…… 为了传播这个故事,我们为 Lucky 制作了一个视频和 Facebook 的个人资料,引起了名人和媒体的注意。 结果 由于没有媒体投资,我们设法接触到了 2800万人。2000万只在 Facebook 上,产生 110万的约会。所有这 100% 都是有机的。电视频道、杂志、网站和名人谈论了 Lucky 的故事,包括巴西最大的杂志和第二大电视网络。但最重要的结果是,Adote um Gatinho 的黑猫收养人数增加了 95%。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 巴西有一些限制,但在这一领域没有限制,因为一家电子公司正在开发一种技术来帮助聋人。 战略 为了表明我们的观点,我们决定做一个明确的证据,黑猫与坏运气无关。我们做了幸运,一只来自非政府组织的黑猫,很多促销活动的获胜者。我们的主要目标是那些我们知道我们非常乐意与他们所有朋友分享幸运的故事的人: 猫迷。所以我们在 Facebook 上使用了 Adote um Gatinho 的个人资料,与他们的追随者分享 Lucky 的粉丝页面。它像火一样蔓延。我们还向养猫的名人发送了工具包,他们还与数百万粉丝分享了 Facebook 的粉丝页面。 概要 Adote um Gatinho 是巴西负责收养小猫的最大非政府组织。他们有一个关于黑猫的问题: 人们不想收养它们,因为他们认为黑猫会带来厄运。这是一个真实而严重的问题,发生在世界各地。根据 RSPC 的说法: 70% 的收容所猫是黑色的,大多数猫会一直呆在那里直到死亡。


    案例简介:BriefExplanation Execution We picked a black cat from the NGO and signed him up in all the promotions we could find. To do so, we were inspired by people that declare themselves as “promotion professionals” and make an income out of winning all kinds of promotion. Just like they do, we used the odds in our advantage, buying dozens of products that gave the right to participate in raffles and a making hundreds of registrations in each promotion using Lucky’s name. This whole process took us around 6 months.After Lucky won all those promotions, we made him a Facebook page with videos and lots of memes that proved he was, in fact, the luckiest cat on earth. We also sent kits to influencers and celebrities with a T-Shirt explaining that Lucky proved that black cats had nothing to do with bad Luck CampaignDescription To prove that black cats have nothing to do with bad luck, we decided to sign up Lucky, a real black cat from Adote um Gatinho NGO, in numerous promotions. And it worked: he won more than 18 PROMOTIONS and prizes such as a Cable TV Subscription, a headphone, a videogame, a travel backpack, yoga class, pet food, a beauty kit, a tablet, gourmet cake chocolate baskets, pet food, massage, free soda, a teddy bear and a mug… To spread this story, we made a video and Facebook profile for Lucky and caught the attention of both celebrities and press. Outcome With no media investment, we managed to reach 28 million people. 20 million only on Facebook, generating 1.1 million engagements. All of that 100% organically. TV channels, magazines, websites and celebrities talked about Lucky’s story, including the largest magazine and the second largest TV network in Brazil. But the most important result was black cat adoptions at Adote um Gatinho increased by 95%. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes There are some restrictions in Brazil, but none in this segment, regarding an electronics company developing a technology to help deaf people. Strategy In order to make our point, we decided to make a definitive proof that black cats have nothing to do with bad Lucky. We made Lucky, a black cat from the NGO, the winner of a whole lot of promotions. Our main target was people we knew we’d be more than happy to share Lucky’s story with all their friend’s: cat fans. So we used the Adote um Gatinho’s profile on Facebook to share Lucky’s fan page with their followers. And it spread like fire. We also sent kits to celebrities that had cats and in no time, they also shared the Facebook fan page with their millions of followers. Synopsis Adote um Gatinho is the biggest NGO responsible for kitten adoptions in Brazil. And they had an issue regarding black cats: people don’t want to adopt them, because they believe black cats bring bad luck. It’s a real and serious problem that happens everywhere around the world. According to RSPC: 70% of shelter cats are black and most of them remain there till death.

    The Lucky Black Cat

    案例简介:简要解释 执行 我们从非政府组织挑选了一只黑猫,并在我们能找到的所有促销活动中向他报名。为此,我们受到了宣称自己是 “促销专业人士” 的人的启发,并从赢得各种促销活动中获得收入。就像他们一样,我们利用了优势,购买了几十种产品,这些产品赋予了参与莱佛士的权利,并在每次促销活动中使用 Lucky 的名字进行了数百次注册。整个过程花了我们大约 6 个月。在 Lucky 赢得了所有这些促销活动后,我们给他做了一个 Facebook 页面,里面有视频和许多迷因,证明他实际上是地球上最幸运的猫。我们还用 t恤给有影响力的人和名人发送工具包,解释说幸运证明黑猫与厄运无关 活动描述 为了证明黑猫与厄运无关,我们决定在众多促销活动中注册 Lucky,一只来自 Adote um Gatinho NGO 的真正黑猫。成功了: 他赢得了超过 18 个促销活动和奖品,如有线电视订阅、耳机、电子游戏、旅行背包、瑜伽课、宠物食品、美容工具, 平板电脑,美食蛋糕巧克力篮子,宠物食品,按摩,免费苏打水,一个泰迪熊和一个杯子…… 为了传播这个故事,我们为 Lucky 制作了一个视频和 Facebook 的个人资料,引起了名人和媒体的注意。 结果 由于没有媒体投资,我们设法接触到了 2800万人。2000万只在 Facebook 上,产生 110万的约会。所有这 100% 都是有机的。电视频道、杂志、网站和名人谈论了 Lucky 的故事,包括巴西最大的杂志和第二大电视网络。但最重要的结果是,Adote um Gatinho 的黑猫收养人数增加了 95%。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 巴西有一些限制,但在这一领域没有限制,因为一家电子公司正在开发一种技术来帮助聋人。 战略 为了表明我们的观点,我们决定做一个明确的证据,黑猫与坏运气无关。我们做了幸运,一只来自非政府组织的黑猫,很多促销活动的获胜者。我们的主要目标是那些我们知道我们非常乐意与他们所有朋友分享幸运的故事的人: 猫迷。所以我们在 Facebook 上使用了 Adote um Gatinho 的个人资料,与他们的追随者分享 Lucky 的粉丝页面。它像火一样蔓延。我们还向养猫的名人发送了工具包,他们还与数百万粉丝分享了 Facebook 的粉丝页面。 概要 Adote um Gatinho 是巴西负责收养小猫的最大非政府组织。他们有一个关于黑猫的问题: 人们不想收养它们,因为他们认为黑猫会带来厄运。这是一个真实而严重的问题,发生在世界各地。根据 RSPC 的说法: 70% 的收容所猫是黑色的,大多数猫会一直呆在那里直到死亡。

    The Lucky Black Cat

    案例简介:BriefExplanation Execution We picked a black cat from the NGO and signed him up in all the promotions we could find. To do so, we were inspired by people that declare themselves as “promotion professionals” and make an income out of winning all kinds of promotion. Just like they do, we used the odds in our advantage, buying dozens of products that gave the right to participate in raffles and a making hundreds of registrations in each promotion using Lucky’s name. This whole process took us around 6 months.After Lucky won all those promotions, we made him a Facebook page with videos and lots of memes that proved he was, in fact, the luckiest cat on earth. We also sent kits to influencers and celebrities with a T-Shirt explaining that Lucky proved that black cats had nothing to do with bad Luck CampaignDescription To prove that black cats have nothing to do with bad luck, we decided to sign up Lucky, a real black cat from Adote um Gatinho NGO, in numerous promotions. And it worked: he won more than 18 PROMOTIONS and prizes such as a Cable TV Subscription, a headphone, a videogame, a travel backpack, yoga class, pet food, a beauty kit, a tablet, gourmet cake chocolate baskets, pet food, massage, free soda, a teddy bear and a mug… To spread this story, we made a video and Facebook profile for Lucky and caught the attention of both celebrities and press. Outcome With no media investment, we managed to reach 28 million people. 20 million only on Facebook, generating 1.1 million engagements. All of that 100% organically. TV channels, magazines, websites and celebrities talked about Lucky’s story, including the largest magazine and the second largest TV network in Brazil. But the most important result was black cat adoptions at Adote um Gatinho increased by 95%. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes There are some restrictions in Brazil, but none in this segment, regarding an electronics company developing a technology to help deaf people. Strategy In order to make our point, we decided to make a definitive proof that black cats have nothing to do with bad Lucky. We made Lucky, a black cat from the NGO, the winner of a whole lot of promotions. Our main target was people we knew we’d be more than happy to share Lucky’s story with all their friend’s: cat fans. So we used the Adote um Gatinho’s profile on Facebook to share Lucky’s fan page with their followers. And it spread like fire. We also sent kits to celebrities that had cats and in no time, they also shared the Facebook fan page with their millions of followers. Synopsis Adote um Gatinho is the biggest NGO responsible for kitten adoptions in Brazil. And they had an issue regarding black cats: people don’t want to adopt them, because they believe black cats bring bad luck. It’s a real and serious problem that happens everywhere around the world. According to RSPC: 70% of shelter cats are black and most of them remain there till death.



    The Lucky Black Cat










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