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    Blood Equality短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 大多数人仍然不知道同性恋男子仍然被禁止献血 -- 即使是在同性恋社区。然而,任何歧视性政策都会助长围绕同性恋、双性恋和变性者群体的更大歧视。血液不平等正是这些问题之一。许多人为平等、基于风险的献血者政策而战,但没有人在两个方面 (抗议和科学) 攻击这个问题。这是成功的关键。奥兰多 Pulse 夜总会的可怕悲剧发生在我们的竞选活动达到一个关键时刻的时候: 世界献血者日,我们已经计划了几个月。我们决定不取消市政厅台阶上的集会,我们发起了全市范围的艺术装置和活动。奥兰多加强了我们为我们的同性恋和双性恋兄弟争取权利的决心,他们希望只参与许多人心中的公民义务。 执行 活动:-PSA 、平面广告、海报、 blooddequality.com 和强大的社交媒体 (Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter) -血液 “自拍” 工具,让人们 “成为” 世界献血日艺术装置: 约旦的血液照明在高线, 和 “血垃圾车” 在切尔西为纽约骄傲-政治推动:帮助激发美国参议院和国会议员直接要求食品和药物管理局局长解除禁令 -- 21 人, 从世界艾滋病日算起的 21 天 -- 12月21日 -- 美国食品和药物管理局政策变化的周年纪念日 -- 阿拉巴马州伯明翰的国家民权研究所将血液平等作为 2017 个特色项目。 -美国食品和药物管理局撤销了终身禁令并打开了一个关于政策想法的公开目录 -- 由传染病、血液安全、同性恋、双性恋和变性者问题以及包括食品和药物管理局在内的政策领导人参加的医疗咨询委员会会议 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/A 活动描述 通过发起双管齐下的攻击来提高人们对禁令的认识: 发起反对歧视性政策的行动,并促进包括一个组织和个人在内的强有力的科学思想交流, 有权推进政策。最终,这项运动旨在对食品和药物管理局有权修改政策的人施加压力,并参与和接受社区的观点。因此,虽然我们的运动旨在接触许多人,但实际目标是负责保护我们国家血液供应的食品和药物管理局部门主任彼得 · 马克斯博士。战斗将继续,直到每个献血者得到平等待遇。 概要 任何层面的歧视都会产生歧视,而且不能被接受。禁止男同性恋者献血的禁令在艾滋病毒/艾滋病危机期间生效。然而,尽管科学有所进步,而且所有的血液都经过仔细和准确的筛选,这种歧视性政策仍然存在。潜伏在阴影中,屈从于其他 “更紧迫” 的 LGBTQ 问题。我们的倡议引起了媒体的广泛关注,在美国参议院和国会采取了行动,并在男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社区和其他地方引起了认识。它也引起了一个有权改变事情的组织的注意: 食品和药物管理局 (FDA)。血液平等有助于影响美国食品和药物管理局公开诉讼的决定,并成功地让美国食品和药物管理局亲自参加我们的血液平等医疗咨询委员会。此后,美国食品和药物管理局要求血液平等组织后续会议,讨论制定政策所需的科学。 相关性 血液平等分为两部分: 一: 提高对歧视性政策的认识,以引发支持的热潮。II: 统一传染病、血液安全和美国食品和药物管理局的专家; 为所有美国人辩论筛查方案和整体捐赠政策。这需要一种综合的方法,利用每一个可用的媒体、渠道和影响者来提高认识和挑战歧视性政策。第一部分产生了参与,第二部分是对政策的临床评估。两者都是专门设计来推动基于个人风险而不是性取向的捐赠政策的。 简要解释 结果 我们实现了我们的主要目标: 马克斯博士亲自加入了我们的医疗咨询委员会,并要求集思广益,以获得一份新的问卷和研究,这将有助于改变政策。这场运动引起了大量媒体的关注,包括《纽约时报》、《卫报》、 PBS 、 Business Insider 、彭博、福布斯、 Mashable 、希尔,CNBC,Daily Beast,新闻周刊,Vice,WINS,WOR,NY1,ABC,NBC,HuffPost,Univision Noticias,DNAINfo,Observer,Brooklyn Patch,NY Daily News,AdForum, 倡导者、地铁、国际商业时报艺术装置和艺术活动达到数百万: “纽约骄傲的垃圾箱艺术项目(210万名与会者) 华盛顿特区和纽约市的约旦鹰血镜活动吸引了数百名与会者和大量媒体的关注。我们很高兴报道伯明翰的国家民权研究所, 阿拉巴马州同意在 9月将血液平等作为一个特色项目坦伯,2017。


    案例简介:Strategy Most people remain unaware that gay men are still barred from donating blood – even within the gay community. Yet any discriminatory policy feeds into the larger discrimination surrounding the LGBT community. Blood inequality is exactly one of those issues. Many had fought for an equal, risk-based blood donor policy, but nobody had attacked the issue on two fronts (protest and science). That was the key to success.The terrible tragedy at Pulse nightclub in Orlando struck as our campaign was reaching a pivotal moment: World Blood Donor Day, which we had planned for months. We decided to not cancel our rally on the steps of City Hall, and we launched city-wide art installations and events. Orlando strengthened our resolve to fight for rights for our gay and bisexual brothers looking to do nothing more than participate in a civic duty many hold close to their hearts. Execution Campaign:-PSA, print ads, posters, BloodEquality.com, and robust social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) -Blood “Selfie” Tool allowing people to “become” the campaign-World Blood Donor Day Art installations: Jordan’s Blood Illuminations on the High Line, and “Blood Dumpster” in Chelsea for NY Pride-Political push: helped spark members of the U.S. Senate and Congress directly asking the FDA Commissioner to lift the ban-21 men, 21 days from World AIDS Day - December 21– the anniversary of the FDA’s policy change-The National Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, Alabama selected Blood Equality as a 2017 featured projectMedical:-The FDA reversed a lifetime ban, and opened up a public docket for ideas on the policy-Medical Advisory Board meetings, attended by leaders in infectious disease, blood safety, LGBT issues, and policy – included the FDA BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/A CampaignDescription Drive awareness of the ban by mounting a two-pronged attack: spark action against the discriminatory policy, and foster a robust scientific exchange of ideas that includes the one organization, and person, empowered to advance the policy.Ultimately, the campaign was geared to put pressure on the one person at the FDA empowered to modify the policy, and to engage and embrace the community’s viewpoint. So while our campaign was built to reach many, the actual target was Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA division responsible for protecting our nation’s blood supply.The fight will continue until every blood donor is treated equally. Synopsis Discrimination at any level begets discrimination, and cannot be accepted. The ban against gay men donating blood went into effect during the HIV/AIDS crisis. Yet despite advances in science, and that all blood is meticulously and accurately screened, this discriminatory policy remains. Lurking in the shadows, subservient to other “more pressing” LGBTQ issues. Our initiative has sparked massive media attention, action on the floor of the United States Senate and Congress, and awareness across the LGBT community and beyond. It also caught the attention of the one organization empowered to change things: the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Blood Equality helped influence the FDA’s decision to open up a public docket, and succeeded in getting the FDA to attend our Blood Equality Medical Advisory Board in person. The FDA has since asked Blood Equality to host follow-up sessions to debate the science needed to evolve the policy. Relevancy Blood Equality was designed in two parts:I: Raise awareness about the discriminatory policy to spark a groundswell of support. II: Unify experts in infectious disease, blood safety, and the FDA; debate the screening protocols and overall donation policies for all Americans.This demanded an integrated approach that leveraged every available media, channel, and influencer to raise awareness and challenge the discriminatory policy. Part I generated engagement, and Part II a clinical evaluation of the policies. Both were designed specifically to drive towards donation policies based on individual risk, not sexual orientation. BriefExplanation Outcome We achieved our primary goal: Dr. Marks joined in person for our Medical Advisory Board, and asked for brainstorms for a new questionnaires and studies that will help change the policy.The campaign generated massive media attention, including The NY Times, The Guardian, PBS, Business Insider, Bloomberg, Forbes, Mashable, The Hill, CNBC, Daily Beast, Newsweek, Vice, WINS, WOR, NY1, ABC, NBC, HuffPost, Univision Noticias, DNAINfo, Observer, Brooklyn Patch, NY Daily News, AdForum, Advocate, Metro, International Business Times •Art Installations and art events reach millions:“Dumpster Art Project at NYC Pride (2.1 million attendees)•Jordan Eagles Blood Mirror events in Washington DC and New York City draws hundreds of attendees and massive media attentionWe are excited to report that The National Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, Alabama has agreed to make Blood Equality a featured project in September, 2017.

    Blood Equality

    案例简介:战略 大多数人仍然不知道同性恋男子仍然被禁止献血 -- 即使是在同性恋社区。然而,任何歧视性政策都会助长围绕同性恋、双性恋和变性者群体的更大歧视。血液不平等正是这些问题之一。许多人为平等、基于风险的献血者政策而战,但没有人在两个方面 (抗议和科学) 攻击这个问题。这是成功的关键。奥兰多 Pulse 夜总会的可怕悲剧发生在我们的竞选活动达到一个关键时刻的时候: 世界献血者日,我们已经计划了几个月。我们决定不取消市政厅台阶上的集会,我们发起了全市范围的艺术装置和活动。奥兰多加强了我们为我们的同性恋和双性恋兄弟争取权利的决心,他们希望只参与许多人心中的公民义务。 执行 活动:-PSA 、平面广告、海报、 blooddequality.com 和强大的社交媒体 (Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter) -血液 “自拍” 工具,让人们 “成为” 世界献血日艺术装置: 约旦的血液照明在高线, 和 “血垃圾车” 在切尔西为纽约骄傲-政治推动:帮助激发美国参议院和国会议员直接要求食品和药物管理局局长解除禁令 -- 21 人, 从世界艾滋病日算起的 21 天 -- 12月21日 -- 美国食品和药物管理局政策变化的周年纪念日 -- 阿拉巴马州伯明翰的国家民权研究所将血液平等作为 2017 个特色项目。 -美国食品和药物管理局撤销了终身禁令并打开了一个关于政策想法的公开目录 -- 由传染病、血液安全、同性恋、双性恋和变性者问题以及包括食品和药物管理局在内的政策领导人参加的医疗咨询委员会会议 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/A 活动描述 通过发起双管齐下的攻击来提高人们对禁令的认识: 发起反对歧视性政策的行动,并促进包括一个组织和个人在内的强有力的科学思想交流, 有权推进政策。最终,这项运动旨在对食品和药物管理局有权修改政策的人施加压力,并参与和接受社区的观点。因此,虽然我们的运动旨在接触许多人,但实际目标是负责保护我们国家血液供应的食品和药物管理局部门主任彼得 · 马克斯博士。战斗将继续,直到每个献血者得到平等待遇。 概要 任何层面的歧视都会产生歧视,而且不能被接受。禁止男同性恋者献血的禁令在艾滋病毒/艾滋病危机期间生效。然而,尽管科学有所进步,而且所有的血液都经过仔细和准确的筛选,这种歧视性政策仍然存在。潜伏在阴影中,屈从于其他 “更紧迫” 的 LGBTQ 问题。我们的倡议引起了媒体的广泛关注,在美国参议院和国会采取了行动,并在男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社区和其他地方引起了认识。它也引起了一个有权改变事情的组织的注意: 食品和药物管理局 (FDA)。血液平等有助于影响美国食品和药物管理局公开诉讼的决定,并成功地让美国食品和药物管理局亲自参加我们的血液平等医疗咨询委员会。此后,美国食品和药物管理局要求血液平等组织后续会议,讨论制定政策所需的科学。 相关性 血液平等分为两部分: 一: 提高对歧视性政策的认识,以引发支持的热潮。II: 统一传染病、血液安全和美国食品和药物管理局的专家; 为所有美国人辩论筛查方案和整体捐赠政策。这需要一种综合的方法,利用每一个可用的媒体、渠道和影响者来提高认识和挑战歧视性政策。第一部分产生了参与,第二部分是对政策的临床评估。两者都是专门设计来推动基于个人风险而不是性取向的捐赠政策的。 简要解释 结果 我们实现了我们的主要目标: 马克斯博士亲自加入了我们的医疗咨询委员会,并要求集思广益,以获得一份新的问卷和研究,这将有助于改变政策。这场运动引起了大量媒体的关注,包括《纽约时报》、《卫报》、 PBS 、 Business Insider 、彭博、福布斯、 Mashable 、希尔,CNBC,Daily Beast,新闻周刊,Vice,WINS,WOR,NY1,ABC,NBC,HuffPost,Univision Noticias,DNAINfo,Observer,Brooklyn Patch,NY Daily News,AdForum, 倡导者、地铁、国际商业时报艺术装置和艺术活动达到数百万: “纽约骄傲的垃圾箱艺术项目(210万名与会者) 华盛顿特区和纽约市的约旦鹰血镜活动吸引了数百名与会者和大量媒体的关注。我们很高兴报道伯明翰的国家民权研究所, 阿拉巴马州同意在 9月将血液平等作为一个特色项目坦伯,2017。

    Blood Equality

    案例简介:Strategy Most people remain unaware that gay men are still barred from donating blood – even within the gay community. Yet any discriminatory policy feeds into the larger discrimination surrounding the LGBT community. Blood inequality is exactly one of those issues. Many had fought for an equal, risk-based blood donor policy, but nobody had attacked the issue on two fronts (protest and science). That was the key to success.The terrible tragedy at Pulse nightclub in Orlando struck as our campaign was reaching a pivotal moment: World Blood Donor Day, which we had planned for months. We decided to not cancel our rally on the steps of City Hall, and we launched city-wide art installations and events. Orlando strengthened our resolve to fight for rights for our gay and bisexual brothers looking to do nothing more than participate in a civic duty many hold close to their hearts. Execution Campaign:-PSA, print ads, posters, BloodEquality.com, and robust social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) -Blood “Selfie” Tool allowing people to “become” the campaign-World Blood Donor Day Art installations: Jordan’s Blood Illuminations on the High Line, and “Blood Dumpster” in Chelsea for NY Pride-Political push: helped spark members of the U.S. Senate and Congress directly asking the FDA Commissioner to lift the ban-21 men, 21 days from World AIDS Day - December 21– the anniversary of the FDA’s policy change-The National Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, Alabama selected Blood Equality as a 2017 featured projectMedical:-The FDA reversed a lifetime ban, and opened up a public docket for ideas on the policy-Medical Advisory Board meetings, attended by leaders in infectious disease, blood safety, LGBT issues, and policy – included the FDA BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/A CampaignDescription Drive awareness of the ban by mounting a two-pronged attack: spark action against the discriminatory policy, and foster a robust scientific exchange of ideas that includes the one organization, and person, empowered to advance the policy.Ultimately, the campaign was geared to put pressure on the one person at the FDA empowered to modify the policy, and to engage and embrace the community’s viewpoint. So while our campaign was built to reach many, the actual target was Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA division responsible for protecting our nation’s blood supply.The fight will continue until every blood donor is treated equally. Synopsis Discrimination at any level begets discrimination, and cannot be accepted. The ban against gay men donating blood went into effect during the HIV/AIDS crisis. Yet despite advances in science, and that all blood is meticulously and accurately screened, this discriminatory policy remains. Lurking in the shadows, subservient to other “more pressing” LGBTQ issues. Our initiative has sparked massive media attention, action on the floor of the United States Senate and Congress, and awareness across the LGBT community and beyond. It also caught the attention of the one organization empowered to change things: the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Blood Equality helped influence the FDA’s decision to open up a public docket, and succeeded in getting the FDA to attend our Blood Equality Medical Advisory Board in person. The FDA has since asked Blood Equality to host follow-up sessions to debate the science needed to evolve the policy. Relevancy Blood Equality was designed in two parts:I: Raise awareness about the discriminatory policy to spark a groundswell of support. II: Unify experts in infectious disease, blood safety, and the FDA; debate the screening protocols and overall donation policies for all Americans.This demanded an integrated approach that leveraged every available media, channel, and influencer to raise awareness and challenge the discriminatory policy. Part I generated engagement, and Part II a clinical evaluation of the policies. Both were designed specifically to drive towards donation policies based on individual risk, not sexual orientation. BriefExplanation Outcome We achieved our primary goal: Dr. Marks joined in person for our Medical Advisory Board, and asked for brainstorms for a new questionnaires and studies that will help change the policy.The campaign generated massive media attention, including The NY Times, The Guardian, PBS, Business Insider, Bloomberg, Forbes, Mashable, The Hill, CNBC, Daily Beast, Newsweek, Vice, WINS, WOR, NY1, ABC, NBC, HuffPost, Univision Noticias, DNAINfo, Observer, Brooklyn Patch, NY Daily News, AdForum, Advocate, Metro, International Business Times •Art Installations and art events reach millions:“Dumpster Art Project at NYC Pride (2.1 million attendees)•Jordan Eagles Blood Mirror events in Washington DC and New York City draws hundreds of attendees and massive media attentionWe are excited to report that The National Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, Alabama has agreed to make Blood Equality a featured project in September, 2017.



    Blood Equality






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