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    那天 Shazam 忘记了

    案例简介:执行 我们在 Shazam 买了 3 个广告空间。“收听” 屏幕、 “再次 shazam” 屏幕和 “跟进 banner” 屏幕。对于监听屏幕,我们开发了 GIFs,在 Shazam 的本地 “监听” 提示符下逐行播放。这份拷贝是基于 Shazam 不记得它听的那首歌的想法。我们还将广告空间的背景与 Shazam 用户界面的背景进行了镜像,这样用户就会真正相信这个应用程序已经开始忘记了。对于再次 Shazam 和预览屏幕,我们创建了 3 帧 gif,显示了我们的行动呼吁,当点击时,会带用户去英国老年痴呆症研究中心的捐赠页面。广告持续了两天,有 2,018,206 用户看到。 相关性 Shazam 作为一个媒体频道以前从未以这种方式使用过。通过将我们的广告镜像到现有的用户界面,我们创建了看起来像 Shazam 一部分的广告, 黑客攻击广告位置,以传递关于阿尔茨海默氏症的强硬信息。由于 Shazam 的功能是能够识别,或者在我们的例子中 “记住” 歌曲,它完美地融入了我们的想法。这是像这样的想法在上下文中完美运作的唯一渠道之一。 概要 大多数人认为记忆丧失是阿尔茨海默病引起的痴呆的主要症状之一,只影响晚年的人。但是这种疾病实际上可以影响 40 岁的人。仅在英国就有超过 40,000 65 岁以下的人患有痴呆症。我们如何教育日益数字化的年轻观众了解阿尔茨海默病的影响? 结果 这场运动取得了 2,018,206 的印象。英国老年痴呆症研究中心直接从横幅广告中接收了 5,096 名游客。 战略 为了瞄准和打断更年轻、更数字化的受众,我们在一个数百万年轻人每天花时间的环境中构思了一个本地信息 -- 一个像 Shazam 这样的应用程序。 shazam 的唯一目的是识别 “记住” 的歌曲。它给了我们一个完美的平台,让我们模仿这种情况的症状。一种意想不到的方式将效果戏剧化给不知道的观众。由于我们的广告看起来是该应用程序的原生广告,他们会让我们毫无戒心的观众大吃一惊,并在一个他们从未想过会成为目标的地方给他们传达一个强有力的信息。 活动描述 为了教育和打断年轻观众关于老年痴呆症的影响,我们与 Shazam 合作,给应用程序介绍了这种疾病的衰弱症状。当用户开始使用 Shazam music 时,该应用程序开始口吃、绊倒和忘记,让他们对患有老年痴呆症的人不得不面对的日常斗争有了深刻的见解。我们的行动呼吁随后将用户发送到英国阿尔茨海默氏症研究捐赠页面。

    那天 Shazam 忘记了

    案例简介:Execution We bought 3 ad spaces on Shazam. The 'listening' screen, 'Shazam again' screen and 'follow up banner' screen. For the listening screen, we developed GIFs which played out line after line underneath Shazam's native 'listening' prompt. The copy was based around the idea that Shazam couldn't remember the song it was listening to. We also mirrored the background of our ad space to that of the Shazam user interface, so that users would truly believe the app had started to forget.For the Shazam again and Preview screens, we created 3 frame GIFs which showed our call to action which, when clicked, would take users to the Alzheimer's Research UK donation page.The ads ran over 2 days and were seen by 2,018,206 users. Relevancy Shazam as a media channel has never been used in this way before. By creating ads that appear native to the app by mirroring our ads to the existing user interface, we have essentially created what looks like a part of Shazam, hacking the ad placements to deliver a hard hitting message about Alzheimer's. Due to Shazam's function as being able to recognise, or in our case 'remember' songs, its plays perfectly into our idea. It's one of the only channels that an idea like this works perfectly in context. Synopsis Most people think that memory loss, one of the main symptoms of dementia, caused by Alzheimer’s disease, only affects those in later life. But the disease can actually affect people as young as 40 years of age. With over 40,000 people under 65 living with dementia in the UK alone. How can we educate an increasingly digital younger audience on the effects of Alzheimer's disease? Outcome The campaign achieved 2,018,206 impressions. And Alzheimer’s Research UK received 5,096 visitors to their donation page directly from the banner ads. Strategy In order to target and interrupt a younger, more digital audience, we conceived a native message in an environment where millions of young people spend time in every day - an app like Shazam.Shazam's sole purpose is to recognise, 'remember' songs. It gave us the perfect platform for us to mimic the symptoms of the condition. An unexpected way of dramatising the effects to an unaware audience.As our ads looked native to the app, they would've taken our unsuspecting audience by surprise and delivered them a hard hitting message in a place they never would have thought they would be targeted. CampaignDescription To educate and interrupt a younger audience about the effects of Alzheimer’s, we partnered with Shazam and gave the app the debilitating symptoms of the disease. When users started to Shazam music, the app began to stutter, stumble and forget, giving them a hard-hitting insight into the daily struggles people suffering from Alzheimer’s have to face. Our call to action then sent users to the Alzheimer’s Research UK donation page.

    The Day Shazam Forgot

    案例简介:执行 我们在 Shazam 买了 3 个广告空间。“收听” 屏幕、 “再次 shazam” 屏幕和 “跟进 banner” 屏幕。对于监听屏幕,我们开发了 GIFs,在 Shazam 的本地 “监听” 提示符下逐行播放。这份拷贝是基于 Shazam 不记得它听的那首歌的想法。我们还将广告空间的背景与 Shazam 用户界面的背景进行了镜像,这样用户就会真正相信这个应用程序已经开始忘记了。对于再次 Shazam 和预览屏幕,我们创建了 3 帧 gif,显示了我们的行动呼吁,当点击时,会带用户去英国老年痴呆症研究中心的捐赠页面。广告持续了两天,有 2,018,206 用户看到。 相关性 Shazam 作为一个媒体频道以前从未以这种方式使用过。通过将我们的广告镜像到现有的用户界面,我们创建了看起来像 Shazam 一部分的广告, 黑客攻击广告位置,以传递关于阿尔茨海默氏症的强硬信息。由于 Shazam 的功能是能够识别,或者在我们的例子中 “记住” 歌曲,它完美地融入了我们的想法。这是像这样的想法在上下文中完美运作的唯一渠道之一。 概要 大多数人认为记忆丧失是阿尔茨海默病引起的痴呆的主要症状之一,只影响晚年的人。但是这种疾病实际上可以影响 40 岁的人。仅在英国就有超过 40,000 65 岁以下的人患有痴呆症。我们如何教育日益数字化的年轻观众了解阿尔茨海默病的影响? 结果 这场运动取得了 2,018,206 的印象。英国老年痴呆症研究中心直接从横幅广告中接收了 5,096 名游客。 战略 为了瞄准和打断更年轻、更数字化的受众,我们在一个数百万年轻人每天花时间的环境中构思了一个本地信息 -- 一个像 Shazam 这样的应用程序。 shazam 的唯一目的是识别 “记住” 的歌曲。它给了我们一个完美的平台,让我们模仿这种情况的症状。一种意想不到的方式将效果戏剧化给不知道的观众。由于我们的广告看起来是该应用程序的原生广告,他们会让我们毫无戒心的观众大吃一惊,并在一个他们从未想过会成为目标的地方给他们传达一个强有力的信息。 活动描述 为了教育和打断年轻观众关于老年痴呆症的影响,我们与 Shazam 合作,给应用程序介绍了这种疾病的衰弱症状。当用户开始使用 Shazam music 时,该应用程序开始口吃、绊倒和忘记,让他们对患有老年痴呆症的人不得不面对的日常斗争有了深刻的见解。我们的行动呼吁随后将用户发送到英国阿尔茨海默氏症研究捐赠页面。

    The Day Shazam Forgot

    案例简介:Execution We bought 3 ad spaces on Shazam. The 'listening' screen, 'Shazam again' screen and 'follow up banner' screen. For the listening screen, we developed GIFs which played out line after line underneath Shazam's native 'listening' prompt. The copy was based around the idea that Shazam couldn't remember the song it was listening to. We also mirrored the background of our ad space to that of the Shazam user interface, so that users would truly believe the app had started to forget.For the Shazam again and Preview screens, we created 3 frame GIFs which showed our call to action which, when clicked, would take users to the Alzheimer's Research UK donation page.The ads ran over 2 days and were seen by 2,018,206 users. Relevancy Shazam as a media channel has never been used in this way before. By creating ads that appear native to the app by mirroring our ads to the existing user interface, we have essentially created what looks like a part of Shazam, hacking the ad placements to deliver a hard hitting message about Alzheimer's. Due to Shazam's function as being able to recognise, or in our case 'remember' songs, its plays perfectly into our idea. It's one of the only channels that an idea like this works perfectly in context. Synopsis Most people think that memory loss, one of the main symptoms of dementia, caused by Alzheimer’s disease, only affects those in later life. But the disease can actually affect people as young as 40 years of age. With over 40,000 people under 65 living with dementia in the UK alone. How can we educate an increasingly digital younger audience on the effects of Alzheimer's disease? Outcome The campaign achieved 2,018,206 impressions. And Alzheimer’s Research UK received 5,096 visitors to their donation page directly from the banner ads. Strategy In order to target and interrupt a younger, more digital audience, we conceived a native message in an environment where millions of young people spend time in every day - an app like Shazam.Shazam's sole purpose is to recognise, 'remember' songs. It gave us the perfect platform for us to mimic the symptoms of the condition. An unexpected way of dramatising the effects to an unaware audience.As our ads looked native to the app, they would've taken our unsuspecting audience by surprise and delivered them a hard hitting message in a place they never would have thought they would be targeted. CampaignDescription To educate and interrupt a younger audience about the effects of Alzheimer’s, we partnered with Shazam and gave the app the debilitating symptoms of the disease. When users started to Shazam music, the app began to stutter, stumble and forget, giving them a hard-hitting insight into the daily struggles people suffering from Alzheimer’s have to face. Our call to action then sent users to the Alzheimer’s Research UK donation page.

    那天 Shazam 忘记了


    The Day Shazam Forgot






    广告公司: Innocean (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Innocean




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