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    Dialogue With The Artwork短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 使用 Facebook 的 Messenger 实用程序,我们创建了聊天机器人,使各种博物馆艺术作品能够以第一人称回答游客可能要问的每一个问题。每个聊天机器人都有独特的个性,基于作品的特点、作者、所属的艺术运动、创作时期等。这种差异使得每一件艺术作品的聊天内容不同,不仅仅是因为作品的特点和它必须讲述的本身, 但也通过个性和声音语调的显著差异。 战略 与博物馆的工作人员交谈时,我们聚集了许多参观者,那里的年轻人对现代艺术感兴趣,但有时无法认同一件艺术品, 或者太害羞了,不敢向教育工作者寻求理解他们的线索。就在那时,我们意识到我们必须给这些孩子一个机会,通过他们的本土交流渠道 -- 社交媒体 -- 与艺术联系起来。与作品进行更亲密的对话会让他们有机会提问,而不会感到尴尬或暴露,也可能会与作者的作品有真正的联系。但这也必须是对他们来说很自然的事情,而不是让他们多走一英里下载一个新的应用程序,所以我们认为 Facebook Messenger, 每个游客都有智能手机,这是发生这种情况的地方。 概要 在阿根廷,现代艺术不像其他地方那么受欢迎。由于它通常非常规的物化,一些人发现它很难理解,因此也很难欣赏。布宜诺斯艾利斯现代艺术博物馆展出了许多来自各种阿根廷前卫运动和艺术家的独特作品。尽管它拥有广泛的收藏、著名的策划以及为游客提供的许多教育资源,但我们遇到了一个令人震惊的事实:人们在艺术品面前花的时间不会超过 30 秒。这就是我们如何通过对旧的尘土飞扬的多媒体电子指南进行新的尝试来尊重博物馆的风格的想法。 结果 没过多久,现代艺术博物馆就主动让人们与艺术品聊天,成为新闻。阿根廷所有主要媒体都分享了这一消息,最受欢迎的黄金时段新闻节目报道了这一消息超过 6 分钟, 包括博物馆活动的视频记录,以展示他们的主人和艺术品是如何相互理解的。美国、英国、法国和意大利的媒体也报道了这一消息。赚的媒体是 + 400,000 美元。在博物馆的结果: 第一周的总互动: 12,200。参观博物馆的游客在 30% 增加了。聊天平均时间: 1:20 分钟 执行 这次执行包括 Facebook Messenger QR 码在每一个参与的作品中,人们可以在面对作品时扫描,并开始对话,询问他们想到的任何问题。他们还可以在 Facebook 上添加每一件艺术品作为朋友,并查看不同的帖子,其中包含他们与其他博物馆游客进行的最佳对话的片段。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription Using Facebook's Messenger utility, we created chatbots to enable various museum art pieces to answer, in first person, every single question visitors might want to ask. Each chatbot has a unique personality based on the work's characteristics, its author, the art movement it belongs to, the period in which it was created and so on. This differentiation allowed the chats with each piece of art to be different not just because of the work's characteristics and what it has to tell about itself, but also through a marked difference in personality and voice tone. Strategy Talking to the museum's staff we gathered that many of its visitors where youngsters, interested in modern art, but sometimes unable to identify themselves with a piece of art, or just too shy to ask educators for clues to understand them. That's when we realized we had to give these kids a chance to connect with art through their native communication channel, the social media. A more intimate dialogue with a piece would give them the chance to ask questions without feeling embarrassed or exposed and maybe actually relate to the author's work. But it also had to be something that would feel natural for them, and not make them go the extra mile downloading a new app, so we figured Facebook Messenger, the one every visitor has in its smartphone, was the place for this to happen. Synopsis In Argentina, modern art is not as popular as in other places. Due to its usually unconventional materialization, some people find it hard to understand, and therefore, difficult to appreciate. The Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art features many unique pieces from varied Argentine avant garde movements and artists. Despite its wide collection, its renowned curation and the many educational resources it provides its visitors with, we bumped into a shocking fact: People don’t spend more that 30 seconds in front of an art work.That’s how we came across the idea of honoring the museum's genre by delivering a new take on the old dusty multimedia electronic guide. Outcome It didn’t take long until the Museum of Modern Art's initiative that enabled people to have a chat with an artwork made it to the news. All the main media outlets in Argentina shared the news and the most popular prime time news show covered it for more than 6 minutes, including video recording of the activity in the museum in order to show how their hosts and the artwork got to understand each other. The news was also picked up by media outlets from US, UK, France and Italy. Earned media was +400,000 USD. Results at the museum: Total interactions during the first week: 12,200. Visitors to the museum increased in 30%. Chatting average time: 1:20 minutes Execution The execution included Facebook Messenger QR code in each one of the participating works that people could scan while facing the piece, and start a dialogue asking any question that came to their minds. They could also add every artwork as a friend on Facebook and check different posts containing fragments of the best conversations that they had held with other museum visitors.

    Dialogue With The Artwork

    案例简介:活动描述 使用 Facebook 的 Messenger 实用程序,我们创建了聊天机器人,使各种博物馆艺术作品能够以第一人称回答游客可能要问的每一个问题。每个聊天机器人都有独特的个性,基于作品的特点、作者、所属的艺术运动、创作时期等。这种差异使得每一件艺术作品的聊天内容不同,不仅仅是因为作品的特点和它必须讲述的本身, 但也通过个性和声音语调的显著差异。 战略 与博物馆的工作人员交谈时,我们聚集了许多参观者,那里的年轻人对现代艺术感兴趣,但有时无法认同一件艺术品, 或者太害羞了,不敢向教育工作者寻求理解他们的线索。就在那时,我们意识到我们必须给这些孩子一个机会,通过他们的本土交流渠道 -- 社交媒体 -- 与艺术联系起来。与作品进行更亲密的对话会让他们有机会提问,而不会感到尴尬或暴露,也可能会与作者的作品有真正的联系。但这也必须是对他们来说很自然的事情,而不是让他们多走一英里下载一个新的应用程序,所以我们认为 Facebook Messenger, 每个游客都有智能手机,这是发生这种情况的地方。 概要 在阿根廷,现代艺术不像其他地方那么受欢迎。由于它通常非常规的物化,一些人发现它很难理解,因此也很难欣赏。布宜诺斯艾利斯现代艺术博物馆展出了许多来自各种阿根廷前卫运动和艺术家的独特作品。尽管它拥有广泛的收藏、著名的策划以及为游客提供的许多教育资源,但我们遇到了一个令人震惊的事实:人们在艺术品面前花的时间不会超过 30 秒。这就是我们如何通过对旧的尘土飞扬的多媒体电子指南进行新的尝试来尊重博物馆的风格的想法。 结果 没过多久,现代艺术博物馆就主动让人们与艺术品聊天,成为新闻。阿根廷所有主要媒体都分享了这一消息,最受欢迎的黄金时段新闻节目报道了这一消息超过 6 分钟, 包括博物馆活动的视频记录,以展示他们的主人和艺术品是如何相互理解的。美国、英国、法国和意大利的媒体也报道了这一消息。赚的媒体是 + 400,000 美元。在博物馆的结果: 第一周的总互动: 12,200。参观博物馆的游客在 30% 增加了。聊天平均时间: 1:20 分钟 执行 这次执行包括 Facebook Messenger QR 码在每一个参与的作品中,人们可以在面对作品时扫描,并开始对话,询问他们想到的任何问题。他们还可以在 Facebook 上添加每一件艺术品作为朋友,并查看不同的帖子,其中包含他们与其他博物馆游客进行的最佳对话的片段。

    Dialogue With The Artwork

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Using Facebook's Messenger utility, we created chatbots to enable various museum art pieces to answer, in first person, every single question visitors might want to ask. Each chatbot has a unique personality based on the work's characteristics, its author, the art movement it belongs to, the period in which it was created and so on. This differentiation allowed the chats with each piece of art to be different not just because of the work's characteristics and what it has to tell about itself, but also through a marked difference in personality and voice tone. Strategy Talking to the museum's staff we gathered that many of its visitors where youngsters, interested in modern art, but sometimes unable to identify themselves with a piece of art, or just too shy to ask educators for clues to understand them. That's when we realized we had to give these kids a chance to connect with art through their native communication channel, the social media. A more intimate dialogue with a piece would give them the chance to ask questions without feeling embarrassed or exposed and maybe actually relate to the author's work. But it also had to be something that would feel natural for them, and not make them go the extra mile downloading a new app, so we figured Facebook Messenger, the one every visitor has in its smartphone, was the place for this to happen. Synopsis In Argentina, modern art is not as popular as in other places. Due to its usually unconventional materialization, some people find it hard to understand, and therefore, difficult to appreciate. The Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art features many unique pieces from varied Argentine avant garde movements and artists. Despite its wide collection, its renowned curation and the many educational resources it provides its visitors with, we bumped into a shocking fact: People don’t spend more that 30 seconds in front of an art work.That’s how we came across the idea of honoring the museum's genre by delivering a new take on the old dusty multimedia electronic guide. Outcome It didn’t take long until the Museum of Modern Art's initiative that enabled people to have a chat with an artwork made it to the news. All the main media outlets in Argentina shared the news and the most popular prime time news show covered it for more than 6 minutes, including video recording of the activity in the museum in order to show how their hosts and the artwork got to understand each other. The news was also picked up by media outlets from US, UK, France and Italy. Earned media was +400,000 USD. Results at the museum: Total interactions during the first week: 12,200. Visitors to the museum increased in 30%. Chatting average time: 1:20 minutes Execution The execution included Facebook Messenger QR code in each one of the participating works that people could scan while facing the piece, and start a dialogue asking any question that came to their minds. They could also add every artwork as a friend on Facebook and check different posts containing fragments of the best conversations that they had held with other museum visitors.



    Dialogue With The Artwork










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