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    Greenfield Meatless Monday海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 格林菲尔德天然肉类公司一直以成为世界可持续肉类领导者为目标。他们的动物永远不会被给予激素或抗生素,他们只会得到最好的饲料,也不会被关在围栏或笼子里。但是格林菲尔德意识到,生产只是肉类可持续发展故事的一半。肉类对可持续性影响的另一个问题是其过度消费。我们吃的肉太多了。在北美,大多数家庭的消费量是推荐量的两倍,这导致温室气体的增加,并给我们的水,土地和饲料资源带来压力。肉类目前的消费速度是不可持续的。格林菲尔德决定正面解决这个问题。他们的主要目标是: a) 鼓励消费者考虑他们吃的肉b) 说服消费者吃更好,更可持续的肉c) 最后,他们希望消费者少吃肉。 战略 通过我们的研究,我们了解到北美消费者正在寻找更好的食物选择,并且愿意为他们可以感觉更好的食物支付更多的钱。然而,我们也知道,这些同样尽职尽责的消费者并没有考虑他们的肉类消费水平及其对地球的影响。我们的目标是说服这些消费者,他们应该尝试少吃肉,并且当他们选择吃肉时,他们应该购买更好,更可持续的肉,例如Greenfield。这意味着在我们试图激励和教育消费者时,找到一种不会疏远我们消费者的方法。我们的解决方案是传达这样的想法: “如果你喜欢肉,你应该适量食用,从而确保它可以为子孙后代服务。” 简而言之,为了让消费者接受我们的想法,我们没有诋毁肉,我们庆祝了它。 相关性 这项运动的主要目标是让人们谈论肉及其对我们星球的影响。在相对适度的预算下,我们应对这一挑战的主要武器是社交媒体,口碑,当然还有公共关系。我们知道,随着一家肉类公司决定支持 “无肉星期一”,我们有一个大胆的想法,可以吸引人们的想象力,但我们也知道,我们需要以这样一种方式创建该活动,以便有影响力的人可以轻松地分享它,记者和消费者都一样。 结果 这是一场旨在让人们议论纷纷的运动。确实如此。数以百万计的观看次数和超过10000万的媒体印象,我们的信息远远超出了我们的预算。格林菲尔德 (Greenfield) 周一承诺无肉的承诺已进入NBC,ABC,CBS和Fox等主要网络,以及商业内幕,传染性和趋势观察。Google跟踪研究显示,与20% 标准相比,超过52% 的观众观看了我们的视频。绿地的品牌亲和力飙升。对该品牌的兴趣上升了令人难以置信的434%,并访问了Greenfield的网站250%。最后,从周二到周日,我们的目标决定吃更多可持续的肉,因为自我们的活动开始以来,格林菲尔德的销售额10% 增长。一家肉类公司无肉只是格林菲尔德突破目标所需的信息。 执行 我们以发布视频开始了这项运动,该视频概述了格林菲尔德对周一无肉的承诺。这段视频还开始了关于适度吃肉的好处的讨论。然后,该视频进入了GreenfieldMeat.com上的无肉星期一页面。在此页面上,消费者可以找到有关肉类对环境影响的重要统计学家,以及有趣的可分享帖子和无肉食谱。在广告系列的后期,我们进行了有针对性的静态社交和外出处决。这些帖子中的每一个都产生了大量的对话。许多消费者非常支持我们的信息,但是也有各种愤怒的人写了不赞成的信息。自然,我们也欢迎这些信息,因为它们有助于将我们的活动传播给通常不会接触到的消费者。我们的目标是开始讨论肉类及其不受限制的消费水平,而这正是发生的事情。 运动描述 这个创意就像有争议的那样简单: Greenfield Natural Meat Co. 将成为世界上第一家支持无肉的肉类公司。但我们知道这不能只是一种仪式姿态。为了使这项运动有效并真正使人们思考肉类及其对我们星球的影响,格林菲尔德需要做出真正的教育和启发承诺。这正是他们所做的。作为一家公司,他们每个星期一都完全无肉。他们的员工,他们的网络存在,最重要的是,他们的社交供稿在每个星期一都是完全无肉的。即使在周一无肉之前的几天里,他们也在谈论吃更好的肉并适度食用的重要性。


    案例简介:Synopsis Greenfield Natural Meat Co. has always had the goal of becoming the world’s leader in sustainable meat. Their animals are never given hormones or antibiotics and they are given only the best feed and are never housed in pens or cages. But Greenfield recognized that production was only one half of meat’s sustainable story. The other issue with meat’s impact on sustainability was its over-consumption. We're eating too much meat. In North America, most households consume twice the recommended amount, which is leading to an elevation in greenhouse gasses and a strain on our water, land and feed resources. Meat at its current rate of consumption is not sustainable. Greenfield decided to tackle this problem head-on. Their main objectives were to: a) Encourage consumers to think about the meat they were eating b) Convince consumers to eat better, more sustainable meat c) Lastly, they wanted consumers to eat less meat. Strategy Through our research, we understood that North American consumers were looking for better food options and were willing to pay a little more for food that they could feel better about. However, we also knew that these same conscientious consumers weren’t thinking about their meat consumption level and its effect on the planet. Our goal was to convince these consumers that they should be trying to eat less meat and that when they do choose to eat meat, they should buy better, more sustainable meat like Greenfield. This meant finding an approach that didn’t alienate our consumer while we were trying to inspire and educate them. Our solution was to communicate the idea that “if you love meat, you should eat it in moderation thus ensuring that it can be around for future generations.” In short, to make consumers receptive to our idea we didn’t vilify meat, we celebrated it. Relevancy This campaign’s main goal was to get people talking about meat and its impact on our planet. And with a relatively modest budget, our main weapons in this challenge were social media, word-of-mouth and of course public relations. We knew that with a meat company deciding to support meatless Monday, we had a bold idea that could capture people’s imaginations, but it we also knew that we would need to create the campaign in such a way that it could be shared easily by influencers, journalists and consumers alike. Outcome This was a campaign that was designed to get people talking. And it did. With millions of views and over 100 million media impressions, our message reached far beyond our modest budget. Greenfield’s pledge to go meatless on Monday made its way onto major networks like NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox as well as Business Insider, Contagious and Trend Watching. A Google tracking study revealed that over 52% of viewers watched our videos through to the end, compared to the standard of 20%. And brand affinity for Greenfield skyrocketed. Interest in the brand rose an incredible 434% and visits to Greenfield’s site rose 250%. And finally, from Tuesday to Sunday, our target decided to eat more sustainable meat with Greenfield’s sales increasing 10% since the launch of our campaign. A meat company going meatless was just the message Greenfield needed to breakthrough to their target. Execution We began this campaign with a launch video that outlined Greenfield’s commitment to going meatless on Mondays. This video also began the discussion about the benefits of eating meat in moderation. This video then led to a Meatless Monday page on GreenfieldMeat.com. On this page consumers could find important statists about meat’s environmental impact along with fun sharable posts and meatless recipes. Later in the campaign we ran targeted static social and out-of-home executions. Each of these posts generated a tremendous amount of conversation. Many consumers were very supportive of our message, however there were also various angry individuals who wrote messages of disapproval. Naturally, we welcomed these messages too, as they helped spread our campaign to consumers who wouldn’t normally be exposed to it. Our goal was to start a conversation about meat and its unchecked levels of consumption and that is exactly what happened. CampaignDescription The creative idea was as simple as it was controversial: the Greenfield Natural Meat Co. would become the world’s first meat company to support Meatless Monday. But we knew that this could not just be a ceremonial gesture. For this campaign to be effective and to truly get people thinking about meat and its effect on our planet, Greenfield needed to make a true commitment to educate and inspire. And that’s exactly what they did. As a company they went completely meatless on every single Monday. Their employees, their web presence and most importantly, their social feeds were completely meatless on every Monday. And even during the days leading up to meatless Monday they were talking about the importance of eating better meat and eating it in moderation.

    Greenfield Meatless Monday

    案例简介:概要 格林菲尔德天然肉类公司一直以成为世界可持续肉类领导者为目标。他们的动物永远不会被给予激素或抗生素,他们只会得到最好的饲料,也不会被关在围栏或笼子里。但是格林菲尔德意识到,生产只是肉类可持续发展故事的一半。肉类对可持续性影响的另一个问题是其过度消费。我们吃的肉太多了。在北美,大多数家庭的消费量是推荐量的两倍,这导致温室气体的增加,并给我们的水,土地和饲料资源带来压力。肉类目前的消费速度是不可持续的。格林菲尔德决定正面解决这个问题。他们的主要目标是: a) 鼓励消费者考虑他们吃的肉b) 说服消费者吃更好,更可持续的肉c) 最后,他们希望消费者少吃肉。 战略 通过我们的研究,我们了解到北美消费者正在寻找更好的食物选择,并且愿意为他们可以感觉更好的食物支付更多的钱。然而,我们也知道,这些同样尽职尽责的消费者并没有考虑他们的肉类消费水平及其对地球的影响。我们的目标是说服这些消费者,他们应该尝试少吃肉,并且当他们选择吃肉时,他们应该购买更好,更可持续的肉,例如Greenfield。这意味着在我们试图激励和教育消费者时,找到一种不会疏远我们消费者的方法。我们的解决方案是传达这样的想法: “如果你喜欢肉,你应该适量食用,从而确保它可以为子孙后代服务。” 简而言之,为了让消费者接受我们的想法,我们没有诋毁肉,我们庆祝了它。 相关性 这项运动的主要目标是让人们谈论肉及其对我们星球的影响。在相对适度的预算下,我们应对这一挑战的主要武器是社交媒体,口碑,当然还有公共关系。我们知道,随着一家肉类公司决定支持 “无肉星期一”,我们有一个大胆的想法,可以吸引人们的想象力,但我们也知道,我们需要以这样一种方式创建该活动,以便有影响力的人可以轻松地分享它,记者和消费者都一样。 结果 这是一场旨在让人们议论纷纷的运动。确实如此。数以百万计的观看次数和超过10000万的媒体印象,我们的信息远远超出了我们的预算。格林菲尔德 (Greenfield) 周一承诺无肉的承诺已进入NBC,ABC,CBS和Fox等主要网络,以及商业内幕,传染性和趋势观察。Google跟踪研究显示,与20% 标准相比,超过52% 的观众观看了我们的视频。绿地的品牌亲和力飙升。对该品牌的兴趣上升了令人难以置信的434%,并访问了Greenfield的网站250%。最后,从周二到周日,我们的目标决定吃更多可持续的肉,因为自我们的活动开始以来,格林菲尔德的销售额10% 增长。一家肉类公司无肉只是格林菲尔德突破目标所需的信息。 执行 我们以发布视频开始了这项运动,该视频概述了格林菲尔德对周一无肉的承诺。这段视频还开始了关于适度吃肉的好处的讨论。然后,该视频进入了GreenfieldMeat.com上的无肉星期一页面。在此页面上,消费者可以找到有关肉类对环境影响的重要统计学家,以及有趣的可分享帖子和无肉食谱。在广告系列的后期,我们进行了有针对性的静态社交和外出处决。这些帖子中的每一个都产生了大量的对话。许多消费者非常支持我们的信息,但是也有各种愤怒的人写了不赞成的信息。自然,我们也欢迎这些信息,因为它们有助于将我们的活动传播给通常不会接触到的消费者。我们的目标是开始讨论肉类及其不受限制的消费水平,而这正是发生的事情。 运动描述 这个创意就像有争议的那样简单: Greenfield Natural Meat Co. 将成为世界上第一家支持无肉的肉类公司。但我们知道这不能只是一种仪式姿态。为了使这项运动有效并真正使人们思考肉类及其对我们星球的影响,格林菲尔德需要做出真正的教育和启发承诺。这正是他们所做的。作为一家公司,他们每个星期一都完全无肉。他们的员工,他们的网络存在,最重要的是,他们的社交供稿在每个星期一都是完全无肉的。即使在周一无肉之前的几天里,他们也在谈论吃更好的肉并适度食用的重要性。

    Greenfield Meatless Monday

    案例简介:Synopsis Greenfield Natural Meat Co. has always had the goal of becoming the world’s leader in sustainable meat. Their animals are never given hormones or antibiotics and they are given only the best feed and are never housed in pens or cages. But Greenfield recognized that production was only one half of meat’s sustainable story. The other issue with meat’s impact on sustainability was its over-consumption. We're eating too much meat. In North America, most households consume twice the recommended amount, which is leading to an elevation in greenhouse gasses and a strain on our water, land and feed resources. Meat at its current rate of consumption is not sustainable. Greenfield decided to tackle this problem head-on. Their main objectives were to: a) Encourage consumers to think about the meat they were eating b) Convince consumers to eat better, more sustainable meat c) Lastly, they wanted consumers to eat less meat. Strategy Through our research, we understood that North American consumers were looking for better food options and were willing to pay a little more for food that they could feel better about. However, we also knew that these same conscientious consumers weren’t thinking about their meat consumption level and its effect on the planet. Our goal was to convince these consumers that they should be trying to eat less meat and that when they do choose to eat meat, they should buy better, more sustainable meat like Greenfield. This meant finding an approach that didn’t alienate our consumer while we were trying to inspire and educate them. Our solution was to communicate the idea that “if you love meat, you should eat it in moderation thus ensuring that it can be around for future generations.” In short, to make consumers receptive to our idea we didn’t vilify meat, we celebrated it. Relevancy This campaign’s main goal was to get people talking about meat and its impact on our planet. And with a relatively modest budget, our main weapons in this challenge were social media, word-of-mouth and of course public relations. We knew that with a meat company deciding to support meatless Monday, we had a bold idea that could capture people’s imaginations, but it we also knew that we would need to create the campaign in such a way that it could be shared easily by influencers, journalists and consumers alike. Outcome This was a campaign that was designed to get people talking. And it did. With millions of views and over 100 million media impressions, our message reached far beyond our modest budget. Greenfield’s pledge to go meatless on Monday made its way onto major networks like NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox as well as Business Insider, Contagious and Trend Watching. A Google tracking study revealed that over 52% of viewers watched our videos through to the end, compared to the standard of 20%. And brand affinity for Greenfield skyrocketed. Interest in the brand rose an incredible 434% and visits to Greenfield’s site rose 250%. And finally, from Tuesday to Sunday, our target decided to eat more sustainable meat with Greenfield’s sales increasing 10% since the launch of our campaign. A meat company going meatless was just the message Greenfield needed to breakthrough to their target. Execution We began this campaign with a launch video that outlined Greenfield’s commitment to going meatless on Mondays. This video also began the discussion about the benefits of eating meat in moderation. This video then led to a Meatless Monday page on GreenfieldMeat.com. On this page consumers could find important statists about meat’s environmental impact along with fun sharable posts and meatless recipes. Later in the campaign we ran targeted static social and out-of-home executions. Each of these posts generated a tremendous amount of conversation. Many consumers were very supportive of our message, however there were also various angry individuals who wrote messages of disapproval. Naturally, we welcomed these messages too, as they helped spread our campaign to consumers who wouldn’t normally be exposed to it. Our goal was to start a conversation about meat and its unchecked levels of consumption and that is exactly what happened. CampaignDescription The creative idea was as simple as it was controversial: the Greenfield Natural Meat Co. would become the world’s first meat company to support Meatless Monday. But we knew that this could not just be a ceremonial gesture. For this campaign to be effective and to truly get people thinking about meat and its effect on our planet, Greenfield needed to make a true commitment to educate and inspire. And that’s exactly what they did. As a company they went completely meatless on every single Monday. Their employees, their web presence and most importantly, their social feeds were completely meatless on every Monday. And even during the days leading up to meatless Monday they were talking about the importance of eating better meat and eating it in moderation.



    Greenfield Meatless Monday










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