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    案例简介:绅士学者全力以赴支持卡塔尔 继雪佛兰伏特和盐运动的精彩工作之后,真人、设计和动画专家绅士学者为卡塔尔基金会的 QF 电台带来了他们生产专业知识的全部力量。这场运动的中心是一个由绅士学者导演、制作和后期制作的漫无边际的梦想,他不仅与 tbwa卡塔尔机构合作, 还有一个由卡塔尔第一夫人组成的营销团队,作为基金会主席,在创意和制作过程的各个阶段积极参与评估和批准工作。 国歌是一种运动控制的练习,是电台激动人心的视觉表现,也是对电台报道的卡塔尔独特文化元素的致敬。绅士学者导演威廉 · 坎贝尔和威尔 · 约翰逊无缝完成了他们的第一个运动控制项目,将这个国家的偶像 -- 包括猎鹰、阿拉伯马, 和三角帆船 -- 以及广播电台的音乐、体育和娱乐节目的特色,变成一捆翻滚的电线,作为声波的物理表现。在后期制作的壮举中,工作室修改了胡迪尼,允许软件驱动电线的动画, 操纵摇摆流,使它与音频一起表示和移动。 约翰逊指出: “因为这是他们的第一个视觉点,QF Radio 关心我们如何完成音频的视觉再现。”。“绅士学者看着电台每天覆盖的一切,开始将一件事连接到另一件事,以一种独特的形式将音频波带入生活,既吸引人又易于吸收。" 在卡塔尔和迪拜播出并将很快在美国首次亮相的精彩艺术运动视觉效果非常容易印刷,以至于运动扩展到报纸和期刊, 以及全国各地的巨大广告牌。绅士学者还与一家外部公司合作,将现场转换为立体 3D 电影。 绅士学者采取了非同寻常的措施来满足客户寻求的文化特性,前往卡塔尔拍摄,以确保特定品种的阿拉伯马和标志性猎鹰在现场亮相。约翰逊说: “QF 收音机对其文化符号的准确性非常具体,这是可以理解的。”。“马不仅仅是马 -- 我们谈论的是一种非常特殊的阿拉伯品种,它是世界上最容易辨认和最有价值的品种之一,并为拍摄化妆。为了做好这一点,我们的团队去卡塔尔体验那里的生活是至关重要的。" TBWA Worldwide CD Allan Manaysay 在几年前在一个受欢迎的 PlayStation 现场与坎贝尔和约翰逊有过丰富的经验后,为这个特别的项目寻找了坎贝尔和约翰逊。坎贝尔解释道: “艾伦在帮助我们与我们直接工作过的最强大、政治上最重要的客户合作方面至关重要。”。“这是一个非常有趣的客户。一旦我们获得了这个项目,我们通过以前与该机构的合作建立的信任给了我们自由创造的机会。"


    案例简介:GENTLEMAN SCHOLAR GOES ALL OUT FOR QATAR Following beautiful work on campaigns for Chevy Volt and Salt, live-action, design and animation specialists Gentleman Scholar brought the full force of their production expertise to an elegant campaign for Qatar Foundation’s QF Radio. At the center of the campaign is an ambling dream of a spot directed, produced and post-produced by Gentleman Scholar, who worked not only with agency TBWAQatar, but also a marketing team assembled by the First Lady of Qatar who, as Chairperson of the Foundation, was actively involved in evaluating and approving the work during various stages of the creative and production process. Anthem is at once an exercise in motion control, a stirring visual representation of radio, and a tribute to the distinct cultural elements of Qatar that the station covers. Gentleman Scholar Directors William Campbell and Will Johnson pulled off their first motion control project seamlessly, meshing a tapestry of the nation’s icons – including falconry, Arabian horses, and dhows – along with features from the radio station’s music, sports and entertainment programming, into a tumbling bundle of wires that serve as a physical manifestation of sound waves. In a postproduction feat, the studio modified Houdini in such a way as to allow the software to drive the animation of the wires, manipulating the wobbling stream so that it both represented and moved with the audio. “Because this was their first visual spot, QF Radio was concerned with how we would pull off the visual representation of audio,” notes Johnson. “Gentleman Scholar looked at everything the station covered day to day and began connecting one thing to the next, bringing audio waves to life in a unique form that was both engaging and easy to absorb.” The superbly artistic motion visuals – which aired in Qatar and Dubai and will soon debut in the US – lent themselves so readily to print that the campaign expanded into newspapers and periodicals, as well as enormous billboards around the nation. Gentleman Scholar also teamed up with an outside company to convert the spot to stereoscopic 3D for cinema. Gentleman Scholar took extraordinary measures to satisfy the cultural specificity sought by the client, traveling to Qatar for the shoot to ensure that the particular breed of Arabian horse and iconic falcon were featured in the spot. “QF Radio was understandably very specific about accuracy in regards to their cultural symbols,” states Johnson. “A horse isn’t just a horse – we are talking about a very specific Arabian breed which ranks among the most recognizable and valuable in world, and wore make-up for the shoot. To do this spot right, it was vital for our team to travel to Qatar to experience life there.” TBWA Worldwide CD Allan Manaysay sought Campbell and Johnson out for this special project after having had a great experience with the duo on a popular PlayStation spot several years ago. “Allan was vital in helping us secure work with the most powerful and politically important client we’ve ever worked for directly,” explains Campbell. “This was a very fun client to work with. And once we’d secured the project, the trust we had established through our previous collaboration with the agency gave us free reign to create.”


    案例简介:绅士学者全力以赴支持卡塔尔 继雪佛兰伏特和盐运动的精彩工作之后,真人、设计和动画专家绅士学者为卡塔尔基金会的 QF 电台带来了他们生产专业知识的全部力量。这场运动的中心是一个由绅士学者导演、制作和后期制作的漫无边际的梦想,他不仅与 tbwa卡塔尔机构合作, 还有一个由卡塔尔第一夫人组成的营销团队,作为基金会主席,在创意和制作过程的各个阶段积极参与评估和批准工作。 国歌是一种运动控制的练习,是电台激动人心的视觉表现,也是对电台报道的卡塔尔独特文化元素的致敬。绅士学者导演威廉 · 坎贝尔和威尔 · 约翰逊无缝完成了他们的第一个运动控制项目,将这个国家的偶像 -- 包括猎鹰、阿拉伯马, 和三角帆船 -- 以及广播电台的音乐、体育和娱乐节目的特色,变成一捆翻滚的电线,作为声波的物理表现。在后期制作的壮举中,工作室修改了胡迪尼,允许软件驱动电线的动画, 操纵摇摆流,使它与音频一起表示和移动。 约翰逊指出: “因为这是他们的第一个视觉点,QF Radio 关心我们如何完成音频的视觉再现。”。“绅士学者看着电台每天覆盖的一切,开始将一件事连接到另一件事,以一种独特的形式将音频波带入生活,既吸引人又易于吸收。" 在卡塔尔和迪拜播出并将很快在美国首次亮相的精彩艺术运动视觉效果非常容易印刷,以至于运动扩展到报纸和期刊, 以及全国各地的巨大广告牌。绅士学者还与一家外部公司合作,将现场转换为立体 3D 电影。 绅士学者采取了非同寻常的措施来满足客户寻求的文化特性,前往卡塔尔拍摄,以确保特定品种的阿拉伯马和标志性猎鹰在现场亮相。约翰逊说: “QF 收音机对其文化符号的准确性非常具体,这是可以理解的。”。“马不仅仅是马 -- 我们谈论的是一种非常特殊的阿拉伯品种,它是世界上最容易辨认和最有价值的品种之一,并为拍摄化妆。为了做好这一点,我们的团队去卡塔尔体验那里的生活是至关重要的。" TBWA Worldwide CD Allan Manaysay 在几年前在一个受欢迎的 PlayStation 现场与坎贝尔和约翰逊有过丰富的经验后,为这个特别的项目寻找了坎贝尔和约翰逊。坎贝尔解释道: “艾伦在帮助我们与我们直接工作过的最强大、政治上最重要的客户合作方面至关重要。”。“这是一个非常有趣的客户。一旦我们获得了这个项目,我们通过以前与该机构的合作建立的信任给了我们自由创造的机会。"


    案例简介:GENTLEMAN SCHOLAR GOES ALL OUT FOR QATAR Following beautiful work on campaigns for Chevy Volt and Salt, live-action, design and animation specialists Gentleman Scholar brought the full force of their production expertise to an elegant campaign for Qatar Foundation’s QF Radio. At the center of the campaign is an ambling dream of a spot directed, produced and post-produced by Gentleman Scholar, who worked not only with agency TBWAQatar, but also a marketing team assembled by the First Lady of Qatar who, as Chairperson of the Foundation, was actively involved in evaluating and approving the work during various stages of the creative and production process. Anthem is at once an exercise in motion control, a stirring visual representation of radio, and a tribute to the distinct cultural elements of Qatar that the station covers. Gentleman Scholar Directors William Campbell and Will Johnson pulled off their first motion control project seamlessly, meshing a tapestry of the nation’s icons – including falconry, Arabian horses, and dhows – along with features from the radio station’s music, sports and entertainment programming, into a tumbling bundle of wires that serve as a physical manifestation of sound waves. In a postproduction feat, the studio modified Houdini in such a way as to allow the software to drive the animation of the wires, manipulating the wobbling stream so that it both represented and moved with the audio. “Because this was their first visual spot, QF Radio was concerned with how we would pull off the visual representation of audio,” notes Johnson. “Gentleman Scholar looked at everything the station covered day to day and began connecting one thing to the next, bringing audio waves to life in a unique form that was both engaging and easy to absorb.” The superbly artistic motion visuals – which aired in Qatar and Dubai and will soon debut in the US – lent themselves so readily to print that the campaign expanded into newspapers and periodicals, as well as enormous billboards around the nation. Gentleman Scholar also teamed up with an outside company to convert the spot to stereoscopic 3D for cinema. Gentleman Scholar took extraordinary measures to satisfy the cultural specificity sought by the client, traveling to Qatar for the shoot to ensure that the particular breed of Arabian horse and iconic falcon were featured in the spot. “QF Radio was understandably very specific about accuracy in regards to their cultural symbols,” states Johnson. “A horse isn’t just a horse – we are talking about a very specific Arabian breed which ranks among the most recognizable and valuable in world, and wore make-up for the shoot. To do this spot right, it was vital for our team to travel to Qatar to experience life there.” TBWA Worldwide CD Allan Manaysay sought Campbell and Johnson out for this special project after having had a great experience with the duo on a popular PlayStation spot several years ago. “Allan was vital in helping us secure work with the most powerful and politically important client we’ve ever worked for directly,” explains Campbell. “This was a very fun client to work with. And once we’d secured the project, the trust we had established through our previous collaboration with the agency gave us free reign to create.”









    广告公司: 腾迈 (卡塔尔 Doha) 制作公司: Gentleman Scholar




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