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    案例简介:活动描述 面临的挑战是创建一款考虑到长寿和公平的手机,以及可用性、可取性和可制造性的通常因素。12,000 个组件包含 80 种材料,在创建 “公平” 手机方面没有简单或完美的行动路线。因此,这一想法必须是有效的,在目前的能力方面是务实的,并且在为未来制定一个标志方面是创新的。为了实现巴斯的目标,人们一致同意了模块化智能手机的概念,以实现长寿。这将允许用户轻松更换任何损坏的组件。通过设计开放,它将成为传播产品价值的讲故事工具。用户可以成为品牌倡导者,以推进改变电子产品制造方式的使命。这款手机将拥有其他设备的功能,同时通过设计实现寿命延长,从而降低社会和环境足迹。 执行 最终产品是模块化智能手机,可以像更换儿童玩具中的电池一样容易拆卸。这款手机的功能包括 8 万像素摄像头、 LCD 屏幕、骁龙 801 处理器和安卓操作系统。然而,它也与 Jolla 、 Ubuntu 和 Firefox 等替代操作系统兼容。它使用无冲突锡和钽、公平贸易黄金以及回收的铜和塑料制造。该产品还包含两个 sim卡插槽,例如,允许用户将手机的工作和个人用途分开。滑动两个剪辑允许用户释放屏幕,内部的三个模块可以用一个螺丝刀拆卸。相机、耳机插孔和 micro-usb 连接器等关键部件也可以用最小的努力更换, 与当今市场上维修普通智能手机所需的大量工具和方法形成鲜明对比。值得注意的是,这款手机经久耐用,因为它通过了许多竞争对手失败的严格跌落测试。因此,其结果是拥有竞争对手所有功能的智能手机,同时达到了耐用性和社会责任的新水平。 结果 用户现在可以将手机保留更长时间,这意味着用于制造替代品的有限资源越来越少,计划中的过时不再是问题。最终目标是将智能手机的平均保存时间从两年延长到五年。通过 Fraunhofer Institute IZM 认证,该手机的模块化在 Fairphone 2 的生命周期中节省了 30% 的二氧化碳。公平的矿山,工厂工人基金和议会, 各种其他举措的建立是为了对参与该过程的人产生直接影响,以及该运动对该行业的间接影响。在 2015年7月至 2016年7月期间,大约销售了 45,000 台产品,产生了 1900万欧元的收入。这部电话也引起了大量的新闻报道,巴斯相信他的竞选活动已经推动和发展了对话。 概要 Fairphone 的创始人兼首席执行官 Bas van Abel,当被要求签署反对冲突矿物的运动时,震惊地发现它们在消费电子产品制造中的流行。再加上他已经掌握的与这个行业相关的电子垃圾的知识,他决定帮助改变电子产品的制造方式,以推动它走向一个更加道德和负责任的未来。生产过程很难改变,但是如果你能让手机持续两倍的时间,就会对产品的环境足迹产生重大影响。所以他设定了一个简短的设计智能手机,这对环境更公平,那些通过良好的工作条件和消费者。意识到这款产品无法挑战智能手机行业的大玩家,巴斯的基本目标是鼓励他们采用新的制造和设计模式。 实施 我们首先确定最有可能损坏的智能手机组件,作为设计手机模块化的指南。70% 的故障是由于屏幕损坏造成的,所以我们决定屏幕应该是可移动的,并且可以在不使用工具的情况下更换。从消费者的角度来看,手机组件的复杂性也被考虑在内,以使维修过程尽可能简单,而不会损害产品的可信度。我们希望该设备诚实,看起来是在内部设计的,而不是简单的外观。该设计最初是基于手绘草图和简单的卡片模型来模拟维修体验。这后来通过 3D CAD 、加工模型、团队讨论以及使用图形/颜色/材料/饰面最终创建原型来开发。生产涉及工人资金的建立和无冲突矿物的采购。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription The challenge was to create a phone with longevity and fairness in mind, along with the usual factors of usability, desirability and manufacturability. With 12,000 components containing 80 materials, there is no simple or perfect course of action in creating a “fair”phone. The idea therefore would have to be efficient, pragmatic in terms of the current capabilities, and innovative in laying down a marker for the future.To achieve Bas' objectives, the concept of a modular smartphone was agreed upon to enable longevity. This would allow users to easily replace any damaged components. Through being open by design, it would become a storytelling device to spread the values of the product. Users could become brand advocates to advance the mission of changing the way electronics are made. The phone would possess the functionality of other devices whilst enabling longevity through design to create a lower social and environmental footprint. Execution The final product is a modular smartphone that can be disassembled as easy as changing a battery in a child’s toy. The phone’s features include an 8-megapixel camera, an LCD screen, a Snapdragon 801 processor, and an Android operating system. However, it is also compatible with alternative operating systems such as Jolla, Ubuntu and Firefox. It is manufactured using conflict free tin and tantalum, Fairtrade gold, as well as recycled copper and plastics. The product also contains two sim-card slots, allowing the user to separate the work and personal uses of their phone, for example.Sliding two clips allows the user to free the screen, and the three modules inside can be disassembled with a single screwdriver. Key components such as the camera, headphone jack and micro-usb connector can also be replaced with minimal effort, in sharp contrast to the vast array of tools and methods needed to repair an average smartphone in today’s market. It is also notable that the phone is durable in the sense that it passes rigorous drop tests that many competitors fail. The result therefore is a smartphone with all the features of its competitors, whilst reaching new levels of durability and social responsibility. Outcome Users are now able to keep their phones for longer, meaning that fewer finite resources are used to manufacture replacements and planned obsolescence will not be an issue. The end goal is to increase the average time that someone keeps a smartphone from two to five years. The modularity of the phone results in a 30% CO2 saving over the lifecycle of the Fairphone 2 as certified by the Fraunhofer Institute IZM. Fair mines, factory worker funds and councils, and various other initiatives were set up to have a direct impact on those involved in the process as well as the indirect effect the movement has had on the industry.Approximately 45,000 units of the product were sold between July 2015 and July 2016, generating €19 million of revenue. The phone also generated significant press coverage, and Bas is confident that his campaign has pushed forward and developed the dialogue. Synopsis Fairphone’s founder and CEO, Bas van Abel, when asked to sign a campaign opposing conflict minerals, was shocked to discover their prevalence in the manufacturing of consumer electronics. Coupled with the knowledge he already had about the e-waste associated with this industry, he decided instead to help change the way electronics are made to drive it towards a more ethical and responsible future. The production process is difficult to alter, but if you can make a phone last twice as long, a significant impact is made to the product’s environmental footprint. So he set a brief to design a smartphone which was fairer for the environment, those who make it through good working conditions, and consumers. Aware that this product would not be able to challenge the big players of the smartphone industry, Bas’ underlying objective was instead to encourage them to adopt new manufacturing and design models. Implementation We began by identifying the components of smartphones that are most likely to be damaged, as a guide to design the modularity of the phone. 70% of failures result from screen damage, so we decided that the screen should be removable and replaceable without the use of tools. The complexities of phone components from a consumer perspective were also considered, in order to make the repair process as easy as possible without damaging the product’s credibility. We wanted the device to be honest and look engineered on the inside rather than having a dumbed down appearance.The design was initially based around hand sketches and simple card models to simulate the repair experience. This was later developed through 3D CAD, machined models, team discussions and the use of graphic/colour/material/ finish to finally create a prototype. The production involved workers funds being set up and the sourcing of conflict-free minerals.

    Creating The World's First Modular Smartphone

    案例简介:活动描述 面临的挑战是创建一款考虑到长寿和公平的手机,以及可用性、可取性和可制造性的通常因素。12,000 个组件包含 80 种材料,在创建 “公平” 手机方面没有简单或完美的行动路线。因此,这一想法必须是有效的,在目前的能力方面是务实的,并且在为未来制定一个标志方面是创新的。为了实现巴斯的目标,人们一致同意了模块化智能手机的概念,以实现长寿。这将允许用户轻松更换任何损坏的组件。通过设计开放,它将成为传播产品价值的讲故事工具。用户可以成为品牌倡导者,以推进改变电子产品制造方式的使命。这款手机将拥有其他设备的功能,同时通过设计实现寿命延长,从而降低社会和环境足迹。 执行 最终产品是模块化智能手机,可以像更换儿童玩具中的电池一样容易拆卸。这款手机的功能包括 8 万像素摄像头、 LCD 屏幕、骁龙 801 处理器和安卓操作系统。然而,它也与 Jolla 、 Ubuntu 和 Firefox 等替代操作系统兼容。它使用无冲突锡和钽、公平贸易黄金以及回收的铜和塑料制造。该产品还包含两个 sim卡插槽,例如,允许用户将手机的工作和个人用途分开。滑动两个剪辑允许用户释放屏幕,内部的三个模块可以用一个螺丝刀拆卸。相机、耳机插孔和 micro-usb 连接器等关键部件也可以用最小的努力更换, 与当今市场上维修普通智能手机所需的大量工具和方法形成鲜明对比。值得注意的是,这款手机经久耐用,因为它通过了许多竞争对手失败的严格跌落测试。因此,其结果是拥有竞争对手所有功能的智能手机,同时达到了耐用性和社会责任的新水平。 结果 用户现在可以将手机保留更长时间,这意味着用于制造替代品的有限资源越来越少,计划中的过时不再是问题。最终目标是将智能手机的平均保存时间从两年延长到五年。通过 Fraunhofer Institute IZM 认证,该手机的模块化在 Fairphone 2 的生命周期中节省了 30% 的二氧化碳。公平的矿山,工厂工人基金和议会, 各种其他举措的建立是为了对参与该过程的人产生直接影响,以及该运动对该行业的间接影响。在 2015年7月至 2016年7月期间,大约销售了 45,000 台产品,产生了 1900万欧元的收入。这部电话也引起了大量的新闻报道,巴斯相信他的竞选活动已经推动和发展了对话。 概要 Fairphone 的创始人兼首席执行官 Bas van Abel,当被要求签署反对冲突矿物的运动时,震惊地发现它们在消费电子产品制造中的流行。再加上他已经掌握的与这个行业相关的电子垃圾的知识,他决定帮助改变电子产品的制造方式,以推动它走向一个更加道德和负责任的未来。生产过程很难改变,但是如果你能让手机持续两倍的时间,就会对产品的环境足迹产生重大影响。所以他设定了一个简短的设计智能手机,这对环境更公平,那些通过良好的工作条件和消费者。意识到这款产品无法挑战智能手机行业的大玩家,巴斯的基本目标是鼓励他们采用新的制造和设计模式。 实施 我们首先确定最有可能损坏的智能手机组件,作为设计手机模块化的指南。70% 的故障是由于屏幕损坏造成的,所以我们决定屏幕应该是可移动的,并且可以在不使用工具的情况下更换。从消费者的角度来看,手机组件的复杂性也被考虑在内,以使维修过程尽可能简单,而不会损害产品的可信度。我们希望该设备诚实,看起来是在内部设计的,而不是简单的外观。该设计最初是基于手绘草图和简单的卡片模型来模拟维修体验。这后来通过 3D CAD 、加工模型、团队讨论以及使用图形/颜色/材料/饰面最终创建原型来开发。生产涉及工人资金的建立和无冲突矿物的采购。

    Creating The World's First Modular Smartphone

    案例简介:CampaignDescription The challenge was to create a phone with longevity and fairness in mind, along with the usual factors of usability, desirability and manufacturability. With 12,000 components containing 80 materials, there is no simple or perfect course of action in creating a “fair”phone. The idea therefore would have to be efficient, pragmatic in terms of the current capabilities, and innovative in laying down a marker for the future.To achieve Bas' objectives, the concept of a modular smartphone was agreed upon to enable longevity. This would allow users to easily replace any damaged components. Through being open by design, it would become a storytelling device to spread the values of the product. Users could become brand advocates to advance the mission of changing the way electronics are made. The phone would possess the functionality of other devices whilst enabling longevity through design to create a lower social and environmental footprint. Execution The final product is a modular smartphone that can be disassembled as easy as changing a battery in a child’s toy. The phone’s features include an 8-megapixel camera, an LCD screen, a Snapdragon 801 processor, and an Android operating system. However, it is also compatible with alternative operating systems such as Jolla, Ubuntu and Firefox. It is manufactured using conflict free tin and tantalum, Fairtrade gold, as well as recycled copper and plastics. The product also contains two sim-card slots, allowing the user to separate the work and personal uses of their phone, for example.Sliding two clips allows the user to free the screen, and the three modules inside can be disassembled with a single screwdriver. Key components such as the camera, headphone jack and micro-usb connector can also be replaced with minimal effort, in sharp contrast to the vast array of tools and methods needed to repair an average smartphone in today’s market. It is also notable that the phone is durable in the sense that it passes rigorous drop tests that many competitors fail. The result therefore is a smartphone with all the features of its competitors, whilst reaching new levels of durability and social responsibility. Outcome Users are now able to keep their phones for longer, meaning that fewer finite resources are used to manufacture replacements and planned obsolescence will not be an issue. The end goal is to increase the average time that someone keeps a smartphone from two to five years. The modularity of the phone results in a 30% CO2 saving over the lifecycle of the Fairphone 2 as certified by the Fraunhofer Institute IZM. Fair mines, factory worker funds and councils, and various other initiatives were set up to have a direct impact on those involved in the process as well as the indirect effect the movement has had on the industry.Approximately 45,000 units of the product were sold between July 2015 and July 2016, generating €19 million of revenue. The phone also generated significant press coverage, and Bas is confident that his campaign has pushed forward and developed the dialogue. Synopsis Fairphone’s founder and CEO, Bas van Abel, when asked to sign a campaign opposing conflict minerals, was shocked to discover their prevalence in the manufacturing of consumer electronics. Coupled with the knowledge he already had about the e-waste associated with this industry, he decided instead to help change the way electronics are made to drive it towards a more ethical and responsible future. The production process is difficult to alter, but if you can make a phone last twice as long, a significant impact is made to the product’s environmental footprint. So he set a brief to design a smartphone which was fairer for the environment, those who make it through good working conditions, and consumers. Aware that this product would not be able to challenge the big players of the smartphone industry, Bas’ underlying objective was instead to encourage them to adopt new manufacturing and design models. Implementation We began by identifying the components of smartphones that are most likely to be damaged, as a guide to design the modularity of the phone. 70% of failures result from screen damage, so we decided that the screen should be removable and replaceable without the use of tools. The complexities of phone components from a consumer perspective were also considered, in order to make the repair process as easy as possible without damaging the product’s credibility. We wanted the device to be honest and look engineered on the inside rather than having a dumbed down appearance.The design was initially based around hand sketches and simple card models to simulate the repair experience. This was later developed through 3D CAD, machined models, team discussions and the use of graphic/colour/material/ finish to finally create a prototype. The production involved workers funds being set up and the sourcing of conflict-free minerals.



    Creating The World's First Modular Smartphone






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