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    案例简介:Aimaqvonlopenstein/圣埃尔莫的超真实的野生动物打印运动提醒度假者在旅游景点虐待动物 柏林,2018年5月16日 -- AimaqvonLobenstein/Saint Elmo's 和 Salamagica 发起了引人注目的印刷运动,强调度假胜地对动物的虐待。 AimaqvonLobenstein/圣埃尔莫 (AvL/SE),圣埃尔莫柏林创意机构和服务计划集团的一部分, 与戛纳狮子奖得主艺术家里卡多 · 萨拉曼卡合作,为自然对话组织 Pro Wildlife 制作了一系列引人注目的平面广告。该运动的标签是 “任何工作都比旅游景点好”,由放在非自然环境中的外来动物的超真实图像组成。一只老虎在窥视秀外面洗地板,一只大象在亚洲城市街道上溺死了一辆比萨饼递送滑板车。将动物置于这些不太可能的情况下,强调了当它们被迫成为度假者想要骑大象或与老虎自拍的吸引力时所面临的残忍。 印刷、户外和在线活动已经在假日季节之前发布,以阻止度假者支持虐待动物,这在亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的度假胜地尤为普遍。副本上写着 “任何工作都比成为旅游景点要好。停止终身监禁。' CCO 和 AvL/Saint Elmo 的联合创始人 andr é Aimaq 评论道: “我们与 Pro Wildlife 的关系可以追溯到 2006年。这一次,他们要求我们阻止人们进入他们的轨道,鼓励度假者质疑动物景点,并最终避免参与。为了立即产生影响,我们创造了一个视觉世界,同时吸引和干扰观众。我们招募了里卡多 · 萨拉马加和他的团队,他们的超现实和梦幻风格 -- 结合了 CGI 、摄影和插图。他们的创新和独特的美学使他们适合这个项目。" Pro Wildlife 的竞选经理艾德琳 · 费舍尔补充道: “今天,全世界成千上万的动物以旅游业的名义被关在小笼子里。对许多度假者来说,骑大象、与黑猩猩自拍或抚摸老虎是他们旅行的绝对亮点。不幸的是,在绝大多数情况下,这些动物被关在悲惨的环境中,并被猛烈地钻孔、控制或镇静。这就是为什么我们的组织只是建议游客在旅行前做他们的研究。真正的动物保护区不允许游客与动物直接接触,不繁殖动物,也不允许他们将动物重新引入野外。任何想安全的人都应该简单地观察自然栖息地的动物。这是他们最美丽的地方。"


    案例简介:AimaqvonLobenstein/Saint Elmo‘s Hyper-Real Pro-Wildlife Print Campaign alerts Holidaymakers to Animal Cruelty in Tourist Attractions Berlin, 16 May 2018 – AimaqvonLobenstein/Saint Elmo‘s and Salamagica create arresting print campaign highlighting animal cruelty in holiday resorts. AimaqvonLobenstein/ Saint Elmo‘s (AvL/SE), Berlin creative Agency of Saint Elmo’s and part of the Serviceplan Group, worked with Cannes Lions-winning artist Ricardo Salamanca on an eye-catching series of print ads for nature conversation organization Pro Wildlife. The campaign with the tag line ‘Any job is better than being a tourist attraction’, is composed of hyper-real images of exotic animals placed in unnatural situations. A Tiger washes the floor outside a Peep Show, and an Elephant drowns a Pizza delivery scooter on an Asian city street. Placing the animals in these unlikely situations emphasizes the cruelty they face when forced to become an attraction for holidaymakers wanting to ride on an Elephant or taking a selfie with a tiger. The print, OOH and online campaign has been released ahead of holiday season to deter vacationers from supporting animal abuse, which is particularly endemic in resorts in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The copy reads ‘Any job is better than being a tourist attraction. Stop lifetime imprisonment.’ André Aimaq, CCO and Co-Founder, AvL/Saint Elmo's commented: “Our relationship with Pro Wildlife goes back to 2006. This time, they tasked us with stopping people in their tracks and encouraging vacationers to question animal attractions and ultimately refrain from taking part. To make an immediate impact, we created a visual world that simultaneously captivates and disturbs viewers. We enlisted Ricardo Salamagica and his team for their hyper-realistic and dreamlike style - combining CGI, photography, and illustration. Their innovative and distinctive aesthetics made them the right fit for this project.” Adeline Fischer, Campaign Manager at Pro Wildlife, added: “Hundreds of thousands of animals worldwide are suffering today in small cages and chains in the name of tourism. Riding on an elephant, taking a selfie with a chimp or stroking a tiger is for many holidaymakers an absolute highlight of their trip. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the animals are kept in miserable conditions and violently drilled, controlled or sedated. All this is why our organisation simply advises tourists to do their research before their trip. Genuine animal sanctuaries do not allow tourists to have direct contact with the animals, do not breed animals and they reintroduce the animals to the wild. Anyone who wants to be on the safe side should simply observe the animals in their natural habitat. That is where they are at their most beautiful.”


    案例简介:Aimaqvonlopenstein/圣埃尔莫的超真实的野生动物打印运动提醒度假者在旅游景点虐待动物 柏林,2018年5月16日 -- AimaqvonLobenstein/Saint Elmo's 和 Salamagica 发起了引人注目的印刷运动,强调度假胜地对动物的虐待。 AimaqvonLobenstein/圣埃尔莫 (AvL/SE),圣埃尔莫柏林创意机构和服务计划集团的一部分, 与戛纳狮子奖得主艺术家里卡多 · 萨拉曼卡合作,为自然对话组织 Pro Wildlife 制作了一系列引人注目的平面广告。该运动的标签是 “任何工作都比旅游景点好”,由放在非自然环境中的外来动物的超真实图像组成。一只老虎在窥视秀外面洗地板,一只大象在亚洲城市街道上溺死了一辆比萨饼递送滑板车。将动物置于这些不太可能的情况下,强调了当它们被迫成为度假者想要骑大象或与老虎自拍的吸引力时所面临的残忍。 印刷、户外和在线活动已经在假日季节之前发布,以阻止度假者支持虐待动物,这在亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的度假胜地尤为普遍。副本上写着 “任何工作都比成为旅游景点要好。停止终身监禁。' CCO 和 AvL/Saint Elmo 的联合创始人 andr é Aimaq 评论道: “我们与 Pro Wildlife 的关系可以追溯到 2006年。这一次,他们要求我们阻止人们进入他们的轨道,鼓励度假者质疑动物景点,并最终避免参与。为了立即产生影响,我们创造了一个视觉世界,同时吸引和干扰观众。我们招募了里卡多 · 萨拉马加和他的团队,他们的超现实和梦幻风格 -- 结合了 CGI 、摄影和插图。他们的创新和独特的美学使他们适合这个项目。" Pro Wildlife 的竞选经理艾德琳 · 费舍尔补充道: “今天,全世界成千上万的动物以旅游业的名义被关在小笼子里。对许多度假者来说,骑大象、与黑猩猩自拍或抚摸老虎是他们旅行的绝对亮点。不幸的是,在绝大多数情况下,这些动物被关在悲惨的环境中,并被猛烈地钻孔、控制或镇静。这就是为什么我们的组织只是建议游客在旅行前做他们的研究。真正的动物保护区不允许游客与动物直接接触,不繁殖动物,也不允许他们将动物重新引入野外。任何想安全的人都应该简单地观察自然栖息地的动物。这是他们最美丽的地方。"


    案例简介:AimaqvonLobenstein/Saint Elmo‘s Hyper-Real Pro-Wildlife Print Campaign alerts Holidaymakers to Animal Cruelty in Tourist Attractions Berlin, 16 May 2018 – AimaqvonLobenstein/Saint Elmo‘s and Salamagica create arresting print campaign highlighting animal cruelty in holiday resorts. AimaqvonLobenstein/ Saint Elmo‘s (AvL/SE), Berlin creative Agency of Saint Elmo’s and part of the Serviceplan Group, worked with Cannes Lions-winning artist Ricardo Salamanca on an eye-catching series of print ads for nature conversation organization Pro Wildlife. The campaign with the tag line ‘Any job is better than being a tourist attraction’, is composed of hyper-real images of exotic animals placed in unnatural situations. A Tiger washes the floor outside a Peep Show, and an Elephant drowns a Pizza delivery scooter on an Asian city street. Placing the animals in these unlikely situations emphasizes the cruelty they face when forced to become an attraction for holidaymakers wanting to ride on an Elephant or taking a selfie with a tiger. The print, OOH and online campaign has been released ahead of holiday season to deter vacationers from supporting animal abuse, which is particularly endemic in resorts in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The copy reads ‘Any job is better than being a tourist attraction. Stop lifetime imprisonment.’ André Aimaq, CCO and Co-Founder, AvL/Saint Elmo's commented: “Our relationship with Pro Wildlife goes back to 2006. This time, they tasked us with stopping people in their tracks and encouraging vacationers to question animal attractions and ultimately refrain from taking part. To make an immediate impact, we created a visual world that simultaneously captivates and disturbs viewers. We enlisted Ricardo Salamagica and his team for their hyper-realistic and dreamlike style - combining CGI, photography, and illustration. Their innovative and distinctive aesthetics made them the right fit for this project.” Adeline Fischer, Campaign Manager at Pro Wildlife, added: “Hundreds of thousands of animals worldwide are suffering today in small cages and chains in the name of tourism. Riding on an elephant, taking a selfie with a chimp or stroking a tiger is for many holidaymakers an absolute highlight of their trip. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the animals are kept in miserable conditions and violently drilled, controlled or sedated. All this is why our organisation simply advises tourists to do their research before their trip. Genuine animal sanctuaries do not allow tourists to have direct contact with the animals, do not breed animals and they reintroduce the animals to the wild. Anyone who wants to be on the safe side should simply observe the animals in their natural habitat. That is where they are at their most beautiful.”









    广告公司: Saint Elmo's (德国 慕尼黑) 制作公司: Salamagica




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