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    Intel Winter X Games 2016短视频广告营销案例



    英特尔冬季 X 游戏 2016

    案例简介:战略 我们与英特尔合作,将 X 游戏作为此次执行的理想合作伙伴,因为它为千禧一代的目标受众提供了一种独特的方式来将其技术直接集成到运动本身中。这种方法允许一个整合的媒体战略和计划,涉及运动员、品牌、代理和广播团队。每个人都一起努力确保居里技术能够实现,展示 X Games 骑手的运动能力,并为粉丝们带来见解,但最重要的是, 增强技巧运动员已经在斜坡上执行。通过让所有各方参与每一步,这一进程是无缝的,连贯的方法产生了成功的运动。 执行 居里芯片被嵌入在专业滑雪板板在男子 sloopstyle 和大型空中活动期间,并收集实时数据,在广播中共享。将数据集成到广播中是动态的,实时可视化从斜坡直接到屏幕。与传统的 X 游戏执行相比,这种激活是独一无二的,因为英特尔的曝光远远超过了其他官方合作伙伴的曝光,并进一步给广播公司宣布的内容带来了可视化。广播中提供的性能数据附有一个固定的图形,其中包括 “体验英特尔” 属性,并提供了观众以前无法获得的信息。此外,该品牌以数字和社交方式分享内容,以延伸到广播之外,并巩固该品牌与千年目标和 X 游戏的关系。 概要 英特尔希望将品牌观念从生产电脑芯片的公司转变为技术可以彻底改变体育运动的公司。这意味着将品牌从 “内部” 带到阿斯彭的山坡上,英特尔可以在那里以可见、有形的方式展示其居里技术, 体验方式永远改变了运动员和球迷体验 X 游戏的方式,从而增强了整体体验。除了改变品牌认知,我们面临的挑战是为英特尔提供适当的技术集成信用。虽然许多创新可能会在幕后发生,但这将让英特尔 “深入”,而不是彻底改变品牌,并将其技术推向前沿。找到一种整合品牌并突出技术和背后故事的方法是这场运动的挑战。 活动描述 创造性的想法和见解主要利用了英特尔技术和居里模块的数据。居里芯片是衬衫纽扣的尺寸,但是不要让它的尺寸愚弄你。它很小,但功能强大,可以附着在各种运动服装和产品上 -- 在这种情况下,是阿斯彭 X Games 的滑雪板。我们与英特尔品牌领导、英特尔工程师、 X 游戏运动员和 ESPN 合作,谈判并启动了一个合作伙伴关系,向广播观众提供实时数据,展示轮换、速度、每个运动员跑的距离和高度。在广播期间,统计数据显示在屏幕上,并在骑手比赛时现场更新。创意展示了英特尔技术,X 游戏运动员的运动能力,并为消费者提供了前所未有的独特见解。 结果 这项活动的主要目标之一是将对英特尔品牌的看法从 “内部” 转变为更明显、更有形、更具有体验性的品牌。看过 X 游戏的人认为英特尔是创新品牌的可能性是前者的四倍以上。此外,在其第一个 X 游戏合作伙伴关系中,英特尔的社交渠道影响并吸引了类似 GoPro 和 Monster Energy 等地方性多年 X 游戏合作伙伴的观众。最后, 英特尔的激活实现了品牌目标,包括将技术放在合作伙伴关系的前沿,提供品牌认可,以及 ESPN 和英特尔之间真正的合作伙伴关系展示和改进现有的体育表现。 相关性 在 2016,我们的任务是通过体育讲故事让英特尔历史上的 “内部” 品牌更加可见、有形和体验性。通过战略体育赞助,英特尔试图将自己重新确立为世界领先的技术创新者之一。英特尔的关键技术之一居里在 X 游戏中被用于彻底改变运动员和粉丝的体验。居里模块是一个专有芯片系统,通过蓝牙信号传输实时性能信息。在男子坡道和大型空中赛事期间,它被连接到滑雪板上,并被整合到 ESPN 广播中,增强了运动员在斜坡上的运动。

    英特尔冬季 X 游戏 2016

    案例简介:Strategy We worked with Intel to target the X Games as an ideal partner for this execution because it delivered on its target audience of millennials and also offered a unique way to integrate its technology directly into the sport itself. This approach allowed for an integrated media strategy and plan that involved parties from the athletes, brand, agency, and broadcast team. Everyone worked together to ensure that the Curie technology could be implemented and showcase the athletic abilities of the X Games riders and bring insights to the fans, but most importantly, enhancing tricks athletes were already executing on the slopes. By involving all parties in each step, the process was seamless and the cohesive approach produced a successful campaign. Execution The Curie chip was embedded on professional snowboarders’ boards during the Men’s Slopestyle and Big Air events and collected real-time data that was shared on the broadcast. The integration of data into the broadcast was dynamic and the real-time visualization was straight from the slope to the screen. This activation was unique compared to traditional X Games executions because Intel’s exposure far exceeded other official partners’ exposure and further brought to life a visualization of what the broadcasters were announcing. The performance data delivered in broadcast was accompanied by a fixed graphic that included “EXPERIENCE Intel” attribution and gave the audience information that was not previously available. Additionally, the brand shared content digitally and socially to extend reach beyond the broadcast and solidify the brand’s relationship both with the millennial target and the X Games. Synopsis Intel wanted to shift brand perception from a company who produced computer chips to one whose technology could revolutionize sports. This meant bringing the brand from the “inside” to the outside on the slopes of Aspen, CO where Intel could showcase its Curie technology in a visible, tangible, and experiential way forever changing the way athletes and fans experienced the X Games, thus enhancing overall experience.In addition to changing brand perception, we were challenged with delivering Intel with proper credit for the integration of its technology. While many innovations could happen behind the scenes, that would keep Intel “inside” and not revolutionize the brand and bring its technology to the forefront. Finding a way to integrate the brand and prominently feature both the technology and the story behind it was a challenge for this campaign. Campaign Description The creative idea and insights largely utilized Intel technology and data from the Curie module. The Curie chip is the size of a shirt button, but don’t let its size fool you. It is tiny, but powerful and can be attached to sports apparel and products of all types – in this case, snowboards at the X Games in Aspen. Working in partnership with Intel brand leads, Intel engineers, X Games athletes, and ESPN, we negotiated and activated a partnership that delivered real-time data to the broadcast audience showcasing rotation, speed, distance, and height throughout each athletes’ run. The stats were shown on screen during the broadcast and updated live as the riders competed. The creative showcased Intel technology, the athletic prowess of the X Games athletes, and provided unique insights to the consumers that had never been seen before. Outcome One of the key goals of this campaign was to shift perception of the Intel brand from “inside” to a brand that is more visible, tangible, and experiential. People who viewed the X Games were over four times as likely to see Intel as an innovative brand. Additionally, in its first X Games partnership, Intel’s social channels influenced and engaged audiences similar to endemic, multi-year X Games partners like GoPro and Monster Energy. Finally, Intel’s activation achieved brand goals including placing the technology at the forefront of the partnership and delivering brand recognition and a genuine showcase of partnership between ESPN & Intel to showcase and improve existing takeaways from athletic performance. Relevancy In 2016, we were tasked with making Intel’s historically “inside” brand more visible, tangible, and experiential through sports storytelling. Through strategic sports sponsorships, Intel sought to re-establish itself as one of the world’s leading technology innovators. One of Intel’s key technologies, Curie, was used in the X Games to revolutionize the experience for athlete and fan alike. The Curie module is a proprietary chip system that transmits real-time performance information through a Bluetooth signal. It was attached to snowboards during the Men’s Slopestyle and Big Air events and was integrated into the ESPN broadcast, enhancing athlete movement on the slopes.

    Intel Winter X Games 2016

    案例简介:战略 我们与英特尔合作,将 X 游戏作为此次执行的理想合作伙伴,因为它为千禧一代的目标受众提供了一种独特的方式来将其技术直接集成到运动本身中。这种方法允许一个整合的媒体战略和计划,涉及运动员、品牌、代理和广播团队。每个人都一起努力确保居里技术能够实现,展示 X Games 骑手的运动能力,并为粉丝们带来见解,但最重要的是, 增强技巧运动员已经在斜坡上执行。通过让所有各方参与每一步,这一进程是无缝的,连贯的方法产生了成功的运动。 执行 居里芯片被嵌入在专业滑雪板板在男子 sloopstyle 和大型空中活动期间,并收集实时数据,在广播中共享。将数据集成到广播中是动态的,实时可视化从斜坡直接到屏幕。与传统的 X 游戏执行相比,这种激活是独一无二的,因为英特尔的曝光远远超过了其他官方合作伙伴的曝光,并进一步给广播公司宣布的内容带来了可视化。广播中提供的性能数据附有一个固定的图形,其中包括 “体验英特尔” 属性,并提供了观众以前无法获得的信息。此外,该品牌以数字和社交方式分享内容,以延伸到广播之外,并巩固该品牌与千年目标和 X 游戏的关系。 概要 英特尔希望将品牌观念从生产电脑芯片的公司转变为技术可以彻底改变体育运动的公司。这意味着将品牌从 “内部” 带到阿斯彭的山坡上,英特尔可以在那里以可见、有形的方式展示其居里技术, 体验方式永远改变了运动员和球迷体验 X 游戏的方式,从而增强了整体体验。除了改变品牌认知,我们面临的挑战是为英特尔提供适当的技术集成信用。虽然许多创新可能会在幕后发生,但这将让英特尔 “深入”,而不是彻底改变品牌,并将其技术推向前沿。找到一种整合品牌并突出技术和背后故事的方法是这场运动的挑战。 活动描述 创造性的想法和见解主要利用了英特尔技术和居里模块的数据。居里芯片是衬衫纽扣的尺寸,但是不要让它的尺寸愚弄你。它很小,但功能强大,可以附着在各种运动服装和产品上 -- 在这种情况下,是阿斯彭 X Games 的滑雪板。我们与英特尔品牌领导、英特尔工程师、 X 游戏运动员和 ESPN 合作,谈判并启动了一个合作伙伴关系,向广播观众提供实时数据,展示轮换、速度、每个运动员跑的距离和高度。在广播期间,统计数据显示在屏幕上,并在骑手比赛时现场更新。创意展示了英特尔技术,X 游戏运动员的运动能力,并为消费者提供了前所未有的独特见解。 结果 这项活动的主要目标之一是将对英特尔品牌的看法从 “内部” 转变为更明显、更有形、更具有体验性的品牌。看过 X 游戏的人认为英特尔是创新品牌的可能性是前者的四倍以上。此外,在其第一个 X 游戏合作伙伴关系中,英特尔的社交渠道影响并吸引了类似 GoPro 和 Monster Energy 等地方性多年 X 游戏合作伙伴的观众。最后, 英特尔的激活实现了品牌目标,包括将技术放在合作伙伴关系的前沿,提供品牌认可,以及 ESPN 和英特尔之间真正的合作伙伴关系展示和改进现有的体育表现。 相关性 在 2016,我们的任务是通过体育讲故事让英特尔历史上的 “内部” 品牌更加可见、有形和体验性。通过战略体育赞助,英特尔试图将自己重新确立为世界领先的技术创新者之一。英特尔的关键技术之一居里在 X 游戏中被用于彻底改变运动员和粉丝的体验。居里模块是一个专有芯片系统,通过蓝牙信号传输实时性能信息。在男子坡道和大型空中赛事期间,它被连接到滑雪板上,并被整合到 ESPN 广播中,增强了运动员在斜坡上的运动。

    Intel Winter X Games 2016

    案例简介:Strategy We worked with Intel to target the X Games as an ideal partner for this execution because it delivered on its target audience of millennials and also offered a unique way to integrate its technology directly into the sport itself. This approach allowed for an integrated media strategy and plan that involved parties from the athletes, brand, agency, and broadcast team. Everyone worked together to ensure that the Curie technology could be implemented and showcase the athletic abilities of the X Games riders and bring insights to the fans, but most importantly, enhancing tricks athletes were already executing on the slopes. By involving all parties in each step, the process was seamless and the cohesive approach produced a successful campaign. Execution The Curie chip was embedded on professional snowboarders’ boards during the Men’s Slopestyle and Big Air events and collected real-time data that was shared on the broadcast. The integration of data into the broadcast was dynamic and the real-time visualization was straight from the slope to the screen. This activation was unique compared to traditional X Games executions because Intel’s exposure far exceeded other official partners’ exposure and further brought to life a visualization of what the broadcasters were announcing. The performance data delivered in broadcast was accompanied by a fixed graphic that included “EXPERIENCE Intel” attribution and gave the audience information that was not previously available. Additionally, the brand shared content digitally and socially to extend reach beyond the broadcast and solidify the brand’s relationship both with the millennial target and the X Games. Synopsis Intel wanted to shift brand perception from a company who produced computer chips to one whose technology could revolutionize sports. This meant bringing the brand from the “inside” to the outside on the slopes of Aspen, CO where Intel could showcase its Curie technology in a visible, tangible, and experiential way forever changing the way athletes and fans experienced the X Games, thus enhancing overall experience.In addition to changing brand perception, we were challenged with delivering Intel with proper credit for the integration of its technology. While many innovations could happen behind the scenes, that would keep Intel “inside” and not revolutionize the brand and bring its technology to the forefront. Finding a way to integrate the brand and prominently feature both the technology and the story behind it was a challenge for this campaign. Campaign Description The creative idea and insights largely utilized Intel technology and data from the Curie module. The Curie chip is the size of a shirt button, but don’t let its size fool you. It is tiny, but powerful and can be attached to sports apparel and products of all types – in this case, snowboards at the X Games in Aspen. Working in partnership with Intel brand leads, Intel engineers, X Games athletes, and ESPN, we negotiated and activated a partnership that delivered real-time data to the broadcast audience showcasing rotation, speed, distance, and height throughout each athletes’ run. The stats were shown on screen during the broadcast and updated live as the riders competed. The creative showcased Intel technology, the athletic prowess of the X Games athletes, and provided unique insights to the consumers that had never been seen before. Outcome One of the key goals of this campaign was to shift perception of the Intel brand from “inside” to a brand that is more visible, tangible, and experiential. People who viewed the X Games were over four times as likely to see Intel as an innovative brand. Additionally, in its first X Games partnership, Intel’s social channels influenced and engaged audiences similar to endemic, multi-year X Games partners like GoPro and Monster Energy. Finally, Intel’s activation achieved brand goals including placing the technology at the forefront of the partnership and delivering brand recognition and a genuine showcase of partnership between ESPN & Intel to showcase and improve existing takeaways from athletic performance. Relevancy In 2016, we were tasked with making Intel’s historically “inside” brand more visible, tangible, and experiential through sports storytelling. Through strategic sports sponsorships, Intel sought to re-establish itself as one of the world’s leading technology innovators. One of Intel’s key technologies, Curie, was used in the X Games to revolutionize the experience for athlete and fan alike. The Curie module is a proprietary chip system that transmits real-time performance information through a Bluetooth signal. It was attached to snowboards during the Men’s Slopestyle and Big Air events and was integrated into the ESPN broadcast, enhancing athlete movement on the slopes.

    英特尔冬季 X 游戏 2016


    Intel Winter X Games 2016






    广告公司: OMD (美国 纽约)




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