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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? Apple的AirDrop是一种通常用于与人分享照片和视频的技术。阿迪达斯以一种完全创新的方式使用了这项技术,为其创造了定制的AR体验,并将其转变为一种意想不到的广告媒体形式。 背景 阿迪达斯即将发布其最大的跑鞋-Ultraboost19,他们想让全美各地的sneakerheads兴奋地购买这双鞋。唯一的问题是-我们所拥有的只是这只鞋的样子的照片。因此,我们的简介是让运动鞋爱好者谈论甚至还没有发布的鞋子,并让他们t adidas.com注册以进入等待名单。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 我们决定让人们对这款鞋感到兴奋,我们必须让他们试穿。但是我们需要一种媒介来为甚至还没有发布的鞋子创建数字试穿。然后,我们需要一种媒介将其交付给新运动鞋市场上的运动鞋头。 描述策略 (投票20%) 我们意识到,我们的人口,运动鞋头,在三个地方考虑运动鞋-他们购买运动鞋的商店,他们去炫耀运动鞋的活动,以及他们发布最新运动鞋的Snapchat。 因此,我们想劫持纽约、洛杉矶、休斯顿、芝加哥的每一家主要运动鞋商店和时尚精品店,让那些在市场上购买新运动鞋的人试穿我们的运动鞋。 然后,我们在篮球比赛,嘻哈音乐会以及最重要的Snapchat中将这种体验放到人们的手机上,以使每个人都深入运动鞋文化中谈论它。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) Ultraboost19发布的那一周,在耐克商店购物的人们通过Apple的AirDrop收到了通知: “Ultraboost19在这里,成为第一个尝试它的人”。当他们点击这个数字传单时,它开启了一种首创的增强现实体验,让他们只需将手机对准他们的脚,就可以试穿新的阿迪达斯运动鞋。 因此,通过使用空投这种不太可能的媒介,我们让人们在耐克商店 (以及其他任何地方) 试穿阿迪达斯的鞋子。 列出结果 (投票30%) 6000万鞋试穿 2.4百万次访问t o adidas.com注册发布更新 12% 增加品牌的好感度 鞋子在一小时内售罄 随后的版本在10分钟内售罄


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Apple’s AirDrop is a technology typically used for sharing photos and videos with people closeby. Adidas used this technology in a completely innovative way by creating a bespoke AR experience for it and turning it into an unexpected form of advertising media. Background Adidas was about to release its greatest running shoe—The Ultraboost19, and they wanted to get sneakerheads across America excited to buy the shoes. The only catch was— all we had was a picture of what this shoe looked like. So our brief was to get sneaker enthusiasts talking about a shoe that hadn’t even been released, and have them visit adidas.com to sign up to get on the waitlist. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We decided that to get people excited about this shoe, we had to get them to try it on. But we needed a medium to create a digital try-on for a shoe that hadn't even been released. Then we needed a medium to deliver it to sneakerheads in the market for new sneakers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We realized that our demographic, sneakerheads, thinks about sneakers in three places— stores where they buy sneakers, events where they go to show-off their sneakers, and Snapchat— where they post about their newest sneakers. So we wanted to hijack every single major sneaker store and fashion boutique in New York, LA, Houston, Chicago and have people who are in the market for new sneakers, try-on OUR sneakers instead. Then we dropped the experience onto people’s phones at basketball games, hip-hop concerts and most importantly— Snapchat to get everyone deep in the sneaker culture talking about it. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The week of the Ultraboost19 launch, people shopping in Nike stores got a notification via Apple’s AirDrop: “Ultraboost19 is here, be the first to try it on”. When they clicked this digital flyer, it opened up a first-of-its-kind augmented reality experience that let them try on the new adidas sneaker, just by pointing their phone at their feet. So with the use of the unlikely medium of AirDrops, we had people trying on adidas shoes— in Nike stores (and everywhere else). List the results (30% of vote) 60 Million shoe try-ons 2.4 Million visits to adidas.com to sign up for release updates 12% increase in brand favorability Shoe sold out in under an hour Subsequent release sold out in 10 minutes

    AR Drops

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? Apple的AirDrop是一种通常用于与人分享照片和视频的技术。阿迪达斯以一种完全创新的方式使用了这项技术,为其创造了定制的AR体验,并将其转变为一种意想不到的广告媒体形式。 背景 阿迪达斯即将发布其最大的跑鞋-Ultraboost19,他们想让全美各地的sneakerheads兴奋地购买这双鞋。唯一的问题是-我们所拥有的只是这只鞋的样子的照片。因此,我们的简介是让运动鞋爱好者谈论甚至还没有发布的鞋子,并让他们t adidas.com注册以进入等待名单。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 我们决定让人们对这款鞋感到兴奋,我们必须让他们试穿。但是我们需要一种媒介来为甚至还没有发布的鞋子创建数字试穿。然后,我们需要一种媒介将其交付给新运动鞋市场上的运动鞋头。 描述策略 (投票20%) 我们意识到,我们的人口,运动鞋头,在三个地方考虑运动鞋-他们购买运动鞋的商店,他们去炫耀运动鞋的活动,以及他们发布最新运动鞋的Snapchat。 因此,我们想劫持纽约、洛杉矶、休斯顿、芝加哥的每一家主要运动鞋商店和时尚精品店,让那些在市场上购买新运动鞋的人试穿我们的运动鞋。 然后,我们在篮球比赛,嘻哈音乐会以及最重要的Snapchat中将这种体验放到人们的手机上,以使每个人都深入运动鞋文化中谈论它。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) Ultraboost19发布的那一周,在耐克商店购物的人们通过Apple的AirDrop收到了通知: “Ultraboost19在这里,成为第一个尝试它的人”。当他们点击这个数字传单时,它开启了一种首创的增强现实体验,让他们只需将手机对准他们的脚,就可以试穿新的阿迪达斯运动鞋。 因此,通过使用空投这种不太可能的媒介,我们让人们在耐克商店 (以及其他任何地方) 试穿阿迪达斯的鞋子。 列出结果 (投票30%) 6000万鞋试穿 2.4百万次访问t o adidas.com注册发布更新 12% 增加品牌的好感度 鞋子在一小时内售罄 随后的版本在10分钟内售罄

    AR Drops

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Apple’s AirDrop is a technology typically used for sharing photos and videos with people closeby. Adidas used this technology in a completely innovative way by creating a bespoke AR experience for it and turning it into an unexpected form of advertising media. Background Adidas was about to release its greatest running shoe—The Ultraboost19, and they wanted to get sneakerheads across America excited to buy the shoes. The only catch was— all we had was a picture of what this shoe looked like. So our brief was to get sneaker enthusiasts talking about a shoe that hadn’t even been released, and have them visit adidas.com to sign up to get on the waitlist. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We decided that to get people excited about this shoe, we had to get them to try it on. But we needed a medium to create a digital try-on for a shoe that hadn't even been released. Then we needed a medium to deliver it to sneakerheads in the market for new sneakers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We realized that our demographic, sneakerheads, thinks about sneakers in three places— stores where they buy sneakers, events where they go to show-off their sneakers, and Snapchat— where they post about their newest sneakers. So we wanted to hijack every single major sneaker store and fashion boutique in New York, LA, Houston, Chicago and have people who are in the market for new sneakers, try-on OUR sneakers instead. Then we dropped the experience onto people’s phones at basketball games, hip-hop concerts and most importantly— Snapchat to get everyone deep in the sneaker culture talking about it. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The week of the Ultraboost19 launch, people shopping in Nike stores got a notification via Apple’s AirDrop: “Ultraboost19 is here, be the first to try it on”. When they clicked this digital flyer, it opened up a first-of-its-kind augmented reality experience that let them try on the new adidas sneaker, just by pointing their phone at their feet. So with the use of the unlikely medium of AirDrops, we had people trying on adidas shoes— in Nike stores (and everywhere else). List the results (30% of vote) 60 Million shoe try-ons 2.4 Million visits to adidas.com to sign up for release updates 12% increase in brand favorability Shoe sold out in under an hour Subsequent release sold out in 10 minutes



    AR Drops










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