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    The Ice Bucket Challenge短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 这是一场全球社交媒体驱动的运动,没有具体的地理限制或限制。 有效性 ALS 世界已经安静了一段时间 -- 病人对说话感到紧张,在 2014 夏季,没有任何奥斯卡获奖大片。卢 · 格里克的病,一个存在于 B & W 照片中的人,只是不是最重要的。但是必须做点什么。病人皮特 · 弗雷茨、帕特 · 奎恩、安东尼 · 塞纳基亚和他们的家人都相信这一点,他们挑战自己,用轻松、有趣和简单的东西来对抗这种退化和沉默的疾病。并利用社交图的力量让它像野火一样传播。ALS 冰桶挑战诞生了。这场运动缓慢但具有战略意义。这项挑战让人们敢于在头上倾倒一桶冰水,在 Facebook 上发布一段视频,给朋友贴标签,让他们也这样做,并向 ALS 捐款。首先,亲密的家人和朋友受到挑战。然后它蔓延到邻近的社区。然后是新城市。然后是新国家。然后是运动员和名人。威尔 · 史密斯。比尔·盖茨。奥普拉。马克 · 扎克伯格。最初的工作人员日夜工作来点燃火焰,这很快成为有史以来最大最激动人心的社会运动。 实施 这是病毒学的终极案例研究,超过 4.4亿人在没有媒体支出的情况下观看视频。用户生成的视频既有趣又吸引人,它们通过 Facebook 的社交图和朋友标签功能从一个视频传播到多个视频。喜欢,分享,标签和其他趋势工具也浮出水面的视频,不久,人们的饲料爆炸与 ALS 冰桶挑战内容。 结果 制作了 1700万个视频,159 个国家参加,统计了 700亿个视频浏览量,筹集了 2.2亿美元。参加的人数比超级碗和奥斯卡加起来还要多。每天筹集的资金比纽约 ALS 协会的年度预算还要多。为 ALS 创造了更美好未来的希望。 相关性 2014年夏天,一些小镇冰桶变成了互联网上有史以来最大的运动之一。被称为 “ALS 冰桶挑战” 的活动引发了一种全球现象和前所未有的活动狂热,激发了世界各地比以往任何时候都在社交媒体上看到的更多的人采取行动。来自全球每个角落,各种年龄和背景的人们给予了 ALS 应有的品牌认可,并共同创作了 1700万多个视频,筹集了 2.2亿美元。8月将在未来几年被称为 ALS 冰桶挑战月。


    案例简介:Campaign Description this was a global social media-driven campaign without specific geographical constraints or restrictions. Effectiveness The ALS world had been quiet for a while - patients were nervous about speaking up and in summer 2014, there weren’t any Oscar-winning blockbusters about it. Lou Gehrig’s disease, a man who exists in B&W photographs, just wasn’t top of mind.But something had to be done. Patients Pete Frates, Pat Quinn, Anthony Senerchia and their families believed this and they challenged themselves to combat this degenerative and silent disease with something light, fun and easy. And to leverage the power of the social graph to make it spread like wildfire. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was born.The campaign rolled out slowly but strategically. The challenge dared folks to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads, post a video of it on Facebook, tag friends to do the same and donate money to ALS. First, close family and friends were challenged. Then it spread to adjacent communities. Then new cities. Then new countries. Then athletes and celebrities. Will Smith. Bill Gates. Oprah. Mark Zuckerberg. The original crew worked day and night to fan the flames and it soon became the biggest and most exciting social movement to ever exist. Implementation This is the ultimate case study in virality, as over 440 million people viewed the videos with no media spend whatsoever. The user-generated videos were fun and engaging, and they spread from one to many through the power of Facebook’s social graph and friend tagging feature. Likes, shares, hashtags and other trending tools also surfaced the videos and, before long, people’s feeds exploded with ALS Ice Bucket Challenge content. Outcome 17 million videos were created, 159 countries participated, 70 billion video views were counted and $220 million was raised. More people participated than the Super Bowl and Oscars, combined. More money was raised each day than the annual budget of the ALS Association in New York. And hope for a better future for ALS was created. Relevancy In the summer of 2014, some small-town ice buckets turned into one of the biggest movements to EVER occur on the internet. What became known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge sparked a global phenomenon and unprecedented frenzy of activity, inspiring more people from around the world to take action than ever seen before on social media. From every corner of the globe, people of all ages and backgrounds gave ALS the brand recognition it deserves and together created over 17 million videos and raised $220 million. August will now be known as ALS Ice Bucket Challenge month for years to come.

    The Ice Bucket Challenge

    案例简介:活动描述 这是一场全球社交媒体驱动的运动,没有具体的地理限制或限制。 有效性 ALS 世界已经安静了一段时间 -- 病人对说话感到紧张,在 2014 夏季,没有任何奥斯卡获奖大片。卢 · 格里克的病,一个存在于 B & W 照片中的人,只是不是最重要的。但是必须做点什么。病人皮特 · 弗雷茨、帕特 · 奎恩、安东尼 · 塞纳基亚和他们的家人都相信这一点,他们挑战自己,用轻松、有趣和简单的东西来对抗这种退化和沉默的疾病。并利用社交图的力量让它像野火一样传播。ALS 冰桶挑战诞生了。这场运动缓慢但具有战略意义。这项挑战让人们敢于在头上倾倒一桶冰水,在 Facebook 上发布一段视频,给朋友贴标签,让他们也这样做,并向 ALS 捐款。首先,亲密的家人和朋友受到挑战。然后它蔓延到邻近的社区。然后是新城市。然后是新国家。然后是运动员和名人。威尔 · 史密斯。比尔·盖茨。奥普拉。马克 · 扎克伯格。最初的工作人员日夜工作来点燃火焰,这很快成为有史以来最大最激动人心的社会运动。 实施 这是病毒学的终极案例研究,超过 4.4亿人在没有媒体支出的情况下观看视频。用户生成的视频既有趣又吸引人,它们通过 Facebook 的社交图和朋友标签功能从一个视频传播到多个视频。喜欢,分享,标签和其他趋势工具也浮出水面的视频,不久,人们的饲料爆炸与 ALS 冰桶挑战内容。 结果 制作了 1700万个视频,159 个国家参加,统计了 700亿个视频浏览量,筹集了 2.2亿美元。参加的人数比超级碗和奥斯卡加起来还要多。每天筹集的资金比纽约 ALS 协会的年度预算还要多。为 ALS 创造了更美好未来的希望。 相关性 2014年夏天,一些小镇冰桶变成了互联网上有史以来最大的运动之一。被称为 “ALS 冰桶挑战” 的活动引发了一种全球现象和前所未有的活动狂热,激发了世界各地比以往任何时候都在社交媒体上看到的更多的人采取行动。来自全球每个角落,各种年龄和背景的人们给予了 ALS 应有的品牌认可,并共同创作了 1700万多个视频,筹集了 2.2亿美元。8月将在未来几年被称为 ALS 冰桶挑战月。

    The Ice Bucket Challenge

    案例简介:Campaign Description this was a global social media-driven campaign without specific geographical constraints or restrictions. Effectiveness The ALS world had been quiet for a while - patients were nervous about speaking up and in summer 2014, there weren’t any Oscar-winning blockbusters about it. Lou Gehrig’s disease, a man who exists in B&W photographs, just wasn’t top of mind.But something had to be done. Patients Pete Frates, Pat Quinn, Anthony Senerchia and their families believed this and they challenged themselves to combat this degenerative and silent disease with something light, fun and easy. And to leverage the power of the social graph to make it spread like wildfire. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was born.The campaign rolled out slowly but strategically. The challenge dared folks to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads, post a video of it on Facebook, tag friends to do the same and donate money to ALS. First, close family and friends were challenged. Then it spread to adjacent communities. Then new cities. Then new countries. Then athletes and celebrities. Will Smith. Bill Gates. Oprah. Mark Zuckerberg. The original crew worked day and night to fan the flames and it soon became the biggest and most exciting social movement to ever exist. Implementation This is the ultimate case study in virality, as over 440 million people viewed the videos with no media spend whatsoever. The user-generated videos were fun and engaging, and they spread from one to many through the power of Facebook’s social graph and friend tagging feature. Likes, shares, hashtags and other trending tools also surfaced the videos and, before long, people’s feeds exploded with ALS Ice Bucket Challenge content. Outcome 17 million videos were created, 159 countries participated, 70 billion video views were counted and $220 million was raised. More people participated than the Super Bowl and Oscars, combined. More money was raised each day than the annual budget of the ALS Association in New York. And hope for a better future for ALS was created. Relevancy In the summer of 2014, some small-town ice buckets turned into one of the biggest movements to EVER occur on the internet. What became known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge sparked a global phenomenon and unprecedented frenzy of activity, inspiring more people from around the world to take action than ever seen before on social media. From every corner of the globe, people of all ages and backgrounds gave ALS the brand recognition it deserves and together created over 17 million videos and raised $220 million. August will now be known as ALS Ice Bucket Challenge month for years to come.



    The Ice Bucket Challenge





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