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    Finding Fariña短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 40 年来,西班牙当局第一次谴责一部小说,这是自民主建立以来闻所未闻的。这本书《法里尼亚》是一篇关于毒品走私的文章,其情节以一名参与腐败和贩毒的政治家为特色。这位政治家对这本书的作者提出了投诉,并利用他的联系,设法谴责了这本书。这本书的禁令在公众舆论中引起了愤怒,它是完整的: 它被禁止在所有类型的零售领域发行; 它被指责为亚马逊,并从所有电子商务网站上消失, 使它无法购买。他们把它从地图上抹去了。为了应对这种情况,无法分发这本书的马德里书商与我们联系,寻找一种帮助西班牙人阅读禁书的方法。目的是利用法律中的漏洞,利用独创性来获得这部小说的最高读者数量。 战略 许多研究表明,80% 的西班牙人反对这本书的审查。分析他们在社交媒体上的反应,越来越明显的是,有人需要为这些用户提供某种能够阅读的方式。这是我们的目标,我们通过创建一个网站,迅速在社交网络上传播开来,设法联系到他们。数字平台是我们扩大网站影响力的渠道,因为通过它们,我们可以激活数百万人访问被禁止的文本。就在几天内。 相关性 在小说《法里尼亚》被不公平禁止后,西班牙数百万人无法阅读这本书。审查阻止了整个国家访问这个文本,我们的运动设法激活了数百万读者,以发现阅读它的方式。马德里书商的精神总是给他们的读者带来尽可能多的故事,而不是否认他们阅读《法里尼亚》的经历,尽管这是一本被禁止的书。 结果 这场运动产生了 168,578,385 的影响,将一个未知的地方问题转化为捍卫言论自由的全球运动。原著自出版以来只有 47.483 人阅读。一旦被禁止,仅在 12 天内,就有 217.447 人使用我们的引擎阅读这本书。来自 133 个不同国家的人访问了该网站,媒体影响力在电视、广播和在线媒体中赚取了 3,070 864 欧元的媒体收入,网站制作成本仅为 6,000 欧元。媒体的影响迫使西班牙当局在西班牙民主历史上采取了前所未有的措施,因为我们的网站在推出后仅 12 天就被禁止。除了激活数百万用户/读者,这场运动还点燃了他们的战斗精神,创造了一场运动,改变了他们对法律应该允许人们在数字时代做什么的看法。 执行 该网站的特色是一个引擎,使用定制的算法实时对比法里尼亚和唐吉诃德。该算法从 fari ñ a 中找出了 80,049 个出现在唐吉诃德中的单词,并使用音节构建了原始塞万提斯作品中找不到的现代术语。该网站于 3月15日推出,在全球范围内以西班牙语和英语活跃了 12 天,直到西班牙当局最终不得不禁止这本书,因为它对 3月27日产生了影响。 活动描述 在禁止出售和发行这本书之后,阅读这本书变得不可能…… 直到发现法里尼亚出现。这是一个网站,使所有西班牙人都有可能以一种没有法律风险的方式阅读禁书: 使用唐吉诃德。我们创建了一个数字引擎,搜索组成小说《法里尼亚》的 80,049 个单词,但在《堂吉诃德》的页面中。一旦找到,引擎重新排序单词,允许读者阅读被禁小说,而是通过唐吉诃德。基本上,该网站所做的是在西班牙最重要的书中创建一个新的阅读路线,从审查中拯救一个被禁止的文本,并让数百万读者重新获得他们的权利。该工具迅速在所有社交媒体网络和数字平台上传播开来,使世界各地的用户都能阅读本质上是被禁止的书。


    案例简介:Synopsis For the first time in 40 years,the Spanish authorities censured a novel,something unheard of since democracy was established. The book in question, Fariña,is an essay about drug smuggling whose plot features a politician involved in corruption and drug trafficking. This politician lodged a complaint against the author of the book and,taking advantage of his contacts,managed to censure it. The book’s prohibition, which raised indignation in public opinion,was complete: its distribution was forbidden in all types of retail areas; it was censured on Amazon and disappeared from all e-commerce websites,making it impossible to buy. They literally wiped it off the map. To confront this situation,the Madrid Booksellers,who could not distribute the book, got in contact with us to search for a way of helping Spaniards to read the banned text.The aim was to leverage a loophole in the law using ingenuity to achieve the highest number of readers of this novel. Strategy A number of research studies have revealed that 80% of the Spanish population have shown their opposition to the censorship of the book. Analyzing their reactions on social media, it became increasingly evident that there was a need for someone to offer these users some way of being able to read it. This was our target, and we managed to reach them through the creation of a website that quickly went viral across the social networks. The digital platforms were our channel for amplifying the impact of the website, since through them we could activate millions of people to gain access to the banned text. All in just a few days. Relevancy Following the unfair prohibition of the novel Fariña, millions of people in Spain were unable to read this book. Censorship prevented an entire nation from having access to this text, and our campaign managed to activate all those millions of readers to discover a way of reading it. The spirit of the Madrid Booksellers was always to bring as many stories as possible to their readers and not deny them the experience of reading “Fariña”, despite this being a banned book. Outcome The campaign notched up 168,578,385 impacts transforming an unknown local problem into a global movement in defense of freedom of expression. The original book was read by only 47.483 people since its publication. Once banned, in only 12 days, 217.447 people read the censured book using our engine. People from 133 different countries visited the website, the media repercussion generated 3,070, 864 euros in earned media in TV, radio and online media, with a website production cost of only 6,000 euros. The media impact forced the Spanish authorities to take unprecedented measures in the history of Spanish democracy on having to ban our website only 12 days after it had been launched. Beyond activating millions of users/readers, the campaign managed to ignite their fighting spirit, creating a movement that changed their perception regarding what the law should allow people to do in the digital era. Execution The website featured an engine that contrasted Fariña against Don Quijote in real time using a customized algorithm for that purpose. The algorithm sought out the 80,049 words from Fariña that are present in Don Quijote, and constructed the modern terms not found in the original Cervantes work with the use of syllables. The website was rolled out on 15 March and was active in Spanish and in English on a global level for 12 days until Spanish authorities were finally obliged to ban the book given its impact on 27 March. CampaignDescription Having prohibited its sale and distribution, reading the book became impossible…until Finding Fariña emerged. This was a website that made it possible for all Spaniards to read the banned book in a way that did not run legal risks: using Don Quijote. We created a digital engine that searched for the 80,049 words that made up the novel Fariña, but within the pages of Don Quijote. Once found, the engine reordered the words and allowed readers to read the banned novel, but by means of Don Quijote. Basically, what the website did was create a new reading itinerary inside of Spain’s most important book, rescuing a banned text from censorship and giving millions of readers their rights back. The tool quickly went viral across all social media networks and digital platforms, enabling users everywhere to read what was essentially a banned book.

    Finding Fariña

    案例简介:概要 40 年来,西班牙当局第一次谴责一部小说,这是自民主建立以来闻所未闻的。这本书《法里尼亚》是一篇关于毒品走私的文章,其情节以一名参与腐败和贩毒的政治家为特色。这位政治家对这本书的作者提出了投诉,并利用他的联系,设法谴责了这本书。这本书的禁令在公众舆论中引起了愤怒,它是完整的: 它被禁止在所有类型的零售领域发行; 它被指责为亚马逊,并从所有电子商务网站上消失, 使它无法购买。他们把它从地图上抹去了。为了应对这种情况,无法分发这本书的马德里书商与我们联系,寻找一种帮助西班牙人阅读禁书的方法。目的是利用法律中的漏洞,利用独创性来获得这部小说的最高读者数量。 战略 许多研究表明,80% 的西班牙人反对这本书的审查。分析他们在社交媒体上的反应,越来越明显的是,有人需要为这些用户提供某种能够阅读的方式。这是我们的目标,我们通过创建一个网站,迅速在社交网络上传播开来,设法联系到他们。数字平台是我们扩大网站影响力的渠道,因为通过它们,我们可以激活数百万人访问被禁止的文本。就在几天内。 相关性 在小说《法里尼亚》被不公平禁止后,西班牙数百万人无法阅读这本书。审查阻止了整个国家访问这个文本,我们的运动设法激活了数百万读者,以发现阅读它的方式。马德里书商的精神总是给他们的读者带来尽可能多的故事,而不是否认他们阅读《法里尼亚》的经历,尽管这是一本被禁止的书。 结果 这场运动产生了 168,578,385 的影响,将一个未知的地方问题转化为捍卫言论自由的全球运动。原著自出版以来只有 47.483 人阅读。一旦被禁止,仅在 12 天内,就有 217.447 人使用我们的引擎阅读这本书。来自 133 个不同国家的人访问了该网站,媒体影响力在电视、广播和在线媒体中赚取了 3,070 864 欧元的媒体收入,网站制作成本仅为 6,000 欧元。媒体的影响迫使西班牙当局在西班牙民主历史上采取了前所未有的措施,因为我们的网站在推出后仅 12 天就被禁止。除了激活数百万用户/读者,这场运动还点燃了他们的战斗精神,创造了一场运动,改变了他们对法律应该允许人们在数字时代做什么的看法。 执行 该网站的特色是一个引擎,使用定制的算法实时对比法里尼亚和唐吉诃德。该算法从 fari ñ a 中找出了 80,049 个出现在唐吉诃德中的单词,并使用音节构建了原始塞万提斯作品中找不到的现代术语。该网站于 3月15日推出,在全球范围内以西班牙语和英语活跃了 12 天,直到西班牙当局最终不得不禁止这本书,因为它对 3月27日产生了影响。 活动描述 在禁止出售和发行这本书之后,阅读这本书变得不可能…… 直到发现法里尼亚出现。这是一个网站,使所有西班牙人都有可能以一种没有法律风险的方式阅读禁书: 使用唐吉诃德。我们创建了一个数字引擎,搜索组成小说《法里尼亚》的 80,049 个单词,但在《堂吉诃德》的页面中。一旦找到,引擎重新排序单词,允许读者阅读被禁小说,而是通过唐吉诃德。基本上,该网站所做的是在西班牙最重要的书中创建一个新的阅读路线,从审查中拯救一个被禁止的文本,并让数百万读者重新获得他们的权利。该工具迅速在所有社交媒体网络和数字平台上传播开来,使世界各地的用户都能阅读本质上是被禁止的书。

    Finding Fariña

    案例简介:Synopsis For the first time in 40 years,the Spanish authorities censured a novel,something unheard of since democracy was established. The book in question, Fariña,is an essay about drug smuggling whose plot features a politician involved in corruption and drug trafficking. This politician lodged a complaint against the author of the book and,taking advantage of his contacts,managed to censure it. The book’s prohibition, which raised indignation in public opinion,was complete: its distribution was forbidden in all types of retail areas; it was censured on Amazon and disappeared from all e-commerce websites,making it impossible to buy. They literally wiped it off the map. To confront this situation,the Madrid Booksellers,who could not distribute the book, got in contact with us to search for a way of helping Spaniards to read the banned text.The aim was to leverage a loophole in the law using ingenuity to achieve the highest number of readers of this novel. Strategy A number of research studies have revealed that 80% of the Spanish population have shown their opposition to the censorship of the book. Analyzing their reactions on social media, it became increasingly evident that there was a need for someone to offer these users some way of being able to read it. This was our target, and we managed to reach them through the creation of a website that quickly went viral across the social networks. The digital platforms were our channel for amplifying the impact of the website, since through them we could activate millions of people to gain access to the banned text. All in just a few days. Relevancy Following the unfair prohibition of the novel Fariña, millions of people in Spain were unable to read this book. Censorship prevented an entire nation from having access to this text, and our campaign managed to activate all those millions of readers to discover a way of reading it. The spirit of the Madrid Booksellers was always to bring as many stories as possible to their readers and not deny them the experience of reading “Fariña”, despite this being a banned book. Outcome The campaign notched up 168,578,385 impacts transforming an unknown local problem into a global movement in defense of freedom of expression. The original book was read by only 47.483 people since its publication. Once banned, in only 12 days, 217.447 people read the censured book using our engine. People from 133 different countries visited the website, the media repercussion generated 3,070, 864 euros in earned media in TV, radio and online media, with a website production cost of only 6,000 euros. The media impact forced the Spanish authorities to take unprecedented measures in the history of Spanish democracy on having to ban our website only 12 days after it had been launched. Beyond activating millions of users/readers, the campaign managed to ignite their fighting spirit, creating a movement that changed their perception regarding what the law should allow people to do in the digital era. Execution The website featured an engine that contrasted Fariña against Don Quijote in real time using a customized algorithm for that purpose. The algorithm sought out the 80,049 words from Fariña that are present in Don Quijote, and constructed the modern terms not found in the original Cervantes work with the use of syllables. The website was rolled out on 15 March and was active in Spanish and in English on a global level for 12 days until Spanish authorities were finally obliged to ban the book given its impact on 27 March. CampaignDescription Having prohibited its sale and distribution, reading the book became impossible…until Finding Fariña emerged. This was a website that made it possible for all Spaniards to read the banned book in a way that did not run legal risks: using Don Quijote. We created a digital engine that searched for the 80,049 words that made up the novel Fariña, but within the pages of Don Quijote. Once found, the engine reordered the words and allowed readers to read the banned novel, but by means of Don Quijote. Basically, what the website did was create a new reading itinerary inside of Spain’s most important book, rescuing a banned text from censorship and giving millions of readers their rights back. The tool quickly went viral across all social media networks and digital platforms, enabling users everywhere to read what was essentially a banned book.



    Finding Fariña






    广告公司: 恒美 (西班牙 马德里) 制作公司: The Crowd Cave




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