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    Sociable Drive短视频,户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 2008年11月,美国汽车工业正处于灾难的边缘,面临着国际竞争加剧、销售下降和全球经济崩溃。尽管这些问题越来越多,福特汽车公司是唯一一家拒绝政府救助的国内汽车制造商。这种拒绝让福特与客户和影响者展开了新的对话,并摆脱了成为 “第三大” 的一部分。“福特发起了其历史上最大的沟通努力之一。这场运动的关键是一个广泛的社交媒体计划,该计划改变了福特的内部状况,并在网上接触了数百万潜在的汽车购买者。社交媒体改变了福特的文化和与消费者的沟通方式。一个完整的社交媒体战略让福特变得人性化,让互联网上最值得信赖的声音亲身体验汽车,让福特幕后的人与观众分享。该计划成功地将福特在美国最有影响力的在线名人心目中的形象从 “无聊” 和 “过时” 转变为 “创新” 和 “前瞻性”。它还赢得了社交媒体圈的奖项和认可。根据 2010年3月彭博调查,福特已经取代美国成为最受欢迎的汽车制造商。尽管其他制造商在 2009年陷入困境,但福特自 1995年以来首次增加了美国市场份额。 描述客户的简报: 该运动渴望将福特与其他汽车制造商区分开来,并向有影响力的人和公众传达 “福特与众不同”。 “使用社交媒体,我们的团队旨在: 开发创新的社交媒体项目,让新的人群在线和在线交谈。•显著改善消费者对福特品牌的看法。一项对关键影响者的调查显示,以前对福特的看法是: “无聊、普通、糟糕的设计和不可靠。” 结果: 福特的形象从在线影响者和他们接触到的观众心目中的 “无聊” 和 “过时” 转变为 “创新” 和 “前瞻性”。根据 2010年3月彭博调查,福特已经取代美国成为最受欢迎的汽车制造商。福特还公布了自 1995年以来的首次全年市场份额增长。社交媒体在改善福特的声誉和销售方面发挥了重要作用。在 eMarketer 的一项研究中,福特被美德的社交媒体指数评为 “顶级社交汽车品牌”,也是在社交媒体方面做得最好的 10 家公司之一, 新通信研究协会将福特命名为 2009 年度品牌。该运动直接吸引了 500 多名有影响力的人,在社交网络上产生了 2亿多个印象。更重要的是,它改变了人们的看法。影响者对福特五个关键类别的看法平均改善了 53%。令人惊讶的是,89% 的有影响力的人在参与项目后会考虑购买福特汽车,比之前的 29% 有所增加。 执行: 一系列突破性的社交媒体举措和项目帮助福特转型: 福特 Fusion 1,000 英里挑战 -- 在一次媒体活动中让绿色博客参与进来,公开证明福特的最佳燃油效率。•在福特世界中沉浸在有影响力的女性博客中,共同创造了一个新的 “质量” 定义。金牛座之夏 -- 通过在 10 mar 个市场举办社交媒体见面会,福特高管成为新金牛座的大使。•北美国际汽车展上的 C-Suite Jam -- 专门对待在线媒体,与前 15 名福特高管一对一,并通过 Facebook 、推特、 blogTalkRadio 和实时聊天。•Blogger 试驾 -- 将传统媒体试驾扩展到在线影响者。•听力和测量-将社交媒体测量集成到福特的通信仪表板中。•经销商培训-为福特 3,000 经销商开发的社交媒体培训课程 情况: 尽管福特的公众形象受损,销量下降,但它对其新的企业愿景和 2010-11 汽车系列充满信心, 所有这些都是在燃油效率、质量、安全和技术方面一流的。但是随着媒体对该行业持续的负面关注,福特不得不找到一种方法向消费者传达这些好处。其传统的、以行业为中心的通信模式行不通。相反,我们发起了一场社交媒体运动,让受人尊敬的博客作者和其他社交媒体影响者参与进来。这一策略使福特能够与以前尚未开发的市场对话,接触更广泛的受众,并与竞争对手区分开来。 战略: 为了给在线影响者一个关心和考虑购买福特的理由,我们会让他们参与相关的项目,以不同的角度展示福特。•超越传统的汽车博客,以确定新的细分市场,可以照顾到 s野兔关于福特,如果有正确的经验的话,把福特的面孔和声音 (从高管到工程师) 放在首位,让博客作者更有个人理由为福特辩护。•通过整合整个企业的社交媒体,改变福特的沟通方式,让社交媒体成为福特每个人的工作。团队将利用在线影响者的支持来改变福特的形象,并支持所有其他人努力-企业通信, 赢得媒体和付费媒体 -- 向消费者传递强有力的信息:福特明白消费者想要什么,并引领行业支持更广泛的司机群体。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In November 2008, America’s automotive industry was on the brink of disaster, facing increased international competition, declining sales, and a global economic meltdown. Despite these mounting problems, Ford Motor Company was the only domestic automaker to reject a government bailout. This rejection allowed Ford to open a new dialogue with customers and influencers and break away from being part of the “Big 3.” Ford mounted one of the largest communications efforts in its history. Key to the campaign was an expansive social media plan that changed Ford internally and reached out to millions of potential car buyers online. Social media transformed the culture and how Ford communicated with consumers. A complete social media strategy humanised Ford by giving the Internet’s most trusted voices hands-on experiences with the car and the people behind the scenes at Ford to share with their audiences. The plan successfully transformed Ford’s image from “boring” and “outdated”” to “innovative” and “forward-thinking” in the minds of America’s most influential online personalities. It also earned awards and recognition in social media circles. According to a March 2010 Bloomberg poll, Ford has taken over the U.S. as the most popular automaker. And while other manufacturers struggled in 2009 Ford increased its U.S. market share for the first time since 1995. Describe the brief from the client: The campaign aspired to distinguish Ford from other auto manufacturers and communicate to influencers and the general public that “Ford is Different.” Using social media, our team aimed to: • Develop innovative social media programs that would get new groups of people talking online and off. • Measurably improve perception of the Ford brand among consumers. A survey of key influencers revealed previous perceptions towards Ford as: “boring, average, horrible design and unreliable.” Results: Ford’s image transformed from “boring” and “outdated” to “innovative” and “forward-thinking” in the minds of online influencers and the audiences they reach. According to a March 2010 Bloomberg poll, Ford has taken over the U.S. as the most popular automaker. Ford also posted the first full-year market share gain since 1995. Social media played a significant role in improving Ford’s reputation and sales. Ford was named the “top social automotive brand” by Virtue’s Social Media Index and among the top 10 corporations that have doing the best job in social media in an eMarketer study, and the Society for New Communications Research named Ford the Brand of the Year for 2009. The campaign directly engaged over 500 influencers, generating over 200million impressions on the social Web. More importantly, it changed perceptions. Influencers’ perceptions of Ford across five key categories improved an average of 53 percent. An astonishing 89 percent of influencers would consider purchasing Ford vehicles after participating in a program, an increase from the previous 29 percent. Execution: A series of breakthrough social media initiatives and programs helped transform Ford: • Ford Fusion 1,000 Mile Challenge – Engaged green bloggers in a media event to publicly prove Ford’s best in class fuel efficiency. • BlogHer What Women Want Quality Event – Immersed influential women bloggers in the Ford world, co-creating a new definition of “quality.” • Summer of Taurus – Turned Ford executives into ambassadors for the new Taurus by hosting social media Meet Ups in 10 markets. • C-Suite Jam at the North American International Auto Show – Exclusively treated online media to one-on-ones with the top 15 Ford executives and extended access to Ford fans through Facebook, Twitter, BlogTalkRadio and Live Chat . • Blogger Test Drives – Expanded the traditional media test drives to online influencers. • Listening & Measurement – Integrated social media measurement into Ford’s communications dashboard. • Dealer Training – Developed social media training curriculum for Ford’s 3,000 dealers The Situation: Despite its battered public image and declining sales, Ford had confidence in its new corporate vision and its 2010-11 automobile line up, all of which were among the best-in-class in fuel-efficiency, quality, safety and technology. But with a constant barrage of negative media attention on the industry, Ford had to find a way to communicate these benefits to consumers. Its traditional, industry-focused communications model wouldn’t work. Instead, we waged a social media campaign to engage respected bloggers and other social media influencers. This tactic allowed Ford to speak to previously untapped markets, reach broader audiences and differentiate itself from competitors. The Strategy: To give online influencers a reason to care about and consider buying Ford, we would engage them in relatable programs that show Ford in a different light. • Look beyond traditional auto bloggers to identify new segments that could care to share about Ford, if given the right experience • Put the faces and voices of Ford (from executives to engineers) at the forefront, to give bloggers a more personal reason to advocate for Ford. • Transform the way that Ford communicates by integrating social media across the enterprise and making social media everyone’s job at Ford The team would leverage the endorsements of online influencers to change the Ford image and bolster all other efforts—corporate communications, earned media and paid media—sending a powerful message to consumers: Ford understands what consumers want and is leading the industry to support a broader community of drivers.

    Sociable Drive

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 2008年11月,美国汽车工业正处于灾难的边缘,面临着国际竞争加剧、销售下降和全球经济崩溃。尽管这些问题越来越多,福特汽车公司是唯一一家拒绝政府救助的国内汽车制造商。这种拒绝让福特与客户和影响者展开了新的对话,并摆脱了成为 “第三大” 的一部分。“福特发起了其历史上最大的沟通努力之一。这场运动的关键是一个广泛的社交媒体计划,该计划改变了福特的内部状况,并在网上接触了数百万潜在的汽车购买者。社交媒体改变了福特的文化和与消费者的沟通方式。一个完整的社交媒体战略让福特变得人性化,让互联网上最值得信赖的声音亲身体验汽车,让福特幕后的人与观众分享。该计划成功地将福特在美国最有影响力的在线名人心目中的形象从 “无聊” 和 “过时” 转变为 “创新” 和 “前瞻性”。它还赢得了社交媒体圈的奖项和认可。根据 2010年3月彭博调查,福特已经取代美国成为最受欢迎的汽车制造商。尽管其他制造商在 2009年陷入困境,但福特自 1995年以来首次增加了美国市场份额。 描述客户的简报: 该运动渴望将福特与其他汽车制造商区分开来,并向有影响力的人和公众传达 “福特与众不同”。 “使用社交媒体,我们的团队旨在: 开发创新的社交媒体项目,让新的人群在线和在线交谈。•显著改善消费者对福特品牌的看法。一项对关键影响者的调查显示,以前对福特的看法是: “无聊、普通、糟糕的设计和不可靠。” 结果: 福特的形象从在线影响者和他们接触到的观众心目中的 “无聊” 和 “过时” 转变为 “创新” 和 “前瞻性”。根据 2010年3月彭博调查,福特已经取代美国成为最受欢迎的汽车制造商。福特还公布了自 1995年以来的首次全年市场份额增长。社交媒体在改善福特的声誉和销售方面发挥了重要作用。在 eMarketer 的一项研究中,福特被美德的社交媒体指数评为 “顶级社交汽车品牌”,也是在社交媒体方面做得最好的 10 家公司之一, 新通信研究协会将福特命名为 2009 年度品牌。该运动直接吸引了 500 多名有影响力的人,在社交网络上产生了 2亿多个印象。更重要的是,它改变了人们的看法。影响者对福特五个关键类别的看法平均改善了 53%。令人惊讶的是,89% 的有影响力的人在参与项目后会考虑购买福特汽车,比之前的 29% 有所增加。 执行: 一系列突破性的社交媒体举措和项目帮助福特转型: 福特 Fusion 1,000 英里挑战 -- 在一次媒体活动中让绿色博客参与进来,公开证明福特的最佳燃油效率。•在福特世界中沉浸在有影响力的女性博客中,共同创造了一个新的 “质量” 定义。金牛座之夏 -- 通过在 10 mar 个市场举办社交媒体见面会,福特高管成为新金牛座的大使。•北美国际汽车展上的 C-Suite Jam -- 专门对待在线媒体,与前 15 名福特高管一对一,并通过 Facebook 、推特、 blogTalkRadio 和实时聊天。•Blogger 试驾 -- 将传统媒体试驾扩展到在线影响者。•听力和测量-将社交媒体测量集成到福特的通信仪表板中。•经销商培训-为福特 3,000 经销商开发的社交媒体培训课程 情况: 尽管福特的公众形象受损,销量下降,但它对其新的企业愿景和 2010-11 汽车系列充满信心, 所有这些都是在燃油效率、质量、安全和技术方面一流的。但是随着媒体对该行业持续的负面关注,福特不得不找到一种方法向消费者传达这些好处。其传统的、以行业为中心的通信模式行不通。相反,我们发起了一场社交媒体运动,让受人尊敬的博客作者和其他社交媒体影响者参与进来。这一策略使福特能够与以前尚未开发的市场对话,接触更广泛的受众,并与竞争对手区分开来。 战略: 为了给在线影响者一个关心和考虑购买福特的理由,我们会让他们参与相关的项目,以不同的角度展示福特。•超越传统的汽车博客,以确定新的细分市场,可以照顾到 s野兔关于福特,如果有正确的经验的话,把福特的面孔和声音 (从高管到工程师) 放在首位,让博客作者更有个人理由为福特辩护。•通过整合整个企业的社交媒体,改变福特的沟通方式,让社交媒体成为福特每个人的工作。团队将利用在线影响者的支持来改变福特的形象,并支持所有其他人努力-企业通信, 赢得媒体和付费媒体 -- 向消费者传递强有力的信息:福特明白消费者想要什么,并引领行业支持更广泛的司机群体。

    Sociable Drive

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In November 2008, America’s automotive industry was on the brink of disaster, facing increased international competition, declining sales, and a global economic meltdown. Despite these mounting problems, Ford Motor Company was the only domestic automaker to reject a government bailout. This rejection allowed Ford to open a new dialogue with customers and influencers and break away from being part of the “Big 3.” Ford mounted one of the largest communications efforts in its history. Key to the campaign was an expansive social media plan that changed Ford internally and reached out to millions of potential car buyers online. Social media transformed the culture and how Ford communicated with consumers. A complete social media strategy humanised Ford by giving the Internet’s most trusted voices hands-on experiences with the car and the people behind the scenes at Ford to share with their audiences. The plan successfully transformed Ford’s image from “boring” and “outdated”” to “innovative” and “forward-thinking” in the minds of America’s most influential online personalities. It also earned awards and recognition in social media circles. According to a March 2010 Bloomberg poll, Ford has taken over the U.S. as the most popular automaker. And while other manufacturers struggled in 2009 Ford increased its U.S. market share for the first time since 1995. Describe the brief from the client: The campaign aspired to distinguish Ford from other auto manufacturers and communicate to influencers and the general public that “Ford is Different.” Using social media, our team aimed to: • Develop innovative social media programs that would get new groups of people talking online and off. • Measurably improve perception of the Ford brand among consumers. A survey of key influencers revealed previous perceptions towards Ford as: “boring, average, horrible design and unreliable.” Results: Ford’s image transformed from “boring” and “outdated” to “innovative” and “forward-thinking” in the minds of online influencers and the audiences they reach. According to a March 2010 Bloomberg poll, Ford has taken over the U.S. as the most popular automaker. Ford also posted the first full-year market share gain since 1995. Social media played a significant role in improving Ford’s reputation and sales. Ford was named the “top social automotive brand” by Virtue’s Social Media Index and among the top 10 corporations that have doing the best job in social media in an eMarketer study, and the Society for New Communications Research named Ford the Brand of the Year for 2009. The campaign directly engaged over 500 influencers, generating over 200million impressions on the social Web. More importantly, it changed perceptions. Influencers’ perceptions of Ford across five key categories improved an average of 53 percent. An astonishing 89 percent of influencers would consider purchasing Ford vehicles after participating in a program, an increase from the previous 29 percent. Execution: A series of breakthrough social media initiatives and programs helped transform Ford: • Ford Fusion 1,000 Mile Challenge – Engaged green bloggers in a media event to publicly prove Ford’s best in class fuel efficiency. • BlogHer What Women Want Quality Event – Immersed influential women bloggers in the Ford world, co-creating a new definition of “quality.” • Summer of Taurus – Turned Ford executives into ambassadors for the new Taurus by hosting social media Meet Ups in 10 markets. • C-Suite Jam at the North American International Auto Show – Exclusively treated online media to one-on-ones with the top 15 Ford executives and extended access to Ford fans through Facebook, Twitter, BlogTalkRadio and Live Chat . • Blogger Test Drives – Expanded the traditional media test drives to online influencers. • Listening & Measurement – Integrated social media measurement into Ford’s communications dashboard. • Dealer Training – Developed social media training curriculum for Ford’s 3,000 dealers The Situation: Despite its battered public image and declining sales, Ford had confidence in its new corporate vision and its 2010-11 automobile line up, all of which were among the best-in-class in fuel-efficiency, quality, safety and technology. But with a constant barrage of negative media attention on the industry, Ford had to find a way to communicate these benefits to consumers. Its traditional, industry-focused communications model wouldn’t work. Instead, we waged a social media campaign to engage respected bloggers and other social media influencers. This tactic allowed Ford to speak to previously untapped markets, reach broader audiences and differentiate itself from competitors. The Strategy: To give online influencers a reason to care about and consider buying Ford, we would engage them in relatable programs that show Ford in a different light. • Look beyond traditional auto bloggers to identify new segments that could care to share about Ford, if given the right experience • Put the faces and voices of Ford (from executives to engineers) at the forefront, to give bloggers a more personal reason to advocate for Ford. • Transform the way that Ford communicates by integrating social media across the enterprise and making social media everyone’s job at Ford The team would leverage the endorsements of online influencers to change the Ford image and bolster all other efforts—corporate communications, earned media and paid media—sending a powerful message to consumers: Ford understands what consumers want and is leading the industry to support a broader community of drivers.



    Sociable Drive










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