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    Concert for the People短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 从最初的想法到最后的音乐会,旅程很长。第一步: 我们需要为这个雄心勃勃的项目找到一个赞助商。接下来,音乐家们必须得到准确的简报,因为这是第一次在同一个地方没有音乐家的情况下举办音乐会, 我们只有一次机会把事情做好。然后,技术挑战: 无数的测试必须证明它是否真的有效 -- 特别是指挥对所有 50 个地点的电视直播。最后: 让世界知道这个伟大的想法将会发生。 描述客户的简报: 通过将汉堡爱乐乐团放在人们心目中的最前沿,从而增加门票销售数量,提高人们对汉堡爱乐乐团的认识。 结果: 成千上万的人参观了音乐会,爱乐乐团的网站上监控了成千上万的点击。德国和国外的电视台、报纸、博客和网站都对这场音乐会进行了报道。门票销售增加了,最后但并非最不重要: 吉尼斯世界纪录给了我们一个证书! 执行: 我们创造了世界上最大的音乐会。100 名音乐家驻扎在汉堡的 50 个地点; 他们被安排在一个管弦乐队的坑里。每个音乐家都能够跟随指挥,通过在他们面前的屏幕上观看直播。他们同时演奏了约翰尼斯 · 勃拉姆斯的第二交响曲。除了现场直播活动,全世界都能够在线观看。 情况: 无数的测试必须证明它是否真的有效 -- 尤其是指挥家对所有 50 个地点的电视直播。最后: 让世界知道这个伟大的想法将会发生。 战略: 使用标准促销活动让人们离开街道进入音乐厅几乎是不可能的。大多数人仍然坚定他们的先入之见: 他们认为这一切都是关于无聊、老式和复杂的音乐。所以我们抓住了一个机会: 如果人们不来爱乐乐团,爱乐乐团必须来找他们。并创造了世界上最大的音乐会 -- 我们说服汉堡人民爱乐乐团是多么伟大的特殊手段。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The journey from the initial idea to the final concert, was long. The first big step: We needed to find a sponsor for this ambitious project. Following this, the musicians had to be briefed exactly, because this was the first time that a concert had been set up with no one musician in the same place, and we only had one chance to get it right. Then, the technical challenge: Countless tests had to prove whether it would really work – particularly the conductor’s live TV broadcast to all 50 locations. And finally: To let the world know that this great idea was going to happen. Describe the brief from the client: Raise awareness for the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra by placing it in the forefront of people’s minds and thus increasing the number of ticket sales. Results: Thousands of people visited the concert and hundreds of thousands clicks were monitored on the Philharmonic’s website. TV stations, newspapers, blogs and websites from Germany and abroad ran reports on the concert. The ticket sales increased and last but not least: the Guinness Book of World Records gave us a certificate! Execution: We created the biggest concert in the world. 100 musicians were stationed in 50 locations throughout Hamburg; arranged as though they were in an orchestra pit. Each of the musicians was able to follow the conductor, by watching a live transmission onto the screens in front of them. They played the Second Symphony by Johannes Brahms – simultaneously. In addition to the live event, the whole world was able to watch online. The Situation: Countless tests had to prove whether it would really work – particularly the conductor’s live TV broadcast to all 50 locations. And finally: To let the world know that this great idea was going to happen. The Strategy: It is near to impossible to get people off the street to go into a concert hall using standard promotions. Most remain steadfast in their preconceptions: they think its all about boring, old-fashioned and complicated music. So we took a chance: If people wouldn’t come to the Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra had to come to them. And created the biggest concert in the world – our special means of convincing the people of Hamburg how great a Philharmonic Orchestra can be.

    Concert for the People

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 从最初的想法到最后的音乐会,旅程很长。第一步: 我们需要为这个雄心勃勃的项目找到一个赞助商。接下来,音乐家们必须得到准确的简报,因为这是第一次在同一个地方没有音乐家的情况下举办音乐会, 我们只有一次机会把事情做好。然后,技术挑战: 无数的测试必须证明它是否真的有效 -- 特别是指挥对所有 50 个地点的电视直播。最后: 让世界知道这个伟大的想法将会发生。 描述客户的简报: 通过将汉堡爱乐乐团放在人们心目中的最前沿,从而增加门票销售数量,提高人们对汉堡爱乐乐团的认识。 结果: 成千上万的人参观了音乐会,爱乐乐团的网站上监控了成千上万的点击。德国和国外的电视台、报纸、博客和网站都对这场音乐会进行了报道。门票销售增加了,最后但并非最不重要: 吉尼斯世界纪录给了我们一个证书! 执行: 我们创造了世界上最大的音乐会。100 名音乐家驻扎在汉堡的 50 个地点; 他们被安排在一个管弦乐队的坑里。每个音乐家都能够跟随指挥,通过在他们面前的屏幕上观看直播。他们同时演奏了约翰尼斯 · 勃拉姆斯的第二交响曲。除了现场直播活动,全世界都能够在线观看。 情况: 无数的测试必须证明它是否真的有效 -- 尤其是指挥家对所有 50 个地点的电视直播。最后: 让世界知道这个伟大的想法将会发生。 战略: 使用标准促销活动让人们离开街道进入音乐厅几乎是不可能的。大多数人仍然坚定他们的先入之见: 他们认为这一切都是关于无聊、老式和复杂的音乐。所以我们抓住了一个机会: 如果人们不来爱乐乐团,爱乐乐团必须来找他们。并创造了世界上最大的音乐会 -- 我们说服汉堡人民爱乐乐团是多么伟大的特殊手段。

    Concert for the People

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The journey from the initial idea to the final concert, was long. The first big step: We needed to find a sponsor for this ambitious project. Following this, the musicians had to be briefed exactly, because this was the first time that a concert had been set up with no one musician in the same place, and we only had one chance to get it right. Then, the technical challenge: Countless tests had to prove whether it would really work – particularly the conductor’s live TV broadcast to all 50 locations. And finally: To let the world know that this great idea was going to happen. Describe the brief from the client: Raise awareness for the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra by placing it in the forefront of people’s minds and thus increasing the number of ticket sales. Results: Thousands of people visited the concert and hundreds of thousands clicks were monitored on the Philharmonic’s website. TV stations, newspapers, blogs and websites from Germany and abroad ran reports on the concert. The ticket sales increased and last but not least: the Guinness Book of World Records gave us a certificate! Execution: We created the biggest concert in the world. 100 musicians were stationed in 50 locations throughout Hamburg; arranged as though they were in an orchestra pit. Each of the musicians was able to follow the conductor, by watching a live transmission onto the screens in front of them. They played the Second Symphony by Johannes Brahms – simultaneously. In addition to the live event, the whole world was able to watch online. The Situation: Countless tests had to prove whether it would really work – particularly the conductor’s live TV broadcast to all 50 locations. And finally: To let the world know that this great idea was going to happen. The Strategy: It is near to impossible to get people off the street to go into a concert hall using standard promotions. Most remain steadfast in their preconceptions: they think its all about boring, old-fashioned and complicated music. So we took a chance: If people wouldn’t come to the Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra had to come to them. And created the biggest concert in the world – our special means of convincing the people of Hamburg how great a Philharmonic Orchestra can be.



    Concert for the People










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