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    Ctt Expresso Commitment短视频广告营销案例



    Ctt Expresso 承诺

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 该活动引起了媒体的关注,并在互联网上、全国甚至海外传播,为该品牌带来了巨大的知名度,并吸引了大量潜在消费者。因此,该公司网站的新访问者数量增加了 84.7% 以上,不仅来自葡萄牙,而且来自总共 9 个其他国家, 在活动开展期间 (一周多一点),注册了 13,600 多个页面浏览量,再次确认,那就相信,眼见为实。 创意执行: 我们打算在每个人的眼中,把物品送到实际的户外。如何: 特殊的户外活动被改编成真实的物品和海报,上面显示了它们是什么,去哪里,什么时候到达那里, 以及第二天会有什么取代他们的位置。一个独特的操作,没有什么可以失败,是为所有这些户外每天被改变而设计的, 展示了所有物品的完美交换和所有交付的完美时机,因为 CTT Expresso 将所有物品从一个室外运送到另一个室外,在全国范围内运送了几天。为了完成户外活动,我们还创建了一个网站,这样每个人都可以通过网络摄像头视频和图片实时查看, 这些物品真的按照承诺及时到达了其他城市的目的地,所有这些都是在 “我们交付,自己看看” 的理念下完成的。 见解、战略和想法: CTT Expresso 是葡萄牙在快速交付服务方面排名第一的公司。在一个 “速度” 本身越来越不具有差异化的市场中,策略是找到一种获得 “信任” 的方法,因为正如研究显示的那样,现在消费者在选择合作伙伴来满足他们的需求时最重要的事情,无论他们是个人还是公司。该活动针对现有消费者和新消费者。信任是需要赢得的。因此,我们需要发起一场运动,赢得他们从客户那里寻求的信任。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了我们所说的 “Expresso 承诺”。一个特殊的户外项目,将以创新的方式使用这种媒体,让人们毫不怀疑 CTT Expresso 从未失败。

    Ctt Expresso 承诺

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: The campaign caught the attention of the media and spread over the Internet, throughout the country and even overseas, generating great visibility for the brand and reaching a great number of potential consumers. As a result, there was an increase of over 84.7% on the number of new visitors to the company´s website, not only from Portugal but from a total of 9 other countries, and more than 13,600 page views were registered while the campaign was running (a little over a week), confirming once again, that when it comes to trust, seeing is believing. Creative Execution: We were going to deliver objects to the actual outdoors, under everyone´s eyes. How: Special outdoors were adapted to host real objects and posters with indications of what they were, where they were going to, when they would get there, and what would be taking their places on the following day. A unique operation, where nothing could fail, was designed for all these outdoors to be changed every day, displaying the perfect exchange of all the objects and perfect timing of all the deliveries as CTT Expresso transported all of them from one outdoor to another, throughout the whole country, for days. To complete the outdoor campaign, we also created a website so that everyone could check in real time, through webcam videos and pictures, that the objects really were reaching their destinations in other cities as promised and in time, all under the concept “we deliver, see it for yourself”. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: CTT Expresso is Portugal´s number one company in fast delivery services. In a market where “speed” itself is less and less a differentiating aspect, the strategy was to find a way to gain “trust”, for this is nowadays, as researches showed, the most important thing in consumers´ minds when choosing a partner to deliver their needs, whether they be individuals or companies. The campaign was directed at both existing and new consumers. Trust is something that needs to be earned. So we needed to come up with a campaign that would earn the trust they sought from their customers. To achieve that we came up with what we called “The Expresso Commitment”. A special outdoor project that would use this media in an innovative way to leave no doubts about the fact that CTT Expresso never fails.

    Ctt Expresso Commitment

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 该活动引起了媒体的关注,并在互联网上、全国甚至海外传播,为该品牌带来了巨大的知名度,并吸引了大量潜在消费者。因此,该公司网站的新访问者数量增加了 84.7% 以上,不仅来自葡萄牙,而且来自总共 9 个其他国家, 在活动开展期间 (一周多一点),注册了 13,600 多个页面浏览量,再次确认,那就相信,眼见为实。 创意执行: 我们打算在每个人的眼中,把物品送到实际的户外。如何: 特殊的户外活动被改编成真实的物品和海报,上面显示了它们是什么,去哪里,什么时候到达那里, 以及第二天会有什么取代他们的位置。一个独特的操作,没有什么可以失败,是为所有这些户外每天被改变而设计的, 展示了所有物品的完美交换和所有交付的完美时机,因为 CTT Expresso 将所有物品从一个室外运送到另一个室外,在全国范围内运送了几天。为了完成户外活动,我们还创建了一个网站,这样每个人都可以通过网络摄像头视频和图片实时查看, 这些物品真的按照承诺及时到达了其他城市的目的地,所有这些都是在 “我们交付,自己看看” 的理念下完成的。 见解、战略和想法: CTT Expresso 是葡萄牙在快速交付服务方面排名第一的公司。在一个 “速度” 本身越来越不具有差异化的市场中,策略是找到一种获得 “信任” 的方法,因为正如研究显示的那样,现在消费者在选择合作伙伴来满足他们的需求时最重要的事情,无论他们是个人还是公司。该活动针对现有消费者和新消费者。信任是需要赢得的。因此,我们需要发起一场运动,赢得他们从客户那里寻求的信任。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了我们所说的 “Expresso 承诺”。一个特殊的户外项目,将以创新的方式使用这种媒体,让人们毫不怀疑 CTT Expresso 从未失败。

    Ctt Expresso Commitment

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: The campaign caught the attention of the media and spread over the Internet, throughout the country and even overseas, generating great visibility for the brand and reaching a great number of potential consumers. As a result, there was an increase of over 84.7% on the number of new visitors to the company´s website, not only from Portugal but from a total of 9 other countries, and more than 13,600 page views were registered while the campaign was running (a little over a week), confirming once again, that when it comes to trust, seeing is believing. Creative Execution: We were going to deliver objects to the actual outdoors, under everyone´s eyes. How: Special outdoors were adapted to host real objects and posters with indications of what they were, where they were going to, when they would get there, and what would be taking their places on the following day. A unique operation, where nothing could fail, was designed for all these outdoors to be changed every day, displaying the perfect exchange of all the objects and perfect timing of all the deliveries as CTT Expresso transported all of them from one outdoor to another, throughout the whole country, for days. To complete the outdoor campaign, we also created a website so that everyone could check in real time, through webcam videos and pictures, that the objects really were reaching their destinations in other cities as promised and in time, all under the concept “we deliver, see it for yourself”. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: CTT Expresso is Portugal´s number one company in fast delivery services. In a market where “speed” itself is less and less a differentiating aspect, the strategy was to find a way to gain “trust”, for this is nowadays, as researches showed, the most important thing in consumers´ minds when choosing a partner to deliver their needs, whether they be individuals or companies. The campaign was directed at both existing and new consumers. Trust is something that needs to be earned. So we needed to come up with a campaign that would earn the trust they sought from their customers. To achieve that we came up with what we called “The Expresso Commitment”. A special outdoor project that would use this media in an innovative way to leave no doubts about the fact that CTT Expresso never fails.

    Ctt Expresso 承诺


    Ctt Expresso Commitment










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