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    # 无所畏惧

    案例简介:活动描述 研究表明,通过不断的练习,人们可以永久地克服他们的恐惧。因此,我们与医生和虚拟现实程序员合作,创建了一个免费的家庭培训虚拟现实应用程序,帮助人们克服使用三星 Gear VR 和三星 Galaxy mobile 的两种最常见的恐惧。恐惧公众演讲 VR 应用程序是用计算机图形设计的,而恐惧高地 VR 应用程序的位置是用 360 摄像头拍摄的。它是如何工作的很简单。每个应用程序包含由医务人员精心选择的各种场景和级别。人们分阶段暴露在恐惧中,逐渐克服他们的恐惧。这是世界上第一个综合利用心率、眼神交流和声音识别来提供个性化反馈的虚拟现实应用。尽管虚拟现实是一对一的体验,但这项活动的设计是为了让人们从社交媒体上获得支持和鼓励。 执行 # BeFearless 是一项在 12 个国家以 4 种语言执行的全球运动,为期 6 个月。一个宣言电影,启动电影,社交内容和 360 病毒电影在 YouTube,脸谱网,Instagram, vk.com 和其他媒体鼓励世界各地超过 7500 人申请参加 # BeFearless 活动。来自阿联酋、德国、俄罗斯和奥地利的 27 人被选中接受为期 4 周的每天 30 分钟的训练。与此同时,为了测试虚拟现实应用的效果,首尔的医疗团队进行了自己的临床测试。每个本地市场分阶段发布,他们的参与者克服恐惧的旅程。两部最后的竞选电影在 YouTube 、社交媒体、三星发布人物主页和博客网站上发布,并伴随着公关发布。对于公众来说,# BeFearless VR 应用程序也在 Oculus 商店免费提供。 结果 延世大学江南区遣散医院的医生通过他们自己的临床测试,认可了无畏虚拟现实应用的可信度。仅仅经过两周的虚拟现实培训,82 个人中有 87.8% 人看到了好处。害怕公开演讲的人能够将他们的焦虑分数降低 18.7%,害怕高度的人降低 23.6%。在成功之后,这项运动被 350 多家媒体报道,包括全球公共电视和主要报纸,价值超过 100万美元。我们的参与者的旅程在世界范围内有 10000万多次观看和 4亿多次媒体印象。三星 # BeFearless VR 应用程序在 Oculus Store 上的下载量超过 50 000 次,评分高达 4。# BeFearless 程序现在也在医院的虚拟现实诊所使用。活动结束后,三星的品牌依恋提高了 18.9%。 相关性 三星 # 无畏运动受到了世界各地媒体的广泛关注,因为它展示了在医疗保健行业利用虚拟现实技术获得巨大利益的新可能性。与医生和虚拟现实开发人员合作,虚拟现实应用程序旨在帮助人们在家里使用三星 Gear VR 和三星 Galaxy mobile 轻松克服对公开演讲的恐惧和对高度的恐惧。# 无畏的虚拟现实应用程序可以免费下载,该程序目前正在医院的虚拟现实诊所使用。 概要 世界各地的人们生活在 “每天” 的恐惧或恐惧中。它们会成为生活进步的障碍。但是大多数人不愿意透露自己的个人弱点并寻求帮助。治疗既昂贵又耗时,这就是为什么数百万人每天都试图避免他们最糟糕的情况。作为三星 “发射人” 计划的一部分, 我们活动的目标是帮助世界各地的千禧一代释放他们的潜力,让他们充分生活,并让年轻消费者与三星积极接触,使品牌更加相关和更有抱负。 战略 为了让 18-29 名年轻消费者与三星紧密合作,我们询问了他们最大的恐惧,这些恐惧通过 YouTube 、 Facebook 、 Instagram 和其他社交媒体阻止了他们的生活。在最近的医学杂志的支持下,常见的恐惧是对身高的恐惧和对公开演讲的恐惧。每 5 个人中有 1 人害怕公开演讲 (Ruscio 等人,2008) 每 4 个人中有 1 人害怕高地 (Brandt & Huppert,2014) 虚拟现实诊所的医生和虚拟现实专业人士聚集在一起,为每一种恐惧创建虚拟现实培训应用。这些论文是为了拥有最高质量的三星 Galaxy S6 规范而创建的,并在 10 个月内完成。最后,虚拟现实应用程序被翻译成 4 种不同的语言: 韩语、英语、德语、俄语。

    # 无所畏惧

    案例简介:Campaign Description Studies show that with constant practice, people can overcome their fears permanently. So we collaborated with doctors and VR programmers to create a free home training VR app to help people overcome two of the most common fears using Samsung Gear VR and Samsung Galaxy mobile. The Fear of Public Speaking VR app was designed with computer graphics, while the locations for the Fear of Heights VR app were filmed with 360 cameras. How it works is simple. Each app contains various scenarios and levels that were carefully selected by the medical staff. People are exposed to fears in stages to gradually overcome their fears. It’s the world’s first VR app that holistically utilizes your heart rate, eye contact and voce recognition to give a personalized feedback. Although VR is a one to one experience, the campaign is designed so people can get support and encouragement from social media. Execution #BeFearless is a global campaign executed in 12 countries in 4 languages, for a period of 6 months. A manifesto film, kick off films, social contents and 360 viral films on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vk.com and other media encouraged more than 7500 people around the world to apply to participate in the #BeFearless campaign. 27 from UAE, Germany, Russia and Austria were selected to be trained for 30 minutes everyday for 4 weeks. Meanwhile, to test the effect of the VR app, the medical team in Seoul went through a clinical testing of their own.Each local market released in stages, their participant’s journey on overcoming their fears. And two final campaign films were released on YouTube, social media, Samsung Launching People homepage, and bloggers’ websites, accompanied by PR release. For the public, #BeFearless VR apps were also made available for free on Oculus Store. Outcome Doctors from Yonsei University Gangnam Severance Hospital approved the credibility of the BeFearless VR app through their own clinical testing. After only two weeks of VR training, 87.8% of 82 people saw benefits. People with fear of public speaking were able to reduce their anxiety score by 18.7% and those with fear of heights by 23.6%. Following its succes, the campaign was covered in more than 350 media including public TV and major newspapers worldwide which values more than 1 million dollars. The journeys of our participants had over 100 million views and over 400 million media impression worldwide. Samsung #BeFearless VR apps had more than 50, 000 downloads on Oculus Store with a high rating of 4. #BeFearless program is now also being used in the hospital’s VR clinic. After the campaign, Samsung’s brand attachment improved as high as 18.9%. Relevancy Samsung #BeFearless campaign received a lot of spotlight from media around the world in that it showed new possibilities of leveraging VR technology in health-care industry for societal benefits. In collaboration with doctors and VR developers, the VR app was designed to help people overcome their fear of public speaking and fear of heights easily at home using Samsung Gear VR and Samsung Galaxy mobile. #BeFearless VR apps can be downloaded for free and the program is currently being used in hospital’s VR clinic. Synopsis People all over the world live with ‘everyday’ fears or phobias. They can become a barrier to progress in life. But most people are reluctant to reveal and get help for their private weaknesses. Treatments are expensive and time consuming, which is why millions of people only try to avoid their worst situations everyday. As part of Samsung’s program called ‘Launching People’, the objective of our campaign was to help the millennials all over the world unleash their potential to live their lives to the fullest and strongly engage young consumers with Samsung, making the brand more relevant and aspirational. Strategy To strongly engage 18-29 young consumers with Samsung, we asked about their biggest fear that stops them in life through YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other social media. And backed up by recent medical journals, the common fears addressed were the fear of heights and fear of public speaking. 1 in 5 people have a fear of public speaking (Ruscio et al., 2008)1 in 4 people have a fear of heights (Brandt & Huppert, 2014)Doctors in VR clinics and VR professionals were gathered together to create VR training apps for each fear. Theses were created to have the highest quality Samsung Galaxy S6 specification allows and was completed in 10 months. And at last, the VR apps were translated into 4 different languages: Korean, English, German, Russian.


    案例简介:活动描述 研究表明,通过不断的练习,人们可以永久地克服他们的恐惧。因此,我们与医生和虚拟现实程序员合作,创建了一个免费的家庭培训虚拟现实应用程序,帮助人们克服使用三星 Gear VR 和三星 Galaxy mobile 的两种最常见的恐惧。恐惧公众演讲 VR 应用程序是用计算机图形设计的,而恐惧高地 VR 应用程序的位置是用 360 摄像头拍摄的。它是如何工作的很简单。每个应用程序包含由医务人员精心选择的各种场景和级别。人们分阶段暴露在恐惧中,逐渐克服他们的恐惧。这是世界上第一个综合利用心率、眼神交流和声音识别来提供个性化反馈的虚拟现实应用。尽管虚拟现实是一对一的体验,但这项活动的设计是为了让人们从社交媒体上获得支持和鼓励。 执行 # BeFearless 是一项在 12 个国家以 4 种语言执行的全球运动,为期 6 个月。一个宣言电影,启动电影,社交内容和 360 病毒电影在 YouTube,脸谱网,Instagram, vk.com 和其他媒体鼓励世界各地超过 7500 人申请参加 # BeFearless 活动。来自阿联酋、德国、俄罗斯和奥地利的 27 人被选中接受为期 4 周的每天 30 分钟的训练。与此同时,为了测试虚拟现实应用的效果,首尔的医疗团队进行了自己的临床测试。每个本地市场分阶段发布,他们的参与者克服恐惧的旅程。两部最后的竞选电影在 YouTube 、社交媒体、三星发布人物主页和博客网站上发布,并伴随着公关发布。对于公众来说,# BeFearless VR 应用程序也在 Oculus 商店免费提供。 结果 延世大学江南区遣散医院的医生通过他们自己的临床测试,认可了无畏虚拟现实应用的可信度。仅仅经过两周的虚拟现实培训,82 个人中有 87.8% 人看到了好处。害怕公开演讲的人能够将他们的焦虑分数降低 18.7%,害怕高度的人降低 23.6%。在成功之后,这项运动被 350 多家媒体报道,包括全球公共电视和主要报纸,价值超过 100万美元。我们的参与者的旅程在世界范围内有 10000万多次观看和 4亿多次媒体印象。三星 # BeFearless VR 应用程序在 Oculus Store 上的下载量超过 50 000 次,评分高达 4。# BeFearless 程序现在也在医院的虚拟现实诊所使用。活动结束后,三星的品牌依恋提高了 18.9%。 相关性 三星 # 无畏运动受到了世界各地媒体的广泛关注,因为它展示了在医疗保健行业利用虚拟现实技术获得巨大利益的新可能性。与医生和虚拟现实开发人员合作,虚拟现实应用程序旨在帮助人们在家里使用三星 Gear VR 和三星 Galaxy mobile 轻松克服对公开演讲的恐惧和对高度的恐惧。# 无畏的虚拟现实应用程序可以免费下载,该程序目前正在医院的虚拟现实诊所使用。 概要 世界各地的人们生活在 “每天” 的恐惧或恐惧中。它们会成为生活进步的障碍。但是大多数人不愿意透露自己的个人弱点并寻求帮助。治疗既昂贵又耗时,这就是为什么数百万人每天都试图避免他们最糟糕的情况。作为三星 “发射人” 计划的一部分, 我们活动的目标是帮助世界各地的千禧一代释放他们的潜力,让他们充分生活,并让年轻消费者与三星积极接触,使品牌更加相关和更有抱负。 战略 为了让 18-29 名年轻消费者与三星紧密合作,我们询问了他们最大的恐惧,这些恐惧通过 YouTube 、 Facebook 、 Instagram 和其他社交媒体阻止了他们的生活。在最近的医学杂志的支持下,常见的恐惧是对身高的恐惧和对公开演讲的恐惧。每 5 个人中有 1 人害怕公开演讲 (Ruscio 等人,2008) 每 4 个人中有 1 人害怕高地 (Brandt & Huppert,2014) 虚拟现实诊所的医生和虚拟现实专业人士聚集在一起,为每一种恐惧创建虚拟现实培训应用。这些论文是为了拥有最高质量的三星 Galaxy S6 规范而创建的,并在 10 个月内完成。最后,虚拟现实应用程序被翻译成 4 种不同的语言: 韩语、英语、德语、俄语。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Studies show that with constant practice, people can overcome their fears permanently. So we collaborated with doctors and VR programmers to create a free home training VR app to help people overcome two of the most common fears using Samsung Gear VR and Samsung Galaxy mobile. The Fear of Public Speaking VR app was designed with computer graphics, while the locations for the Fear of Heights VR app were filmed with 360 cameras. How it works is simple. Each app contains various scenarios and levels that were carefully selected by the medical staff. People are exposed to fears in stages to gradually overcome their fears. It’s the world’s first VR app that holistically utilizes your heart rate, eye contact and voce recognition to give a personalized feedback. Although VR is a one to one experience, the campaign is designed so people can get support and encouragement from social media. Execution #BeFearless is a global campaign executed in 12 countries in 4 languages, for a period of 6 months. A manifesto film, kick off films, social contents and 360 viral films on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vk.com and other media encouraged more than 7500 people around the world to apply to participate in the #BeFearless campaign. 27 from UAE, Germany, Russia and Austria were selected to be trained for 30 minutes everyday for 4 weeks. Meanwhile, to test the effect of the VR app, the medical team in Seoul went through a clinical testing of their own.Each local market released in stages, their participant’s journey on overcoming their fears. And two final campaign films were released on YouTube, social media, Samsung Launching People homepage, and bloggers’ websites, accompanied by PR release. For the public, #BeFearless VR apps were also made available for free on Oculus Store. Outcome Doctors from Yonsei University Gangnam Severance Hospital approved the credibility of the BeFearless VR app through their own clinical testing. After only two weeks of VR training, 87.8% of 82 people saw benefits. People with fear of public speaking were able to reduce their anxiety score by 18.7% and those with fear of heights by 23.6%. Following its succes, the campaign was covered in more than 350 media including public TV and major newspapers worldwide which values more than 1 million dollars. The journeys of our participants had over 100 million views and over 400 million media impression worldwide. Samsung #BeFearless VR apps had more than 50, 000 downloads on Oculus Store with a high rating of 4. #BeFearless program is now also being used in the hospital’s VR clinic. After the campaign, Samsung’s brand attachment improved as high as 18.9%. Relevancy Samsung #BeFearless campaign received a lot of spotlight from media around the world in that it showed new possibilities of leveraging VR technology in health-care industry for societal benefits. In collaboration with doctors and VR developers, the VR app was designed to help people overcome their fear of public speaking and fear of heights easily at home using Samsung Gear VR and Samsung Galaxy mobile. #BeFearless VR apps can be downloaded for free and the program is currently being used in hospital’s VR clinic. Synopsis People all over the world live with ‘everyday’ fears or phobias. They can become a barrier to progress in life. But most people are reluctant to reveal and get help for their private weaknesses. Treatments are expensive and time consuming, which is why millions of people only try to avoid their worst situations everyday. As part of Samsung’s program called ‘Launching People’, the objective of our campaign was to help the millennials all over the world unleash their potential to live their lives to the fullest and strongly engage young consumers with Samsung, making the brand more relevant and aspirational. Strategy To strongly engage 18-29 young consumers with Samsung, we asked about their biggest fear that stops them in life through YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other social media. And backed up by recent medical journals, the common fears addressed were the fear of heights and fear of public speaking. 1 in 5 people have a fear of public speaking (Ruscio et al., 2008)1 in 4 people have a fear of heights (Brandt & Huppert, 2014)Doctors in VR clinics and VR professionals were gathered together to create VR training apps for each fear. Theses were created to have the highest quality Samsung Galaxy S6 specification allows and was completed in 10 months. And at last, the VR apps were translated into 4 different languages: Korean, English, German, Russian.

    # 无所畏惧












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