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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 该活动是一项完全整合的广告,公关,媒体和编辑活动,遍及澳大利亚人,政府和主要卫生组织将注意力放在澳大利亚最严重的连环杀手上。协调的PR和社论领导了广告和媒体活动,主要的健康记者和专业人士参与了开发内容和社论,以提高人们对心脏病及其对社区的成本的认识。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的医疗保健/RX/制药通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 可以通过行业机构来提高对心脏病的认识和倡导,但是该运动的最重要目标是向澳大利亚政府施加压力,要求由全科医生对高危人群进行由Medicare资助的心脏健康检查。 描述目标受众,以及为什么你的作品与他们相关。 患者-我们鼓励澳大利亚人通过上网使用心脏年龄计算器来了解他们患心脏病的风险,目的是通过查看GPs进行心脏健康检查来促使人们采取行动。 政府-游说为医疗保险的心脏检查提供资金。 背景 心脏基金会 (Heart Foundation) 的运动旨在消除澳大利亚人对该国最多产的 “连环杀手” 的危险的自满情绪,该杀手每天袭击51次,每年杀死18,500名澳大利亚人。 该运动的第一个也是最重要的目标是向澳大利亚政府施加压力,要求其引入由Medicare资助的心脏健康检查,以挽救数千人的生命。 该活动还鼓励澳大利亚人通过上网使用心脏基金会的心脏年龄计算器来了解自己的心脏病风险。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 澳大利亚人并不认为自己有风险-心脏病发作发生在其他人身上-他们也不知道自己可以预测自己患心脏病的风险。这场运动毫不掩饰地利用休克和恐惧来激发澳大利亚人的意识和行动,这很重要,因为我们的社区已经对该国的主要死亡原因感到自满。 “连环杀手” 运动强调了澳大利亚最大杀手心脏病背后的 “罪犯”。 。 “连环杀手” 运动的设计和计划引起了人们的关注。利用澳大利亚对真正犯罪的迷恋,“连环杀手” 运动强调了澳大利亚最大杀手心脏病背后的 “犯罪分子”。这项运动有两方面的方法,第一个是一个大胆的创意概念,称为 “连环杀手”,第二个是倡导和编辑主导的倡议 # showsometicker。 描述策略 (30% 的选票) 我们选择大众媒体来支持这项运动,因为我们需要覆盖全国各地的广泛和多样化的受众。在数字和广播网络的支持下,我们依靠报纸记者和主要电视报道来传播这一消息。 为所有主要媒体参与者安排了对卫生专业人员,受害者和家人的门站采访。我们在钥匙旁 在联邦大选之前,我们故意发起了竞选活动,当时政客们正在以竞选模式宣布新政策。 描述执行 (20% 的选票) “连环杀手” 活动于2019年2月启动,是一项综合的社论,广播媒体和营销活动。它的发布是一个连环杀手的揭露,它具有高影响力的印刷媒体故事和周日地铁报纸,数字和对True Crime Australia网站的收购。它得到了电视和广播广告以及有关心脏病的社论和教育视频的支持,所有这些视频都共享 # showsometicker标签。 我们推出了新的心脏年龄计算器,以提供具体的患者数据,以敦促政府采取行动, 除了患者和普通社区之外,与外部利益相关者的合作和支持也至关重要,因为推动公共卫生政策的变化,全科医生就诊,呼吁三重零住院。在启动前,我们向全国近600个外部利益相关者作了简报,其中包括peak卫生和研究组织,卫生专业人员和政治人物。 列出结果 (30% 的投票) – 必须包括以下两个层: 最令人难以置信的是,在短短一周内,这项运动促使澳大利亚总理宣布了一项重大的卫生政策变更,心脏基金会一直在敦促政府做出超过10年的改变,将心脏健康检查添加到政府资助的医疗保险系统中。心脏基金会估计,这项政策变更将在未来五年内防止9,100例心脏病发作和中风死亡,避免76,000例心脏病发作,并节省15亿美元的医疗费用。 380,000心脏年龄计算器完成 美国网站增长299%ers 130% 增加求助热线电话 3,752个新闻故事 1340万美元的媒体曝光 6620万条消息印象


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? This campaign was a fully-integrated advertising, PR, media and editorial campaign that reached everyday Australians, the government and key health organisations to spike attention the worst serial killer in Australia.The co-ordinated PR and editorial led the advertising and media campaign with key health journalists and professionals engaged to develop content and editorial driving awareness of heart disease and its cost to the community. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including: Heart disease awareness and advocacy can be promoted via industry bodies, however the most significant goal of the campaign was to put pressure on the Australian government to introduce a Medicare-funded heart health check by GPs for those at risk. Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them. Patients - we encouraged Australians to understand their risk of heart disease by going online to use the Heart Age Calculator with the aim of prompting people to act by seeing their GPs for a heart health check. Government - to lobby for funding of the Heart Check on Medicare. Background The Heart Foundation campaign aimed to cut through Australians’ complacency about the dangers of the country’s most prolific “Serial Killer”, one that strikes 51 times every day, killing 18,500 Australians each year. The first and most significant goal of the campaign was to put pressure on the Australian government to introduce Medicare-funded heart health checks to save thousands of lives. The campaign also encouraged Australians to understand their individual risk of heart disease by going online to use the Heart Foundation’s Heart Age Calculator. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Australians don’t see themselves at risk personally – heart attacks happen to other people – and nor do they understand they can predict their risk of heart disease. The campaign unashamedly used shock and fear to motivate Australians into awareness and action, important as our community had become dangerously complacent about the nation’s leading cause of death. The “Serial Killer” campaign highlighted the ‘criminal’ behind Australia’s biggest killer, heart disease. . The “Serial Killer” campaign was designed and planned as a spike of attention. Leveraging Australia’s fascination with true crime, the “Serial Killer” campaign highlighted the ‘criminal’ behind Australia’s biggest killer, heart disease. This campaign had a two-fold approach, the first was a bold creative concept called “Serial Killer”, with the second an advocacy and editorially-led initiative #showsometicker. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) We chose mass media for the PR support of this campaign as we needed to reach a broad and diverse audience across the country. We relied on newspaper journalists and major TV coverage to spread the word, with digital and radio networks supporting. Door stop interviews with health professionals, victims and family members were arranged for all major media players. We were on hand at key We deliberately launched the campaign in the lead up to the Federal Election, a time when politicians were announcing new policies in campaign mode. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Launching in February 2019, the “Serial Killer” campaign is an integrated editorial,and broadcast media and marketing campaign. It launched with the revelation of a serial killer on the loose with high-impact print media stories and wraps of Sunday metro newspapers, digital and a takeover of the True Crime Australia website. It was supported by TV and radio ads, and editorial and educational videos about heart disease, all sharing the hashtag #showsometicker. We launched the new Heart Age Calculator to provide concrete patient data to the urge the government to take action, In addition to the patients and general community, collaboration with and support from external stakeholders was also crucial, as driving changes in public-health policy, GP visits, calls to Triple Zero, hospital admissions. In the lead-up to the launch, we briefed almost 600 external stakeholders nationwide, including peak health and research organisations, health professionals and politicians. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Most incredibly, within just a week, this campaign spurred the Australian Prime Minister to announce a major health policy change that the Heart Foundation had been urging the Government to make for more than 10 years, by adding the Heart Health Checks to the government funded Medicare system. The Heart Foundation estimates this policy change will prevent 9,100 deaths from heart attack and stroke, 76,000 heart attacks avoided and $1.5 billion in health costs saved over the next five years. 380,000 Heart Age calculator completes 299% increase in website users 130% increase helpline calls 3,752 news stories $13.4 million in media exposure 66.2 million message impressions

    Australia's Worst Serial Killer

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 该活动是一项完全整合的广告,公关,媒体和编辑活动,遍及澳大利亚人,政府和主要卫生组织将注意力放在澳大利亚最严重的连环杀手上。协调的PR和社论领导了广告和媒体活动,主要的健康记者和专业人士参与了开发内容和社论,以提高人们对心脏病及其对社区的成本的认识。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的医疗保健/RX/制药通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 可以通过行业机构来提高对心脏病的认识和倡导,但是该运动的最重要目标是向澳大利亚政府施加压力,要求由全科医生对高危人群进行由Medicare资助的心脏健康检查。 描述目标受众,以及为什么你的作品与他们相关。 患者-我们鼓励澳大利亚人通过上网使用心脏年龄计算器来了解他们患心脏病的风险,目的是通过查看GPs进行心脏健康检查来促使人们采取行动。 政府-游说为医疗保险的心脏检查提供资金。 背景 心脏基金会 (Heart Foundation) 的运动旨在消除澳大利亚人对该国最多产的 “连环杀手” 的危险的自满情绪,该杀手每天袭击51次,每年杀死18,500名澳大利亚人。 该运动的第一个也是最重要的目标是向澳大利亚政府施加压力,要求其引入由Medicare资助的心脏健康检查,以挽救数千人的生命。 该活动还鼓励澳大利亚人通过上网使用心脏基金会的心脏年龄计算器来了解自己的心脏病风险。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 澳大利亚人并不认为自己有风险-心脏病发作发生在其他人身上-他们也不知道自己可以预测自己患心脏病的风险。这场运动毫不掩饰地利用休克和恐惧来激发澳大利亚人的意识和行动,这很重要,因为我们的社区已经对该国的主要死亡原因感到自满。 “连环杀手” 运动强调了澳大利亚最大杀手心脏病背后的 “罪犯”。 。 “连环杀手” 运动的设计和计划引起了人们的关注。利用澳大利亚对真正犯罪的迷恋,“连环杀手” 运动强调了澳大利亚最大杀手心脏病背后的 “犯罪分子”。这项运动有两方面的方法,第一个是一个大胆的创意概念,称为 “连环杀手”,第二个是倡导和编辑主导的倡议 # showsometicker。 描述策略 (30% 的选票) 我们选择大众媒体来支持这项运动,因为我们需要覆盖全国各地的广泛和多样化的受众。在数字和广播网络的支持下,我们依靠报纸记者和主要电视报道来传播这一消息。 为所有主要媒体参与者安排了对卫生专业人员,受害者和家人的门站采访。我们在钥匙旁 在联邦大选之前,我们故意发起了竞选活动,当时政客们正在以竞选模式宣布新政策。 描述执行 (20% 的选票) “连环杀手” 活动于2019年2月启动,是一项综合的社论,广播媒体和营销活动。它的发布是一个连环杀手的揭露,它具有高影响力的印刷媒体故事和周日地铁报纸,数字和对True Crime Australia网站的收购。它得到了电视和广播广告以及有关心脏病的社论和教育视频的支持,所有这些视频都共享 # showsometicker标签。 我们推出了新的心脏年龄计算器,以提供具体的患者数据,以敦促政府采取行动, 除了患者和普通社区之外,与外部利益相关者的合作和支持也至关重要,因为推动公共卫生政策的变化,全科医生就诊,呼吁三重零住院。在启动前,我们向全国近600个外部利益相关者作了简报,其中包括peak卫生和研究组织,卫生专业人员和政治人物。 列出结果 (30% 的投票) – 必须包括以下两个层: 最令人难以置信的是,在短短一周内,这项运动促使澳大利亚总理宣布了一项重大的卫生政策变更,心脏基金会一直在敦促政府做出超过10年的改变,将心脏健康检查添加到政府资助的医疗保险系统中。心脏基金会估计,这项政策变更将在未来五年内防止9,100例心脏病发作和中风死亡,避免76,000例心脏病发作,并节省15亿美元的医疗费用。 380,000心脏年龄计算器完成 美国网站增长299%ers 130% 增加求助热线电话 3,752个新闻故事 1340万美元的媒体曝光 6620万条消息印象

    Australia's Worst Serial Killer

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? This campaign was a fully-integrated advertising, PR, media and editorial campaign that reached everyday Australians, the government and key health organisations to spike attention the worst serial killer in Australia.The co-ordinated PR and editorial led the advertising and media campaign with key health journalists and professionals engaged to develop content and editorial driving awareness of heart disease and its cost to the community. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including: Heart disease awareness and advocacy can be promoted via industry bodies, however the most significant goal of the campaign was to put pressure on the Australian government to introduce a Medicare-funded heart health check by GPs for those at risk. Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them. Patients - we encouraged Australians to understand their risk of heart disease by going online to use the Heart Age Calculator with the aim of prompting people to act by seeing their GPs for a heart health check. Government - to lobby for funding of the Heart Check on Medicare. Background The Heart Foundation campaign aimed to cut through Australians’ complacency about the dangers of the country’s most prolific “Serial Killer”, one that strikes 51 times every day, killing 18,500 Australians each year. The first and most significant goal of the campaign was to put pressure on the Australian government to introduce Medicare-funded heart health checks to save thousands of lives. The campaign also encouraged Australians to understand their individual risk of heart disease by going online to use the Heart Foundation’s Heart Age Calculator. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Australians don’t see themselves at risk personally – heart attacks happen to other people – and nor do they understand they can predict their risk of heart disease. The campaign unashamedly used shock and fear to motivate Australians into awareness and action, important as our community had become dangerously complacent about the nation’s leading cause of death. The “Serial Killer” campaign highlighted the ‘criminal’ behind Australia’s biggest killer, heart disease. . The “Serial Killer” campaign was designed and planned as a spike of attention. Leveraging Australia’s fascination with true crime, the “Serial Killer” campaign highlighted the ‘criminal’ behind Australia’s biggest killer, heart disease. This campaign had a two-fold approach, the first was a bold creative concept called “Serial Killer”, with the second an advocacy and editorially-led initiative #showsometicker. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) We chose mass media for the PR support of this campaign as we needed to reach a broad and diverse audience across the country. We relied on newspaper journalists and major TV coverage to spread the word, with digital and radio networks supporting. Door stop interviews with health professionals, victims and family members were arranged for all major media players. We were on hand at key We deliberately launched the campaign in the lead up to the Federal Election, a time when politicians were announcing new policies in campaign mode. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Launching in February 2019, the “Serial Killer” campaign is an integrated editorial,and broadcast media and marketing campaign. It launched with the revelation of a serial killer on the loose with high-impact print media stories and wraps of Sunday metro newspapers, digital and a takeover of the True Crime Australia website. It was supported by TV and radio ads, and editorial and educational videos about heart disease, all sharing the hashtag #showsometicker. We launched the new Heart Age Calculator to provide concrete patient data to the urge the government to take action, In addition to the patients and general community, collaboration with and support from external stakeholders was also crucial, as driving changes in public-health policy, GP visits, calls to Triple Zero, hospital admissions. In the lead-up to the launch, we briefed almost 600 external stakeholders nationwide, including peak health and research organisations, health professionals and politicians. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Most incredibly, within just a week, this campaign spurred the Australian Prime Minister to announce a major health policy change that the Heart Foundation had been urging the Government to make for more than 10 years, by adding the Heart Health Checks to the government funded Medicare system. The Heart Foundation estimates this policy change will prevent 9,100 deaths from heart attack and stroke, 76,000 heart attacks avoided and $1.5 billion in health costs saved over the next five years. 380,000 Heart Age calculator completes 299% increase in website users 130% increase helpline calls 3,752 news stories $13.4 million in media exposure 66.2 million message impressions



    Australia's Worst Serial Killer










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