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    案例简介:描述活动/条目: Skank 是巴西最受欢迎的乐队之一。我们的挑战是向他们的粉丝和音乐爱好者推广 Skank 的最新单曲。我们的见解是: 今天,视频已经把互联网变成了一个大舞台。但是,通常,这是一个孤独音乐家的大舞台。那么…… 如果我们邀请每个人参加一个大型虚拟果酱会议呢?这就是我们所做的。我们拍摄了乐队单独表演的视频。然后我们创建一个在线工具,人们可以同时播放 6 个 YouTube 视频。随着这首歌被分成单独的视频频道,我们可以邀请每个人录制自己的视频并加入 jam 会议。在 YouTube 上,Skank 成员解释了如何播放这首歌。我们通过社交网络传播新闻。然后我们开始接收来自世界各地的视频。这首歌成为开源和网站,一个伟大的果酱会议。人们还能够结合任何 6 个 YouTube 视频生成个人音乐视频。这些音乐视频发布在我们的 YouTube 频道上,有些由 MTV 播放。同一首歌有 30,000 多个版本。 描述客户的简报: 有三个简单的主要目标: 1) 向尽可能多的人传播 Skank 的最新单曲; 2) 给 Skank 自发的媒体。3) 加强 Skank 和他们的粉丝之间的关系。 结果: Skank 最新单曲的 30,000 多种不同版本是由人们制作的。•生成了 200 多个同一首歌曲的音乐视频。•其中一些音乐视频是由 MTV 播放的。•Skank 被邀请参加许多电视节目,谈论这个项目,并展示他们的新歌。•该项目在巴西许多最重要的音乐出版物中得到强调,如《滚石》杂志、 MTV 、 UOL 音乐等。)) 超过 15 名巴西著名艺术家决定加入与 Skank 一起唱歌或玩耍的项目,以促进自发媒体的新浪潮。 执行: 一切都按计划执行。我们只有一些惊喜: 1) 在项目期间,许多著名的巴西艺术家决定录制自己的视频并加入 SkankPlay 项目。许多自发的媒体就是因为这个才出现的。3) MTV 播放了多个音乐视频。 情况: Skank 是巴西最受欢迎的乐队之一。拥有数百万粉丝的 Skank 也是覆盖范围最广的巴西乐队之一。我们的挑战是向他们的粉丝和音乐爱好者宣传 Skank 的最新单曲,在整个音乐行业试图重塑自己的时候。 战略: 实施顺序的策略: 1) 启动一个预告网站,宣布一个新的 Skank 项目即将到来。2) 发布关于这个项目的迷你纪录片。3) 公关和社交媒体激活。4) 项目网站上线。5) 乐队的教程,解释如何在 YouTube 上播放这首歌。6) 人民参与。7) 项目嗡嗡声。8) 许多不同的音乐视频和歌曲版本。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Skank is one of the most popular bands in Brazil. Our challenge was to promote Skank's newest single to their fans and to music lovers in general. Our insight was: today, videos have turned the Internet into a big stage. But, usually, it is a big stage with lonely musicians. So… what if we invite everyone to a big virtual jam session? That’s what we’ve done. We shot videos of the band performing separately. Then we create an online tool where people could play 6 YouTube videos simultaneously. With the song split into separate video channels, we could invite everyone to record their own videos and join the jam session. On YouTube, Skank members explained how to play the song. And by the social networks we spread the news. Then we started to receive videos from all over the world. The song became open source and the site, a great jam session. People also were able to generate a personal Music Video, combining any 6 YouTube videos. These music videos were posted on our YouTube channel and some were broadcast by MTV. More than 30,000 versions of the same song were made. Describe the brief from the client: There were three simple main goals: 1) Spreading Skank's newest single to as many people as we could; 2) Giving to Skank spontaneous media. 3) Strengthen the relationship among Skank and their fans. Results: • More than 30,000 different versions of Skank's newest single were made by people. • More than 200 music videos of the same song were generated. • Some of those music videos were broadcast by MTV. • Skank was invited to many TV shows to talk about the project and to present their new song. • The project was highlighted in many of the most important music publications in Brazil like Rolling Stone Magazine, MTV, UOL Music, etc.) • More than 15 Brazilian famous artists decided to join the project singing or playing with Skank, promoting a new flight of spontaneous media. Execution: Everything was executed as planned. We only had some good surprises: 1) During the project, many famous Brazilian artists decided to record their own videos and join the SkankPlay project. 2) A lot of spontaneous media came because of that. 3) More than one music video was broadcast by MTV. The Situation: Skank is one of the most popular bands in Brazil. With millions of fans, Skank is also one of the most covered Brazilian bands. Our challenge was to promote Skank's newest single to their fans and to music lovers in general, in times when the whole music industry is trying to reinvent itself. The Strategy: Strategy in order of implementation: 1) Launching a teaser website announcing that a new Skank project was to come. 2) Launching teasers mini-documentaries talking about the project. 3) PR and social media activation. 4) Project website launching. 5) Tutorials of the band explaining how to play the song on YouTube. 6) People participation. 7) Project buzz. 8) Many different music videos and versions of the song made.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: Skank 是巴西最受欢迎的乐队之一。我们的挑战是向他们的粉丝和音乐爱好者推广 Skank 的最新单曲。我们的见解是: 今天,视频已经把互联网变成了一个大舞台。但是,通常,这是一个孤独音乐家的大舞台。那么…… 如果我们邀请每个人参加一个大型虚拟果酱会议呢?这就是我们所做的。我们拍摄了乐队单独表演的视频。然后我们创建一个在线工具,人们可以同时播放 6 个 YouTube 视频。随着这首歌被分成单独的视频频道,我们可以邀请每个人录制自己的视频并加入 jam 会议。在 YouTube 上,Skank 成员解释了如何播放这首歌。我们通过社交网络传播新闻。然后我们开始接收来自世界各地的视频。这首歌成为开源和网站,一个伟大的果酱会议。人们还能够结合任何 6 个 YouTube 视频生成个人音乐视频。这些音乐视频发布在我们的 YouTube 频道上,有些由 MTV 播放。同一首歌有 30,000 多个版本。 描述客户的简报: 有三个简单的主要目标: 1) 向尽可能多的人传播 Skank 的最新单曲; 2) 给 Skank 自发的媒体。3) 加强 Skank 和他们的粉丝之间的关系。 结果: Skank 最新单曲的 30,000 多种不同版本是由人们制作的。•生成了 200 多个同一首歌曲的音乐视频。•其中一些音乐视频是由 MTV 播放的。•Skank 被邀请参加许多电视节目,谈论这个项目,并展示他们的新歌。•该项目在巴西许多最重要的音乐出版物中得到强调,如《滚石》杂志、 MTV 、 UOL 音乐等。)) 超过 15 名巴西著名艺术家决定加入与 Skank 一起唱歌或玩耍的项目,以促进自发媒体的新浪潮。 执行: 一切都按计划执行。我们只有一些惊喜: 1) 在项目期间,许多著名的巴西艺术家决定录制自己的视频并加入 SkankPlay 项目。许多自发的媒体就是因为这个才出现的。3) MTV 播放了多个音乐视频。 情况: Skank 是巴西最受欢迎的乐队之一。拥有数百万粉丝的 Skank 也是覆盖范围最广的巴西乐队之一。我们的挑战是向他们的粉丝和音乐爱好者宣传 Skank 的最新单曲,在整个音乐行业试图重塑自己的时候。 战略: 实施顺序的策略: 1) 启动一个预告网站,宣布一个新的 Skank 项目即将到来。2) 发布关于这个项目的迷你纪录片。3) 公关和社交媒体激活。4) 项目网站上线。5) 乐队的教程,解释如何在 YouTube 上播放这首歌。6) 人民参与。7) 项目嗡嗡声。8) 许多不同的音乐视频和歌曲版本。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Skank is one of the most popular bands in Brazil. Our challenge was to promote Skank's newest single to their fans and to music lovers in general. Our insight was: today, videos have turned the Internet into a big stage. But, usually, it is a big stage with lonely musicians. So… what if we invite everyone to a big virtual jam session? That’s what we’ve done. We shot videos of the band performing separately. Then we create an online tool where people could play 6 YouTube videos simultaneously. With the song split into separate video channels, we could invite everyone to record their own videos and join the jam session. On YouTube, Skank members explained how to play the song. And by the social networks we spread the news. Then we started to receive videos from all over the world. The song became open source and the site, a great jam session. People also were able to generate a personal Music Video, combining any 6 YouTube videos. These music videos were posted on our YouTube channel and some were broadcast by MTV. More than 30,000 versions of the same song were made. Describe the brief from the client: There were three simple main goals: 1) Spreading Skank's newest single to as many people as we could; 2) Giving to Skank spontaneous media. 3) Strengthen the relationship among Skank and their fans. Results: • More than 30,000 different versions of Skank's newest single were made by people. • More than 200 music videos of the same song were generated. • Some of those music videos were broadcast by MTV. • Skank was invited to many TV shows to talk about the project and to present their new song. • The project was highlighted in many of the most important music publications in Brazil like Rolling Stone Magazine, MTV, UOL Music, etc.) • More than 15 Brazilian famous artists decided to join the project singing or playing with Skank, promoting a new flight of spontaneous media. Execution: Everything was executed as planned. We only had some good surprises: 1) During the project, many famous Brazilian artists decided to record their own videos and join the SkankPlay project. 2) A lot of spontaneous media came because of that. 3) More than one music video was broadcast by MTV. The Situation: Skank is one of the most popular bands in Brazil. With millions of fans, Skank is also one of the most covered Brazilian bands. Our challenge was to promote Skank's newest single to their fans and to music lovers in general, in times when the whole music industry is trying to reinvent itself. The Strategy: Strategy in order of implementation: 1) Launching a teaser website announcing that a new Skank project was to come. 2) Launching teasers mini-documentaries talking about the project. 3) PR and social media activation. 4) Project website launching. 5) Tutorials of the band explaining how to play the song on YouTube. 6) People participation. 7) Project buzz. 8) Many different music videos and versions of the song made.













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