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    Red Cross Connection短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 自成立以来,红十字会已经在帮助推动献血和寻找新的捐赠者方面取得了很大成功。结果红十字会自发布以来发送的 18 次血液警报 14 381 个应用程序用户 41 500 个追随者发现了 20 042 个新的捐赠者 (捐赠者基数增加了约 20%) 作为一项创新,121 、 360 次献血 (每一次都有可能挽救最多三条生命),该应用程序已被证明是一个有价值的长期解决方案,用于众包献血,而不需要传统宣传活动的大量媒体预算。随着最初的成功,其他国家的其他红十字会组织也表示有兴趣在他们的市场上采用这款应用。 概要 每年,新加坡红十字会都会开展宣传活动,寻找足够的献血者来满足 500万人的需求。事实是,不到 2% 的人口献血。但是随着人口的增长,这个数字需要逐年增加。为了增加挑战,在普通血液运动中收集的特定血型差异很大,对每种血型的需求全年都在变化。存在差距,年度提高认识运动预算和媒体时机无法弥补。目标: 以具有成本效益的方式寻找特定血型的献血者,以激活红十字会的志愿者网络,让年轻人成为下一代新献血者 战略 对血型不断变化的需求使得及时、经济高效地吸引新加坡年轻人成为该战略的关键。新加坡年轻人活跃在社交媒体、智能手机用户上。对青年的洞察力显示出对通过成就或属于利益集团而确定其身份的活动的兴趣。年轻人还使用 Facebook 为各种需求提供众筹帮助或支持,当朋友提出请求时,他们的网络会做出积极和及时的回应。 strategyA 移动应用程序,红十字会在需要的时候在社交网络上推出微活动来众筹新的捐助者。智能手机的广泛使用, 加上应用内推送消息和与 Facebook 等社交平台互动的能力,使得移动应用成为激活青年和现有捐助者的理想选择,无需昂贵的媒体活动就能根据需要激活他们。行动呼吁 “分享帮助拯救生命” 活动描述 红十字会连接是一个社交媒体驱动的移动应用程序,它将用户变成一个志愿者网络,帮助寻找特定血型的捐赠者。每当需要血液时,红十字会可以使用该应用程序发送血液警报: 推送一些微活动的信息,要求用户捐赠特定的血型,或者在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上分享提醒,以接触可能的新捐赠者。如果用户是匹配的,该应用程序可以帮助他们找到最近的血液中心,献血者可以使用该应用程序扫描代码,在他们的个人资料上记录他们的献血情况, 每次献血都有可能挽救 3 条生命。 执行 我们计划、设计和建造了这个应用程序,并称之为红十字会连接,这是对所有人之间血液连接的致敬, 该应用程序用来帮助激活新的和现有的捐赠者的社会联系,以及将该应用程序用户联系在一起的原因: 通过分享血液来帮助拯救生命,该应用最初创建于 2014年,2015年11月推出了新的 iOS 和 Android 版本,具有更新的设计和功能。虽然移动应用程序不是普通血液意识运动的核心,但它在选定的运动材料和接触点上被宣传为骑手。它还通过发射视频、微型网站、精选户外活动以及学校和血库的激活来推广。


    案例简介:Outcome Since its launch, the Red Cross Connection has already seen much success in helping drive blood donation and finding new donors.Results•18 Blood Alerts sent by the Red Cross since launch•14,381 app users•41,500 followers•20,042 new donors found (approx 20% increase in donor base)•121,360 blood donations (each potentially saving up to three lives)As an innovation, the app has proven to be a valuable long-term solution for crowdsourcing blood donations without requiring the large media budgets of traditional awareness campaigns. With its initial success, other Red Cross organisations in other countries have expressed interest in adopting the app for their markets. Synopsis Every year, the Singapore Red Cross runs an awareness campaign to find enough blood donors to meet the needs of 5 million people. The fact is that less than 2% of the population donate blood. But with a growing population, this number needs to increase year on year.To add to the challenge, the specific blood types collected during general blood campaign drives vary greatly, and the demand for each type changes throughout the year. There are gaps, and one that the yearly awareness campaign budget and media timing could not cover.Objectives:To find donors for specific blood types in a cost-effective mannerTo activate the Red Cross' network of volunteersTo engage the youth as the next generation of new blood donors Strategy The changing demand for blood types made engaging Singapore youths in a timely, cost-effective way a critical to the strategy.Audience & InsightSingapore youths are active on social media, smartphone users.Insight on youth showed interest in activities established aspects of their identity through achievements or belonging to interest groups. Youths also use Facebook to crowdsource help or support for a variety of needs, and their networks respond positively and in a timely manner when the request is from a friend.StrategyA mobile app that the Red Cross launch microcampaigns to crowdsource new donors on social networks whenever needed. Widespread smartphone use, coupled with in-app push messaging and the ability to interact with social platforms like Facebook made a mobile app ideal for activating the youth and existing donors to activate them as needed without an expensive media campaign.Call to Action"Share to help save lives" Campaign Description The Red Cross Connection is a social media-powered mobile app that turns users into a network of volunteers to help find donors for specific blood types. Whenever blood is needed, the Red Cross can use the app to send Blood Alerts: push messages that act as micro campaigns asking users to donate a specific blood type or share the alert on Facebook and Twitter to reach possible new donors. If the user is a match, the app helps them locate the nearest blood centre and donors can use the app to scan a code to record their blood donations on their profile, with each blood donation potentially saving up to 3 lives. Execution We planned, designed and built the app, and called it the Red Cross Connection, a tribute to the connection of blood between all people, the social connections the app uses to help activate new and existing donors, and the cause that connects the app users together: to help save lives by sharing blood, or sharing the call for blood.The app was initially created in 2014, with new iOS and Android versions launched in November 2015 featuring updated designs and features. While the mobile app was not central to the general blood awareness campaigns, it was promoted as a rider on selected campaign materials and touchpoints. It was also promoted through a launch video, a microsite, select OOH and at activations at schools and blood banks.

    Red Cross Connection

    案例简介:结果 自成立以来,红十字会已经在帮助推动献血和寻找新的捐赠者方面取得了很大成功。结果红十字会自发布以来发送的 18 次血液警报 14 381 个应用程序用户 41 500 个追随者发现了 20 042 个新的捐赠者 (捐赠者基数增加了约 20%) 作为一项创新,121 、 360 次献血 (每一次都有可能挽救最多三条生命),该应用程序已被证明是一个有价值的长期解决方案,用于众包献血,而不需要传统宣传活动的大量媒体预算。随着最初的成功,其他国家的其他红十字会组织也表示有兴趣在他们的市场上采用这款应用。 概要 每年,新加坡红十字会都会开展宣传活动,寻找足够的献血者来满足 500万人的需求。事实是,不到 2% 的人口献血。但是随着人口的增长,这个数字需要逐年增加。为了增加挑战,在普通血液运动中收集的特定血型差异很大,对每种血型的需求全年都在变化。存在差距,年度提高认识运动预算和媒体时机无法弥补。目标: 以具有成本效益的方式寻找特定血型的献血者,以激活红十字会的志愿者网络,让年轻人成为下一代新献血者 战略 对血型不断变化的需求使得及时、经济高效地吸引新加坡年轻人成为该战略的关键。新加坡年轻人活跃在社交媒体、智能手机用户上。对青年的洞察力显示出对通过成就或属于利益集团而确定其身份的活动的兴趣。年轻人还使用 Facebook 为各种需求提供众筹帮助或支持,当朋友提出请求时,他们的网络会做出积极和及时的回应。 strategyA 移动应用程序,红十字会在需要的时候在社交网络上推出微活动来众筹新的捐助者。智能手机的广泛使用, 加上应用内推送消息和与 Facebook 等社交平台互动的能力,使得移动应用成为激活青年和现有捐助者的理想选择,无需昂贵的媒体活动就能根据需要激活他们。行动呼吁 “分享帮助拯救生命” 活动描述 红十字会连接是一个社交媒体驱动的移动应用程序,它将用户变成一个志愿者网络,帮助寻找特定血型的捐赠者。每当需要血液时,红十字会可以使用该应用程序发送血液警报: 推送一些微活动的信息,要求用户捐赠特定的血型,或者在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上分享提醒,以接触可能的新捐赠者。如果用户是匹配的,该应用程序可以帮助他们找到最近的血液中心,献血者可以使用该应用程序扫描代码,在他们的个人资料上记录他们的献血情况, 每次献血都有可能挽救 3 条生命。 执行 我们计划、设计和建造了这个应用程序,并称之为红十字会连接,这是对所有人之间血液连接的致敬, 该应用程序用来帮助激活新的和现有的捐赠者的社会联系,以及将该应用程序用户联系在一起的原因: 通过分享血液来帮助拯救生命,该应用最初创建于 2014年,2015年11月推出了新的 iOS 和 Android 版本,具有更新的设计和功能。虽然移动应用程序不是普通血液意识运动的核心,但它在选定的运动材料和接触点上被宣传为骑手。它还通过发射视频、微型网站、精选户外活动以及学校和血库的激活来推广。

    Red Cross Connection

    案例简介:Outcome Since its launch, the Red Cross Connection has already seen much success in helping drive blood donation and finding new donors.Results•18 Blood Alerts sent by the Red Cross since launch•14,381 app users•41,500 followers•20,042 new donors found (approx 20% increase in donor base)•121,360 blood donations (each potentially saving up to three lives)As an innovation, the app has proven to be a valuable long-term solution for crowdsourcing blood donations without requiring the large media budgets of traditional awareness campaigns. With its initial success, other Red Cross organisations in other countries have expressed interest in adopting the app for their markets. Synopsis Every year, the Singapore Red Cross runs an awareness campaign to find enough blood donors to meet the needs of 5 million people. The fact is that less than 2% of the population donate blood. But with a growing population, this number needs to increase year on year.To add to the challenge, the specific blood types collected during general blood campaign drives vary greatly, and the demand for each type changes throughout the year. There are gaps, and one that the yearly awareness campaign budget and media timing could not cover.Objectives:To find donors for specific blood types in a cost-effective mannerTo activate the Red Cross' network of volunteersTo engage the youth as the next generation of new blood donors Strategy The changing demand for blood types made engaging Singapore youths in a timely, cost-effective way a critical to the strategy.Audience & InsightSingapore youths are active on social media, smartphone users.Insight on youth showed interest in activities established aspects of their identity through achievements or belonging to interest groups. Youths also use Facebook to crowdsource help or support for a variety of needs, and their networks respond positively and in a timely manner when the request is from a friend.StrategyA mobile app that the Red Cross launch microcampaigns to crowdsource new donors on social networks whenever needed. Widespread smartphone use, coupled with in-app push messaging and the ability to interact with social platforms like Facebook made a mobile app ideal for activating the youth and existing donors to activate them as needed without an expensive media campaign.Call to Action"Share to help save lives" Campaign Description The Red Cross Connection is a social media-powered mobile app that turns users into a network of volunteers to help find donors for specific blood types. Whenever blood is needed, the Red Cross can use the app to send Blood Alerts: push messages that act as micro campaigns asking users to donate a specific blood type or share the alert on Facebook and Twitter to reach possible new donors. If the user is a match, the app helps them locate the nearest blood centre and donors can use the app to scan a code to record their blood donations on their profile, with each blood donation potentially saving up to 3 lives. Execution We planned, designed and built the app, and called it the Red Cross Connection, a tribute to the connection of blood between all people, the social connections the app uses to help activate new and existing donors, and the cause that connects the app users together: to help save lives by sharing blood, or sharing the call for blood.The app was initially created in 2014, with new iOS and Android versions launched in November 2015 featuring updated designs and features. While the mobile app was not central to the general blood awareness campaigns, it was promoted as a rider on selected campaign materials and touchpoints. It was also promoted through a launch video, a microsite, select OOH and at activations at schools and blood banks.



    Red Cross Connection










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