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    案例简介:活动描述 研究和数据收集我们知道主要问题是缺乏对基金会捐赠活动的认识。我们发现他们需要获得相当于 150万美元媒体购买的播放时间,以获得我们希望的响应率。所以我们专注于如何解决真正的问题: 在他们历史上第一次不用花钱就能获得基金会的实际播出时间。 战略 目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织) 每个秘鲁人口袋里至少有一枚硬币。媒体规划由于我们工作的特殊性,基于我们对其他品牌电视广告的 “利用”,而且这是一场零预算的运动, 没有媒体策划。但是我们当然知道我们需要利用多少品牌来获得我们希望的媒体曝光。我们终于得到了。为了在收集日获得街道上希望的响应率,我们决定解决真正的问题: 在基金会历史上第一次提供实际的播出时间。 概要 情况: 秘鲁癌症基金会每年都会举办一个筹款活动,因为他们没有媒体预算,所以只安排在深夜或凌晨。因此,没有人看到。简介: 帮助基金会收集比 2015年更多的信息。目标: 给基金会一个没有媒体预算的大品牌活动的播出时间。 结果 行动/商业成果 -- 销售、捐赠、网站流量、实现商业目标 2016 秘鲁癌症基金会捐赠活动是秘鲁历史上播出最多的两周活动。比 2015年多收 60% 的钱。1.6 美元的自由新闻。8亿的影响 (黄金时段 41%)。•结果/意识 -- 改变行为、影响力、公众舆论、内容回应其他品牌自发地加入了捐赠其他媒体空间的运动 (可口可乐、印加科拉和瓦兹就是其中之一)。甚至秘鲁总统也想公开表示支持。 执行 在主要制作公司的帮助下,我们拍摄了录像带中展示的广告的替代版本。•媒体渠道和整合激活会自发地溢出,因为它引起了媒体的关注,通过捐赠不同的媒体空间 (其中包括可口可乐, 印加科拉和瓦兹)。甚至秘鲁总统也公开表示支持。在收集日期前四个月的时间表,我们求助于秘鲁大多数广告的品牌,并要求他们分享他们制作的三秒钟广告,这些广告将在之前的几周内播出集合。规模我们达到 8亿的影响,多达六场大规模的电视活动 (秘鲁标准)。 相关性 因为一个秘鲁非政府组织的零预算运动在免费媒体上赚了 160万美元,这是秘鲁标准的惊人结果。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription • Research and data gathering We knew the main problem was the lack of awareness about the Foundation’s donation campaign. We found out they needed to get an airtime equivalent to a 1.5 million dollars media buying to get the response rate we wished for. So we focused on how to solve the real problem: getting the Foundation actual airtime for the first time in their history without spending any money. Strategy • Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/ organisations) Every Peruvian with at least a coin in their pocket.• Media planning Due to the peculiar nature of our work, based on our “taking advantage” of other brands’ TV ads, and since this was a zero budget campaign, there was no media planning involved. But of course we knew how much brands we needed to take advantage of in order to get the media exposure we wished. Which we finally got.• Approach In order to get the wished-for response rate in the streets during collection days, we decided to solve the real problem: giving the Foundation actual airtime for the first time in their history. Synopsis • Situation: Every year the Peruvian Cancer Foundation airs a fundraising spot that is only scheduled late at night or in the early hours because they have no media budget. As a result, no one sees it.• Brief: Help the Foundation collecting more than in 2015.• Objectives: Give the Foundation the airtime of a big brand campaign with a zero media budget. Outcome • Action/business results – sales, donations, site traffic, achievement against business target The 2016 Peruvian Cancer Foundation donation campaign was the two-week most aired campaign in Peruvian history. Collection of 60% more money than in 2015. $1.6 millon in free press. 800 million impacts (41% during prime time). • Outcomes/awareness - change in behaviour, reach, public opinion, content response Other brands spontaneously joined the campaign donating other media spaces (Coca-Cola, Inca Kola and Waze among them). Even the Peruvian President wanted to publicly show his support. Execution • Implementation With help from the major production companies, we shot alternative versions of the ads featured in the videocase. • Media channels and integration The activation spill over spontaneously since it called the media’s attention, making other brands that weren’t airing any spots join the campaign by donating different media spaces (among them Coca-Cola, Inca Kola and Waze). Even the Peruvian President publicly showed his support.• Timeline Four months before collection date we turned to the brands that most advertise in Peru and ask them to share three seconds of the ads they were producing and that would be aired during the weeks that preceded the collection.• Scale We reached 800 million impacts, as much as six massive TV campaigns (Peruvian standard). Relevancy Because a zero budget campaign for a Peruvian NGO earned $1.6 million in free media, an amazing result by Peruvian standard.

    The Most Aired Campaign

    案例简介:活动描述 研究和数据收集我们知道主要问题是缺乏对基金会捐赠活动的认识。我们发现他们需要获得相当于 150万美元媒体购买的播放时间,以获得我们希望的响应率。所以我们专注于如何解决真正的问题: 在他们历史上第一次不用花钱就能获得基金会的实际播出时间。 战略 目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织) 每个秘鲁人口袋里至少有一枚硬币。媒体规划由于我们工作的特殊性,基于我们对其他品牌电视广告的 “利用”,而且这是一场零预算的运动, 没有媒体策划。但是我们当然知道我们需要利用多少品牌来获得我们希望的媒体曝光。我们终于得到了。为了在收集日获得街道上希望的响应率,我们决定解决真正的问题: 在基金会历史上第一次提供实际的播出时间。 概要 情况: 秘鲁癌症基金会每年都会举办一个筹款活动,因为他们没有媒体预算,所以只安排在深夜或凌晨。因此,没有人看到。简介: 帮助基金会收集比 2015年更多的信息。目标: 给基金会一个没有媒体预算的大品牌活动的播出时间。 结果 行动/商业成果 -- 销售、捐赠、网站流量、实现商业目标 2016 秘鲁癌症基金会捐赠活动是秘鲁历史上播出最多的两周活动。比 2015年多收 60% 的钱。1.6 美元的自由新闻。8亿的影响 (黄金时段 41%)。•结果/意识 -- 改变行为、影响力、公众舆论、内容回应其他品牌自发地加入了捐赠其他媒体空间的运动 (可口可乐、印加科拉和瓦兹就是其中之一)。甚至秘鲁总统也想公开表示支持。 执行 在主要制作公司的帮助下,我们拍摄了录像带中展示的广告的替代版本。•媒体渠道和整合激活会自发地溢出,因为它引起了媒体的关注,通过捐赠不同的媒体空间 (其中包括可口可乐, 印加科拉和瓦兹)。甚至秘鲁总统也公开表示支持。在收集日期前四个月的时间表,我们求助于秘鲁大多数广告的品牌,并要求他们分享他们制作的三秒钟广告,这些广告将在之前的几周内播出集合。规模我们达到 8亿的影响,多达六场大规模的电视活动 (秘鲁标准)。 相关性 因为一个秘鲁非政府组织的零预算运动在免费媒体上赚了 160万美元,这是秘鲁标准的惊人结果。

    The Most Aired Campaign

    案例简介:CampaignDescription • Research and data gathering We knew the main problem was the lack of awareness about the Foundation’s donation campaign. We found out they needed to get an airtime equivalent to a 1.5 million dollars media buying to get the response rate we wished for. So we focused on how to solve the real problem: getting the Foundation actual airtime for the first time in their history without spending any money. Strategy • Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/ organisations) Every Peruvian with at least a coin in their pocket.• Media planning Due to the peculiar nature of our work, based on our “taking advantage” of other brands’ TV ads, and since this was a zero budget campaign, there was no media planning involved. But of course we knew how much brands we needed to take advantage of in order to get the media exposure we wished. Which we finally got.• Approach In order to get the wished-for response rate in the streets during collection days, we decided to solve the real problem: giving the Foundation actual airtime for the first time in their history. Synopsis • Situation: Every year the Peruvian Cancer Foundation airs a fundraising spot that is only scheduled late at night or in the early hours because they have no media budget. As a result, no one sees it.• Brief: Help the Foundation collecting more than in 2015.• Objectives: Give the Foundation the airtime of a big brand campaign with a zero media budget. Outcome • Action/business results – sales, donations, site traffic, achievement against business target The 2016 Peruvian Cancer Foundation donation campaign was the two-week most aired campaign in Peruvian history. Collection of 60% more money than in 2015. $1.6 millon in free press. 800 million impacts (41% during prime time). • Outcomes/awareness - change in behaviour, reach, public opinion, content response Other brands spontaneously joined the campaign donating other media spaces (Coca-Cola, Inca Kola and Waze among them). Even the Peruvian President wanted to publicly show his support. Execution • Implementation With help from the major production companies, we shot alternative versions of the ads featured in the videocase. • Media channels and integration The activation spill over spontaneously since it called the media’s attention, making other brands that weren’t airing any spots join the campaign by donating different media spaces (among them Coca-Cola, Inca Kola and Waze). Even the Peruvian President publicly showed his support.• Timeline Four months before collection date we turned to the brands that most advertise in Peru and ask them to share three seconds of the ads they were producing and that would be aired during the weeks that preceded the collection.• Scale We reached 800 million impacts, as much as six massive TV campaigns (Peruvian standard). Relevancy Because a zero budget campaign for a Peruvian NGO earned $1.6 million in free media, an amazing result by Peruvian standard.



    The Most Aired Campaign






    广告公司: 恒美 (秘鲁 利马) 制作公司: 恒美




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