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    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 画外音: 去年,Metamucil 和掘金冒险了。显示两个跳进游泳池 100%-哇-呼!旁白: 他们现在在哪里?在酒吧里用甜甜圈酒吧女招待金块: 我不知道发生了什么。胶化与美达施在过去几个月后,事情都顺利进行。截止到他们的婚礼日和蛋糕 (婚礼进行曲,人们欢呼和鼓掌),但是我们遇到了挫折。美达施爱的私人教练,显示一个磁带装载块... 和她今晚要全部的时间训练这家伙,勇敢。在他的锻炼机器上展示勇敢 -- 用元金块训练: 他是.太棒了。(快歌,鼓舞人心的音乐播放) 荟萃: 九、十。变成一些弓步。二,三,四,五。给 Meta 看一个关于胆量的插图 -- 我们在这个和胆量训练 Meta 之间切换: 当我第一次遇到胆量时,他的动作很草率,但是我一直在训练他的废话。看一看。在白板上显示行动模式现在 Gutsy 的健康和更规律。他甚至在电视广告上。在对布拉德·皮特 · 香奈儿商业勇气的恶搞中,直截了当地说: 一切都过去了,你就在那里。美达施。淡香水 2 号。是 2 号。切块金块的吧-他就冲出来: 我不会数月。 -(宏大、戏剧性的音乐)-(爆裂和紧张) (轮胎尖叫)他在厕所里停下来,看到漂亮的车停在外面 -- (音乐停止) -- 来吧。什么?(大,戏剧音乐简历) 块忍者风格的进入了房子。走上楼梯,看起来像元,勇敢地穿上它。荟萃: 掘金。你在这里做什么?金块-我在这里做什么?元-是的。勇勇: 谁的麻烦吗?金块: 我?(噘着嘴笑) 掘金: 你有胆量,不是吗?你比你在电视上出现的要大得多。勇敢: 请离开。后门在那边。掘金: 哦,我知道后门在哪里,我的朋友。勇勇: 滚出我的房子。掘金: 我。嗯-嗯?(紧张的音乐构建) (尖叫)-(咆哮)-(尖叫) 勇敢地试图把金块从楼梯上推出去 -- 他被卡住了!-滚出我的房子-你滚出我的房子-什么?-你在这里做什么?-我住在这里!-我住在这里-滚出我的房子-你出去。我不可能通过。(勇敢的咕噜声) 你不能通过!勇勇: 元!你要把这个粪便弄出来吗?-掘金: 元!元!元!-勇敢的把这车子了。两者: 元!元!多彩!元!切到元 -- 谁把这对组合在一起化妆。Meta: 嘿。来这里。勇敢,我是你的私人教练。而且,金块,你不需要像勇敢一样。我是你的真凳伴侣。现在握手。嗯?所以,是的,勇敢和掘金现在相处得很好。实际上有点太好了。切块和勇敢的一起参观掘金 tryke 是他们吗?金块: 那是一架 429 的超级铜喷气式飞机,我的朋友。Gutsy: 这就是我在那里得到的东西!金块: 我知道!画外音: 所以 Metamucil 帮助掘金和勇敢克服了他们的分歧。把 Metamucil 日报-自然的方式来保持经常和支持一个健康的肠道。 EntrySummary 澳大利亚人喜欢便便笑话 -- 你不能打败一个好的双关语。许多的双关语和 metaphores 是 interdispersed 副本。从 “谁是这个小家伙” 到 “你有胆量”,再到 metamucil 第二号淡香水 -- 再到你不会通过 -- 一切都很有趣。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 我们的电影需要得到通过 P & G 工作的几个医疗合规级别的批准,也需要得到适用于神经制药 (ASMI) 的注册代码的批准 简要解释 我们创造了第二部续集 -- 我们的原创电影,以金块和勇敢作为完美的凳子伴侣。我们创造了一个新的人物勇敢,狗头人错误地认为,间有一腿。以一种独特的澳大利亚方式 (我们喜欢便便笑话),我们看到掘金嫉妒元对胆量的关注。他认为自己是赔钱元,勇敢,但情节的决定时,她提醒他,这是他们谁是完美的大便队友--但她也可以培养勇敢 (胆) 在同一时间。通过巧妙的写作和许多便便笑话,我们能够以一种有趣的方式谈论相当干燥的健康内容。参考了布拉德·皮特频道的广告 -- 我们创造了一个恶搞。 观众 我们的目标是以一种娱乐和非常有品牌的方式谈论 Metamucil。我们的做法是设立一个薄膜,具有一个行走 metamucil 包 (陆元) 的屏幕标识中心对于绝大多数的前期的三分片。


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish VOICEOVER: Last year, Metamucil and Nugget took the plunge. Show both jumping into a pool 100%- Whoo-hoo! Vo:Where are they now? Cut to Nugget in a bar with a donut barmaid Nugget: I don't know what happened. After gelling with Metamucil over the past few months, things were moving smoothly. Cut to their wedding day and cake (BRIDAL MARCH PLAYS, PEOPLE CHEER AND APPLAUD) But we've hit the skids. Metamucil loves being a personal trainer, Show a cassette tape being loaded Nugget... and now she's spending all her time training this new guy, Gutsy. Show gutsy on his workout machine - training with Meta Nugget: And he is...awesome. (UP-TEMPO, INSPIRING MUSIC PLAYS) Meta: Nine, ten. Into some lunges. Two, three, four, five. Show Meta with an illustration of the guts - we cut between this and gutsy training Meta: When I first met Gutsy, his motions were sloppy, but I've been training the crap out of him. Take a look. Show the mode of action on the whiteboard Now Gutsy's healthy and more regular. He's even on a TV commercial. Cut to gutsy - black and white in a spoof of the Brad Pitt Chanel commerical Gutsy: As all things pass, you're there. Metamucil. Eau de Toilette No 2. Be number 2. Cut to Nugget in the bar - he speaks then rushes out Nugget: I will not be number 2. - (GRAND, DRAMATIC MUSIC) - (PUFFS AND STRAINS) (TYRES SQUEAL) He pulls up to Gutsy's house on his toilet tryke and sees the beautiful car parked outside - (MUSIC STOPS) - Come on. What? (GRAND, DRAMATIC MUSIC RESUMES) Nugget Ninja style enters the house. And comes up the stairs, to what looks like Meta and Gutsy getting it on. Meta: Nugget. What are you doing here? Nugget- What am I doing here? Meta- Yeah. Gutsy: Who's this little turd? Nugget: Me? (CHUCKLES WRYLY) Nugget: You have some guts, don't you? You are much bigger than you appear on television. Gutsy: Please leave. The back door's that way. Nugget: Oh, I know where the back door is, my friend. Gutsy: Get out of my house. Nugget: me. Mm-hm? (TENSE MUSIC BUILDS) (SHRIEKS) - (GROWLS) - (SHRIEKS) (YELLS) - (SCREAMS) Cut to Gutsy trying to push Nugget down the stairs out of the house - He's stuck! - Get out of my house. - You get out of MY house. - What? - What are you even doing here? - I live here! - I live here. - Get out of my house. - You get out. I am impossible to pass. (GUTSY GRUNTS) You shall not pass! GUTSY: Meta! You gonna get this turd out? - NUGGET: Meta! Meta! Meta! - GUTSY: Get this turd out. BOTH: Meta! Meta! Meta! Meta! Cut to Meta - who pulls the pair together to make up. Meta: Hey. Come here. Gutsy, I'm your personal trainer. And, Nugget, you don't need to be like Gutsy. I'm your true stool mate. Now shake hands. Hmm? So, yeah, Gutsy and Nugget get along great now. A little too well, actually. Cut to Nugget and Gutsy together checking out Nuggets tryke Is that what I think it is? Nugget: That's a 429 Super Copper Jet, my friend. Gutsy: That's the same thing I've got in there! Nugget: I know! VOICEOVER: So Metamucil helped Nugget and Gutsy push past their differences. Take Metamucil daily - a natural way to stay regular and support a healthy gut. EntrySummary Australians love poo jokes - you cant beat a good pun. Many puns and metaphores are interdispersed in the copy . from "who's this little turd" to "you've got guts" to metamucil eau de toilette number two - to thou shalt not pass - all in good fun. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Our film needs to be approved by several levels of medical compliance that work through P&G and also by reg codes applying to neutraceuticals (ASMI) BriefExplanation We created a number two - sequel - to our original film which features Nugget and Gutsy as the perfect stool mates. We created a new character Gutsy, with whom Nugget mistakenly believes Meta is having an affair. In a uniquely Australia way (we love poo jokes) we saw Nugget get jealous of the attention Meta gives to gutsy (the guts). He thinks that he is losing Meta to Gutsy, but the episode resolves when she reminds him that it is they who are the perfect stool mates - but she can also train gutsy (the guts) at the same time. Through clever writing and lots of poo jokes we are able to talk about quite dry health content in an entertaining cut through way. Reference is made to the brad pitt commercial for channel - we create a spoof. Audience Our aim was to talk about Metamucil in an entertaining and very branded way. We did so by creating a film that features a walking metamucil pack (miss meta) who is onscreen - logo upfront of center for a vast majority of our three minute film.


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 画外音: 去年,Metamucil 和掘金冒险了。显示两个跳进游泳池 100%-哇-呼!旁白: 他们现在在哪里?在酒吧里用甜甜圈酒吧女招待金块: 我不知道发生了什么。胶化与美达施在过去几个月后,事情都顺利进行。截止到他们的婚礼日和蛋糕 (婚礼进行曲,人们欢呼和鼓掌),但是我们遇到了挫折。美达施爱的私人教练,显示一个磁带装载块... 和她今晚要全部的时间训练这家伙,勇敢。在他的锻炼机器上展示勇敢 -- 用元金块训练: 他是.太棒了。(快歌,鼓舞人心的音乐播放) 荟萃: 九、十。变成一些弓步。二,三,四,五。给 Meta 看一个关于胆量的插图 -- 我们在这个和胆量训练 Meta 之间切换: 当我第一次遇到胆量时,他的动作很草率,但是我一直在训练他的废话。看一看。在白板上显示行动模式现在 Gutsy 的健康和更规律。他甚至在电视广告上。在对布拉德·皮特 · 香奈儿商业勇气的恶搞中,直截了当地说: 一切都过去了,你就在那里。美达施。淡香水 2 号。是 2 号。切块金块的吧-他就冲出来: 我不会数月。 -(宏大、戏剧性的音乐)-(爆裂和紧张) (轮胎尖叫)他在厕所里停下来,看到漂亮的车停在外面 -- (音乐停止) -- 来吧。什么?(大,戏剧音乐简历) 块忍者风格的进入了房子。走上楼梯,看起来像元,勇敢地穿上它。荟萃: 掘金。你在这里做什么?金块-我在这里做什么?元-是的。勇勇: 谁的麻烦吗?金块: 我?(噘着嘴笑) 掘金: 你有胆量,不是吗?你比你在电视上出现的要大得多。勇敢: 请离开。后门在那边。掘金: 哦,我知道后门在哪里,我的朋友。勇勇: 滚出我的房子。掘金: 我。嗯-嗯?(紧张的音乐构建) (尖叫)-(咆哮)-(尖叫) 勇敢地试图把金块从楼梯上推出去 -- 他被卡住了!-滚出我的房子-你滚出我的房子-什么?-你在这里做什么?-我住在这里!-我住在这里-滚出我的房子-你出去。我不可能通过。(勇敢的咕噜声) 你不能通过!勇勇: 元!你要把这个粪便弄出来吗?-掘金: 元!元!元!-勇敢的把这车子了。两者: 元!元!多彩!元!切到元 -- 谁把这对组合在一起化妆。Meta: 嘿。来这里。勇敢,我是你的私人教练。而且,金块,你不需要像勇敢一样。我是你的真凳伴侣。现在握手。嗯?所以,是的,勇敢和掘金现在相处得很好。实际上有点太好了。切块和勇敢的一起参观掘金 tryke 是他们吗?金块: 那是一架 429 的超级铜喷气式飞机,我的朋友。Gutsy: 这就是我在那里得到的东西!金块: 我知道!画外音: 所以 Metamucil 帮助掘金和勇敢克服了他们的分歧。把 Metamucil 日报-自然的方式来保持经常和支持一个健康的肠道。 EntrySummary 澳大利亚人喜欢便便笑话 -- 你不能打败一个好的双关语。许多的双关语和 metaphores 是 interdispersed 副本。从 “谁是这个小家伙” 到 “你有胆量”,再到 metamucil 第二号淡香水 -- 再到你不会通过 -- 一切都很有趣。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 我们的电影需要得到通过 P & G 工作的几个医疗合规级别的批准,也需要得到适用于神经制药 (ASMI) 的注册代码的批准 简要解释 我们创造了第二部续集 -- 我们的原创电影,以金块和勇敢作为完美的凳子伴侣。我们创造了一个新的人物勇敢,狗头人错误地认为,间有一腿。以一种独特的澳大利亚方式 (我们喜欢便便笑话),我们看到掘金嫉妒元对胆量的关注。他认为自己是赔钱元,勇敢,但情节的决定时,她提醒他,这是他们谁是完美的大便队友--但她也可以培养勇敢 (胆) 在同一时间。通过巧妙的写作和许多便便笑话,我们能够以一种有趣的方式谈论相当干燥的健康内容。参考了布拉德·皮特频道的广告 -- 我们创造了一个恶搞。 观众 我们的目标是以一种娱乐和非常有品牌的方式谈论 Metamucil。我们的做法是设立一个薄膜,具有一个行走 metamucil 包 (陆元) 的屏幕标识中心对于绝大多数的前期的三分片。


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish VOICEOVER: Last year, Metamucil and Nugget took the plunge. Show both jumping into a pool 100%- Whoo-hoo! Vo:Where are they now? Cut to Nugget in a bar with a donut barmaid Nugget: I don't know what happened. After gelling with Metamucil over the past few months, things were moving smoothly. Cut to their wedding day and cake (BRIDAL MARCH PLAYS, PEOPLE CHEER AND APPLAUD) But we've hit the skids. Metamucil loves being a personal trainer, Show a cassette tape being loaded Nugget... and now she's spending all her time training this new guy, Gutsy. Show gutsy on his workout machine - training with Meta Nugget: And he is...awesome. (UP-TEMPO, INSPIRING MUSIC PLAYS) Meta: Nine, ten. Into some lunges. Two, three, four, five. Show Meta with an illustration of the guts - we cut between this and gutsy training Meta: When I first met Gutsy, his motions were sloppy, but I've been training the crap out of him. Take a look. Show the mode of action on the whiteboard Now Gutsy's healthy and more regular. He's even on a TV commercial. Cut to gutsy - black and white in a spoof of the Brad Pitt Chanel commerical Gutsy: As all things pass, you're there. Metamucil. Eau de Toilette No 2. Be number 2. Cut to Nugget in the bar - he speaks then rushes out Nugget: I will not be number 2. - (GRAND, DRAMATIC MUSIC) - (PUFFS AND STRAINS) (TYRES SQUEAL) He pulls up to Gutsy's house on his toilet tryke and sees the beautiful car parked outside - (MUSIC STOPS) - Come on. What? (GRAND, DRAMATIC MUSIC RESUMES) Nugget Ninja style enters the house. And comes up the stairs, to what looks like Meta and Gutsy getting it on. Meta: Nugget. What are you doing here? Nugget- What am I doing here? Meta- Yeah. Gutsy: Who's this little turd? Nugget: Me? (CHUCKLES WRYLY) Nugget: You have some guts, don't you? You are much bigger than you appear on television. Gutsy: Please leave. The back door's that way. Nugget: Oh, I know where the back door is, my friend. Gutsy: Get out of my house. Nugget: me. Mm-hm? (TENSE MUSIC BUILDS) (SHRIEKS) - (GROWLS) - (SHRIEKS) (YELLS) - (SCREAMS) Cut to Gutsy trying to push Nugget down the stairs out of the house - He's stuck! - Get out of my house. - You get out of MY house. - What? - What are you even doing here? - I live here! - I live here. - Get out of my house. - You get out. I am impossible to pass. (GUTSY GRUNTS) You shall not pass! GUTSY: Meta! You gonna get this turd out? - NUGGET: Meta! Meta! Meta! - GUTSY: Get this turd out. BOTH: Meta! Meta! Meta! Meta! Cut to Meta - who pulls the pair together to make up. Meta: Hey. Come here. Gutsy, I'm your personal trainer. And, Nugget, you don't need to be like Gutsy. I'm your true stool mate. Now shake hands. Hmm? So, yeah, Gutsy and Nugget get along great now. A little too well, actually. Cut to Nugget and Gutsy together checking out Nuggets tryke Is that what I think it is? Nugget: That's a 429 Super Copper Jet, my friend. Gutsy: That's the same thing I've got in there! Nugget: I know! VOICEOVER: So Metamucil helped Nugget and Gutsy push past their differences. Take Metamucil daily - a natural way to stay regular and support a healthy gut. EntrySummary Australians love poo jokes - you cant beat a good pun. Many puns and metaphores are interdispersed in the copy . from "who's this little turd" to "you've got guts" to metamucil eau de toilette number two - to thou shalt not pass - all in good fun. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Our film needs to be approved by several levels of medical compliance that work through P&G and also by reg codes applying to neutraceuticals (ASMI) BriefExplanation We created a number two - sequel - to our original film which features Nugget and Gutsy as the perfect stool mates. We created a new character Gutsy, with whom Nugget mistakenly believes Meta is having an affair. In a uniquely Australia way (we love poo jokes) we saw Nugget get jealous of the attention Meta gives to gutsy (the guts). He thinks that he is losing Meta to Gutsy, but the episode resolves when she reminds him that it is they who are the perfect stool mates - but she can also train gutsy (the guts) at the same time. Through clever writing and lots of poo jokes we are able to talk about quite dry health content in an entertaining cut through way. Reference is made to the brad pitt commercial for channel - we create a spoof. Audience Our aim was to talk about Metamucil in an entertaining and very branded way. We did so by creating a film that features a walking metamucil pack (miss meta) who is onscreen - logo upfront of center for a vast majority of our three minute film.













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