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    Riding Shotgun with Papa短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 1984,“爸爸” 约翰 Schnatter 爱的两件事: 汽车和比萨饼。但不得不走。所以,卖掉了自己心爱的 1971 雪佛兰 Camaro Z28 '84 为 $2,800 的父亲陷入困境的酒馆和开始卖披萨饼出一把扫帚壁橱后面的酒吧。25 十年后棒约翰比萨是世界第三大比萨公司。但是,约翰仍然渴望他的 Camaro,概括了所有他的牺牲来实现他的 “美国梦。 “所以,作为公司的月周年庆、棒约翰棒约翰转向我们复述故事的开端和该公司的企业精神。我们提供了一个 “旅行”,其中包括全国搜寻的 Camaro,考察与约翰的月是否达到数十万人,冒险特技/活动在每个城市, 博客、视频和增强现实的胶囊月上半个月。经过超过 1,960 层,2,300 发布的信息,和球迷的支持从全国各地数以百万计的比萨饼出售,“棒约翰” 取得什么每个人都认为是不可能的: 他把他的 Camaro 的家。 描述客户的简报: -提高地位/方正的影响的认识的棒约翰 Camaro 遗产月十周年 "的故事--让消费者通过社交媒体的 Facebook 粉丝, twitter followers 增加在线下单驱试验,对 Papa John 产品的销售和偏好的初步研究表明,雪佛兰 Camaro 车主对汽车的亲和力排名第二, 等品牌亲和力-收获在线--是至关重要的决定时,吃或缩小,尤其是在经济艰难时期。主要培训对象的运动是月-54 岁男性,密钥披萨吃消费。 结果: -提高地位/方正的影响的认识的棒约翰 Camaro 的遗产月十周年 "的故事--1,960 媒体刊登, 3.87亿印象活动参加者超过 200,000--让消费者通过社交媒体的 Facebook 粉丝,Twitter followers 增加在线订单-676,000 + 独特的游客 www.papasroadtrip.com-1,298 用户意见的客场之旅的博客-312,000 额外的 Facebook 粉丝; 3,372 新的关注者; 2,300 独特的鸣叫,达 675,000 万-17,500 + 增强现实下载-38,000 + 的 YouTube 的视频浏览-在线订单系统的比例从月 28% 促销驱试验期间,销售,最好的爸爸约翰的产品近 100万免费切片披萨发给在客场之旅--收入达 2%,在一般事务职类下跌-36,000 + 免费披萨兑换 “大黄蜂团聚的日子,“ 提高相对销售月百分比 执行: -创建引人注目的消费/月国的媒体活动设计的网站,作为虚拟中心的活动的社会媒体工具 (www.papasroadtrip.com)训练两个实习生 “卫兵的客场之旅, “掌握细节的博客和生产内容的 Facebook/Twitter 的/YouTube 网站开发的“ 增强现实 ”的标志打印 3000万比萨盒,带摄像头的虚拟旅行发现约翰原装卡玛洛, 新一期的活动迅速取得成果,通过下面的: 确定真伪原装 Camaro 的存档双态分析个人财产和车辆记录-原业主看到采访时发现了约翰的搜索中一个足球游戏制作了一个媒体的 “团圆” 活动棒约翰总部与约翰交换 $250,000 的支票的键的 Camaro,执行全国免费匹萨有奖问答的所有业主的 Camaro 的一天后的 Camaro团聚 情况: 周年庆棒约翰月创始人约翰 Schnatter 开始在很多城市道路去满足他的忠实客户,员工, 同时,讲述了他如何卖自己心爱的 Camaro Z28 启动全球第三大比萨公司。还有两个大学实习生 (“卫兵”) 记述了最初的 Camaro 的通过社会媒体渠道。十个星期-1,960 媒体安排; 1,298 博客和 6% 的在线销售后,Schnatter 发现他失散已久的车,并与数以百万计的人, 转变成一个前所未有的品牌忠诚度的现行和新的客户。 战略: 不同于其主要竞争对手 (必胜客多米诺) 、棒约翰具有无与伦比的资产,该公司创始人提供即时识别 “以人为本” 的品牌。利用该资产,下列战略提出了工作--宣布全国的 Camaro,提供 $25,000 (后调升至 $250,000) “奖金” 为其返回让消费者在历史的品牌派约翰在很多城市的 “的客场之旅, ”上的副本 '71 Z28 Camaro-再告诉棒约翰传统故事和重新介绍约翰为现代EntrepReneurial 成功故事 -- 利用新的和新兴的媒体技术来推动在线参与,包括增强现实应用 -- 美国有史以来第一个包装 (3000万个比萨盒) --社交媒体,包括博客、推特、 Flickr/Facebook 照片和 YouTube 视频 -- 在 “爸爸” 约翰与他的 Camaro 正式团聚的第二天,向全国各地的 Camaro 老板提供免费的大披萨


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In 1984, “Papa” John Schnatter loved two things: cars and pizza. But one had to go. So, in ‘84 he sold his beloved 1971 Z28 Chevrolet Camaro for $2,800 to save his father’s struggling tavern and begin selling pizzas out of a broom closet in the back of the bar. Twenty-five years later, Papa John’s Pizza is the world’s third-largest pizza company. Yet, John still longed for his Camaro, which epitomized all that he sacrificed to fulfill his “American Dream.” So, as part of the company’s 25th Anniversary celebration, Papa John’s turned to us to retell the story of Papa John’s beginnings and the company’s entrepreneurial spirit. We responded with a “Road Trip” that included a nationwide hunt for the Camaro, trips with John to 10 states meeting hundreds of thousands of people, adventurous stunts/events in each city, and blogs, videos and augmented reality to capsulate the 2 ½ month voyage. After more than 1,960 stories, 2,300 tweets, and thousands of messages of support from fans across the country and millions of pizzas sold, “Papa John” achieved what everyone thought was impossible: he brought his Camaro home. Describe the brief from the client: - Elevate status/influence of Founder by increasing awareness of Papa John’s Camaro heritage story during 25th Anniversary - Engage consumers through social media to drive Facebook fans, Twitter followers and increase online orders - Drive trial, sales and preference of Papa John’s products Primary research showed that Chevy Camaro owners rank the second-highest in affinity for their automobiles, and such brand affinity – harvested online – is critical when deciding to eat in or out, especially in a tough economy. Primary target audience for the campaign was 25- to 54-year-old males, the key pizza-eating consumer. Results: - Elevate status/influence of Founder by increasing awareness of Papa John’s Camaro heritage story during 25th Anniversary - 1,960 media placements, 387 million impressions - Event attendees exceeded 200,000 - Engage consumers through social media to drive Facebook fans, Twitter followers and increase online orders - 676,000+ unique visitors to www.papasroadtrip.com - 1,298 user comments on Road Trip blog - 312,000 additional Facebook fans; 3,372 new Twitter followers; 2,300 unique tweets, reaching 675,000 people - 17,500+ Augmented Reality downloads - 38,000+ YouTube video views - Percentage of online orders systemwide rose from 22 to 28 percent during promotion - Drive trial, sales, and preference of Papa John’s products - Nearly 1 million free pizza slices distributed during Road Trip - Earnings up 2 percent, when overall category was down - 36,000+ free pizzas redeemed on “Camaro Reunion Day,” raising comparative sales 25 percent Execution: - Created high-profile consumer/media events in 10 states - Designed Web site to serve as virtual hub for campaign’s social media tools (www.papasroadtrip.com) - Trained two interns to serve as Road Trip “sidekicks,” mastering details of blogging and producing content for Facebook/ Twitter/YouTube - Developed “Augmented Reality” mark to print on 30 million pizza boxes and be used with Webcam for virtual Road Trip Upon discovery of John’s original Camaro, a new phase of the campaign quickly came to fruition, through the following: - Determined authenticity of the original Camaro through analysis of archived bi-state personal property and vehicle records – found when the original owners saw an interview with John regarding the search during a football game - Produced a media-friendly “reunion” event at Papa John’s headquarters with John exchanging $250,000 check for keys to Camaro - Implemented national free pizza giveaway to all Camaro owners the day after Camaro reunion The Situation: To celebrate Papa John’s 25th Anniversary, founder John Schnatter embarked on a multi-city Road Trip to meet his loyal customers and employees, while telling the story of how he sold his beloved Z28 Camaro to start the world’s third-largest pizza company. Along were two college interns (“sidekicks”) chronicling the search for that original Camaro via social media channels. Ten weeks – 1,960 media placements; 1,298 blogs and 6 percent increase in online sales – later, Schnatter found his long-lost car, and connected with millions of people, translating into an unprecedented level of brand loyalty for current and new customers. The Strategy: Unlike its primary competitors (Pizza Hut, Dominos), Papa John’s has an unrivaled asset in that its company founder provides an immediately recognisable “face” of the brand. To leverage that asset, the following strategies were put to work: - Announce nationwide search for Camaro, offering $25,000 (later upped to $250,000) “bounty” for its return - Engage consumers in history of brand by sending John on a multi-city “Road Trip,” aboard a replica of his ’71 Z28 Camaro - Re-tell Papa John’s heritage story and re-introduce John as modern-day entrepreneurial success story - Utilise new and emerging media techniques to drive online engagement, including augmented reality application – the first ever put on packaging in the U.S. (30 million pizza boxes) – and social media, including a blog, Twitter, Flickr/Facebook photos, and YouTube videos - Offer free large pizza to Camaro owners nationwide the day after “Papa” John was officially reunited with his Camaro

    Riding Shotgun with Papa

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 1984,“爸爸” 约翰 Schnatter 爱的两件事: 汽车和比萨饼。但不得不走。所以,卖掉了自己心爱的 1971 雪佛兰 Camaro Z28 '84 为 $2,800 的父亲陷入困境的酒馆和开始卖披萨饼出一把扫帚壁橱后面的酒吧。25 十年后棒约翰比萨是世界第三大比萨公司。但是,约翰仍然渴望他的 Camaro,概括了所有他的牺牲来实现他的 “美国梦。 “所以,作为公司的月周年庆、棒约翰棒约翰转向我们复述故事的开端和该公司的企业精神。我们提供了一个 “旅行”,其中包括全国搜寻的 Camaro,考察与约翰的月是否达到数十万人,冒险特技/活动在每个城市, 博客、视频和增强现实的胶囊月上半个月。经过超过 1,960 层,2,300 发布的信息,和球迷的支持从全国各地数以百万计的比萨饼出售,“棒约翰” 取得什么每个人都认为是不可能的: 他把他的 Camaro 的家。 描述客户的简报: -提高地位/方正的影响的认识的棒约翰 Camaro 遗产月十周年 "的故事--让消费者通过社交媒体的 Facebook 粉丝, twitter followers 增加在线下单驱试验,对 Papa John 产品的销售和偏好的初步研究表明,雪佛兰 Camaro 车主对汽车的亲和力排名第二, 等品牌亲和力-收获在线--是至关重要的决定时,吃或缩小,尤其是在经济艰难时期。主要培训对象的运动是月-54 岁男性,密钥披萨吃消费。 结果: -提高地位/方正的影响的认识的棒约翰 Camaro 的遗产月十周年 "的故事--1,960 媒体刊登, 3.87亿印象活动参加者超过 200,000--让消费者通过社交媒体的 Facebook 粉丝,Twitter followers 增加在线订单-676,000 + 独特的游客 www.papasroadtrip.com-1,298 用户意见的客场之旅的博客-312,000 额外的 Facebook 粉丝; 3,372 新的关注者; 2,300 独特的鸣叫,达 675,000 万-17,500 + 增强现实下载-38,000 + 的 YouTube 的视频浏览-在线订单系统的比例从月 28% 促销驱试验期间,销售,最好的爸爸约翰的产品近 100万免费切片披萨发给在客场之旅--收入达 2%,在一般事务职类下跌-36,000 + 免费披萨兑换 “大黄蜂团聚的日子,“ 提高相对销售月百分比 执行: -创建引人注目的消费/月国的媒体活动设计的网站,作为虚拟中心的活动的社会媒体工具 (www.papasroadtrip.com)训练两个实习生 “卫兵的客场之旅, “掌握细节的博客和生产内容的 Facebook/Twitter 的/YouTube 网站开发的“ 增强现实 ”的标志打印 3000万比萨盒,带摄像头的虚拟旅行发现约翰原装卡玛洛, 新一期的活动迅速取得成果,通过下面的: 确定真伪原装 Camaro 的存档双态分析个人财产和车辆记录-原业主看到采访时发现了约翰的搜索中一个足球游戏制作了一个媒体的 “团圆” 活动棒约翰总部与约翰交换 $250,000 的支票的键的 Camaro,执行全国免费匹萨有奖问答的所有业主的 Camaro 的一天后的 Camaro团聚 情况: 周年庆棒约翰月创始人约翰 Schnatter 开始在很多城市道路去满足他的忠实客户,员工, 同时,讲述了他如何卖自己心爱的 Camaro Z28 启动全球第三大比萨公司。还有两个大学实习生 (“卫兵”) 记述了最初的 Camaro 的通过社会媒体渠道。十个星期-1,960 媒体安排; 1,298 博客和 6% 的在线销售后,Schnatter 发现他失散已久的车,并与数以百万计的人, 转变成一个前所未有的品牌忠诚度的现行和新的客户。 战略: 不同于其主要竞争对手 (必胜客多米诺) 、棒约翰具有无与伦比的资产,该公司创始人提供即时识别 “以人为本” 的品牌。利用该资产,下列战略提出了工作--宣布全国的 Camaro,提供 $25,000 (后调升至 $250,000) “奖金” 为其返回让消费者在历史的品牌派约翰在很多城市的 “的客场之旅, ”上的副本 '71 Z28 Camaro-再告诉棒约翰传统故事和重新介绍约翰为现代EntrepReneurial 成功故事 -- 利用新的和新兴的媒体技术来推动在线参与,包括增强现实应用 -- 美国有史以来第一个包装 (3000万个比萨盒) --社交媒体,包括博客、推特、 Flickr/Facebook 照片和 YouTube 视频 -- 在 “爸爸” 约翰与他的 Camaro 正式团聚的第二天,向全国各地的 Camaro 老板提供免费的大披萨

    Riding Shotgun with Papa

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In 1984, “Papa” John Schnatter loved two things: cars and pizza. But one had to go. So, in ‘84 he sold his beloved 1971 Z28 Chevrolet Camaro for $2,800 to save his father’s struggling tavern and begin selling pizzas out of a broom closet in the back of the bar. Twenty-five years later, Papa John’s Pizza is the world’s third-largest pizza company. Yet, John still longed for his Camaro, which epitomized all that he sacrificed to fulfill his “American Dream.” So, as part of the company’s 25th Anniversary celebration, Papa John’s turned to us to retell the story of Papa John’s beginnings and the company’s entrepreneurial spirit. We responded with a “Road Trip” that included a nationwide hunt for the Camaro, trips with John to 10 states meeting hundreds of thousands of people, adventurous stunts/events in each city, and blogs, videos and augmented reality to capsulate the 2 ½ month voyage. After more than 1,960 stories, 2,300 tweets, and thousands of messages of support from fans across the country and millions of pizzas sold, “Papa John” achieved what everyone thought was impossible: he brought his Camaro home. Describe the brief from the client: - Elevate status/influence of Founder by increasing awareness of Papa John’s Camaro heritage story during 25th Anniversary - Engage consumers through social media to drive Facebook fans, Twitter followers and increase online orders - Drive trial, sales and preference of Papa John’s products Primary research showed that Chevy Camaro owners rank the second-highest in affinity for their automobiles, and such brand affinity – harvested online – is critical when deciding to eat in or out, especially in a tough economy. Primary target audience for the campaign was 25- to 54-year-old males, the key pizza-eating consumer. Results: - Elevate status/influence of Founder by increasing awareness of Papa John’s Camaro heritage story during 25th Anniversary - 1,960 media placements, 387 million impressions - Event attendees exceeded 200,000 - Engage consumers through social media to drive Facebook fans, Twitter followers and increase online orders - 676,000+ unique visitors to www.papasroadtrip.com - 1,298 user comments on Road Trip blog - 312,000 additional Facebook fans; 3,372 new Twitter followers; 2,300 unique tweets, reaching 675,000 people - 17,500+ Augmented Reality downloads - 38,000+ YouTube video views - Percentage of online orders systemwide rose from 22 to 28 percent during promotion - Drive trial, sales, and preference of Papa John’s products - Nearly 1 million free pizza slices distributed during Road Trip - Earnings up 2 percent, when overall category was down - 36,000+ free pizzas redeemed on “Camaro Reunion Day,” raising comparative sales 25 percent Execution: - Created high-profile consumer/media events in 10 states - Designed Web site to serve as virtual hub for campaign’s social media tools (www.papasroadtrip.com) - Trained two interns to serve as Road Trip “sidekicks,” mastering details of blogging and producing content for Facebook/ Twitter/YouTube - Developed “Augmented Reality” mark to print on 30 million pizza boxes and be used with Webcam for virtual Road Trip Upon discovery of John’s original Camaro, a new phase of the campaign quickly came to fruition, through the following: - Determined authenticity of the original Camaro through analysis of archived bi-state personal property and vehicle records – found when the original owners saw an interview with John regarding the search during a football game - Produced a media-friendly “reunion” event at Papa John’s headquarters with John exchanging $250,000 check for keys to Camaro - Implemented national free pizza giveaway to all Camaro owners the day after Camaro reunion The Situation: To celebrate Papa John’s 25th Anniversary, founder John Schnatter embarked on a multi-city Road Trip to meet his loyal customers and employees, while telling the story of how he sold his beloved Z28 Camaro to start the world’s third-largest pizza company. Along were two college interns (“sidekicks”) chronicling the search for that original Camaro via social media channels. Ten weeks – 1,960 media placements; 1,298 blogs and 6 percent increase in online sales – later, Schnatter found his long-lost car, and connected with millions of people, translating into an unprecedented level of brand loyalty for current and new customers. The Strategy: Unlike its primary competitors (Pizza Hut, Dominos), Papa John’s has an unrivaled asset in that its company founder provides an immediately recognisable “face” of the brand. To leverage that asset, the following strategies were put to work: - Announce nationwide search for Camaro, offering $25,000 (later upped to $250,000) “bounty” for its return - Engage consumers in history of brand by sending John on a multi-city “Road Trip,” aboard a replica of his ’71 Z28 Camaro - Re-tell Papa John’s heritage story and re-introduce John as modern-day entrepreneurial success story - Utilise new and emerging media techniques to drive online engagement, including augmented reality application – the first ever put on packaging in the U.S. (30 million pizza boxes) – and social media, including a blog, Twitter, Flickr/Facebook photos, and YouTube videos - Offer free large pizza to Camaro owners nationwide the day after “Papa” John was officially reunited with his Camaro



    Riding Shotgun with Papa










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