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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐相关? 如今,娱乐内容的消费已转向按需逻辑,这意味着受众不再与特定的日期或时间联系在一起。 我们以前做了什么来确保没有人错过La Reina del Sur 2,并在电视上播放时看到它的直播? 我们创建了一个有趣的活动,我们只是简单地讲述了上一集发生的事情。是的,我们用一切可能的手段宠坏了它。甚至演员也加入了他们的网络。 背景 情况 今天,大多数人看到在线平台上的节目,无论是流媒体服务还是非法的,这要归功于这些平台的可访问性,可用的内容 (所有Telemundo系列都在那里),对无限数据的访问以及美国西班牙裔人口中智能手机的大量可用性。 ● 简介 我们必须让人们想在Telemundo上关注La Reina del Sur 2,并承诺每周5天,而不是等到明年在Netflix上看到它。 目标 产生一种紧迫感,在Telemundo上看到这个新的LRDS季节。产生 “集体时刻” 或事件的感觉。 重新吸引观众 (保留原始观众并吸引新观众)。 描述创意 在移动电视时代,如何说服每个人在同一天,在同一时间和同一频道上观看它? 我们诉诸于每个人都试图避免的事情: 破坏者。在每一集之后,我们都淹没了媒体,讲述发生了什么,主角自己甚至加入了他们的网络和电视节目。 描述策略 目标受众 (消费者人口统计/个人/组织) 美国的西班牙裔观众 (60m/ 60% 墨西哥人> 大部分来自墨西哥北部: 工人,顺从者,“闻所未闻”) Telemundo黄金时段观众: 男性和女性,平均年龄40岁,超互联,主要是墨西哥人 (不一定是双语) ·方法 媒体战略基于高影响力车辆的使用,同时考虑到目标的媒体消费。 描述执行情况 执行战略上分为两个阶段。 在系列开始前几周,我们开始对即将到来的剧透产生预期。我们使用了Telemundo和LRDS2的社交网络,以及DOOH和报纸。 系列开始后,我们就从剧透开始,目的是使节目吸引观众。我们添加了自己的才能 (来自系列和链的其余部分),以最大程度地发挥影响。 描述结果 在过去两年的总观众和18-49岁的成年人中,最佳首映。昨晚在下午10点的电话增加了一倍多。 La Reina Del Sur的S2首映式在A18-49中不分语言,均排名第一。 La Reina del Sur 2首映是不分语言的社交戏剧系列第一名。 预告片中总共有8,100,000个复制品: 一个新的记录。(Youtube,Facebook和Twitter)。 1,300,000的社会印象和超过250万独特的观众在首映当天。 不仅在迈阿密,还在纽约,达拉斯和休斯顿,记录观众人数。 Telemundo应用程序是美国ITunes应用程序商店的一种趋势,这是有史以来第一次。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? Today the consumption of entertainment contents has shifted to an On Demand logic, meaning that audiences are no longer tied to a specific day or time. What did we use to do to ensure nobody missed La Reina del Sur 2, and saw it live whenever it went out on TV? We created an amusing campaign in which we simply told what had happened in the previous episode. Yes, we spoilt it by all possible means. Even the actors joined in on their networks. Background • Situation Most people today see shows on online platforms, whether streaming services or illegally, thanks to the accessibility of these platforms, the content available (all the Telemundo series are there), access to unlimited data and massive availability of smartphones among the Hispano population of the USA. • Brief We had to get people to want to follow La Reina del Sur 2 on Telemundo with a commitment of 5 days a week, and not wait to see it on Netflix next year. • Objectives To generate a sense of urgency to see this new season of LRDS on Telemundo. To generate the sensation of a “collective moment” or event. To recaptivate audiences (retaining the originals and capturing new viewers). Describe the creative idea In the age of mobile TV, how can everybody be persuaded to watch it on the same day, at the same time and on the same channel? We resorted to what everyone tries to avoid: spoilers. After each episode we inundated the media telling what had happened, and the protagonists themselves even joined in on their networks and TV programmes. Describe the strategy • Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/organisations) Hispanic audience in the US (60m/ 60% Mexicans > mostly from the north of Mexico: workers, submissives, “the unheard”) Telemundo Primetime audience: Men and women, average age 40, hyperconnected, mostly Mexicans (not necessarily bilingual) • Approach The media strategy was based on the use of high-impact vehicles taking into account the target’s media consumption. Describe the execution The execution was strategically divided into two stages. Some weeks before the start of the series we began to generate anticipation about the spoilers to come. We used the social networks of Telemundo and LRDS2, as well as DOOH and newspapers. Once the series had begun, we started with the spoilers aiming with the programming to keep the audience hooked. We added our own talent (from the series and the rest of the chain) to maximise impact. Describe the outcome Best premiere in the past two years among total viewers and adults 18-49. TEL more than doubled UNIVISION at 10pm last night. La Reina Del Sur’s S2 premiere ranked as the #1 program regardless of language for the time slot among A18-49. La Reina del Sur 2 premiere was the #1 most social drama series regardless of language. 8,100,000 reproductions in total of the trailer: a new record. (Youtube, Facebook and Twitter). 1,300,000 social impressions and over 2.5 million unique viewers on the day of the premiere. Record audience figures not only in Miami: also in New York, Dallas and Houston. The Telemundo app was a trend in the ITunes App Store in the United States for the first time ever.


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐相关? 如今,娱乐内容的消费已转向按需逻辑,这意味着受众不再与特定的日期或时间联系在一起。 我们以前做了什么来确保没有人错过La Reina del Sur 2,并在电视上播放时看到它的直播? 我们创建了一个有趣的活动,我们只是简单地讲述了上一集发生的事情。是的,我们用一切可能的手段宠坏了它。甚至演员也加入了他们的网络。 背景 情况 今天,大多数人看到在线平台上的节目,无论是流媒体服务还是非法的,这要归功于这些平台的可访问性,可用的内容 (所有Telemundo系列都在那里),对无限数据的访问以及美国西班牙裔人口中智能手机的大量可用性。 ● 简介 我们必须让人们想在Telemundo上关注La Reina del Sur 2,并承诺每周5天,而不是等到明年在Netflix上看到它。 目标 产生一种紧迫感,在Telemundo上看到这个新的LRDS季节。产生 “集体时刻” 或事件的感觉。 重新吸引观众 (保留原始观众并吸引新观众)。 描述创意 在移动电视时代,如何说服每个人在同一天,在同一时间和同一频道上观看它? 我们诉诸于每个人都试图避免的事情: 破坏者。在每一集之后,我们都淹没了媒体,讲述发生了什么,主角自己甚至加入了他们的网络和电视节目。 描述策略 目标受众 (消费者人口统计/个人/组织) 美国的西班牙裔观众 (60m/ 60% 墨西哥人> 大部分来自墨西哥北部: 工人,顺从者,“闻所未闻”) Telemundo黄金时段观众: 男性和女性,平均年龄40岁,超互联,主要是墨西哥人 (不一定是双语) ·方法 媒体战略基于高影响力车辆的使用,同时考虑到目标的媒体消费。 描述执行情况 执行战略上分为两个阶段。 在系列开始前几周,我们开始对即将到来的剧透产生预期。我们使用了Telemundo和LRDS2的社交网络,以及DOOH和报纸。 系列开始后,我们就从剧透开始,目的是使节目吸引观众。我们添加了自己的才能 (来自系列和链的其余部分),以最大程度地发挥影响。 描述结果 在过去两年的总观众和18-49岁的成年人中,最佳首映。昨晚在下午10点的电话增加了一倍多。 La Reina Del Sur的S2首映式在A18-49中不分语言,均排名第一。 La Reina del Sur 2首映是不分语言的社交戏剧系列第一名。 预告片中总共有8,100,000个复制品: 一个新的记录。(Youtube,Facebook和Twitter)。 1,300,000的社会印象和超过250万独特的观众在首映当天。 不仅在迈阿密,还在纽约,达拉斯和休斯顿,记录观众人数。 Telemundo应用程序是美国ITunes应用程序商店的一种趋势,这是有史以来第一次。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? Today the consumption of entertainment contents has shifted to an On Demand logic, meaning that audiences are no longer tied to a specific day or time. What did we use to do to ensure nobody missed La Reina del Sur 2, and saw it live whenever it went out on TV? We created an amusing campaign in which we simply told what had happened in the previous episode. Yes, we spoilt it by all possible means. Even the actors joined in on their networks. Background • Situation Most people today see shows on online platforms, whether streaming services or illegally, thanks to the accessibility of these platforms, the content available (all the Telemundo series are there), access to unlimited data and massive availability of smartphones among the Hispano population of the USA. • Brief We had to get people to want to follow La Reina del Sur 2 on Telemundo with a commitment of 5 days a week, and not wait to see it on Netflix next year. • Objectives To generate a sense of urgency to see this new season of LRDS on Telemundo. To generate the sensation of a “collective moment” or event. To recaptivate audiences (retaining the originals and capturing new viewers). Describe the creative idea In the age of mobile TV, how can everybody be persuaded to watch it on the same day, at the same time and on the same channel? We resorted to what everyone tries to avoid: spoilers. After each episode we inundated the media telling what had happened, and the protagonists themselves even joined in on their networks and TV programmes. Describe the strategy • Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/organisations) Hispanic audience in the US (60m/ 60% Mexicans > mostly from the north of Mexico: workers, submissives, “the unheard”) Telemundo Primetime audience: Men and women, average age 40, hyperconnected, mostly Mexicans (not necessarily bilingual) • Approach The media strategy was based on the use of high-impact vehicles taking into account the target’s media consumption. Describe the execution The execution was strategically divided into two stages. Some weeks before the start of the series we began to generate anticipation about the spoilers to come. We used the social networks of Telemundo and LRDS2, as well as DOOH and newspapers. Once the series had begun, we started with the spoilers aiming with the programming to keep the audience hooked. We added our own talent (from the series and the rest of the chain) to maximise impact. Describe the outcome Best premiere in the past two years among total viewers and adults 18-49. TEL more than doubled UNIVISION at 10pm last night. La Reina Del Sur’s S2 premiere ranked as the #1 program regardless of language for the time slot among A18-49. La Reina del Sur 2 premiere was the #1 most social drama series regardless of language. 8,100,000 reproductions in total of the trailer: a new record. (Youtube, Facebook and Twitter). 1,300,000 social impressions and over 2.5 million unique viewers on the day of the premiere. Record audience figures not only in Miami: also in New York, Dallas and Houston. The Telemundo app was a trend in the ITunes App Store in the United States for the first time ever.













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