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    BBC 之家: 虚拟现实太空行走

    案例简介:执行 Brand ancehome 在如何提供信息、教育和娱乐方面保持了英国广播公司悠久的创新历史。BBC 的虚拟现实是关于探索和理解新媒体和它的观众。Home 不仅在探索技术方面,而且在探索媒体中新兴的讲故事语言方面,在英国广播公司内外都处于领先地位。方法和过程体验在虚幻引擎 4 中开发,以推动尽可能高的视觉保真度,并伴随着经过处理的空间音频。该团队与剧本作家马可 · 克里夫拉里合作开发叙事,并咨询了欧空局专家和宇航员。材料、风格、设计选择经验包括地球和大气现象的随机视图。国际空间站是使用海恩斯手册建造的 -- 这是你能找到的最详细和最准确的计划 -- 并按照现实世界的规模建造。实现蓝牙心率监视器将反馈到体验中,重现自己心跳的声音。这与一个集成的实时麦克风相结合,为用户提供声学处理并返回体验。环境声音是空间的,创造了宇航员头盔的幽闭恐惧症,以及你自己身体和太空服生命支持系统的令人不安的声音。游戏椅也用于提供触觉反馈。最后,对于选定的现场观看,我们加入了一个现场配音演员,他能够在剧本上即兴表演,与玩家交谈,观察和应对他们的困境。 timelineIt 花了我们六个月的时间创造家园: 两个月的研究和规划,以及另一个四个月的发展。Touch points & placementHome 将从 HTC Vive 的 Steam 和 Oculus Rift 的 Oculus 商店下载。360 视频将可用于移动/社交媒体观看和 Gear VR。 活动描述 我们与英国广播公司数字工作室、英国广播公司科学工作室和英国广播公司学习合作,创造了史诗般的 15 分钟沉浸式虚拟现实体验。Home 作为虚拟现实的目标是将强烈的叙事和戏剧感与身临其境的体验中难以置信的影响结合起来,以鼓励和提高公众对空间的兴趣。互动体验让你穿越空间站,乘坐 Canadarm 旅行,乘坐喷气式飞机回到安全的地方。它把你放在故事的中心,带你踏上情感和个人的旅程,同时传递美丽、令人心跳停止和难忘的时刻。

    BBC 之家: 虚拟现实太空行走

    案例简介:Execution Brand RelevanceHome maintains the BBC’s long history of innovation in how it informs, educates and entertains. VR at the BBC is about exploration & understanding the new medium and it’s audience. Home has led the way inside and out of the BBC in not just exploring the technology but the emerging language of storytelling in the medium. Methods & ProcessThe experience is developed in Unreal Engine 4 to push for the highest possible visual fidelity and is accompanied with treated, spatial audio. The team worked with script writer Marco Crivellari to develop the narrative and consulted with ESA experts and astronauts.Materials, style, design choicesThe experience encompasses randomised views of the earth and atmospheric phenomenon. The ISS was constructed using a Haynes Manual - the most detailed and accurate plan you can find - and built to real-world scale. ImplementationBluetooth heart rate monitors feedback into the experience, recreating the sound of your own heartbeat. This is combined with an integrated live mic for the user that is acoustically treated and delivered back into the experience. The ambient sound is spatial and creates the claustrophobia of the astronaut’s helmet and the unnerving sounds of your own body and your space suit's life support system. A gaming chair is also used to provide haptic feedback. Finally for selected live viewings we incorporate a live voice actor who is able to ad-lib on the script, conversing with the player and observing and responding to their predicament.TimelineIt took us six months to create Home: two months researching and planning and another four months of development. Touch points & placementHome will be available to download from Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Stores for Oculus Rift. 360° videos will be available for mobile/social media viewing and Gear VR. CampaignDescription We collaborated with BBC Studios Digital, BBC Studios Science and BBC Learning to create an epic 15-minute immersive virtual reality experience. Home’s ambition as a piece of VR is to combine a strong narrative and sense of drama with the incredible impact possible in an immersive experience to encourage and enhance the public’s interest in space. The interactive experience sees you traversing the space station, journeying on the Canadarm and jet-packing back to safety. It puts you at the centre of the story, taking you on an emotional and personal journey whilst delivering beautiful, heart-stopping and memorable moments.

    BBC Home: A VR Spacewalk

    案例简介:执行 Brand ancehome 在如何提供信息、教育和娱乐方面保持了英国广播公司悠久的创新历史。BBC 的虚拟现实是关于探索和理解新媒体和它的观众。Home 不仅在探索技术方面,而且在探索媒体中新兴的讲故事语言方面,在英国广播公司内外都处于领先地位。方法和过程体验在虚幻引擎 4 中开发,以推动尽可能高的视觉保真度,并伴随着经过处理的空间音频。该团队与剧本作家马可 · 克里夫拉里合作开发叙事,并咨询了欧空局专家和宇航员。材料、风格、设计选择经验包括地球和大气现象的随机视图。国际空间站是使用海恩斯手册建造的 -- 这是你能找到的最详细和最准确的计划 -- 并按照现实世界的规模建造。实现蓝牙心率监视器将反馈到体验中,重现自己心跳的声音。这与一个集成的实时麦克风相结合,为用户提供声学处理并返回体验。环境声音是空间的,创造了宇航员头盔的幽闭恐惧症,以及你自己身体和太空服生命支持系统的令人不安的声音。游戏椅也用于提供触觉反馈。最后,对于选定的现场观看,我们加入了一个现场配音演员,他能够在剧本上即兴表演,与玩家交谈,观察和应对他们的困境。 timelineIt 花了我们六个月的时间创造家园: 两个月的研究和规划,以及另一个四个月的发展。Touch points & placementHome 将从 HTC Vive 的 Steam 和 Oculus Rift 的 Oculus 商店下载。360 视频将可用于移动/社交媒体观看和 Gear VR。 活动描述 我们与英国广播公司数字工作室、英国广播公司科学工作室和英国广播公司学习合作,创造了史诗般的 15 分钟沉浸式虚拟现实体验。Home 作为虚拟现实的目标是将强烈的叙事和戏剧感与身临其境的体验中难以置信的影响结合起来,以鼓励和提高公众对空间的兴趣。互动体验让你穿越空间站,乘坐 Canadarm 旅行,乘坐喷气式飞机回到安全的地方。它把你放在故事的中心,带你踏上情感和个人的旅程,同时传递美丽、令人心跳停止和难忘的时刻。

    BBC Home: A VR Spacewalk

    案例简介:Execution Brand RelevanceHome maintains the BBC’s long history of innovation in how it informs, educates and entertains. VR at the BBC is about exploration & understanding the new medium and it’s audience. Home has led the way inside and out of the BBC in not just exploring the technology but the emerging language of storytelling in the medium. Methods & ProcessThe experience is developed in Unreal Engine 4 to push for the highest possible visual fidelity and is accompanied with treated, spatial audio. The team worked with script writer Marco Crivellari to develop the narrative and consulted with ESA experts and astronauts.Materials, style, design choicesThe experience encompasses randomised views of the earth and atmospheric phenomenon. The ISS was constructed using a Haynes Manual - the most detailed and accurate plan you can find - and built to real-world scale. ImplementationBluetooth heart rate monitors feedback into the experience, recreating the sound of your own heartbeat. This is combined with an integrated live mic for the user that is acoustically treated and delivered back into the experience. The ambient sound is spatial and creates the claustrophobia of the astronaut’s helmet and the unnerving sounds of your own body and your space suit's life support system. A gaming chair is also used to provide haptic feedback. Finally for selected live viewings we incorporate a live voice actor who is able to ad-lib on the script, conversing with the player and observing and responding to their predicament.TimelineIt took us six months to create Home: two months researching and planning and another four months of development. Touch points & placementHome will be available to download from Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Stores for Oculus Rift. 360° videos will be available for mobile/social media viewing and Gear VR. CampaignDescription We collaborated with BBC Studios Digital, BBC Studios Science and BBC Learning to create an epic 15-minute immersive virtual reality experience. Home’s ambition as a piece of VR is to combine a strong narrative and sense of drama with the incredible impact possible in an immersive experience to encourage and enhance the public’s interest in space. The interactive experience sees you traversing the space station, journeying on the Canadarm and jet-packing back to safety. It puts you at the centre of the story, taking you on an emotional and personal journey whilst delivering beautiful, heart-stopping and memorable moments.

    BBC 之家: 虚拟现实太空行走


    BBC Home: A VR Spacewalk






    广告公司: BBC (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Rewind




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