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    # Takepause

    案例简介:概要 BMO 成立于 1817年,是加拿大历史最悠久的银行,为 1200万多名个人、商业、企业和机构客户提供服务。但由于人们对银行的信任度一直很低,蒙特利尔银行需要找到一种方法,与他们当前和潜在的客户建立更深层次的有意义的联系。因此,我们的挑战是让 BMO 更相关,更受年轻观众的信任,同时保留 BMO 传统和遗产的品牌价值。 战略 你如何让一个充满噪音和对话的环境静音?使用 hashtag # takepause,我们能够做最初似乎不可能的事情。在纪念日的四天里,BMO 发布了一系列推广帖子,这些帖子与加拿大社交媒体生态系统的一半以上有关。我们的帖子邀请人们访问我们的品牌页面,一旦在那里,他们被邀请在 11:00 在他们的 Facebook 和 Twitter 订阅源上选择一分钟的数字沉默。 相关性 当加拿大国家在 2015年11月11日上午11点为纪念退伍军人默哀时,蒙特利尔银行 (BMO)通过停止网络来吸引年轻观众,在社交媒体上创造一个类似的沉默时刻。在纪念日为 BMO 激活 # TakePause 是唯一可能的,因为我们获得了允许我们使用的新技术同时在上午11点的时候在推特和 Facebook 上发布一分钟的沉默,我们的想法在社交网络上迅速传播,在 Facebook 和 Facebook 上创造了超过 120万的股份推特。 结果 最终的数字看起来棒极了: Facebook 和 Twitter 上有超过 1.2 股股票,产生了 2.1 的印象。成千上万的人发布了故事和回忆。BMO 变得更有意义,更受年轻一代加拿大人的信任。 执行 与 Thunderclap 合作,我们创造了一项新的技术,通过发布一段无声的一分钟罂粟视频,我们可以立即停止社交媒体的喋喋不休, 同时在 Twitter 和 Facebook 上订阅所有注册的人。在上午11点,跨越 6 个时区,加拿大的社交媒体变成了一片沉默的罂粟花。就在一分钟的沉默之后,就像我们所希望的那样,噪音开始了。为了纪念加拿大老兵,人们分享了自己的个人故事和记忆。 活动描述 自 2008 年上午11点以来,蒙特利尔银行 (BMO) 一直是加拿大国防部的官方银行。11月11日,加拿大人为纪念退伍军人默哀一分钟。一个非常强大和有意义的行为。那么,我们能找到一种方法来帮助年轻人观察沉默的时刻,展示他们对退伍军人的支持,同时也让他们更接近 BMO 吗? 我们决定最好的方法是尝试让一个永远不安静的地方安静下来:社交媒体的世界。我们创造了 # TakePause。

    # Takepause

    案例简介:Synopsis Established in 1817, BMO is Canada’s oldest bank, serving more than 12 million personal, commercial, corporate and institutional customers.But with people's trust in Banks at an all time low, Bank of Montreal needed to find a way to create a deeper meaningful connection with their current and potential customers. So, our challenge was to make BMO more relevant and trusted by a younger audience, while retaining BMO’s brand values of tradition and heritage. Strategy How do you mute an environment that is all about noise and conversations? Using hashtag #takepause we were able to do what at first had seemed impossible.During the four days leading into Remembrance Day BMO ran a series of promoted posts that connected with over half of the total Canadian social media eco-system. Our posts invited people to visit our branded page and once there they were invited to opt-in to one minute of digital silence on their Facebook and Twitter feeds at exactly 11:00. Relevancy While the Canadian nation observed a moment of silence to honor war veterans on November 11th 2015 at precisely 11am, Bank of Montreal (BMO) engaged a younger audience by stopping the web to create a parallel moment of silence on social media.The activation of #TakePause for BMO on Remembrance Day was only possible because we sourced new technology that allowed us to simultaneously post a minute of silence across the Twitter and Facebook profiles of everyone involved at exactly 11am.And our fantastic idea spread quickly across the social web creating more than 1.2 million shares on Facebook and Twitter. Outcome The final numbers looked fantastic: there were over 1.2M shares on Facebook and Twitter, and 2.1M impressions were generated. Thousands of people posted stories and reminiscences.And BMO became more meaningful and more trusted by a younger generation of Canadians. Execution Working together with Thunderclap, we created a new piece of technology that allowed us to instantly stop the social media chatter by posting a silent, one-minute video of poppies, simultaneously on the Twitter and Facebook feeds of everyone who had signed up.At exactly 11am, across 6 time zones, Canadian social media became a silent field of poppies.Immediately following the one-minute silence, just as we’d hoped, the noise began. People shared their own personal stories and memories in honor of Canadian veterans. Campaign Description Bank of Montreal (BMO) has been the official bank of the Canadian Defence Community since 2008.At 11am on the 11th of November, Canadians observe a minute of silence in remembrance of war veterans. A deeply powerful and meaningful act.So could we find a way to help younger people to observe the moment of silence and show their support for veterans while also bringing them closer to BMO?We decided the best way to do this was to try and silence the one place that is never quiet: the world of social media.We created #TakePause.


    案例简介:概要 BMO 成立于 1817年,是加拿大历史最悠久的银行,为 1200万多名个人、商业、企业和机构客户提供服务。但由于人们对银行的信任度一直很低,蒙特利尔银行需要找到一种方法,与他们当前和潜在的客户建立更深层次的有意义的联系。因此,我们的挑战是让 BMO 更相关,更受年轻观众的信任,同时保留 BMO 传统和遗产的品牌价值。 战略 你如何让一个充满噪音和对话的环境静音?使用 hashtag # takepause,我们能够做最初似乎不可能的事情。在纪念日的四天里,BMO 发布了一系列推广帖子,这些帖子与加拿大社交媒体生态系统的一半以上有关。我们的帖子邀请人们访问我们的品牌页面,一旦在那里,他们被邀请在 11:00 在他们的 Facebook 和 Twitter 订阅源上选择一分钟的数字沉默。 相关性 当加拿大国家在 2015年11月11日上午11点为纪念退伍军人默哀时,蒙特利尔银行 (BMO)通过停止网络来吸引年轻观众,在社交媒体上创造一个类似的沉默时刻。在纪念日为 BMO 激活 # TakePause 是唯一可能的,因为我们获得了允许我们使用的新技术同时在上午11点的时候在推特和 Facebook 上发布一分钟的沉默,我们的想法在社交网络上迅速传播,在 Facebook 和 Facebook 上创造了超过 120万的股份推特。 结果 最终的数字看起来棒极了: Facebook 和 Twitter 上有超过 1.2 股股票,产生了 2.1 的印象。成千上万的人发布了故事和回忆。BMO 变得更有意义,更受年轻一代加拿大人的信任。 执行 与 Thunderclap 合作,我们创造了一项新的技术,通过发布一段无声的一分钟罂粟视频,我们可以立即停止社交媒体的喋喋不休, 同时在 Twitter 和 Facebook 上订阅所有注册的人。在上午11点,跨越 6 个时区,加拿大的社交媒体变成了一片沉默的罂粟花。就在一分钟的沉默之后,就像我们所希望的那样,噪音开始了。为了纪念加拿大老兵,人们分享了自己的个人故事和记忆。 活动描述 自 2008 年上午11点以来,蒙特利尔银行 (BMO) 一直是加拿大国防部的官方银行。11月11日,加拿大人为纪念退伍军人默哀一分钟。一个非常强大和有意义的行为。那么,我们能找到一种方法来帮助年轻人观察沉默的时刻,展示他们对退伍军人的支持,同时也让他们更接近 BMO 吗? 我们决定最好的方法是尝试让一个永远不安静的地方安静下来:社交媒体的世界。我们创造了 # TakePause。


    案例简介:Synopsis Established in 1817, BMO is Canada’s oldest bank, serving more than 12 million personal, commercial, corporate and institutional customers.But with people's trust in Banks at an all time low, Bank of Montreal needed to find a way to create a deeper meaningful connection with their current and potential customers. So, our challenge was to make BMO more relevant and trusted by a younger audience, while retaining BMO’s brand values of tradition and heritage. Strategy How do you mute an environment that is all about noise and conversations? Using hashtag #takepause we were able to do what at first had seemed impossible.During the four days leading into Remembrance Day BMO ran a series of promoted posts that connected with over half of the total Canadian social media eco-system. Our posts invited people to visit our branded page and once there they were invited to opt-in to one minute of digital silence on their Facebook and Twitter feeds at exactly 11:00. Relevancy While the Canadian nation observed a moment of silence to honor war veterans on November 11th 2015 at precisely 11am, Bank of Montreal (BMO) engaged a younger audience by stopping the web to create a parallel moment of silence on social media.The activation of #TakePause for BMO on Remembrance Day was only possible because we sourced new technology that allowed us to simultaneously post a minute of silence across the Twitter and Facebook profiles of everyone involved at exactly 11am.And our fantastic idea spread quickly across the social web creating more than 1.2 million shares on Facebook and Twitter. Outcome The final numbers looked fantastic: there were over 1.2M shares on Facebook and Twitter, and 2.1M impressions were generated. Thousands of people posted stories and reminiscences.And BMO became more meaningful and more trusted by a younger generation of Canadians. Execution Working together with Thunderclap, we created a new piece of technology that allowed us to instantly stop the social media chatter by posting a silent, one-minute video of poppies, simultaneously on the Twitter and Facebook feeds of everyone who had signed up.At exactly 11am, across 6 time zones, Canadian social media became a silent field of poppies.Immediately following the one-minute silence, just as we’d hoped, the noise began. People shared their own personal stories and memories in honor of Canadian veterans. Campaign Description Bank of Montreal (BMO) has been the official bank of the Canadian Defence Community since 2008.At 11am on the 11th of November, Canadians observe a minute of silence in remembrance of war veterans. A deeply powerful and meaningful act.So could we find a way to help younger people to observe the moment of silence and show their support for veterans while also bringing them closer to BMO?We decided the best way to do this was to try and silence the one place that is never quiet: the world of social media.We created #TakePause.

    # Takepause












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