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    BE A MAN短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 在职业生涯中,瑞典女性从事同样的工作,平均比男性少挣 25 万欧元。每天,她在 4点后免费工作,而他直到五点才得到报酬。 那么一个女人要做什么来加薪呢? 答案很简单: 做一个男人。 瑞典最大的工会 komunal 的主席 Annelie nordstr ö m 决定通过 “性别改变” 来抗议工资歧视。 一段关于安妮莉极端改头换面的视频在短短 5 天内传播到 140 多个国家,在国际妇女节达到顶峰。 传统的公关工作和一些在线广告支持传播了这个词,并引导到网站上,这提供了一种快速进行性改变的简单方法,从而使每个人都能够加入抗议。 Komunal 是有史以来最大的反对工资不平等的表现 -- 在一些世界领先的媒体上出现,并在网上引起轰动,这项运动吸引了 2亿多人。 描述客户的简报: Kommunal 的首要目标是消除不平等的工资。这场运动的目的是发起一场关于结构性歧视的国际辩论,从而对国家政治家和舆论制定者施加额外压力。 结果: 该视频立即成为全球热门。在最初的 48 小时内,它获得了来自 100 多个国家的 100 000 次观看。然而,在一个视图出售的世界里,这并不一定意味着什么。 幸运的是,它没有停在那里。视频引发的讨论在社交媒体上引发了讨论,导致超过 16 000 条推特反应, 在推特上接触了超过 380 万的观众,在社交媒体上总共接触了 670 万。 这反过来又导致了总共 151 篇文章; 惠及 1.95亿多人。但真正的胜利不在于数量, 但事实上,瑞典的一场小型运动成功地成为全球的提醒,提醒我们在实现人人同工同酬之前,国际妇女节不是一个庆祝的日子。 执行: 瑞典最大的工会 komunal 的主席 Annelie nordstr ö m 决定通过在镜头前进行 “性别改变” 来抗议工资歧视。在化妆师和停止运动技术的帮助下,安妮莉在 47 秒内变成了一个男人。任何人都可以通过 Facebook 和移动应用程序轻松地接受她的 “成为男人” 邀请。结果不仅由用户发布,还在 BeAMan.se 上收集,形成了反对工资歧视的大规模表现。 这段视频是在传统新闻稿和大量手工制作的帮助下被投放到主要媒体和妇女组织的, 由博客网络和《纽约时报》和《金融时报》上的在线横幅支持。其余的是有机传播… 情况: 在职业生涯中,瑞典女性从事同样的工作,平均比男性少挣 25 万欧元。每天,她在 4点后免费工作,而他直到五点才得到报酬。 Komunal 是瑞典最大的工会,有 400.000 名女性成员受到这种结构性不平等的影响,致力于挑战现状,尤其是在国际妇女节。 战略: 结构歧视问题的存在部分是因为其复杂性。因此,我们必须找到一个基本的信息,这个信息足够简单,可以很快被理解,并且可以立即唤起情感。 许多人认为瑞典是一种社会主义乌托邦和平等的天堂。通过明显地戏剧化,甚至瑞典也遭受根深蒂固的结构性歧视,我们期望国际观众做出反应,发起一场关于工资不平等的辩论,最终会引发瑞典的全国性讨论。 推动一个全球问题所需的预算远远超过了 Kommunal。因此,我们必须利用现有的精力,即国际妇女节和相关组织、意见制定者和博主,将我们的视频作为有趣的内容传播出去。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: During a working life, an average Swedish woman earns a quarter million Euro less than a man, performing the same work. Every day, she works for free after four o'clock, while he gets paid until five. So what does a woman have to do to get a raise? The answer is simple: be a man. Annelie Nordström, president of Sweden’s largest union, Kommunal, decided to protest against wage discrimination by performing a “sex change”. A video featuring Annelie´s extreme makeover spread to over 140 countries in just 5 days, reaching a peak on International Women’s Day. Traditional PR work and some online ad support spread the word and guided to the website, which provided a simple way to conduct a quick sex change and thus enabling everybody to join the protest. Kommunal created the largest manifestation ever of its kind against wage inequality - being featured in some of the world’s leading media outlets and creating an online buzz, the campaign reached over 200 million people. Describe the brief from the client: The overarching goal for Kommunal is to erase unequal salaries. The objective of this campaign was to initiate an international debate on structural discrimination and thus put extra pressure on national politicians and opinion makers. Results: The video immediately became a global hit. Within the first 48 hours it got more than 100 000 views from more than 100 countries. However, in a world where views are for sale, this does not necessarily mean anything. Fortunately, it did not stop there. The discussion initiated by the video sparked a discussion in social media, resulting in more than 16 000 Twitter reactions, reaching an audience of more than 3,8 million on Twitter and a total of 6,7 million across social media. This, in turn, resulted in a total of 151 articles; reaching more than 195 million people. But the real victory lies not in the numbers, but in the fact that a small Swedish campaign managed to become a global reminder of how the International Women’s Day is not a day of celebration before we have achieved equal pay for all. Execution: Annelie Nordström, president of Sweden’s largest union, Kommunal, decided to protest against wage discrimination by performing a “sex change” in front of the camera. With the help of a make-up artist and stop-motion technique, Annelie transformed into a man within 47 seconds. Her invitation to “Be A Man” could be easily followed by anybody via Facebook- and mobile applications. The results were not only posted by the users, but also collected on BeAMan.se, creating a massive manifestation against wage discrimination. The video was pitched into major media outlets and women’s organizations with the help of traditional press releases and a lot of handiwork, supported by seeding in blogger networks and online banners on The New York Times and FT. The rest was organic spread… The Situation: During a working life, an average Swedish woman earns a quarter million Euro less than a man, performing the same work. Every day, she works for free after four o'clock, while he gets paid until five. Kommunal is Sweden’s largest trade union with 400.000 female members affected by this structural inequality and dedicated to challenge the status-quo, especially on International Women’s Day. The Strategy: The problem of structural discrimination partly exists because of its complexity. Therefore, we had to find a basic message that is simple enough to be understood quickly, as well as immediately evoking emotions. Sweden is by many seen as a sort of socialist utopia and haven of equality. By clearly dramatizing that even Sweden suffers from deeply rooted structural discrimination, we expected an international audience to react, initiating a debate about wage inequality that eventually would spark the national discussions in Sweden. The budget required to drive a global issue exceeds Kommunal’s by far. We thus had to use existing energies, namely The International Women’s Day and the related organizations, opinion makers and bloggers to spread our video as interesting content.

    BE A MAN

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 在职业生涯中,瑞典女性从事同样的工作,平均比男性少挣 25 万欧元。每天,她在 4点后免费工作,而他直到五点才得到报酬。 那么一个女人要做什么来加薪呢? 答案很简单: 做一个男人。 瑞典最大的工会 komunal 的主席 Annelie nordstr ö m 决定通过 “性别改变” 来抗议工资歧视。 一段关于安妮莉极端改头换面的视频在短短 5 天内传播到 140 多个国家,在国际妇女节达到顶峰。 传统的公关工作和一些在线广告支持传播了这个词,并引导到网站上,这提供了一种快速进行性改变的简单方法,从而使每个人都能够加入抗议。 Komunal 是有史以来最大的反对工资不平等的表现 -- 在一些世界领先的媒体上出现,并在网上引起轰动,这项运动吸引了 2亿多人。 描述客户的简报: Kommunal 的首要目标是消除不平等的工资。这场运动的目的是发起一场关于结构性歧视的国际辩论,从而对国家政治家和舆论制定者施加额外压力。 结果: 该视频立即成为全球热门。在最初的 48 小时内,它获得了来自 100 多个国家的 100 000 次观看。然而,在一个视图出售的世界里,这并不一定意味着什么。 幸运的是,它没有停在那里。视频引发的讨论在社交媒体上引发了讨论,导致超过 16 000 条推特反应, 在推特上接触了超过 380 万的观众,在社交媒体上总共接触了 670 万。 这反过来又导致了总共 151 篇文章; 惠及 1.95亿多人。但真正的胜利不在于数量, 但事实上,瑞典的一场小型运动成功地成为全球的提醒,提醒我们在实现人人同工同酬之前,国际妇女节不是一个庆祝的日子。 执行: 瑞典最大的工会 komunal 的主席 Annelie nordstr ö m 决定通过在镜头前进行 “性别改变” 来抗议工资歧视。在化妆师和停止运动技术的帮助下,安妮莉在 47 秒内变成了一个男人。任何人都可以通过 Facebook 和移动应用程序轻松地接受她的 “成为男人” 邀请。结果不仅由用户发布,还在 BeAMan.se 上收集,形成了反对工资歧视的大规模表现。 这段视频是在传统新闻稿和大量手工制作的帮助下被投放到主要媒体和妇女组织的, 由博客网络和《纽约时报》和《金融时报》上的在线横幅支持。其余的是有机传播… 情况: 在职业生涯中,瑞典女性从事同样的工作,平均比男性少挣 25 万欧元。每天,她在 4点后免费工作,而他直到五点才得到报酬。 Komunal 是瑞典最大的工会,有 400.000 名女性成员受到这种结构性不平等的影响,致力于挑战现状,尤其是在国际妇女节。 战略: 结构歧视问题的存在部分是因为其复杂性。因此,我们必须找到一个基本的信息,这个信息足够简单,可以很快被理解,并且可以立即唤起情感。 许多人认为瑞典是一种社会主义乌托邦和平等的天堂。通过明显地戏剧化,甚至瑞典也遭受根深蒂固的结构性歧视,我们期望国际观众做出反应,发起一场关于工资不平等的辩论,最终会引发瑞典的全国性讨论。 推动一个全球问题所需的预算远远超过了 Kommunal。因此,我们必须利用现有的精力,即国际妇女节和相关组织、意见制定者和博主,将我们的视频作为有趣的内容传播出去。

    BE A MAN

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: During a working life, an average Swedish woman earns a quarter million Euro less than a man, performing the same work. Every day, she works for free after four o'clock, while he gets paid until five. So what does a woman have to do to get a raise? The answer is simple: be a man. Annelie Nordström, president of Sweden’s largest union, Kommunal, decided to protest against wage discrimination by performing a “sex change”. A video featuring Annelie´s extreme makeover spread to over 140 countries in just 5 days, reaching a peak on International Women’s Day. Traditional PR work and some online ad support spread the word and guided to the website, which provided a simple way to conduct a quick sex change and thus enabling everybody to join the protest. Kommunal created the largest manifestation ever of its kind against wage inequality - being featured in some of the world’s leading media outlets and creating an online buzz, the campaign reached over 200 million people. Describe the brief from the client: The overarching goal for Kommunal is to erase unequal salaries. The objective of this campaign was to initiate an international debate on structural discrimination and thus put extra pressure on national politicians and opinion makers. Results: The video immediately became a global hit. Within the first 48 hours it got more than 100 000 views from more than 100 countries. However, in a world where views are for sale, this does not necessarily mean anything. Fortunately, it did not stop there. The discussion initiated by the video sparked a discussion in social media, resulting in more than 16 000 Twitter reactions, reaching an audience of more than 3,8 million on Twitter and a total of 6,7 million across social media. This, in turn, resulted in a total of 151 articles; reaching more than 195 million people. But the real victory lies not in the numbers, but in the fact that a small Swedish campaign managed to become a global reminder of how the International Women’s Day is not a day of celebration before we have achieved equal pay for all. Execution: Annelie Nordström, president of Sweden’s largest union, Kommunal, decided to protest against wage discrimination by performing a “sex change” in front of the camera. With the help of a make-up artist and stop-motion technique, Annelie transformed into a man within 47 seconds. Her invitation to “Be A Man” could be easily followed by anybody via Facebook- and mobile applications. The results were not only posted by the users, but also collected on BeAMan.se, creating a massive manifestation against wage discrimination. The video was pitched into major media outlets and women’s organizations with the help of traditional press releases and a lot of handiwork, supported by seeding in blogger networks and online banners on The New York Times and FT. The rest was organic spread… The Situation: During a working life, an average Swedish woman earns a quarter million Euro less than a man, performing the same work. Every day, she works for free after four o'clock, while he gets paid until five. Kommunal is Sweden’s largest trade union with 400.000 female members affected by this structural inequality and dedicated to challenge the status-quo, especially on International Women’s Day. The Strategy: The problem of structural discrimination partly exists because of its complexity. Therefore, we had to find a basic message that is simple enough to be understood quickly, as well as immediately evoking emotions. Sweden is by many seen as a sort of socialist utopia and haven of equality. By clearly dramatizing that even Sweden suffers from deeply rooted structural discrimination, we expected an international audience to react, initiating a debate about wage inequality that eventually would spark the national discussions in Sweden. The budget required to drive a global issue exceeds Kommunal’s by far. We thus had to use existing energies, namely The International Women’s Day and the related organizations, opinion makers and bloggers to spread our video as interesting content.



    BE A MAN










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